Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behaviour For Fashion Products

Objectives of the Assignment

a. What contribution disciplines does the factor of your choice originate from and how it is supposed to influence consumer buyer behavior theoretically.

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b. On the basis of practical examples provided in the literature, how useful do you think this particular factor has been to the marketer in explaining consumer buyer behavior generally.

c. What specific product category do you think it is best suited for and why?

With the effect of globalisation, the overall competitions of the global organisations have been enhanced in a drastically manner. In this context, several economists have witnessed that due to the presence of high level of competitive rivalry, consumer behaviour related aspects have been also changed significantly. According to the viewpoint of Beristain and Zorrilla (2011), due to the changing effect of the global business environment, the overall consumer behaviour related factors have become also depended on the wide-range of factors such as income of the consumers, price of the goods and/ or services along with taste and preference of the customers. Similarly, quality of the product and service may also influence buying behaviour of a consumer. In this regard, Solomon et. al. (2009) claimed that social, as well as cultural background may also influence the buying behaviours of the customers in terms of internal as well as external aspects. In addition to that it can be also claimed that attitudes, beliefs, motivation personality and value related aspects can also create a huge impact on the buying decisions of a consumer within the fashion industry.

In this particular assignment, fashion product has been chosen for identifying the dependent factors, which can influence the buying behaviour of customer i.e. consuming any product and/ or services. According to the viewpoint of Zeb et al. (2011), clothing sector products as well as beauty segment products usually recognised as fashion product. In this context, it is witnessed that over the last two decades the overall interest of the consumers on fashion products has remained volatile due the presence of high competitive rivalry amid the global marketers. At the same time, it is also revealed that the interest of the consumers on fashion products have remained unpredictable due to the presence of modern marketing strategies. In this regard, Yang (2011) claimed that buying behaviour of customers has always remained dependent on certain factors such as brand awareness, store image and service quality among others. In this case, several organisations have emphasised towards the dependent factors of consumer behaviour for enhancing the overall growth in terms of market share profitability within the industry. At the same time, for attracting the attention of the customers towards the fashion products, global organisations have also emphasised towards its competitive advantages, which may assist an organisation to influence buyers’ decision during the consumption of product and/ or services (Roshan and Deeptee, 2009).  

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Literature Review

In order to highlight the aims of this particular assignment, it can be stated that this study will highlight the background of consumers’ behaviour by analysing and determining the dependent factors, which may influence the buying behaviour of a consumer during the consumption of goods and/ or services. In this regard, this particular study will highlight the theoretical aspects or key constituents of consumer behaviour model by reviewing academic literature. At the same time, for better understanding the consumers buying decision-making related constituents, the study will also highlight the theoretical models. Also with that the study will try to identify the link between theoretical issues as well as practical issues by considering the evidence of the literature. Moreover, the study will critically analyse the factors, which may influence buying behaviours of customers. Furthermore, the study will also try to identify the rationale on the basis of evidence of the literature.

In order to determining and understanding the buying behaviour of the customers, it can be stated that it is highly essential for an organisation to identify the involved factors, which can influence the buying decision for a customer. In this context, Haghshenas et al. (2013) claimed that for satisfy the needs and desires of the customers it is essential for an organisation to concentrated towards the products and/ or services by enhancing the quality. At the same time, with an aim of influencing the buying decisions of the customers, it is also required for markets to concentrate towards the brand image. In this regard, more specifically it can be claimed that for enhancing the brand image, an organisation should concentrate towards certain factors such as brand identity, brand awareness and store image among others. On the other hand, it can be also stated that marketers can also create a profound impact on the buying decisions of customers by concentrating towards the marketing planning and marketing strategy related aspects. Apart from this, it can be also stated that through identifying the appropriate market segment for a specific product an organisation can also ensure its command over the buying decisions.

