Factory System And Its Relationship To Machine Organizations And Organizational Theory
The History of the Factory System
1.The implementation of Scientific Management principles resulted in major changes to the Factory System. Using the article on Morgan’s (1997) metaphors (available on Moodle) which of these metaphors applies to Factory system before the implementation of Scientific Management?
2.Rational-bureaucratic organizations are supposed to develop the best means to achieve their goals. Based on your reading of Chapter 5 (pg. 56), what would you say are some of the obstacles to making the “best” decisions about ways to reach a goal or solve a problem?
3.Do you think the term used by Barnard “common moral purpose” (pg. 103) is a good way to describe what happens in work organizations? Why or why not?
4.The transformation of organizational forms has given rise to a variety of paradoxical demands. For example, organizations want to achieve both economies of scale and economies of scope; they want to specialize yet be flexible. What do each of these separate demands mean for organizing and managing?
To begin with, factory system was initially established in the end of 18th century in Britain. This was done when industrialization took root in Britain. In essence, factory system refers to a way of whereby machineries are used manufacturing which in return leads to enactment of division of labor and specialization. Gareth Morgan adopted eight organization metaphors.
From Morgan metaphors, Morgan used machine organizations metaphor as implementation of scientific management principle which in fact resulted to major changes in the factory system. Before industrialization, labor workers used to be exploited in slavery so as to achieve maximum production. By the late 18th century, labor workers were substituted by invention of machinery. According to this metaphor, machine managers were recruited to subdivide organizations in factories into departments that were to be used to develop factory systems.
These machine organizations worked perfect at that particular time because of several factor. At first, the tasks and jobs were quite simple (Morgan B 2016). This meant that the machines were not fully stressed to achieve the ordained task. Secondly, the environment was stabilizing and new machine organizations were developing. These principles also led to the following ideas that resulted to major changes in the factory systems.
First, the responsibility was enhanced between the workers and their corresponding management. This in return brought equality in labor division. Secondly, there was vivid cooperation and active coordination between the laborers and the managerial team. In addition, there emerged new skilled workers and selective scientific training in the factory systems. Finally the implantation of scientific management principles resulted to the analysis of each entity in the work process which consisted rules of mobility for workers and the overall working conditions were filly standardized. All the above supportive credentials are ideas of machine organizations metaphor that involved scientific management principles resulting to a massive change in the factory systems that developed after industrialization in Britain. The big question now is which metaphor follows next? From my ideological point of view, the organizational culture would follow the machine organisation in the development of factory system. This is because factory systems have migrated from developed continents to developing nations. Therefore there developing nations must adopt an organizational culture.
Machine Organizations and Scientific Management
It is important to appreciate the machine organizations metaphor as one of the underlying principles of the implementation of systematic management principles which lead to a huge change in the factory system. On the same time pose a challenge to innovations of how to up these factory systems by use of organizational culture as a metaphor recommended by Morgan
According to the business dictionary, bureaucracy, rationalization and organizational theory have been clearly defined. Therefore to drive the required point home, we need to define them according to this dictionary. To start with, bureaucracy is defined as a system of government where by majority of the critical decisions are taken by state officials rather than by the elected representatives. On the other hand, rationalization refers to the action of attempting to expound or the justification behavior with logical reasoning. In essence it refers to the action of making a company more effective by dispensing with superfluous personnel. It is a fact that organizations face obstacles when making best and perfect decisions about how to reach a goal or when solving a particular difficulty. These obstacles will be associated to the following factors.
Size of the organisation.
Here, it is difficult to have a corresponding ratio of the workers to the stakeholders of a particular organizations (Toylor W.C 2011). Therefore a wide range of decisions remain utilized due to lack corresponding ratio. Most of large organizations will have difficulties in implementing decisions due to legal procedures that need to be followed. It actually takes a lot of time to implement such decisions.
Again, some organizations are so complex such that to solve a problem would cause more trouble than solving that particular problem. This hinders proper implementation of the decisions by the management. This is mostly associated by very rigid framework under which such an organization lie to.
Internal and external conflicts.
This will make teamwork impossible in an organization. Simple problems will take time to solve. Such an organization needs to engage to a team building exercise.
