Forms Of Corruption And Strategies Implemented To Reduce Corruption In Nepal
Forms of Corruption in Nepal
Corruption is defined as a single activity which is done against the law or to normal way of living by any individual or a group. The activity can harm another person or the individual as well depending on the form or the intensity of the activity (Rose-Ackerman and Palifka, 2016). Corruption have been one of the prevalent topics in politics in Nepal for the past years. This is determined as one of the major causes of underdevelopment in the country. Corruption has taken over many levels of the society in Nepal and is also practised in different forms all over the country. This has proved to be great challenge for the government and the population of Nepal and several steps have been taken by the government to try and eradicate this problem (Neupane, Soar and Vaidya, 2014). This report will discuss about the different forms of corruption that are present in Nepal followed by the several strategies that have been implemented by the government of Nepal to reduce corruption in the country.
Corruption has different forms, however, there are three main types of corruption that is prevalent in Nepal. Firstly, bribery is one of the most common types of corruption which is practised all over the world. Bribery means to receive or give money in exchange for a favour to the other party (Lee and Guven, 2013). The bribe can be in both cash and kind and can be done for different favours to the giver. There are several instances of bribery such as misappropriation, nepotism, favouritism or patronage. For all of the above instances undue favour is given to the giver. In Nepal, bribes are often paid by businessmen to the officials of the government in exchange for any illegal act or stance that they want to carry out in their operations (Gilbert and Sharman, 2016). Hence, instead of waiting for a rejection or a ling time which could make them incur losses, they pay bribes to the government so that the legal activity is made legal (Malgwi, 2016). This has made various negative impacts on the business environment of the country and also on the product and service qualities. There have also been increase in the costs of products and the economic condition of the country since the government is not receiving their stipulated revenue from businesses. Even though every country in the world have the issue of bribery, Nepal is said to be one of the most corrupted countries in the bribery scenario.
Secondly, Afno Manche is a term that is used in Nepal to describe the people who are relatives or in the inner circle of an individual. These people can be family members, friends and any other associates who can be approached in case of any need (Subedi, 2014). In such cases other kinds of attributes such as work discipline, qualification, character integrity, training background and others are not deemed as important as compared to a sense of belonging of familiarity. This kind of corruption occurs in any organisational role where a person is favoured not on the basis of their skills and quality but on the basis of their nearness or relationship to an individual in power. This also a form of nepotism or favouritism which is a very common form of corruption in current times. Many of the activities are associated with Afno Manche such as getting selected to a school, recruitment in an organisation, getting promoted and others. These kinds of activities occur faster when the person is a close associate of the person in power (Gaurab and Kharel, 2017). This creates a very biased situation in the society for every person since people who possess the necessary skills would not get appointed for a job if they are not favoured or are not close to the person who is recruiting or the head of the organisation. Due to this many people do not get the right opportunity that they deserve.
Lastly, chakari is a concept which means that people who are in administratively and politically influenced are appeased, served or sought by the other people. The individuals normally seek favour from these influential characters since they are better off than the other in terms of money and position in the society. This kind of corruption existed in Neal where the common population has to establish their loyalty to the influential group of people so that they are able to get something in return in their time of need (Ghimire and Ashraf, 2016). Government employees have to also perform chakari to ensure that their security of job is maintained and also that they would be eligible for any promotion that occurs in the organisation. Chakari is a very important part of the social life of the people in Nepal (Shrestha, 2015). It is found in all the levels of the government and the government organisations where continuous favours are being given and taken from individuals. Chakari also involves the exchange of gifts, favours and even services. These three forms of corruption is highly practiced in Nepal in current times and has been in power since years which the government have not been able to eradicate due to their involvement in the corruption process (Hoseah, 2014).
Afno Manche
The government of Nepal has to take different steps to ensure that the corruption is reduced in the country. Reduction of corruption is important for the equality and the safety of the people of Nepal. Different policies have been adopted by the government of Nepal to battle against corruption and to ensure peace and equality in the country. Firstly, the government has established a constitutional body known as the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) which is used to eradicate corruption (Jamil, Askvik and Baniamin, 2016). The CIAA have been given the responsibility and the power to investigate cases against those individuals who are appointed in any public office and are caught abusing their position or their power with the use of corrupt methods. The CIAA constitutes of a Chief Commissioner and several other commissioners and they are appointed by the Constitutional Council. Secondly, another constitutional body is appointed known as the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) which helps to provide a trustworthy and independent audit about the ways that the public resources could be managed and used effectively. They help to create a transparency among the individuals in the public sector by enhancing good governance among them. The body examined the expenditure and the revenue collection and if it is in compliance with the rules and the regulations of the country.
There are also several legal acts which ensure the eradication or at least the reduction of corruption in the country. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 2059 (2002 A.D) was formulated to lead the CIAA efficiently in their actions to reduce corruption. This act was brought about in action to ensure peace within the country and to make sure that efficient and ethical practices prevailed within the country and was adopted by each one of the citizens of the country (Dimant and Schulte, 2016).
The government has issued several laws to reduce corruption, however, there are certain other recommendations which would help to eradicate it or control it to a great extent. Firstly, the citizens of the country should revise their attitude and views about corruption. Corruption can be controlled to a great deal if the citizens take an active part in reducing it. The common people are3 the ones who contribute to corruption with the help of bribes or other forms to do their tasks faster or to receive privilege over some position. This needs to be stopped and the people should realise that equal opportunity is the right of every citizen and every action or position should be allocated to the deserving person. Secondly, there are various laws which have been formulated to stop corruption but they should be implemented strongly and for every person irrespective of their position or power in the society. The constitutional body of CIAA should be given more power so that they are freely able to carry out their actions for the good of the society. Lastly, there should be transparency of process for the individuals which would help to reduce the corruption. If the people has to go to Government officials for their work then they would have to pay undue amount to complete the task earlier. This could be stopped if the process was made digital so that the individuals do not have to contact any official.
Hence, it can be deduced from the above study that corruption is a huge issue in the country Nepal which have been prevalent for a long time and the government has not been able to stop it. To fight corruption and control it, the proper definition of corruption has to be understood by the people and also the involved laws and regulations that are formulated to fight this issue. The laws should be implemented properly without any biasness towards anyone so that every individual receives the same treatment and punishment if they take part in corrupt practices.
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