Family Farm Fresh Food Business: Management Information System

Interview Question for Chris

Jack MacDonald had been born to be a farmer, following his family professional footsteps. Jack used to grow organic vegetables and herds. Jack and his family decided to grow only organic vegetable so that the consumer would remain faithful to their farm for this reason. Jack also practiced about “permaculture” to protect crops from insect attack. Jack found over time, that people would happily pay top dollars for his vegetable because of their high quality and their organically grown status. Jack used to apply spot marketing system to sell his product which means his consumer would come to him to purchase product, through which he could interact with customer directly and also removed the middle people who act as intermediaries and take their percentage of profit. As the product pick up process, consumer would drop by at the farm to pick up their weekly box of product, which had fine in early days while Jack farm was quite small. Things grew rapidly hard when Jack has a growing body farm. Then he begins to keep all the personal details of his customers in a ‘Customer Reference Book’. Jack was still on his committed to producing organic vegetable for his client and begin to focus on a different aspect of the business. Because of having large number of customer, it was very difficult for Jack and his wife to apply spot market to sell their product. So, Jane wife of Jack hired Jim and Jill to solve the problems of pick-up. And they came to the solution that customer would no longer be able to come and pick-up their product, instead of that customer will have a home delivery. They also hired Bill and Ben as assistants for Jim and Jill. To serve on the production Jack hired Nick, Neeta, Nelly, Ned and Norman. They were directly connected with Jack and frequently worked together in pairs as small cooperate teams. Family Farm Fresh Food also have skilled mechanic, who manage all the farm machinery.            

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An organization chart for the Family Farm Food Business.

Family Farm Fresh Food Business con be handled by management information system which is computerized database of financial information organized and programmed in such a way that it can produce regular reports on operation for every level of management in a company. New information system also helps to gain maximum benefits for farm. Information system offer more complete and more recent information, allowing organization to operate more efficiently. Farm can use information system to gain a cost advantage over competitors or to differentiate by offering better customer service. Information system can help farms to make better decisions by delivering all the information farms need and by modeling the result of farms decision. Decision process required choosing a course of action from different possible alternatives, when farm have accurate up to date information, you can make accurate choice. The information system helps to store documents of financial activities.

Interview Question for Jim

Information system helps to fulfill farms their responsibilities by giving decision makers the data they need. It provides manager all the available aspects of the business by providing background, current data and trend analysis. The function of the farms information system is that they could have information about their area of responsibility in particular. Farm information system helps to upgrade manager decision making, because they allocate information that is correct, relevant and complete. Farm information system helps to decrease errors. Farms information system hold past data for fundamental company functions such customer service, sales, production etc. They also embrace record on revenue investment and expenses.

  1. System Capabilities

The new system must have following system capabilities:

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  • List out the order on daily basis and contract through phone or online save the previous customer through database.
  • Provide the proper information of order such as location and time place of delivery
  • Current difficulties should be solved while preparing accounts.
  • Payment methods should be done carefully and solve the problem related to payment

Initial Investigation Work Breakdown




Meet all the farm staff

1 day

Start Project

Staff interview

5 days

Review farm records.

4 days

Review of production, season, customer purchases, cost and profits

Observing business operations

3 days

Interview two customers

2 days

Analyze the accounting processes  

3 days

After reviewing the records

Study a sample of orders and payment transaction

2 days


2 days

Regarding home delivery service, reports preparation.

Report preparation

2 days

Review process for quality control

1 day

The following is the Gantt chart which speaks to the undertaking plan and basic way on time line:

CPM/PERT chart was made to additionally clear up clarify path. It establishes the connection between the exercises and task dependencies.

  1. Start task Meet and welcome CEO with all staff.
  2. Conduct meeting with some client.
  3. Review and refresh the homestead records.
  4. Study the workplace territory and procedure of their work.
  5. Present draft and get criticism.

