FIFA 2018 Lean Project Management
Identifying and elaborating the processes from PMBOK or Prince2 for stakeholder management
a. The processes from Prince2 that would be used in this context to help with the stakeholder management
With regards to the event of FIFA 2019, process from the prince2 have been identified and elaborated properly.
Stakeholder management plays an important role in any successful and effective project management (Reijonen et al. 2015). When an event as extravagant as FIFA world cup need to be organised properly it becomes even more important to have an effective and efficient stakeholder management strategy. Here in this context, the process from Prince2 will be discussed in details that will be followed for organizing the project and manage them effectively.
According to the Prince2 method, stakeholder identification is a six step process. All of these process have been properly followed for the stakeholder management for organizing the event of FIFA 2019 in an efficient manner.
PRINCE2 adopts same six processes as that in the traditional stakeholder management process such as MSP. However, the perceptions are different as stated following:
The first step of any stakeholder management is the identification of the stakeholders. Without proper identification of the stakeholders, it is not possible to design effective stakeholder management program (Bocken & Short, 2016). PRINCE2 suggests to design the stakeholder management program the stakeholders have been identified which has been elaborated in details in the next section.
The important stakeholders for the tournament are sponsors, government of the organizing country, local authorities and regulatory bodies, players and most importantly the viewers.
An analysis is conducted on the stakeholder profile to identify the influence and the interest of different stakeholders on the project as identified in PRINCE2. In order to organize the FIFA football tournament, exactly same approach has been considered for better stakeholder engagement as well as stakeholder management for the program (Dan, 2015). The profile for each of the stakeholder has been properly analysed to have clarity about the stakeholder interest as well as their interest on the project.
- Sponsors will have direct impact regarding financial decision and opinions of sponsors are necessary for making FIFA 2019 budget and finalizing the budget.
- Decision of the government of the organizing country is necessary to get permission for organizing the FIFA 2019.
- Engagement of local authorities and regulatory body as an important stakeholder is necessary for organizing the event with legal compliance. They are also responsible for dealing with security arrangement.
- Although players and viewers does not have any role to play in terms of decision making process, engagement of them necessary for organizing the event successfully.
The next step according to PRINCE2 is to design a proper methodology for the stakeholder engagement. This basically gives a clear overview of the fact that how to manage the stakeholder. Here role for the communication has been defined along with distribution of responsibility for executing the communication for the stakeholders (Laukkanen, 2015). Not only that, important message regarding the tournament that need to be communicated to the stakeholders, has been decided as well.
- Some important message that will be delivered are preparation strategy, budget, how spending is being managed, strategy for the sustainability and any other information that might be necessary throughout the FIFA 2019.
- The communication will be mostly in electronic form with extensive consideration of the official email. Meetings will also be arranged wherever necessary for making decision on certain topics that need close participation of the stakeholders.
According to PRINCE2, Different stakeholder groups will be engaged in different manner. It basically deals with the fact that when a stakeholder group will be involved with the project. For the FIFA 2019 event different stakeholders will be engaged in the following way:
Stakeholder group |
When will be engaged |
Event organizer |
Throughout the project including project planning, execution, monitoring and closing of the project. |
Workforce |
Throughout the project. |
Participants |
During the project execution. |
Commercial Affiliates |
Throughout the project including project planning, execution, monitoring and closing of the project. |
Community |
During the project planning. |
Football-related organizations |
Throughout the project. |
Regulatory bodies |
Throughout the project. |
Supply chain |
Throughout the project. |
Attendees |
During the project execution. |
As identified in PRINCE2, this step basically engage the stakeholders as per the developed plan. The stakeholder will be engaged as per the outline and guidelines as developed during the project planning. The engagement plan has been developed and discussed in details in the above sections (Laukkanen, 2015). The same planning will be followed as outlined in the above sections.
Critical stakeholders for the FIFA 2019 event
The effectiveness of the stakeholder plan according to PRINCE2 will be assessed for identifying the effectiveness of the plan. This is an essential component of the Prince2 process for stakeholder engagement. Here in this FIFA 2019 event the following approach will be taken for measurement of the result:
- First it will be identified if all the stakeholders have been properly engaged through proper. Here the strategy needs to be proper so that each and every stakeholders are aware of the process regarding project planning and progress.
- Then it will look for if there was any dispute with the stakeholders and how effectively it was solved for project progress in an effective and efficient way. It is not only important to identify the issues for the dispute, it have to be properly solved with proper strategy as well. Otherwise the stakeholder engagement plan will not be considered as an effective one, means it will not be treated a successful execution of the stakeholder engagement plan.
