Financial Management And Budgeting
In this assessment, you can either build on your program plan developed in the module 2 assessment or you can design a new project. Building on your program plan from module 2 will enable you to expand your knowledge and skills gained and extend them to now include program management. In some of the questions for this assessment, you will be able to build on your answers from the previous module and look at it in a different way.
Alternatively, you can work with a new project – one that you may have worked on during work placement or in your workplace. If you have a current project, consider using it for this assessment. Further examples can be found online at if required.
To commence your program planning, you will need to decide on your project and its scope. You will need to complete the following templates.
Part 1
1.Project Scope Document. Define the following information for your chosen project. (Approximately 25-75 words each).
- Identifying Stakeholders.Identify the relevant stakeholders for your project. Add an “x” in the right-hand column to identify who you believe would be a stakeholder/stakeholder group in your project. You can select as many as you feel are relevant.
- Selectoneof the stakeholders/stakeholder groupsyou identified as relevant to your project in Question 2.In the table below, identify the stakeholder/group and outline what you believe to be their involvement with the project and then provide information on how you would engage with that stakeholder/group.
- Projectmanagement. Your next step is to identify, in more detail, two of your project’s goals:including their objectives, tasks and time frames.
Complete the table below by identifying two project goals. Provide at least one objective for each goal. Also provide two tasks related to the goal and include a proposed due date or time frame for each task.
- Task Chart. Using the goals identified in Question 4, create a Task Chart, such as a Gantt chart or WBS (work breakdown structure) in the space below to visually display the project time frames for both goals.
Very Good. Good. Well done. Part 2: Identifying and collecting resources and managing your project budgetIn this part of the assessment, you will develop a budget and identify in that budget where the resources come from. They may be funding or other resources such as staff or materials.For your project to be effective it must be adequately resourced. In topic 8.1.3, we looked at budgets for a project and this included a template. You can use this template or modify it to complete a budget for your project. Remember to include all costs associated with the project, including staffing.Answer the following questions below.
- What is your budget?
- Who in the organisation will need to approve this project budget? (Approximately 25 words)
- Who in the work team will need to have access to the budget? (Approximately 25 words)
- An important part of managing a project is ensuring the finances are on track. Describe how you would report on the project finances. (Approximately 25-50 words)
- What organisational protocols would impact on your budget reporting? (Approximately 25-50 words)
Part 3: Finalising your project plan
- An essential part of your project plan is a risk assessment. Formulate a risk management plan, including WHS/OH&S for the project. Identify two risks in the template provided below and describe the impact on the project and a contingency plan for each risk identified.
- A project plan should be very clear on what is to be achieved by the project. Complete the following information for your project plan. (Approximately 25-50 words each):
- Identify three project deliverables.
- For each project deliverable, identify the work breakdown required.
- Identify thetimelinesrequired for achieving each deliverable.
- You have completed a number of tasks in developing your project. Produce a list of all the sections of the project plan you have developed. (Approximately 25-50 words).
- Identify who you would need to show the final project plan to for approval. (Approximately 25 words).
- Provide an example of the format you would use to report on your project to stakeholders. (Approximately 25-50 words)
- Identify the record keeping systems you would need to assist you in your project management. (Approximately 25 words)
Part 4: Finalising your project Congratulations! The project is nearing completion. To complete this assessment, answer the following questions on how you will ensure the project is properly finalised.
- How did you ensure team members were supported to achieve their deliverables? (Approximately 25-50 words)
- How will you assist staff transition from this project to their next role?(Approximately 25-50 words)
- What project documentation is required to finalise the project?(Approximately 25-50 words)
- How will you report on the project outcomes? (Approximately 25-50 words)
- How will you ensure the team is involved in this review? (Approximately 25-50 words)
- What procedures in the organisation would be in place to manage the following aspects of the project? (Approximately 25-50 words each)
- Project Management, including lines of authority and approvals.
- Ensuring quality assurance.
- Managing human resources.
- Managing budgets and finance.
- Recordkeeping requirements for the project.
- Reporting on the project within the organisation.
- Assessment Rubric
Below is a rubric that determines whether your answers and knowledge is satisfactory or not yet satisfactory.To pass the assessment, you must complete ALL the requirements for the column that is titled ‘satisfactory’.It is advisable to read the rubric before attempting the assessments to help you attain the correct submission standard.
- Units of Competency
This assessment contributes to the overall competencies for the following units of competency: BSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plansBSBPMG522 Undertake project work All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.© Open Colleges Pty Ltd, 2016. All rights reserved.
