Five Journal Articles On Organizational Decision Making
Organizational structures or governance
Zarkrewska-Bielawsk, A. (2016). Perceived mutual impact of strategy and organizational structure: Findings from the high-technology enterprises. Journal of management and Organization, 22(5), 599-622.
This paper investigates the relationship between organizational strategy and structure in achieving organizational goals. The authors were seeking to determine the relationship between organizational structure and business strategy and the reverse, by looking at the relationship between strategy and structure. Through a research conducted in 61 high technology companies in Poland, the study reported that the impact of the organizational structure is greater on business strategy since it is important in how it will be achieved. This is because an inadequate organizational structure can frustrate the business strategy since it will fail to achieve the mission of the organization thus there are lower chances of achieving the strategy. The authors suggest that management needs to develop a pattern for fitting and shaping the relationship between business strategy and organizational structure. Thus organizations need to enable employees to meet routine tasks through proper structures that allow organization of tasks. This means that organizations need to adopt an organizational structure that allows innovative practice in the organization to increase performance.
This article thus suggests that organizational structure is an important element in achieving the organizational strategy. This is because the strategy relies on the human resource system to execute and management support. This means that the type of structure that exists defines the way tasks are organized distributed and allocated to employees to determine how effectively the structure will be achieved. This resource is important since it defines the way business resources need to be organized in the organization. A good structure ensures that routine activities in the organization are effectively and efficiently achieved. Thus by adopting a structure that is innovative and allows aligning of employees to the organizational structure, then it is easy to achieve the business strategy as highlighted in the journal. This means that organizations need to work on strategies of achieving their business goals through aligning the business strategy according to the requirements of the organizational structure.
Schilke, O. (2018). A micro-institutional inquiry into resistance to environmental pressures. Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 1431–1466.
The article contributes to the emerging research on international organizational processes responsible for reactions towards the external environment. This research offers new knowledge on how organization identity shapes the way management responds to external organizational pressures. According to the author organizational identity is an important filter that decision makers within the organization use to relate to the external environment. Organizational identity entails the classifications that people in organizations have based on the social categories used to define them. This means that decision-makers in the organization use the social category of organizational identity to interact with pressures within the business environment. The article worked on the hypothesis that strong organizational identity increases resistance to external environmental pressures that affect the organization. This is through bolstering decision making certainty and shows the attention to the environment. The researcher presents measures on the relationship between organizational identity and response to pressures and at the same to time contrasts different types of organizational identity. This means that organizational identity is used to define the way the organization is organized and how management uses it as a tool for responding to external environmental pressures. The findings of this research offer support to the argument that micro-level cognition is an important element in responding to macro-institutional pressures within the business environment.
Environmental forces
This resource thus indicates that organizational identity has a significant effect on institutional actions and ways of responding to organizational environment pressures. Therefore, this article is important since it highlights the importance of developing an organizational identity as a business process of responding to organizational pressures. Organizational identity is thus regarded as the variation in the way organizations respond to external environment pressures that affect the organization. This means that organizations with the best responses have the best identities that define them and shape the internal business elements for handling organizational challenges. Therefore by developing the organizational identity, managers ensure that their organizations have the capabilities for responding to any external environment issues that affect them. This capability is thus important in managing external environment pressures within the business environment.
Liu, S. (2015). Effects of control on the performance of information systems projects: The moderating role of complexity risk. Journal of Operations Management, 36, 46-62.
This article is based on the importance of control in projects as a core issue of successful organizations. This means that successful organizations are based on the ability to enhance the capability of operations management. This study builds on the limitations of previous studies that failed to include the complexity of risks by integrating them into the relationship between control and performance. The study used quantitative data from 128 information systems projects, behaviour outcome, and self-control that were found to be positively associated with system performance of projects. This means that the complexity of the risk moderates the relationship between control and performance by reducing them. The study revealed that control is an important element of risk management since the level of control should relate to the complexity of the project to reduce risks from affecting the organization. Thus the article proposes that the appropriate control models should be carefully selected and prioritized in managing complex projects.
