Fast Track Couriers: Delivering Cost-effective And Reliable Courier Services

Vision statement

Target Market: The target market of the company includes small to medium sized companies, within Sydney and the company is planning to expand its business within regional NSW, initiating with Newcastle, Wollongong along with NSW based central west region. The customers of the company will come back to use all the company’s services due to a 15 years’ history of dependable and cost effective service.

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Marketing Strategy: The plan of the company is to expand the comprehensive marketplace in order to encompass regional areas of NSW. The company has already maintained a consumer base within Sydney. Moreover, the part of the company’s plan is focused on expanding within regional NSW and wants to attract previously lost consumers. This might cater for the time being and this is for attracting lost consumers that could not be catered for that time as the company did not pick up or deliver within regional NSW. The new marketing plan of the company is to contact the consumers those are lost previously. The objective of the paper is to attract new customers; the company will carry out market research in order to reveal new consumers along with informing them of the impending entry within the region. The reputation is cost effective and reliable couriers.

Vision statement: The vision of the fast track couriers is to regularly grow the business through expanding the consumer base along with encompassing NSW regional base for the pick up along with delivery by mid-2018. The company also has a future vision of going national at the end of 2025.

Strategic Plan Goals: The strategic goal of the company is to develop the business along with enhancing business profits for over three years through expanding routes to encompass regional NSW.

Operational Plan Goals:

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The Fast Track Courier Company will:

  • Initiate delivery within local NSW in 12 months’ duration
  • Enhance sales by 40% over the future three years

Annual sales

Current sales 2017

Estimated sales 2018

$17 million

$22 million

Annual net profit

Current net profit (2017)

Estimated net profit (2018)

$1.9 million or 11.16% of sales

$3.2 million or 14.54% of sales

Increased costs in 2018

Loan repayments

Operating costs (fuel, servicing, etc.)

+$200,000 per annum paid back to the bank for the $700,000 Business loan.

+$2.2 million for the 10 new trucks

Administrative costs

Labour costs

+$100,000 Licensing/Registration/Insurances


Products/ service: Delivery and pick-up of medium to large sized packages all through the Sydney and all in the future years including regional NSW. Demand for the service is enhancing through 15% per year.

Permits and Licenses: Licensed for attaining the business operation within NSW “with Light Rigid Trucks that is not beyond 8 tones in weight”. Drivers need to attain at least an “LR” License.

Location of Business: The location serves as an office space along with distribution center that a 3000 sq mt area. The location can be revealed at 6 Hill Road, Sydney Olympic Park.

Lease/ Buy: The company is recently leasing the business location and the business future plans encompass the likely purchase of the location of an identical size.

Milestone or Achievable Target

Date of expected completion

Person responsible

Increase the reach of the business within regional NSW to increase sales by 12% each year for overall 3 consecutive years for an overall increase of 40%

Feb 2021

Marketing/Sales Manager




Delivery and pick up service

The company will pick-up and deliver small to bigger sized packages/parcels that has till maximum 120 kgs weight. This weight limit is 120kgs is applicable to lifting capability of the installed lift gate on the rear of the trucks for each package or parcel (Finch, 2016).

Price is different based on weight and size of all the parcels along with kilometers travelled from the pick-up to delivery location

Strategic Plan Goals

Workers Compensation: Workers compensation insurance such as “Certificate of Currency” is accessible for viewing.

Public and Business Liability Insurance: Public and business liability insurance including “currency certificates” are available in order to view.

Sales manager’s reports explained that the contracts are lost due to the reason that the consumers wish to get involved in a courier that can deliver to their regional offices, the marking plan is to contract the previously lost consumers. This has facilitated in informing them of our entry into the regional areas of NSW. In order to attract new consumers, the company will carry out market research for conducting market research in order to reveal market research along with small and medium size businesses within regional situations. The company might contact the likely new consumers along with informing them of the company’s impending entry within the area.

The company’s target market includes small to medium sized businesses along with residential consumers within the region of Sydney. The company is planning to expand its businesses within the regional NSW that initiates with Newcastle, Wollongong along with Central West Region within NSW. Fast Track Couriers attains an admirable 87% retention rate for the present consumers. The consumers continue coming back to employ the company’s services for the reason that 15-year history of cost along with reliable effective service.

The company’s recent consumers include Sydney based and the potential new consumers will be attained from regional NSW. As a fraction of our expansion plans of the business, the company is going to enter the local NSW marketplace. Through expanding each of the company’s businesses, it will be accessing a gradual increase of 25% to the company’s base of consumers.

Consumer Demographics: The company’s existing consumers are 80% small to medium sized businesses, it does not have some continuous residential consumers and this equates to around 20% of the present consumer base.

