Feminist Criminological Theories: Gender And Crime
Feminist Criminology Scope
Discuss about the Feminist Criminological Theories Gender and Crime.
Criminology has always been among the most male-centric study areas and a huge fraction of research and theories was based on male criminality reassert. At the time women were considered, they have been represented in stereotypical and negative manner that centers on the individual’s drawback to hold on to the old theories of suitable behavior of women (Belknap 2014).. The topic tries to highlight the initiations to control the crime prevention for women in public places and tries to find solutions to regulate the public places so that the women feel safe in public. The essay will centre on appearances of feminist criminology and will try to find out whether promotions against sexual violence against women in public places is effective and how it is helpful in improving the women safety in public places.
Lavis and Walker (2013) revealed that it is clear that a male does not get involved in crime far more crimes, particularly the ones are considered vital within criminology in comparison to women. Such focus was in the part because of the association of criminology with the corrections and legislative systems. Research of Renzetti (2013) indicated that the field advanced in part in order to enhance understanding of the reasons for which people conduct crimes so that policies can be developed for decreasing crimes. Previous research indicated that women commit lesser crimes however, they also get involved in crimes those remain of decreased interest to the ones focus on regarding safety of public. Feminist criminology is deemed to include a range of methodologies and theoretical perspectives that considers the ways in which gender improves experiences focusing on scholarly inquiry. This centre’s on an array of concerns associated with crime and women encompassing theoretical descriptions of crime, responses related with female offending, programming within prisons for women, women workers within the area regarding corrections and particular requirements of female prisoners (Chancer 2016).
Feminist criminologists has incorporated distinct perspectives and the extremely important of those served as feminist initiative to theory mainstream criminology, socialists theory of feminism, feminist theory pathways and the current advancement that includes inter-sectionalist or multiple marginalities theories (Renzetti 2013).
Among the mainstream theories, stain theory has been disapprove of by the feminist criminologists for such consideration on economical objectives and their consideration regarding the way personal relationships might contribute to criminality. Additionally, “life course theories” might provide a chance for investigation that is gendered on female criminality. Such theory along with considering the factors vital in the emergence of criminal intention and also investigates the chances that might alter the ways from immoral to non-criminal.
Criminology Theories from Perspective of Feminism
Feminist criminologist scholarship as resulted in efforts of including a better understanding of the experiences on both females and males. A great focus has been on manner in which certain structures of capitalism shapes both females and males experiences (DeKeseredy 2015). A theory was laid out that intended to explain several types of crimes related to both females and males and stated that an individual cannot ignore the social structure or the relationships based on gender within any real explanations regarding criminal act. Such theory has stated that certain lower class along with males within minority group is involved in crimes on the street due to its opportunities those are blocked.
The criminological and sociological studies have demonstrated the fact that the women and girl are most exposed to attacks when they are in public place. Some groups reduce the exposure to the risk in the public place by adjusting their behavior to the fear. It is analyzed by Tripathi (2014), with greater precision about the tactics that women use to reconcile about moving in public place. Women develop strategies of self-exclusion or avoidance with regard to public place. Women have got the feeling that they are more authorized to go to certain places and their presence is less allowed in others. Women expose themselves to the danger of violence if they are overstepping the spatial boundaries. The risk in mind of women in conjured during night and darkness in the public place. The social dimension of night in the public place causes the women to be apprehensive. Women have a thinking of danger of being attacked in the public place if they walk through after certain hours according to some criminologist. Women and girls are vulnerable to sexual crime in the public place. Walby, Towers and Francis (2014) has found it that most of the women and girls have at least once experience harassment of sexual nature in the public place in the course of their life. Such harassment can be in the form of sexist remarks being made, being followed, finding oneself in the presence exhibitionist, having insulted or being groped. If the women experience this, rather act then the feeling of being their physical vulnerable increases. Women walking alone in public place after certain hours come with the reminder of being a victim of social violence and verbal harassment.
The feeling of fear of women and girls in public place and then violence that women face does not need to be perpetrated not in the extreme form at least. The administrative statistics is not considered a good way of approaching as the statistics only include cases of violence that is reported to police and it does not include any aggressive behavior that women undergo in the public place. Women in countries such as France fear that their personal safety in the public place during night is low as compared to other countries such as Canada. Public place is occupied by both the genders but the fear of women restricts their nighttime mobility in the public place. The fear and the avoidance of public place during night does seems to have connection in that and there is a need to explore mode detail on the expression of fears and the effects on behaviors (Naffine 2015).
Mainstream theories and feminist criminology
The research should take into account the different types of violence arousing in public places against women and girls and the future direction of the study tries to find new and innovative methods to educate the society about the effects of women harassment in public and tries to reduce such activities through promotional campaigns (Naffine 2014). The study needs to aware the women that they need to go out in public and lead their normal life, eliminating their fear so that they gain courage in their mind to face any sorts of violence in public.
The government needs to bring in serious and harsh laws against the crime and violence over girls and women in public and even at home so that the society has a fear in their mind the level of violence deceases.
The research undertaken to evaluate the level of violence and crime in the public spaces over women shows that, crime level in public places over women are increasing at an alarming rate. The research is helpful in highlighting the essential debatable points on this topic. The research underlines criminology scope among feminists that arises mainly due to the continuous pressure and fear among women of going out in public. This fear creates a psychological change among them and many feminists become strong and aggressive and move towards criminology in order to exert their power over the society (Chesney-Lind and Morash 2013).
The other topic of debate of the research tries to highlight is the perspective of women on criminology and violence. It is seen that feminists have a fear over the criminology aspect of the society and therefore, they are afraid to go out at night and in public spaces. Women feel that they more prone to violence when they are in public rather than at home. The increase in violence has generally been high due to the difference in the cultures and attitudes among the people and the lack of education among them. The rise in the awareness through the research program will reduce the public violence over women.
The research program has even created feminist structure models that show the level of violence taking place over women in public spaces. This theory tries to reveal the position of the women within the society and their effects on criminal activities within the society.
The above study reveals that the topic under discussions is of primary importance as the violence over girls and women affect the society very badly and stimulates a fear in the mind among the women. Therefore, the focus of the research community needs to shift towards the exploration and assessment of woman-centered program and in depth analysis of concerned areas (Xie, Heimer and Lauritsen 2012).
The study needs to concentrate on attending the women who have been undeserved by criminal justice system. The researchers even need to undertake complex evaluations of modern practices and other forms of coordinated responses that try to answer the individual needs of the victim.
Finally, the researchers even need to find new substitutes and alternatives that will guide and support the women who have been harassed and have not been given justice by the court. The government along with other social communities need to bring in harsh laws against women violence and promotions to aware the society about the ill-effects of such activities need to be distributed so that the society can understand the adverse effects. The research therefore, by illuminating the debatable topics finds out the key areas that need attention and the future path, which needs to be taken in order to improve the women safety in the society.
Reference List
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