Financial Analysis Of Woolworths Limited And Metcash Limited

Equity Analysis

The company taken into account is Woolworths Limited which deals in the food and retailing items. The company specialises in the selling of the groceries and also sells some of the household products. The company is one of the largest supermarket chains in the world and functions with around 1000 stores all over the world. The company further has many supermarket and also has some additional convenience stores which carries the same logo. The company is very much proud of itself since it is able to provide its customers with the most superior sort of the services and also ensures the best quality of the products. The company offers the best products and ranges from the 96% of all of the fresh fruits and vegetables with about 100% of the fresh meat from the Australian market.

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The next company is Metcash which is again a leading distribution and a marketing company which has the revenue of about $ 14 billion. The company is very successful when it comes to the carrying of the business operations and is owned by the family. There are many of the independent retailers that support in the local communities. The company is helped by them for restoring in the local communities. The company provides in the best merchandise and the operational and marketing support that helps in building the food, liquor and the hardware pillars (Metcash, 2018).

Owner’s equity:

 (Amounts in $ in millions)


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Figures in year 2017

Figures in year 2016



Change in %

Contributed equity



amounts invested into the company for business operations

new shares must have been issued by the company





amounts kept aside from the current year’s profits

last year’s profits added


Retained earnings



amounts kept aside from the current year’s profits

last year’s profits added


Non-controlling interests



shares beyond the control of the company

new non controlling shares issued






Figures in year 2017

Figures in year 2016



Change in %

Contributed and other equity



amounts invested into the company for business operations

new shares must have been issued by the company


Non-controlling interests



shares beyond the control of the company

new non controlling shares issued


Retained earnings



amounts kept aside from the current years profits

last years profits added





amounts kept aside from the current years profits

last years profits added






Metcash Limited




Contributed equity



Reserved shares





Retained earnings



Non-controlling interests






Cash flow statement:

 (Amounts in $ in millions)





Change in %

Cash flows from operating activities:

Receipts from customers



cash received in terms of sales revenue generated by the company


Payments to suppliers and employees



cash paid for the raw materials putchased by the company


Net interest paid



interest paid on the money borrowed from outside


Income tax paid



taxes paid on the revenue genarted during the year


Net cash provided by operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities:

Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment and assets held for sale



cash received in return of the fixed assets sold by the company during the year


Payments for property, plant and equipment – property development



cash paid in repsect of the fixed assets purchased during the year


Payments for property, plant and equipment (excluding property development)



cash paid in repsect of the fixed assets purchased during the year


Payments for intangible assets



cash paid in repsect of the intangible assets purchased during the year


Proceeds from the sale of subsidiaries and investments, net of cash disposed



cash received in terms of sale of the joint ventures etc of the company


Payments for the purchase of businesses, net of cash acquired



cash paid in repsect of the intangible assets purchased during the year


Payments for the purchase of investments



cash paid for the purchase of the investments


Dividends received



amounts received in respect of the dividends


Net cash used in investing activities



Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from issue of shares – underwrite of DRP



cash received from the issue of the shares


Proceeds from the issue of equity securities in subsidiary to non-controlling interest



cash received due to the issue of shares and securities


Transactions with non-controlling interests



amounts paid towards the shares that are beyond the control of the company


Proceeds from borrowings



amounts received from the money borrowed during the year


Repayment of borrowings



cash paid for the money borrowed by the company


Dividends paid



cash paid on the shares issued of the company


Dividends paid to non-controlling interests



cash paid towards the interest beyond control of the company


Net cash used in financing activities



Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents



Total of the activities during year

Cash and cash equivalents at start of period



Opening cash balance

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period



Ending cash balance







Change in %

Cash flows from operating activities

Payments to suppliers and employee



cash paid for the raw materials putchased by the company

could be due to increase in income during the year


Interest and dividends, net



interest paid on the money borrowed from outside

could be due to repayment of some of the borrowings


Income tax paid, net of tax refunds



taxes paid on the revenue genarted during the year

could be due to some of the tax refunds received during the year


Net cash flows used in operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of businesses



cash received in terms of sale of the joint ventures etc of the company

new business purchased during the year


Proceeds from sale of business assets



cash received in terms of sale of the joint ventures etc of the company

new business sold


Payments for acquisition of business assets



cash paid towads the acquisition of the business

new assets purchase


Payment on acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired



cash paid towards the loans repayment

new pbusiness purchased


Proceeds from loans repaid by other entities



cash received from the loans repaid

loans taken


Loans to other entities



cash paid for the laons given to others

loans given


Net cash flows used in investing activities



Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from equity raising, net of share issue costs



cash received for equity raised during the year

loans taken during the year


Repayments of borrowings, net



loans repaid during the year

loans repaid during the year


Payment of dividends to non-controlling interests



cash paid towards the interest beyond control of the company

dividends paid on the shares that are beyond control of the company


Net cash flows used in financing activities



Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents



Total of the activities during year

Cash and cash equivalents at start of period



Opening cash balance

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period



Ending cash balance

The following is the desired comparative statement:


Metcash Limited








Net cash from operating activities







Net cash from financing activities







Net cash from investing activities














The company Woolworth would have bene facing some shortage of cash due to which it would have become difficult for it to cater to the short term needs of the company.