Simultaneously, the pricing strategy of an organisation also plays a crucial role i.e. making buying decisions of the consumers. In this regard, Solomon et. al. (2009) claimed that apart from pricing strategy, promotional strategy of an organisation is one of the key aspects, which can also influence the buying decisions of the customers. Simultaneously, it can be also mentioned that through emphasising towards the distribution strategy an organisation can ensure its command over the buying decisions of customers during consumption of any goods and/ or services. In this context, Haghshenas et al. (2013) argued that through incorporating appropriate supply chain model an organisation can drive its product and/ or towards the end customers. In this relation, it can be also stated that better brand management strategy can assist an organisation to influence the buying decisions of the consumers. Moreover, through identifying and understanding the buyers needs and expectations, it is also possible to attract the attention of the customers, which may also assist an organisation to retain its customers in an effective manner. Additional through providing a better market environment and committed after sells service an organisation can also ensure the retain of its customers, which may also influence consumers in case of making buying decisions for the future.  

Brand Awareness and Brand Identity

Brand awareness and brand identity is one of the essential aspects, through which global organisations can influence the buying decisions of consumers. In this regard, Ragavendran et. al. (2009), argued that brand awareness and brand identity is highly interlinked with each other. In relation to this, rationally it can be stated that brand awareness is regarded as one of the key constituents of marketing strategy, which usually assist an organisation to expand its brand name and image within the globe. At the same time, through ensuring the expansion of brand awareness, brand identity can be also maximised. In this context, Haghshenas et al. (2013) believed that through ensuring the effective communication with the prime stakeholders may assist an organisation to create its brand identity within the fashion industry, which can positively influence the buying decision of a customer. At the same time, it may also assist organisations to attract a wide range of customers.  

Simultaneously, service quality is also one of essential aspects, through which organisations can influence buying decisions of the consumers. In this regard, Haghshenas et. al. (2013) claimed that through concentrating on the deliverance of quality products and/or services, an organisation may ensure its brand recognition within the market and it may also lead that organisation to influence the buying decisions in an effective manner. According to the viewpoint of Solomon et. al. (2009), during the modern era consumers have become more sensitive during the consumption of product and/ or services. At the same time, global organisations also have considered quality related aspects as one of the most crucial constituents for enhancing their business competencies. Additionally, it can be argued that better quality fashion industry products and/ or service can also meet the needs and expectations of the customers within the fashion industry. Thus, based on this above stated aspects, it can be claimed that through concentrating on the quality related aspect an organisation can influence the buying decisions of the customers. In this context, Seth et. al. (2004), claimed that quality can be developed by an organisation through enhancing the ‘image’, ‘functional quality’ as well as ‘technical quality’ of the fashion industry product and/ or services within the fashion industry.  

According to the viewpoint of Giraldi et al. (2007), market environment and store image can influence the buying decisions of consumers in an effective manner. In this regard, tangible as well as intangible factors of a market or store play an imperative role in the organisation. At the same time, Hartman and Spiro (2005) claimed that suitable market environment can attract the consumers and it may also influence the buying decisions of the customers within the fashion industry. Additionally, Dissing and Andersen (2010) also argued that for enhancing the store image or market environment, an organisation should emphasis towards its merchandise, pricing, shopping space and clarity related aspects among others, which will enhance the overall brand identity within the fashion industry.     

Services Quality

By the viewpoints of Dissing and Andersen (2010), marketing planning and strategy is highly essential aspects for an organisation, through which global organisations can influence the buying decisions of the customers. At the same time, effective implementation of marketing strategy can assist an organisation to accomplish its predetermined goal by ensuring the attachment of the consumers with the fashion brand. In this context, more specifically it can be claimed that through providing promotional sales offer an organisation may influence the buying decision of the customers within the fashion industry. On the other hand, economical pricing strategy can also assist an organisation to accrue more numbers of customers.