Stakeholder group |
Description |
Event organizers |
It consists of the entities of FIFA, the LOC, Host Cities, stadium authorities and regional committees responsible for organizing the competition. |
Workforce |
It consists of employees and volunteers as well as organizations representing them. |
Participants |
It consists of individuals and groups that have active contribution in organizing the event, particularly the competing nations who will participate in the tournament. |
Commercial Affiliates |
It consists of FIFA Partners, FIFA World Cup Sponsors and National Supporters. |
Community |
It consists of local and international groups of individuals and organizations that has an important role to play in executing sustainability strategies. |
Football-related organizations |
It consists of FIFA member associations and associations of professional players. |
Regulatory bodies |
It consists of federal and local authorities that have the authority in regulating different aspects related to the material issues regarding the sustainability strategy. |
Supply chain |
It consists of companies that offers products or services which are required for organizing FIFA World Cup. |
Attendees |
It consists of groups of individuals and organizations that represent individuals who comes to the venue to enjoy the event of the FIFA World Cup. These include fan groups, ticket holders and tourism organizations. |
2. Detailed description of the ways that have been considered for implementing lean project management for this FIFA 2019:
Here in this context, the concepts and principles have been discussed for implementing the lean project management for FIFA 2019 event. Along with that a detailed description has been provided as well to identify and elaborate the areas and opportunities where the project provides the basis to eliminate waste.
In order to eliminate waste with regard to the project, the principle of the lean project management has been applied here. It includes several key concepts such as lean manufacturing, lean construction and lean thinking and also provides the basis to integrate those concepts into the project management (Porterfield, 2015). Conceptually the lean style of project management is not much different than the traditional project management approach. However it is more effective for removing waste from the project as the lean method has been developed for dealing with the manufacturing waste.
Before discussing about the role of lean project management in removing waste, it is important to have a clear overview of the fact that what is actually meant by waste (Porterfield, 2015). In the lean method of project management, anything that is produced due to manufacturing overburden is considered as waste. The unevenness of the workloads is also considered as a major reason for waste production in the lean management style.
The lean style basically removes each and every components that has no value from the customer perspective which means things that do not have value with regard to consumer satisfaction is eliminated. To ensure effective implementation of the lean concept, it is required to follow some of the well-designed lean principles (Reijonen et al. 2015). Some of these principles are waste elimination, enhanced consumer focus and continuous improvement.
A critical analysis is needed for a conceptual overview of the waste elimination process in the production system. it provide a simple yet an effective way to determine the types of waste and it will also help to categorize the waste and hence it will be easier to identify which waste is affecting the production process and how this issues are being created due to the waste that are identified in the production system. As already specified, waste does not have any value with respect to the consumer perspective.
If this concept is analysed with respect to the FIFA football tournament, it is seen that there are various types of waste that is possible in this context.
The first and the most common waste that is possible here is low level of consumer satisfaction while watching the event which leads to low consumer value. Hence should be considered as waste. Besides if the venue is not properly prepared for hosting such international event, it is also a waste to the system (Laukkanen, 2015). Now there might be various reason behind this. Some of the most common causes are natural disaster, inadequate security arrangement, less capacity for spectators. Now the lean project management considers each of these scenarios and provides ways to create an alternative plan for addressing these mind of issues and reduce the chance of waste.
Implementing lean project management for this event
Another principle of the lean project management is to provide enhanced consumer values for minimizing waste. According to principle, it is not possible to increase the value of a product if the consumer related to the product is not increased. The main customer in this FIFA 2019 event is spectators. In order to ensure the consumer satisfaction, the best strategy a manager can apply is to ensure that the match is equally visible and enjoyable from each corner of the stadium. Beside this it should also be ensured that proper arrangement has been made for live telecasting the event so that it is possible for viewers outside the venue, to watch and enjoy the match. It will definitely enhance consumer value and thus increasing consumer value as well. Along with that it will also increase the popularity of the tournament.
However it is not enough to provide consumer ways to enjoy the match, the security of the consumer is another important aspect that is needed to be considered by the project manager. Hence the project manager needs to implement tight security in the venue to offer proper safety for the spectators.
Coordination of the consumer is another major requirement. Here in this context, the coordination of the spectators are necessary. If adequate no of spectators does not come to the venue for watching the match, it will affect the popularity of the tournament. Hence proper coordination is required.
Continuous improvement is another important consideration for the successful implementation of the lean project management. It might be ensured through post tournament survey asking spectators like what things they liked most about the tournament, what they thinks about the management, things where improvement is needed (Reijonen et al., 2015). Once the responses is collected through these kind of open and public service, it is important to analyse the responses and identify scope for improvement as continuous improvement is necessary for achieving perfection in implementing lean project management.