No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. ReferenceWhite, V. ed., 2013. Grant proposals that succeeded. Springer Science & Business Media.Schick, A., 2015. The road to PPB: The stages of budget reform. In Public Budgeting (pp. 39-56). Routledge.Vogt, S., Förster, B. and Kabst, R., 2014. Social media and e-participation: challenges of social media for managing public projects.
International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), 1(3), pp.85-105.Curcio, A.L., Mak, A.S. and George, A.M., 2013. Do adolescent delinquency and problem drinking share psychosocial risk factors? A literature review. Addictive behaviours, 38(4), pp.2003-2013.Orford, J., Natera, G., Copello, A., Atkinson, C., Mora, J., Velleman, R., Crundall, I., Tiburcio, M., Templeton, L. and Walley, G., 2013. Coping with alcohol and drug problems: The experiences of family members in three contrasting cultures. Routledge.
1. Project background and description |
1. 2. The project will be launched for reduce the drinking habits among the young people in Australian those are aged between 18 years and 28 years. |
2. Project objectives and goals |
3. 4. The main aim of the project is to minimise the frequent drinking habits of the young aged between 18 and 28 and lead them towards a beautiful life. |
3. Project fit with organisations missions |
5. 6. Yes, the project fits with the mission of the organization as it will arrange various campaigns that will state the bad sides of drinking alcohol at young age and various after effect of drinking alcohol |
4. High level requirements |
7. Reducing the problematic drinking behaviour that will indicated through change in the attitude, reduction in the level of alcohol intake, better informed regarding the harmful impact of alcohol intake 8. |
5. Assumptions |
9. 10. Right equipment will be available 11. Staffing requirements and level of training for the staffs will be determined 12. Requirements for the hours and location will be determined 13. Various utilities requirements will be determined |
6. Constraints |
14. 15. Money is the most crucial limiting factor. Finding the correct people and making it sure that the people will be interested in minimising their alcohol intake is another important factor. Further, it must be assured that the required permissions from appropriate authority and all the legal regulations have been complied with |
7. Project risk |
16. Major risks associated with the project are improper estimation of fund requirement, preparing budgets for unforeseen expenses and non-availability of required resources for starting up the project. Apart from this, another major risk is that the people will be less interested in visiting for minimising their drinking intake 17. |
8. Project deliverables |
18. Evaluation of potential requirement for personnel like doctors, counsellors and psychiatrist 19. Receiving more funds through the anticipates 20. Establishing great association with the people those will come for treatment 21. Hiring a manager who will look after the complete details of the people those will visit the centre for minimising their alcohol intake 22. |
9. Project staffing |
23. 24. 5 physician who will conduct the initial session with the people 25. 10 nursing personnel who will assist the doctors and help the people with various medicines 26. Counsellors and social workers who will motivate the people to minimise their alcohol intake 27. 4 security staffs that will be responsible for the security and handling the patient if they become violent. |
10. Stakeholders |
28. 29. Group of young people 30. Local hotels and accommodation providers that will take part in the campaign 31. Liquor outlets who will provide pamphlet regarding harmful impact of alcohol with every purchase by the young people |
11. Reporting requirements |
32. 33. Small charity organization like “Stop drinking – Start living” requires submitting the annual information statement. For further requirements – 34. Can choose to use accrual system or cash system of accounting 35. Can chose to submit the financial report as it is optional 36. Not required to audit or review the financial statement |
12. Estimated date/time frame |
37. 38. 21st April 2018 to 15th December 2018 |
13. Estimated budget |
39. Estimated budget for initial start up will be $ 75,000. Out of which $ 30,000 are expected to be received through government grant 40. |
Types of Stakeholders |
Possible Stakeholder Groups |
Would they be a part of your project? Include an x |
Staff |
Program staff |
X |
Others accountable for program/project |
X |
Management |
Program managers |
X |
Executive officer |
Management board |
X |
Beneficiaries |
Participants |
X |
Clients |
X |
Volunteers |
Community Groups and leaders |
Communitybased organisations |
X |
Community leaders |
Religious leaders |
Local police or committees |
X |
Community service groups |
X |
Chamber of commerce |
Other |
Other |
Staff from similar programs/initiatives |
X |
Professional associations |
X |
Media |
Government |
Local council |
X |
Other government departments |
X |
Funders |
Funding body government |
X |
Funding body non-government |
X |
41. Stakeholder/Group |
42. Involvement in project (Approximately 25 words each) |
44. Method of engagement (Approximately 25 words each) |
Local police |
will take the young aged people who will be caught under drink and drive case or involvement in any kind of fight with another person or misbehaving with others |
· Will spend some time to explain the ill effects of drinking at lower age · Will provide pamphlet regarding harmful impact of alcohol with every purchase by the young people |
52. Goal 53. (up to 25 words each) |
54. Objective 55. (up to 25 words each) |
56. Tasks 57. (up to 25 words each) |
58. Due Date/Time Frame |
59. Duration |
60. Start Date |
61. End Date |
62. 1. Collecting information regarding the drinking history |
63. Be aware regarding the dangerous side of binge drinking like vandalism, violence and sexual assault |