With the viewpoint of Larsen, (2010) adequate market segmentation assists an organisation to identify their respective target audiences in more significant manner. In this relation, it can be stated that appropriate market segmentation usually helps an organisation to develop product and/ or services according to the needs and expectations of the fashion industry consumers. Thus, through emphasising towards market segmentation strategy an organisation can influence the buying decisions of the customers within the fashion industry.

Based on the viewpoint of Baker (2010) selection of appropriate pricing strategy can help an organisation to achieve its predetermined goal and it may also assist an organisation to enhance its market share amid the competitors. During the modern era, consumers have the tendency of buying quality goods as well as services in an economical cost. Thus, several economists have believed that incorporating appropriate pricing strategy may help an organisation to influence buying decisions. In this context, Ozer and Phillips (2012) claimed that global organisations can adopt different pricing strategies based on the situation of the current market such premium pricing, economical pricing and odd pricing among others.

On the other hand, through incorporating effective distribution module an organisation can drive their products and/ or services towards end customers in an effective manner. According to the viewpoint of Paley (2007), the term distribution channel signifies ‘supply chains model’ or ‘value creation networks’. In this regard, it can be also stated that adequate distribution system can be segmented into two different categories such as acquisition of distribution and logistics, which usually used by the organisations to reduce operational time and for enhancing efficiency. Thus, through maintaining the appropriate structure of the distribution system, an organisation can influence the buying decisions of the customers within the fashion industry.

According to the viewpoint of Chevalier and Gutsatz (2012), brand management strategy is one of the key aspects through which organisations can spread their identity among the globe. In this context, the report of American Marketing Association (2014) mentioned that brand is a symbol, which usually creates an image on the customers mind in terms of product and/ or services. Thus, through emphasising on the brand management strategy, an organisation may ensure the retention of existing customers and it may also help to gain the attention of the new customers. In this context, Ling (2011) argued that effective brand management strategy can assist an organisation to influence the buying decisions during consumption of goods and/ or services within the fashion industry.       

In the modern era, the concept of marketing has changed drastically within the business organisations with the effect of globalisation. In this regard, Durmaz (2014) argued that now day’s consumers usually buy goods and/ or services with an aim of satisfying their needs and expectations. Moreover, it is also witnessed that during the consumption of goods and/ or services, consumers usually analyse certain factors for ensuring their needs as well as expectations. In this context, Nagarkoti (2009) argued that for satisfying the expectations and needs of consumers, modern organisations have highly emphasised towards identifying and understanding the buying behaviours of the consumer. Regarding this aspect, Durmaz (2014) claimed that through identifying and understanding the needs and expectations of the customers it is only possible to influence the buying decisions of the customers. In this regard, Nagarkoti (2009) believed that social factors, cultural factors, personal factors as well as psychological factors are the key constituents, through which it is possible to influence the buying behaviour of a consumer within the fashion industry.

Over the last 300 years, several scholars and management experts have conducted several researches on the buying decisions of the customers with an aim of identifying and understanding the factors, which can influence consumers buying decisions during the consumption of good and/ or services (Schiffman, 2010). Those theoretical models are discussed and illustrated below for better understanding. 

An Economic View

A Passive View

A Cognitive View

An Emotional View

According to the viewpoint of Schiffman (2010), these are the four key constituents of consumer behaviour models, through identifying and analysing these models organisations can influence the buying decision of a consumer during the consumption of goods and/ or services. Moreover, through understanding these factors, global organisations can predict the psychology of consumers during buying decision making.   

Economic view signifies that marketer has considered the economical viewpoint during the pricing of the product and/ or services. In this regard, it can be mentioned that during the buying of any specific goods and/ or services a consumer usually try to analyse the rationality regarding the pricing and the quality of the product and/ or services. Moreover, consumers also analyse the market condition of the goods and/or services by considering its position among the competitors. Thus, it can be stated that economic view is one of essential aspects, which can create an impact on the buying decisions of the consumers during consumption of goods and or services. In this regard, Schiffman (2010) argued that this economic view model also acknowledged as one of essential constituents, through which consumers can restrict their own existing habits and responses regarding consuming any specific product and/ or services. In this context, it can be mentioned that through which both consumers and marketers usually get benefited within the market.