3. Identification and elaboration of the processes from PMBOK, PRINCE2, Organisational Project Management (OPM), Agile Practices and Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC Methodology) that could be used to implement lean project management.
PMBOK or The Project Management Body of Knowledge is an important resource for executing any project successfully. It consists of 49 process in total, all of which can be grouped into five basic process (Reijonen et al., 2015). These five basic process includes initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and the closing of the project. PMBOK provides a framework for the project manager to manage all the project related task in a standardized way. From the guide to initiate a project with proper planning to the execution of the project through proper controlling and monitoring of the project, PMBOK provides detailed guideline to the project manager that is not easy to follow but effective as well. Hence it is relevant to the FIFA World Cup tournament as well.
- Project initiation part can help the manager to gather necessary information about organizing the tournament by analysing information from the previous tournament (Raisch, 2016).
- Planning can help to create effective planning for the tournament. It help to gather resources and review them for the project. It provides guidance in reviewing resources for emphasizing the contract itself rather than rather resource acquisition and resource management which is necessary for lean project implementation.
- The execution process from PMBOK is helpful for execute planning for the tournament
- Monitoring and controlling provides a way to improve the process through constant improvement which is another important requirement for the lean project management.
- The procedure to close a project will provide guidance for project closing effectively.
- PRINCE2 is an effective way to lead lean projects due to its ability to control project environment. It helps the project manager to have proper control over the resources that is essential for reducing waste and implement lean approach of project management (Chan, 2014).
- There are seven principles associated with PRINCE2 method. These are managed with experience, responsibilities and specific roles, ongoing business justification, stage management, exception management, adaptation to project environment and exception. The management. In addition, there are also seven axes and a process in PRINCE2. All these seven themes are an organization, work status, quality, plans, change, progress and risk. These process helps project manager in executing lean project process (Raisch 2016).
- In the PRINCE2 method, the planning process is based on product where the products are divided into smaller parts that are easy to execute and integrate as well with the overall project process offering flexibility in project execution. Hence it is appropriate for managing the FIFA tournament.
It is an effective way for the execution of the strategies that are predetermined by the organization. This is basically managed through proper combination of program management, portfolio management and project management (Raisch, 2016).
An essential requirement of the lean project management is to enable the project flow for measuring work efficiency and methodology followed for executing those works in the project (Porterfield, 2015). This is done in the Organisational Project Management technique which provides the project manager a standardized technique to execute lean projects with better coordination between teams and project authorities. Hence the process is applicable for the FIFA tournament.
It divides the whole project process into smaller sections which are individually executed and later executed to the overall project (Warren, 2017).
For the FIFA tournament, the best thing that might be adopted for the lean approach is the criteria-driven development that is supported by agile practises. It helps to obtained reduced defect rate for the production. It is possible because that the test scenarios are covered in the acceptance criteria part. Hence defects related to the project is reduced which leads to increase in value and quality. Hence it makes the agile process leaner.
DMAIC Methodology is a standard technique for implementing lean project. It is different from the traditional problem solving approach. Some essential features that makes the methodology appropriate for leading the execution of the FIFA tournament. Some of these features are (Chan, 2014):
- It is a data driven technique for lean project management. It includes two key aspects of the lean project execution and those are the core busies process and the critical to quality issues.
- It includes some key steps for solving project related issues. These steps are define, measure, analyze, improve and control. The lean approach of the six sigma method considers statistical methods for problem solving technique for improving knowledge regarding project issue and find effective solution for that.
Bocken, N.M.P. & Short, S.W. (2016). The theory of agile project process: a comprehensive discussion. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Chan, C. (2014, January). The importance of PMBOK in project.
Dan, A., the scope and status of six sigma method. (2015). Method and apparatus for leading effective human resource program.
Laukkanen, T. (2015). The definition and scope of lean project management. A modern theory of employee management, 42, pp.35-46.
Porterfield, T.E. (2015). Evaluation of lean management approach: an empirical investigation of scope and success. International Journal of information and technology, 40(6), pp.435-455.
Raisch, W. (2016). Towards a sufficiency-driven project management: evaluation of as-Is Workflow Modelling, 18, pp.41-61.
Reijonen, H., Hirvonen, S., Nagy, G., Laukkanen, T. & Gabrielsson, M. (2015). The bias of PRINCE 2 development method in project. A modern approach, 51, pp.35-46.
Warren, N. (2017, January). The importance of Organisational Project Management in successful project implementation: an intuitive guide.