From the statements above it is very clear now that some organizations have difficulties than others due to the following observations. First a large organisation may have more hardship compared to a smaller organisation because the legal framework is so different. Also, an organisation with competent leaders will have easy time implementing the decisions and solving problems whenever they arise. In addition, an organization with adequate financial sustainability will be in a better position to make better decisions than the latter.
Bureaucracy, Rationalization, and Organizational Theory
Finally, these organizations will have distinctive goals and problems to deal with which actually forms the base and the know characteristics of bureaucracy.
Division of labor
It is quite difficult for an organisation to subdivide duties towards each individual satisfaction. It there become tiring on the criteria used for proper division of labor and specialization.Rules and regulations
Most of these rules and regulations are no so welcoming. Most of the stakeholders would like to bend them to favor their side.
It is with great consent that bureaucracy, rationalization and organizational theory surely have a positive correlation. This means they must be incorporated during the functionality of an organization in order to make sound decision and proper solving of problems in the organisation.
Organization is where different personnel join together to achieve a common objective that will maximum profits in both short and long run. According to the work done by Barnard I hereby agree with the fact that common law purpose is a good way to describe what happens in an organization work. This is due to the two factors described below.
It is very important for an organization to have a working executive thank can influence personal choice which correspond to desires and purpose. Still, there should be alternatives to these individuals. Furthermore, it is important to note that modification of actions by different people is a key factor in an organization. If we install a moral purpose in all the individuals of an organization, then we gain a common moral purpose as required by the organization.
In the ideas of Barnard, one can gain common moral purpose by two ways. First is called socialism. This factor indicates that in an organisation there is moral undertaking by each individuals (Barnard C.I 2010). This kind of undertaking should never be individual centered such that a conflict of interest would arise. We should fight for gaining the bigger objective of the organisation. A question of double personality should not arise in socialism. The last fact is the greater managerial intervention. Here, individual or personal personality is aired out clearly. Though it tends to outdo the former, this fact is very important and gives a credible answer that surely common moral purpose is a good way to express how an organization works.
Economies of scale and economies of scale are term used in the field of economics. However, both of these scenarios will depend on various factors in the production process. Economies of scale may refers to the profitable advantage that occurs when there is increase in production of output (Liebener S 2009). The more you produce in the long run the more you get as a reward. On the other word economies of scope is a profitable gain when a producer produce two or more distinct goods where it is asserted that the cost of producing such is less than that of producing each product. Separately (Russel R.C.J 2012). Both the economies of scale and economies of scope are geared to organizing and managing a profitable platform for the investors.
To start with, economies of scale will be promising when there is huge productions. This can be achieved by introduction of comprehensive specialization (Ure A 2009). Through specialization, individuals will be able to narrow down to a particular production. This is an advantage to the producer. For the economies of scope, the advantage is that the production cost is lowered when producing huge amounts of outputs.
Lastly, economies of scale and economies of scopes are so much perfectly positively correlated such that their main aim to produces profits to the investors despite the following vast factors.
With competitive environment, economies of scale will favor an investor who has a specialized mandate to produce a particular product.
Rapid innovation
These two scenarios would promote rapid innovation so as to maximize advantageous gaining in the production process.
Product diversity
Diversity will be highly be promoted by economies of scale since the various individuals will specialize to a wide range of product thus promoting diversity in the market.
For maximum profitability, economies of scale and economies of scope will have to go hand in hand. They are proportionate gain to an investor. They are desired and the must co -exist.
Barnard, C.I 2010,The Functions of the Executive.Havard publishers.
Barnard, C.I 2010,Organization and Management.Havard University Press.
Liebener, S2009, Economics of scope.Diplom.de publishers.
Morgan,B 2016, Exploring Morgans Metaphor.SAGE publications.
Oktorizal, A 2012, Bureaucracy and Rationalisation.Lenox Hill Pub
Russel, R.C.J 2012,Economics of Scales.VSA publisers.
Toylor,W.C 2011, History of Factory Systems.Richard Bentley London
Ure, A 2009, The Philosophy of Manufacturers(8th edition). Lenox Hill Pu