This article is relevant to management since control of projects is important in meeting the needs of the organization by controlling risks. This is based on assessing the complexity of the project to determine the level of control that can be put in place. Risk management skills are important in organizational management since they reduce the vulnerability of the organization in response to organizational needs. Therefore, managers have to develop appropriate skills for managing organizational risks. Therefore, the characteristics of the risk control method should be based on the nature of the risks that the organization is likely to face.
Veth, K., Korzilius, H. P., Van-der-Heijden, B. I., Ben, J. E., & Delange, A. (2017). Which HRM practices enhance employee outcomes at work across the life-span? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-32.
According to the article organizational and business practices are important in meeting the needs of the organization. There are different practices that organizations undertake to create competitive advantage in the organization. One of the strategies is the best human resource management practices that are used to enhance employee outcomes. This article is based on the social exchange theory to examine the relationships between availability and use of human resource practices to increase employee outcomes and at the same time how employee age moderates these outcomes. The study used 1589 employees where the results showed that there is a positive relationship between engagement and use of development human resource practices. This study reported that human resource practices are important in meeting organizational needs and goals. However, this study was limited by its cross-sectional nature which means that the longitudinal design of the study can be more effective in meeting organizational needs.
Risks confronting the firm
The findings of this study are important in developing organizational effectiveness through developing best human resource practices that enhance employee performance thus achieving organizational goals. This means that through best practices like targeted human resource management practice, employee outcomes can be increased thus achieving the best outcomes and even competitive advantage. To achieve these best practices in the organization, management needs to develop the best human resource practices for the organization. This article is important in management and relevant to the topic since it views human resource management as one way of meeting organizational needs. This means that there are different organizational and business practices that organizations can use to meet their needs. Competitive advantage can be achieved if the organization works on these practices and ensure that they are used to meet organizational goals.
Peretz, H., Levi, A., & Fried, Y. (2015). Organizational diversity programs across cultures: effects on absenteeism, turnover, performance and innovation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6), 875-903.
This study focused on the role of organization diversity programs in reducing absenteeism, turnover, performance, and innovation. This was based on data from 5000 organizations in 22 countries. The study contained three main themes; the influence of national culture on diversity adoption, the role of national cultural practices on diversity programs and organizational performance and lastly, the relationship between diversity programs and performance innovation. The national cultural values for the study were adopted from Globe. To achieve the best results, a multilevel path analysis was used to support the hypothesis on the effects of national cultural diversity on absenteeism and turnover. In the first theme, it was found that national culture has a high likelihood of influencing the level of diversity in the organization. The second theme revealed that congruency in organizational diversity and national practices are important contributors to employee absenteeism or turnover. In the last theme, diversity programs were seen to have an effect on organizational programs. This study revealed that diversity programs vary from organization to organization and country to country. This is because different organizations and countries hold different beliefs on the issue of diversity.
This resource is important to the topic of diversity since it explores the different levels of diversity that exist in organizations. This means that when addressing diversity, management needs to understand the underlying values that can promote or affect diversity. This means that cultural issues play a critical role in the level of diversity that can be achieved within the organization. Therefore, when dealing with diversity organizational and cultural structures play a major role in achieving diversity.
Liu, S. (2015). Effects of control on the performance of information systems projects: The moderating role of complexity risk. Journal of Operations Management, 36, 46-62. doi:
Peretz, H., Levi, A., & Fried, Y. (2015). Organizational diversity programs across cultures: effects on absenteeism, turnover, performance and innovation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6), 875-903. doi:
Schilke, O. (2018). A micro-institutional inquiry into resistance to environmental pressures. Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 1431–1466. Retrieved from
Veth, K., Korzilius, H. P., Van-der-Heijden, B. I., Ben, J. E., & Delange, A. (2017). Which HRM practices enhance employee outcomes at work across the life-span? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-32. Retrieved from
Zarkrewska-Bielawsk, A. (2016). Perceived mutual impact of strategy and organizational structure: Findings from the high-technology enterprises. Journal of management and Organization, 22(5), 599-622. doi:10.1017/jmo.2015.55