Metcash on the other hand has improved over the years and this could be seen from the increase in the amount of the cash in hand over the years.


Comprehensive income statement

 (Amounts in $ in millions)




Profit/(Loss) for the period



Other comprehensive income

Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss

Hedging reserve

Movement in the fair value of cash flow hedges



Income tax effect



Foreign currency translation reserve (FCTR)

Movement in translation of foreign operations taken to equity



Income tax effect

Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss



Equity instrument reserve

Movement in the fair value of investments in equity securities



Retained earnings

Actuarial gain/(loss) on defined benefit superannuation plans



Income tax effect



Other comprehensive income (net of tax)



Total comprehensive income from continuing operations



Total comprehensive income/(loss) from discontinued operations



Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period



Comprehensive income statement

(Amounts in $ in millions)




Other comprehensive income

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:

Foreign currency translation adjustments



Cash flow hedge adjustment



Income tax expense



Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax



Total comprehensive income for the year



In the term of financial accounting, the term of the corporate income is further segregated or is divided between the recognition and the reporting of the earnings and the income. In order to overcome this, the FASB had collected and reported some of the information that would help in the providing of some meaningful information to the investors and the analysts.

The statement of comprehensive income is used for the purposes of measuring the interest of the owner in the business. The same is done by the non-owner sources which went on to include in the incomes and the expenses that usually bypass in the statement of income and expenses. There are few of the items that are not reported in the statement of profit or loss since these are not realised. The examples of the same include the gains and the losses from the derivative instruments, debt security unrealised gains etc (Accounting basics, 2018).


Metcash Limited


Figures in year 2017

Figures in year 2016

Earnings before taxes



Debt and Equity Comparison

It would not be fair to include these expenses or the incomes in the statement of profit or loss since these are not realised yet.

In the term of financial accounting, the term of the corporate income is further segregated or is divided between the recognition and the reporting of the earnings and the income. In order to overcome this, the FASB had collected and reported some of the information that would help in the providing of some meaningful information to the investors and the analysts.

The statement of comprehensive income is used for the purposes of measuring the interest of the owner in the business. The same is done by the non-owner sources which went on to include in the incomes and the expenses that usually bypass in the statement of income and expenses. There are few of the items that are not reported in the statement of profit or loss since these are not realised. The examples of the same include the gains and the losses from the derivative instruments, debt security unrealised gains etc.

Deferred tax liability is the amount of the tax which is assessed or is due for the current period but the same has not been paid. The deferral of these incomes or the expenses is due to the timing difference which records in the fact that the stated expense would not be charged in the current year but it would be liable for deduction in the next year and that would reduce in the amount of the revenue and hence, a lesser tax and so, is considered as an asset (Taxmann, 2018). 


Metcash Limited


Figures in year 2017

Figures in year 2016

Effective income tax rate



Incomes taxes



Earnings before taxes



Metcash Has reported a loss and hence, there is a negative income tax.

Deferred tax liability is the amount of the tax which is assessed or is due for the current period but the same has not been paid. The deferral of these incomes or the expenses is due to the timing difference which records in the fact that the stated expense would not be charged in the current year but it would be liable for deduction in the next year and that would reduce in the amount of the revenue and hence, a lesser tax and so, is considered as an asset.

The deferred tax assets for Woolsworth has increased when compared with the previous year.

The deferred tax assets for Metcash has not changed when compared with the previous year.

The following is the desired computation:



Metcash Limited

Net income



Less: deferred tax assets



Income on which taxes would have been paid





Metcash Limited

 Income tax provision



 Increase in deferred tax assets



 Current income taxes



 Other income


 Taxes paid on other income



 Unlevered cash taxes






 Cash tax rate



The cash rate is always different from the effective tax rate since the cash rate is the rate which the company pays the income tax authorities but the effective tax rate is the rate at which the company actually pays the income taxes, which would include the exempted incomes etc.


The company Woolworths Limited has more amount of capital invested in itself. In respect of the cash flows, Woolworths is again at a better position. Metcash on the other hand needs to work on its cash flow amount since a negative cash flow would mean problems for the company since it would not be able to meet its short term liabilities which would hinder its success and progress. Woolworths has a negative cash rate which is mainly due to the reason of an increase in the amount of the deferred tax assets or liabilities.


Accounting Basics for Students. (2018). Income Statement vsProfit and Loss Account. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). ASX 200 List of Companies – Directory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). What is Deferred Tax?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). Woolworths Supermarkets – Woolworths Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). annual report 2015. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). Annual report 2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). Annual report 2015. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018]. (2018). Annual report 2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018].

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