Similarly, the passive view is also considered as one of the essential aspects that may also influence the buying decisions of the customers. According to the viewpoint of Schiffman (2010), irrational and impulsive consumers usually consume products due to the impact of the passive view model. In this regard, rationally it can be argued that irrational and impulsive buyers often influenced by markets due to the effect of sales promotion. In this context, most of the consumers make buying decisions due their impulsive viewpoint, rather than their needs towards the product. Schiffman (2010) also argued that in case of passive view model, consumers are eventually get manipulated by the marketers due to the effect of promotional activities.   

Cognitive view is can be referred as a specific approach of buyer, where during the consumption of goods buyer generally try to choose the product and/ or services based on the understanding of its critical analysis. In this regard, more specifically it can be stated that i.e. of cognitive view model buyer usually does not have the comfort of choosing goods based on gathering information about the product and/ or services, which can be considered as a cognitive view in case of identifying the buying behaviour (Schiffman, 2010). In this context, buyer also tries to choose the product with an aim of ensuring its own needs and requirements.

On the other hand, i.e. emotional view model, consumers usually make buying decisions due to the effect of high emotion as well as an impulse. According to the viewpoint of Schiffman (2010), i.e. emotional view model consumers more often make buying decisions for satisfying their mood and emotion. In this context, it can be stated that i.e. emotional view model, neither economic nor passive view comes into consideration while making the buying decision. At the same time, it can be also stated that consumers usually get encouraged or make buying decisions due to the effect of the shopping environment (Ghodeswar, 2008).

Based on the evidence of the varied literature, it is identified that adequate brand awareness may enhance the growth of an organisation in terms of profitability as well as market share. About this, it can be stated that adequate brand awareness can assist an organisation to influence the buying decisions of customers in an effective manner. Similarly, through creating a positive brand identity within the operative market, an organisation can enhance its command over the existing buyers. At the same time, it may also assist an organisation to attract its target consumers towards its fashion related products and/ or services (Dent, 2011). In this regard, more specifically it can be claimed that in case of fashion products an organisation should emphasise towards the publicity of its brand through concentrating on advertising as well as promotional activities, which may positively influence customers towards the brand for buying fashion products. Simultaneously, store image also plays an imperative role in a case of establishing brand recognition within the operating market, which may also assist an organisation to influence the buying decision during consumption within the fashion industry (Durmaz, 2014). In this regard, it can be stated that through developing the store facilities, fashion product marketers can attract more number of consumers amid the competitive market place. However, it is also identified that through developing the service quality an organisation can also influence the buying decisions of consumers (Johnson et al., 2007).

Simultaneously, effective marketing strategy can also help an organisation to maximise its profitability and revenue by accruing more number of customers. In this regard, more specifically it can be argued that sales promotion and effective advertising strategy may attract the attention of customers (Ghodeswar, 2008). On the other hand, through improving the merchandise management fashion products marketers can influence the buying decisions of consumers. Apart from this, purposeful pricing strategies can enhance the competitive advantages for a brand. Thus, it can be evidently asserted that incorporating appropriate pricing strategy may influence the buying decisions for customers within the fashion industry (Kolb, 2012). Similarly, market segmentation strategy is also one of the most crucial aspects of an organisation, through which fashion product marketers can attract the attention of its target audience. Thus, it can be also claimed that global fashion marketers should emphasise towards market segmentation strategies, according to the feature of the product, which may influence the buying decisions of consumers within the fashion industry (Kotler, 2009).

