Faculty Development Program Analysis

Analysis: Drives

Faculty development program refers to a wide range of activities that are implemented to develop the skill and capability of the existing faculty in the area of health science programs. This program is helpful in shaping up the academic roles of the faculty members to manage multiple roles and responsibilities. The faculty development program has been conducted in our organization.  The faculty members are required to be efficient enough to cop up with constant organizational changes like medical education, healthcare paradigm and nursing ethics. The faculty development program is essential here to set up a list of activities for the faculty members to adjust with the rapidly changing scenario. This assignment will unfold the effectiveness of the faculty development program in our organisation. The existing faculty development program in our healthcare organisation is greatly intended to develop leadership management proficiency, integrating technology for teaching and learning and evaluating new curriculum for the for diversified skills and abilities. The faculty development program will be analysed in this assignment based on its drives, barriers, scopes, format and evaluation. While analysing the drives the Compass model will be adapted to find out the key driving force of the existing program. The concluding part of the assignment will highlight all the key points and will summarise the basic concept of the assignment.

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Strategies, wish lists, resources and competencies are the key driving forces of the existing faculty development plan. Apart from that motivation, response, innovation and foundation are the essential driving factors for the faculty development plan.

The faculty development plan in our organisation can be evaluated with the effective implementation of the Compass model. This model defines all the eight factors that are important to evaluate the faculty development.  Strategies, wish lists, resources, competencies, motivation, response, innovation and foundation (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012).


Source: CompassModelforFacultyDevelopment-2012.pdf

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The internal development of an organisation includes strategic development and development of key competencies of the medical educators to convey best learning technique. Strategies, resources, competencies and wish lists are considered as the inputs for internal development (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). These developmental components are considered as north, south, east and west respectively in the compass model.  

The adaptation of proper strategy is the key factor for strategic improvement. The strategy must be aligned with both verbal and non-verbal communication (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). Proper financial and technological resources are essentially required for the organisations to develop a proper strategy.

The budgetary resources, the number of educators, the infrastructural resources and the distribution of campuses are required to strategies the faculty development program for our organisation (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012).

Competencies must be developed for the effective implementation of the faculty development program. The competencies that have been adapted in our organisation are role development of the teachers, educating the teachers regarding their responsibilities and teaching process (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012).

The idea of conventional medical education has been changing over the years. The changing role of the teachers advocates the integrated teaching, community-based learning process, problem-based learning process and developing curriculum activities with more efficiency (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). The faculty development program of our organisation would attempt to educate the teachers to be information giving, suggestive and student-centric.

Compass model

Hence, the wish lists chart a list of requirement from the medical educators. The wish list includes proper skill assessment plan, the skill of self-identification and developing questionnaires and interviews (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). The skill assessment plan and questionaries’ have been adopted by our organisation to evaluate the teaching capabilities of the educators. Moreover, this would enhance the performance standard of the educators by filling up their performance gaps.

The motivation, foundation, response and innovation factors can be analysed to define the external environment of the faculty development program.  These external factors are considered as north-western, north-eastern, south-western and south-eastern part of the compass model (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). These four parts are effective in evaluating the outputs of the external environment of the compass model.

Motivation includes the professional practices of the educators, scholarship programs and professional awards. The scholarship program and the professional awards are perceived in our organisation to achieve a great output (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). These programs are helpful in the performance development of the educators that can develop a sustainable establishment of the external environment of the organisation.

The foundation includes faculty orientation and future development of the core competencies. The adaptation of the faculty orientation has been helpful for our organisation in terms of a future prospect (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). It is capable to upgrade the educators with the effective use of teaching tools, learning process and the AMEE courses (Harden & Crosby, 2000). The upgrade of the medical educators is capable to convey effective learning techniques to the students for quality learning outcome.

The application of the innovative techniques would enable medical educators to develop their interpersonal teaching capabilities (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012).  The Web-based learning, the objective centred learning and train the trainer learning process are the most adaptive for the development of the faculty development program. The web-based learning program and the objectively structured learning program are suitable for the innovative development of our medical educators (Harden & Crosby, 2000). The web-based program would enhance the opportunity for medical educators to gather a wide range of teaching knowledge from different websites. The objectively structured innovation would develop the capability of the educators to provide topic-based knowledge to the students which is a time effective teaching process that provides a clear conceptual knowledge to the students (Harden & Crosby, 2000).   