64. 1. Observation of the drinking history of the target group |
104 days |
Mon 23-04-18 |
Thu 13-09-18 |
68. 2. Analysis of the collected data through observation |
67 days |
Mon 23-04-18 |
Tue 24-07-18 |
72. 2. review the strategies for staying safe while drinking alcohol and the legal ramification for alcohol use |
73. Explain that the drinking patters can lead to habits for drinking and correlation among genetics and alcoholism |
74. 1. Recording the bad incidents took place after drinking |
3 months |
Mon 23-04-18 |
Fri 13-07-18 |
78. 2. Conducting campaigns for developing awareness |
7 days |
Mon 16-07-18 |
Tue 24-07-18 |
Insert your budget here
Finance executive is required to approve the budgetü |
Accounts manager and finance managerü |
The budget will be reviewed in each month regularly and the deviations from the budget in respect of receipt and expenses will be analysedü |
· The budget shall not be discussed with the employees unless authorised. However, discussing the budgets with them will influence them to achieve the target As per the protocol some of the budget expenses allocation shall be withdrawn under emergency. However, it may not be practical in all situations.ü · |
1. Description of risk (25-50 words for each risk) |
Impact on project (Identify consequences) (25-50 words for each risk) |
Contingency plan to mitigate the risk (25-50 words for each risk) |
2. 1. Improper estimation of fund requirement, preparing budgets for unforeseen expenses and non-availability of required resources for starting up the project. |
· The project may face shortage of cash · Cash outflow may be more than budgets |
The budget shall be reviewed regularly to analyse the deviations |
2. The people will be less interested in visiting for minimising their drinking intake |
The target number of the patients may not be achieved and the project may fail eventually |
The people will be informed about ill effects of alcohol intake through more campaigns |
3. Establishing great association with the people those will come for treatment |
4. 2. Evaluation of potential requirement for personnel like doctors, counsellors and psychiatrist |
5. 3. Receiving more funds through the anticipates |
1. Communicating with the people and conducting meeting with them |
2. Doctors, psychiatrists will be contacted and will be hired if they are available |
3. Influence various people and organization to donate for the noble cause |
1. 3 months |
2. 15 days |
3. 2 months |
6. Developing the [roject budget with the help of the financial management team |
7. Presenting the budget to the shareholders for their approval |
8. Preparing contingency plan for the budget |
9. Arranging funds to accomplish the project |
· Program manager · Community-based organisations · Local police · Legal organisations |
· Introduction · Objectives and goals · Staff requirement · Legal obligations · Financial planning |
· Record will be maintained in computer that is in electronic system · All the receipt vouchers and payment vouchers will be maintained · The income statement and cash flow statement will be prepared so that the financial information can be gathered at single place. |
The deliverable will be evaluated on weekly basis and the team members will be asked if they are facing any issues in providing deliverables. Further they will be asked if they need any assistance for achieving the deliverables |
Before transition to to next role the staffs will be provided trainings and they will be provided with complete details regarding the next role. |
· Legal requirements compliance · Finance plan · Location · Confirmation from the shareholders |
The outcomes of the project will be estimated first and then it will be presented as a report |
It will be ensured that the team is involved in the review through stating every employee’s individual task details. |
Preparing project planning document – project manager will be responsibleü |
Quality assurance will be ensured through regular quality check and proper certification – project manager will be responsibleü |
Human resource will be managed through planning human resource strategy planning – Human resource manager will be responsibleü |
It will be managed through proper budget preparation – Finance manager and account manager will be responsibleü |
· All the receipt vouchers and payment vouchers will be maintained The income statement and cash flow statement will be prepared so that the financial information can be gathered at single place.ü · |
Reporting will be made to the finance head and then to the project manager.ü |
Not yet satisfactory
Part 1 Question 1 |
The student is able to adequately complete the project scope document in all 13 criteria |
The student fails to adequately complete the project scope document in all 13 criteria |
Part 1 Question 2 |
The student is able toadequately identify one or more stakeholders for their project |
The student fails toadequately identify one or more stakeholders for their project |
Part 1 Question 3 |
For one stakeholder, the student is able toadequatelyoutline the stakeholder’s involvement with the project And the method of engagement with the stakeholder |
For one stakeholder, the student fails toadequatelyoutline the stakeholder’s involvement with the project And/or the method of engagement with the stakeholder |
Part 1 Question 4 |
The student is able toadequatelydocumenttwo projectgoals, objectives, tasks and time frame in the provided table format |
The student fails toadequatelydocumenttwo projectgoals, objectives, tasks and time frame in the provided table format |
Part 1 Question 5 |
The student is able toadequatelymake a Gantt chart or a similar chart to visually display the project time frames |
The student fails toadequatelymake a Gantt chart or a similar chart to visually display the project time frames |
Part 2 Question 1 |
The student is able toadequatelyprovide a project budget |
The student fails toadequatelyprovide a project budget |