Consumers Management: Due to the program of the telephone follow-up to make sure consumers ongoing satisfaction with the company, Fast Track Couriers attains an admirable 87% rate of retention for the existing consumers.



High traffic volume of Sydney due several parcels along with the rate of retention equivalent to 87% of the customers

Limited to the region of Sydney only and not available to the regional NSW areas



Possibility of quick expansion into regions like Wollongong, Newcastle and Central West of NSW

Presence of various national and regional competitors

At present, the organisation holds 18% market share of Sydney. In addition, it provides the right value to the customers in the region of Sydney. After embracing the regional NSW, the organisation diversifies the client base at the expenditure of the rivals. Furthermore, the proven value or reliability to the existing clients would embrace few old clients and new clients in returning to services.

Operational Plan Goals

Details of the competitors:


Date of establishment


Market share (in %)

Value to consumers



DHL Express


350,000 internationally

11% of NSW

Price and reliability

The goodwill and the international aspect of its slogan “We Deliver anywhere/ everywhere”.

Too large, to care about the marketplace of NSW

Fastway Couriers


800 across Australia

12% of NSW

Price and reliability

National organisation

The greater costs of overhead in maintaining a national presence

Advertising and promotional strategy:

Planned promotion/ advertising type

Expected business improvement

Cost (in $)

Target date

Giveaway, mail-out, social media campaign and media release

Increase in customer base by 10% and rise in profit margin by 12% within a year



Channel type

Products/ services

Percentage of sales (in %)




Delivery service


Smooth flow of formal communication from managers to subordinates ensuring smooth delivery

Possibility of miscommunication between managers and staffs


Pick-up trucks


The specialised members of the distributional channel help in saving cost

Reseller might involve in personal selling and it might lead to loss of communication control

Job Title


Expected staff turnover

Skills/Qualification necessary

Date required



10 years

Bachelor of Business

Completed 2004

Operations Manager


5 years

Diploma of Leadership and Management

Completed 2017

Sales Manager


5 years

Experienced in Sales and Management

12 years experience

Administration Team Leader


2-3 years

Certificate IV in Business Administration

Completed 2015

Administration office assistants


2-3 years

Certificate III in Business Administration




2-3 years

Light Rigid Drivers Licence


The existing staffs need to be reviewed based on their performance skills, as such review would help in signifying if the existing level of skills of the current staffs needs update or refreshment. The pay scales or staff remuneration would be depictive on outcomes of individual performance. Depending on the employment contracts, all employees are judged on performance, which could be either quantitative or qualitative.





Failure of trucks and delivery, which is causing reliability of deliveries in order to decrease



Contingency plans available for the contractor- trucks and relief drivers for delivery and pick-up

Registered organisation/business/company within the transportation sector

Service process:

The organisation provides pick-up and delivery services to the customers. The drivers of the company would attend the locations of the customers to pick-up, delivering the item to the centre of distribution, in which the item would be shifted to the pertinent location of the delivery driver.

Plant and equipment:


Purchase date

Purchase price

Running cost

10x trucks




4x computers for administrators




Telephone system 10x dedicated lines




MYOB is employed as a business tool related to database management. The database of the organisation constitutes of a list of existing and old clients and the database could be used for generating reports on business performance that constitute of the number of deliveries each day per driver/day/client and the financial position of the business presently and estimated forward.

Trading hours:

The shop is open from 10 a.m. in the morning to 10 p.m. in the night and the demand for the services of the organisation is expected to remain identical over the year. The new staffs would be appointed from time to time to deal with the rising sales of services.

The main channels of communication constitute of telephone (mobile or landline), e-mail, internet blog, fax and social media content. These channels would enable in increasing the sales and profit levels of the organisation.

Payment types accepted:

In order to make payments for the services provided on the part of the organisation, the customers are able to pay in cash, credit and Paypal.

Credit policy:

For those customers seeking the services from the organisation, credit period is allowed based on the existing credit records. The credit period mainly varies from 60 days to 90 days and it has special persons to collect the amount from the debtors.

Quality control:

In order to maintain the quality of services and products, the organisation has followed the pertinent ISO standards and Six Sigma process that would help in providing maximum customer satisfaction.

Memberships and affiliations:

The organisation belongs to the courier industry.

Major objectives and financial review:

Financial objectives:

  • Raising the client base by 25%, which would raise sales by 40% in both Regional and Sydney NSW
  • Increase in net income by 28.5%
  • Requirement of $700,000 for the purchase of 10 new trucks and installing 20 lift gates to the existing and new trucks
  • Obtaining a business loan for the overall amount required

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