The response is the overall outcome of all the external environmental factors of the faculty development program. This includes proper accommodation for the medical teaching workshops, several interactive activities, community practices and e-learning training program (Harden & Crosby, 2000). The training platform for e-learning activities and the interactive activities have been adopted by our organisation to provide the proper environment for the program. The e-learning training program is an extended part of web-based learning. This facility can be used to provide medical education with the effective use of various social media, online medical journals and websites (Steinert et al., 2016). The adaptation of a wide range of knowledge is the aim of the e-learning process.

Internal development

The interactive activities have been adopted by our organisation to develop communication skill among medical educators. This would enhance their capability to communicate with different kinds of people irrespective of their background without any biases (Steinert et al., 2016).

The barriers to the faculty development programs are creating accommodation for events, inappropriate motivation, lack of proper training schedule, time determinants, conceptualisation of goals and risk management (Steinert et al., 2016). Accommodation is essential for the construction of the faculty management program. However, lack of proper management can be a big hindrance for the successful completion of the program. The lack of motivation dies the medical educators can mitigate the chances for the successful completion of the faculty development program (Steinert et al., 2016). An effective training schedule is beneficial for faculty development. The faculties must be properly trained for the effective outcome. On the contrary, an ineffective training program is incapable to develop the faculties properly with adjusting with the present medical scenario (Steinert et al., 2016). There must be a specific goal for each stage of the development program. Lack of effective goals would confuse the medical educators regarding their roles and responsibilities.  The incapability of managing the risk associated with the development program may decompose the aims and objectives of the faculty development program (Steinert et al., 2016).

A comprehensive practice is capable to mitigate the identified barriers in the faculty development program. It is necessary to fulfil the requirements of the faculty members in order to satisfy the basic requirement of the training programs (Al-Eraky & McLean, 2012). The adaptation of the updated technology has helped our organisation to fulfil the role of the faculty members. They can access a wide range of online resources to understand the effective use of medical teaching. Moreover, the arrangements of the training program and interactive activities have helped the faculties of our organisation to adjust the update trend of teaching and communication (Steinert et al., 2016).

The medical organisations use to adopt the faculty development program to enhance the existing capabilities of medical educators. The web-based e-learning training program and interactive activities are the formats adopted by my organisation to develop the teaching capability of the educators (Steinert et al., 2016). These formats are adapted to develop the technical learning and teaching ability and communication ability of the medical educators.

The faculty development program has can be evaluated through proper mentoring, communication and technical run-course (Steinert et al., 2016). Our organisation has adopted the informal mentoring, formal mentoring and proper communication to evaluate the program. 75% of the educators are provided with formal and informal mentoring and 25% of the educators were connected through verbal and nonverbal communication to evaluate the program.


The assignment is developed with the effectiveness of the faculty development program. The compass model has been utilised to define the key drivers. Barriers and scopes are described to evaluate the process of the program. The applied formats in the organisation have also been discussed followed by an evaluation of explaining the effectiveness of faculty development program.  


Al-Eraky, M. M., & McLean, M. (2012). The Compass Model to plan faculty development programs. Medical Education Development, 2, 4. doi:10.4081/med.2012.e4

Harden, R. M., & Crosby, J. (2000). AMEE Guide No 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer-the twelve roles of the teacher. Medical Teacher, 22, 334–347. doi: 10.1080/014215900409429

Steinert, Y., Mann, K., Anderson, B., Barnett, B. M., Centeno, A., Naismith, L., … & Ward, H. (2016).Supplemental content associated with ‘A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to enhance teaching effectiveness: A 10- year update: BEME Guide No. 40. Medical teacher, 38, 769-786’: Supplement_3: Appendix 1: BEME Electronic Coding Sheet. Retrieved from: https://figshare.com/articles/A_systematic_review_of_faculty_development_initiat ives_designed_to_enhance_teaching_effectiveness_A_10- year_update_BEME_Guide_No_40/3487268/2

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