The total duration of the task is 18 working days (200 hours). The project will begin on 1 December 2017 and will be finished by 26of December 2017. The initial examination will cost $7000, with staff compensation at the rate of $35 every hour. (see on sec6.05 initial investigation summary)

The following is the Initial Investigation outline got with the help of WBS Gantt Chart.

Different risks happen while making the project. Some risk may lead disappointment of project. Some risk task predicts and decreases the risk event. Some risk altered the exercises. The diver’s risks are given beneath:

  1. Due to lack of technical support the objectives would not be accomplished.
  2. For the fruitful undertaking, every one of the assets are required. So, limited assets make it hard to finish the project.
  3. Previous Experiences and skill are the key factors for establishing any project
  4. Poor project planning lead failure of the project.
  5. For the successful project, here must be good coordination between the team work an appropriate understanding between the team member.
  6. Basic requirement which is required for the establishment of project should be identified at first. So that the project can be run effectively.
  7. Feasibility should be present in the project so that effective outcome is carried out.
  8. Adequate quality control should be there. Audit should be present all the information regarding the product.
  9. Time is the most important for project. Providing less time and do not complete the task in time may lead the project fail.
  10. Budgeting system should be maintained properly

S. N







Lack of technical support






Poor project planning






Incomplete requirements






Lack of executive support






Lack of required resources






Budgeting problem






Lack of quality control






Poor coordination





It is predicted that the Fresh Farm Family food will develop the following benefits:

  • Proper co-ordination helps in successful of the project.
  • Team works leads to collect effective information.
  • Decreases the conflict
  • Reduces the workload issue.
  • Need to save the time for workers & patients to find communication
  • Evaluation the total costs/ monetary cost
  • Measures the impact/ benefit
  • Increases customer satisfaction.
  • secure and exceptional innovative framework
  • Level of service can be measure
  • Enables quick and dependable access to data

The anticipated cost advantage is calculated by including all the assessed benefits picked up utilizing the new system. The aggregate assessed cost-saving advantage is $25000.

Summary of Estimated Annual Benefits

Benefit or Cost Saving 

Appropriate quality control of stock



Techniques dealing with commercial profitability


Helps to reduced errors


Evaluation the total costs/ monetary cost


Cash flow technique




The total of Estimated Annual Benefits is approximately $38,000.

It is calculated by including the evaluated cost like staff wages, assets and equipment’s, Facilities preparing, permit, incidental. Expected cost is $58000

Summary of Expected Development Costs

Expense Category


















The total of anticipated Costs is approximately $665000.

It is calculating by adding all the costs. The expected operating cost is 16000.

Summary of Expected Operating Costs

Recurring Expense


 Connectivity’s and Cloud Storage


System Maintenance


System Support






The total of estimated annual operating costs is approximately $16000.

 From the beneath figure, net present an incentive over a 6-year time frame with 10% yearly development on benefits is $248,762.46

From the below figure, rate of return (ROI) is 104%

After the conclusion of this project, Family Farm Fresh Food yearly development on advantage is 248,762which is advancing. The rate of Return (ROI) is 140%. Alleviating measure and risk administration grid can deal with the danger of this undertaking and help to finish the venture effectively. This undertaking Net present esteem/advantage table is sure, which implies this project is strategic to Family Farm Fresh Food.

Initial Summary

 Family farm fresh food has become first choice for many people due to their product.  Family farm fresh food is a developing business. It holds a developing number of customer and experiencing difficulty managing it. From the item requesting, installment to the item delivery, the system should be managed. It should be sorted out and all around performed. Along these lines, for this situation it needs an information system, which could deal with in all around kept up way. From appropriate requesting to understanding customer requirement and top choice. If the requirement of the project is fulfilling then the strong business case will be developing and it would be able to explained in an organized manner.