Part 2 Question 2 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify who needs to approve the project budget |
The student fails toadequatelyidentify who needs to approve the project budget |
Part 2 Question 3 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify who in the work team needs to have access to the budget |
The student fails toadequatelyidentify who in the work team needs to have access to the budget |
Part 2 Question 4 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify how to report on the project’s finances |
The student fails toadequatelyidentify how to report on the project’s finances |
Part 2 Question 5 |
The student is able to adequately identify the organisational protocols that apply to the budget reporting |
The student fails to adequately identify the organisational protocols that apply to the budget reporting |
Part 3 Question 1 |
The student is able toadequatelydevelop a risk management plan that takes account of WHS issues |
The student fails toadequatelydevelop a risk management plan that takes account of WHS issues |
Part 3 Question 2a |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify 3 project deliverables |
The student fails to adequately identify 3 project deliverables |
Part 3 Question 2b |
The student is able to adequately identify the work breakdown to achieve each of the project deliverables identified in Part 3 Question 2a |
The student fails toadequately identify the work breakdown to achieve each of the project deliverables identified in Part 3 Question 2a |
Part 3 Question 2c |
The student is able toadequatelyallocate time lines to each of the deliverables identified in Part 3 Question 2a |
The student fails toadequatelyallocate time lines to each of the deliverables identified in Part 3 Question 2a |
Part 3 Question 3 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify what tasks in the project plan they have completed |
The student fails to adequately identify what tasks in the project plan they have completed |
Part 3 Question 4 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify who to show the final project plan to for approval |
The student fails toadequatelyidentify who to show the final project plan to for approval |
Part 3 Question 5 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify to the format of a project report to stakeholders |
The student fails toadequatelyidentify to the format of a project report to stakeholders |
Part 3 Question 6 |
The student is able to adequately list the record keeping systems they will use |
The student fails toadequatelylist the record keeping systems they will use |
Part 4 Question 1 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify how team members were supported to achieve their deliverables |
The student fails to adequately identify how team members were supported to achieve their deliverables |
Part 4 Question 2 |
The student is able toadequatelyshow how they will assist staff transition from this project to their next role |
The student fails toadequatelyshow how they will assist staff transition from this project to their next role |
Part 4 Question 3 |
The student is able toadequatelyidentify the project documentation required to finalise the project |
The student fails to adequately identify the project documentation required to finalise the project |
Part 4 Question 4 |
The student is able to adequately identify how they will report on the project outcomes |
The student fails to adequately identify how they will report on the project outcomes |
Part 4 Question 5 |
The student is able to adequately identify how they will ensure the team is involved in the project review |
The student fails to adequately identify how they will ensure the team is involved in the project review |
Part 4 Question 6a |
The student is able toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that Project Management including lines of authority and approvals is within organisational requirements |
The student fails toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that Project Management including lines of authority and approvals is within organisational requirements |
Part 4 Question 6b |
The student is able toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that quality assurance for the project is within organisational requirements |
The student fails toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that quality assurance for the project is within organisational requirements |
Part 4 Question 6c |
The student is able toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that the management of human resources for the project is within organisational requirements |
The student failstoadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that the management of human resources for the project is within organisational requirements |
Part 4 Question 6d |
The student is able toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that the management of budgets and finances for the project is within organisational requirements |
The student failstoadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that the management of budgets and finances for the project is within organisational requirements |
Part 4 Question 6e |
The student is able toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that record keeping for the project is within organisational requirements |
The student fails toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that record keeping for the project is within organisational requirements |
Part 4 Question 6f |
The student is able toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that project management reporting is within organisational requirements |
The student fails toadequately identify the procedures in place in the organisation to ensure that project management reporting is within organisational requirements |
Overall assessment expectations |
Word counts |
As per tasks. |
Plagiarism |
All the student’s work is original and sourced where appropriate. |
Referencing |
Appropriate referencing conventions are used. |