Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing In Organizations: An Annotated Bibliography
Research Aim and Purpose
This assessment will explore the annotated bibliography. The foremost objective of the assessment is to recognize the factors influence knowledge sharing in the organization. The annotated bibliography will explain the main research question of this assessment.
Article 1
The research determines to explore the manipulating influences for knowledge sharing in the business based on social dilemmas at the viewpoint of communication of social media. Knowledge sharing is conducting for learning, communicating and exchanging news within the organisation (Razmerita, Kirchner, & Nielsen, 2016). There are some influences manipulating knowledge sharing in the organisation like demographics, organizational, individuals and technological factor. These factors are influence employees to motivate for sharing knowledge. By the sharing knowledge in organisation employees can exchange their explicit knowledge and tacit to generate new acquaintance (Razmerita, Kirchner, & Nielsen, 2016). Sharing knowledge is considering in the organisation for the social interaction in the organisation. Additionally social media platform offers innovative methods of sharing knowledge and make interaction within organisation and it has benefited the employees in terms of social capital and valuable knowledge. This article has identified barriers and drivers of sharing knowledge within organisation (Razmerita, Kirchner, & Nielsen, 2016). This article has found the most important motorists to knowledge sharing are management support, appreciate assisting others, management encourage, financial recompenses and motivate knowledge sharing behaviour etc (Razmerita, Kirchner, & Nielsen, 2016). On the other hand, there are some barriers of knowledge sharing in the organisation like lack of trust, change of behaviour and lack of time etc.
The foremost determination of the exploration is to identify knowledge sharing within groups from the perspective of enabling and constraining factors. This study has identified the impacts of many team structures based on knowledge sharing in the groups of teacher of primary school (Rosendaal & Frankema, 2015). There is a significant optimistic effect on knowledge sharing by belief in team leaders, mediated by team identification and trust in colleagues. Additionally, trust within the trust and team members in team frontrunner is associated with team identification (Rosendaal & Frankema, 2015). Information sharing has an optimistic impact on team identification. There is a mediator consequence of the team credentials on the association among knowledge sharing and team effort value variety which has explored decrease the possible undesirable belongings of team work variety on the sharing knowledge (Zhang & Jiang, 2015). This research has conducted based on the 102 Dutch primary school teams with 766 teachers. Team identification has constructive relation to the knowledge sharing in the organisation (Rosendaal & Frankema, 2015). On the other hand, team identification constructively related with the trust in the team members. This article has significantly explored knowledge sharing is important for teams that can improve organizational performance. Trust in the team frontrunner has motivated the employees to knowledge sharing.
Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing
The chief determination of the research is to identify the association between the efficiency of virtual teams and belief by focusing on the interceding encouragement of knowledge sharing. The communication between employees in members of simulated team can generate difficulties due to lack of belief among affiliates which can expressively hamper the efficiency of the team (Pangil & Chan, 2014). Knowledge sharing is expressively connected to the efficiency of a virtual team. Belief has a direct influence on the efficiency of the virtual team and knowledge sharing (Pangil & Chan, 2014). Additionally, institution-based belief and personal-based belief were importantly associated with sharing knowledge. In the organisation, the knowledge sharing is related with mainly three types of trust in terms of virtual team effectiveness (Kwahk & Park, 2016). More specifically, institutional-based belief and personality-based belief are importantly associated to sharing knowledge which has make relationship between effectiveness of the team and trust (Pangil & Chan, 2014). This study has found that trust is the important factor to increase the effectiveness of the virtual team within organisation. Additionally, this study has explored knowledge sharing and effect of trust made a strong relationship between effectiveness of the virtual team and trust.
This article is grounded on the information security in terms of knowledge sharing within organisation. This article mainly identified the influence of national culture and behavioural information security (Flores, Antonsen, & Ekstedt, 2014). The research has significantly found that knowledge sharing in terms of information safety is significant in an organization which is influence the influence the national culture and behavioral information security governance. This study has identified security knowledge sharing has direct impact on security knowledge sharing and it has also affect the structure of the organisation (Flores, Antonsen, & Ekstedt, 2014). On the other hand, the system business-based information security has no direct influence the knowledge sharing within organisation. Security knowledge sharing has a direct stimulus on knowledge sharing in the organisation (Bilgihan, Barreda, Okumus, & Nusair, 2016). The managing process of information security has diverged among Swedish and US organization and it has affected by business-based management information security. Sharing knowledge is influencing the behavioural information security governance which affects the alignment of management of information security and function of information safety (Flores, Antonsen, & Ekstedt, 2014). This study had found that organisational structure is affect the information security processes which has made diversity between Swedish and US organisations.
This article mainly explored that importance of knowledge sharing in the workplace in the field of system of knowledge management. In the recent days, most of the business organisations are utilising the system of knowledge management to gain benefit in terms of knowledge sharing. This research has been utilised as a quantitative research method. The information was collected by conducting a survey (Wang, Noe, & Wang, 2014). A quasi-experiment has been used in research this study has collected information from employees of a Chinese software company. According to the accountability theory; knowledge management system is influencing the knowledge sharing in terms of situational interactional psychology perspective (Zhang & Jiang, 2015). This study has identified that knowledge sharing is influenced by reward, openness to experience neuroticism, thoroughness. Additionally, workers with upper levels of ingenuousness have involved in lesser levels of sharing knowledge. Alternatively, there is no momentous connotation among sharing knowledge and evaluation and recompenses (Wang, Noe, & Wang, 2014). This study has found that management practice is encouraged rewards and accountability which are important for the employees in terms of knowledge sharing by utilising knowledge management system. This article has significantly addressed the research question of the assessment. This exploration has explored how rewards and combinations have motivated the employees to knowledge sharing.
This assessment has figured out the influencing factor has influenced to knowledge sharing in the organization.
Bilgihan, A., Barreda, A., Okumus, F., & Nusair, K. (2016). Consumer perception of knowledge-sharing in travel-related online social networks. Tourism Management, 52, 287-296.
Flores, W. R., Antonsen, E., & Ekstedt, M. (2014). Information security knowledge sharing in organizations: Investigating the effect of behavioral information security governance and national culture. Computers & Security, 43(1), 90-110.
Kwahk, K. Y., & Park, D. H. (2016). The effects of network sharing on knowledge-sharing activities and job performance in enterprise social media environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 826-839.
Pangil, F., & Chan, J. M. (2014). The mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between trust and virtual team effectiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(4), 92-106.
Razmerita, L., Kirchner, K., & Nielsen, P. (2016). What factors influence knowledge sharing in organizations? A social dilemma perspective of social media communication. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(6), 1225-1246.
Rosendaal, B., & Frankema, K. B. (2015). Knowledge sharing within teams: enabling and constraining factors. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-13.
Wang, S., Noe, R. A., & Wang, Z. M. (2014). Motivating Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge Management Systems: A Quasi–Field Experiment. Journal of Management, 40(4), 978-1009.
Zhang, X., & Jiang, J. Y. (2015). With whom shall I share my knowledge? A recipient perspective of knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(2), 277-295