 It is identified that the organization “Family farm fresh food” faces number of challenges as well as issues while undertaking the project. The challenges as well as issues of the project can be resolved by following steps that are elaborated below:

Option 1: Proper planning of the project-The project manager must plan the project properly by analyzing the budget as well as time of the project so that the information system for Family farm fresh food can be implemented successfully.

 Option 2: Proper budget analysis- It is quite necessary to analyze the market prices of the resources that are utilized in the project in order to get a clear overview about the budget of the project.

 Option 3: Appropriate quality management- Proper quality team must be hired for the project so that they can focus on the quality of the project effectively.

Option 4: Proper technical support- Proper technical support is provided so that the information system for Family farm fresh food can be implemented successfully within the assumed time and budget.

Along with the interview, the finding of the following facts has been recommended:

  • Observations – This procedure makes use of the observatory skills of a business process to understand the process of working of the business.
  • Questionnaires – This procedure involves the use of a list of questions for the conduction of a survey for the collection of answers from the staff.

The employees of the company that are to be considered for the interview process are Chris and Jim. Both of the interview is to be conducted within a 30 minute time schedule.

Use Case

Brief Use Case Description


The manager approves the new registered accounts of the customer.

Add Account

The manager is able to include into the system a new account for the working process of the system.


The user and the employees log into the system to place an order or to solve the current orders.


The customer has to register to the website for the completion of their order, with the help of username and password. Other details are also stored concurrently.

Search Product

The customers are able to search for products on the database.

Places Order

The customer after searching for the product would be able to place an order.

Change or cancel order

If the customer is not satisfied with the order being placed he or she can change the order products or else cancel the order that has been placed.

Check Order status

The customer would be able to check the status of the order that has been placed.

Make Payment

After the confirmation of the order the payment needs to be completed for the order to be delivered to the customer.

Sales Visit

The sales person looks after the sales status of the orders and the quality of the products at the warehouse.

Check in

After the verification of the products the checking process is completed along with the feedback.

Create order summary report

The stock account created the order summary of all the orders to work on the orders being placed.

Publish report

The stock accountant publishes the report that has been created for the viewing by the managers.

Generate report

Jane and Jack would be able to approve the report that are being created for the orders that has been placed

Add recipe

Jane is able to add into the system new recipes for the customers to view them.

Add organic info

Jack is able to add new organic information for the recipes that has been added.

Use Case Diagram:

F4 Information System


To sell food online

Triggering event:

Implementation of addition of new customers and recipes for the database.

Brief Description:

Addition of new users and recipes for the information system.


Manager, customer, stock accountant, sales person, Jake and Jane


The customers and other staff of F4 can be considered to be the main stakeholders


The products must be available for the process of making


The customer must have the minimum knowledge for the execution of a computer for the completion of an order.

Flow of Activities



The customer fills the registration page for the opening of a new account.

The details of the customers are stored in the database.

The customer’s account is created in the system.

The customers views the different products available after logging into the account.

The validation of the users are checked with the username and the password

Invalidated account are sent an error message.

The customer is able to check the products and place an order.

The availability of the product is displayed.

Unavailable products are displayed to the user along with the available time and date.

The customers is able to view the order details

The order staff is in charge of looking after the orders and the items in the warehouse.

Unavailable items are listed down.

The payment is completed by the customer.

On the completion of a successful payment the order is sent out for delivery.

The total cost of the order is calculated with the inclusion of the tax.

The payment validation is made by the account staff

On proper validation an invoice is generated.

The payment is approved by the account staff.

The account staff approves the invoice and a detail is stored in the database

The system printed invoice is generated for the complete transaction

The order after being packed is checked by the packaging staff

The order verification is required to ensure the proper delivery of products.

The packing number is inserted into the order and sent out for delivery

The packaging order is sent for the delivery schedule

The delivery staff ensures that all the packages receive the packaging date and delivery date.

The system’s database is updated with the final details of the order delivery status.

Excepted Condition

Unavailability of internet connectivity.

Not enough details of the customers

Incomplete gateway transaction process.


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