Additionally, based on the above study, it is also revealed that pricing the products and/ or services is one of the most crucial aspects for a fashion products marketer. In this regard, it is identified that most of the fashion product marketers used to produce similar kind of products along with same features and benefits (Orbrich and Windbergs, 2006). Thus, incorporating appropriate pricing strategy may enhance competitive advantages for a fashion product marketer and it may also assist in case of influence the buying decisions of consumers. Simultaneously, through incorporating appropriate distribution channel module, a fashion product manufacturer can enhance it’s operational efficiently, which will assist a fashion product marketer to maintain its structure as well as flow of distribution and it may also create a superior competitive position within the operating market by reducing the time and cost involvement. On the other hand, efficient distribution model may also assist a fashion product marketer to influence the buying decisions of consumers within the fashion industry, during the consumption of goods and/ or services (Solomon, 2006).

Based on the above study, it is identified that while analysing as well as determining the buying behaviours of the consumers, a fashion product marketer must identify the tastes as well as the preference of the consumers. In this regard, it is highly essential for a fashion product marketer to concentrate towards the needs and desires of the consumers for satisfying their expectation (Solomon, 2006). In this relation, it can be stated that a fashion product marketer should develop their respective brand identity by emphasising towards the brand awareness, quality of the product and/ or services and through enhancing the brand management strategies, which will assist a fashion product marketer to enhance its brand equity (Pandey et al., 2014). Simultaneously, it may also enhance brand loyalty among the consumers. In this context, based on the above stated evidences it can be argued that through identifying the psychological as well as connective thoughts of the consumers, a fashion product marketer can influence the buying decisions of consumers during the consumption of goods and/ or services within the fashion industry (Paley, 2007). On the other hand, through enhancing the strategic planning related aspects, a fashion product marketer can often impose profound impact on the buying behaviours as well as attitude of the customers (Beristain and Zorrilla, 2011). However, through concentrating on merchandising attributes and by providing adequate facilities to the consumers, a fashion product marketer can also grab the attention of the customers for a long term period and it also helps a fashion product marketer to retain its existing customers within the competitive business environment. Moreover, it can be also stated that through ensuring the customer satisfaction in terms of tangible as well as intangible factors, a fashion product marketer can influence the buying decisions of consumers within the fashion industry (Becker and Palmer, 2009).

In this regard, more specifically it can be stated that a fashion product marketer should emphasise towards its business competencies for reducing the problems of the customers during the consumption of goods and/ or services. Apart from this, through incorporating electronic payment gateway facility, a fashion product marketer can reduce the risk of customers and it may also ensure security for the customers, which may also drive success for a fashion product marketer (Ozer and Phillips, 2012). Simultaneously, it may also assist an organisation to influence the buying decisions of consumers. Additionally, through introducing new products and/ or services a fashion product marketer can attract the attention of consumers in an effective manner and it also helps marketers to influence the buying decisions of customers within the fashion industry (Baker, 2010).


From the previous discussion, it is revealed that consumers are often get influenced by the marketers during the consumption of goods and/ or services. In this regard, it is also revealed that an organisation always emphasise to analyse and identify the buying psychology of consumers for enhancing its profitability as well as market share, which may ensure growth and long-term sustainability. At the same time, based on the evidence of the academic literature it is identified that wide range of factors can influence the buying decision of a consumer i.e. making the buying decision of consumers within the fashion industry. In this relation, more evidently it is revealed that emotional influence, cognitive influence and passive influence may directly and indirectly manipulate the buying behaviours as well as attitude of consumers in case of consumption of good and/ or services.

Moreover, based on the study it is also revealed that large numbers of fashion product marketers have applied several strategies with an aim of influencing the buying decisions of customers. Thus, it can be also stated that understanding buyers’ psychology is quite an essential constituent for a business organisation. Thus, in order to conclude the topic it can be stated that for this particular assignment fashion product has been chosen as it has a wide range of products amid the global industries. Also, with that rationally it can be also claimed that in case of fashion product segment it is possible to identify and determine the influence of the marketers for identifying the buying behaviours of a wide range of consumers within the fashion industry.

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