Factors Impacting Job Satisfaction Among Employees In Bakers Delight Cherrybrook
HI6008 Business Research and Job Satisfaction
HI6008 Business Research and Job Satisfaction
The primary objective of undertaking the research will be:
Job satisfaction among the employees works as an important motivational factor for retention and the smooth functioning of the skilled workforce. Wong and Laschinger (2013) stated that job satisfaction is related to the design of the job profile and the workplace environment. The research will be undertaking an evaluation of Job satisfaction of employees in Bakers delight Cherrybrook. Bouckenooghe, Raja and Butt (2013) the delineation of the factors that supports the job satisfaction of the employees in different job profiles results to proficient functioning of the processes that are designed by the organization. On the other hand, Shaikh, Bhutto and Maitlo (2012) stated that the delineation of the psychological needs of the employees related to motivation and rewards for the job helps leaders in bringing forth modification in the processes for enhancing the rate of employee’s psychological capital. Xu, Zhong and Wang (2013) added that the concept of Leader-Member exchange helps an organization in understanding the communicational and motivational need of the employees while operating as per the organizational objectives.
The Primary objective of undertaking the research will be :
- To assess whether the employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook have Job satisfaction
The Secondary objectives of undertaking the research will be:
- To examine the manner in which late night shift affects the Job satisfaction in Bakers delight employees
- To assess the impact of flexible roaster on job satisfaction in Bakers Delight employees
- To study the work environment in Bakers delight and its impact on the Bakers delight employees
- To identify the role of management on Jab satisfaction of the employees
The research will contribute to the understanding of the different factors that supports employees’ job satisfaction. The research will study employees’ psychological capital in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook and thereby examine the aspects of job satisfaction in the same. The research will delineate different theories in order to identify the psychological needs of the employees. The research will develop different concepts relating to the intrinsic and extrinsic psychological needs of the employees resulting to job satisfaction of the same.
Job satisfaction of the employees is dependent on the design of the processes and the steps that are undertaken by the management for building collaboration in the workforce. Barakat et al. (2015) stated that the major factors that influence job satisfaction among the employees are dependent on the workplace environment and the relation with the superiors. The induction of positivity in the workplace helps in enhancing the rate of job satisfaction through minimization of stress and work overloads. The collaborative functioning of the employees with the management of the organization helps in enhancing the performance as well as job satisfaction. Deepa, Palaniswamy and Kuppusamy (2014) stated that the most prominent reason for employee turnover in organizations are dependent on the poor relation with the management. Horizontal communication among the employees and the management helps in enhancing the inter- trust and collaborative factors in the workplace. Sommer and Kulkarni (2012) stated that mutual trust and cooperation among the managers and the subordinates not only helps in improving the overall firm performance but also enhances the rate of job satisfaction among the employees.
The secondary objectives of undertaking the research will be:
Effective communication between the managers and the employees helps the same in maintaining the efficacy of the operations that are planned by the business. On the other hand, communication with the subordinates helps the management in identifying the issues that are faced by the individuals in a particular working environment and thereby mitigate the same. Davar and RanjuBala ( 2012) stated that 58% of the people are subjected to workplace bullying, which affects the job satisfaction. The identification of the issues and the mitigation of the same in the organizational context help a venture in enhancing the rate of employee motivation and job satisfaction. Therefore, effective communication with the employees helps the managers in minimizing the elements of distractions in the workforce. On the other hand, support and empowerment provided by the management helps in maintaining the efficacy of the operations that are undertaken by the workforce and enhancing the job satisfaction.
The enumeration of the leader–member exchange (LMX) theory helps in understanding the dyadic relationship between the leaders and the workforce (Gillet et al. 2013). The theory enumerates communication as a key component for identifying the issues that are faced by the workforce and mitigation of the same. However, Chen et al. (2012) opined that the workload and the lack of suitable career advancement options demotivates the employees and reduce the rate of job satisfaction. Employee’s Psychological Capital comprising of Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism (HERO) helps in identifying the job satisfaction that is retrieved by the employees while operating on different processes as per the objectives of the organization (Xu, Zhong and Wang 2013).
Bin (2015) stated that more than 5% of the employees resign from their posts due to the unfulfillment of the psychological needs of the same while operating in a workplace. On the other hand, Azanza, Moriano and Molero (2013) stated that the lack of proper remuneration or reward and recognition programs affects the psychological needs of the employees. The different changes that are undertaken by the management of an organization relating to the policies and regulations might also affect the interests of the employees resulting to a diminishing job satisfaction. On the other hand, the enhanced work load on the individual employees also affect the loyalty of the employees. For an instance, it has been reported that the excessive workload that is infested by Amazon on the workforce has resulted to the enhanced staff turnover rates (Brunetto et al. 2012).
Job satisfaction among the employees
Shaikh, Bhutto and Maitlo (2012) stated that the leaders empower the employees for enhancing the job satisfaction through induction of skills while coping with the challenges as per the job responsibility. Training and induction of the employees helps in maintaining the efficacy of the operations that are undertaken by the business. On the other hand, the enhancement of skills helps the employees in adapting to the different work cultures, which enhances the rate of job satisfaction. Vermeeren, Kuipers and Steijn (2014) stated in a research that most of the employees turn away from their job roles and resign due to the competencies that are faced by the same while performing the procedure. On the other hand, Edmans (2012) stated that the induction of the skills in the employees helps in enhancing the knowledge of the work process which enhances the job satisfaction and performance.
Reward and recognition programs help an organizational management in motivating the employees. Robertson, Gockel and Brauner (2012) stated that motivation of the employees helps in enhancing the rate of job satisfaction among the employees. Reward and recognition programs also help in ensuring the career growth of the individual deserving employees, which helps an organization in enhancing the job satisfaction among the employees. Bouckenooghe, Raja and Butt (2013) stated that about 27% of the employees resign from their respective posts due to saturations. Therefore, organizations undertake different appraisal programs in order to avoid saturations among the employees. It helps the organizations in improving the skills of the individual employees and minimizes the rate of turnover in the venture.
Ziegler, Hagen and Diehl (2012) stated that adaptability of the employees to different organizational situations helps in enhancing the job satisfaction among the same. Truxillo et al. (2012) reported that more than 74% employees fail to survive the different modifications that are planned by businesses for enhancing the profitability. In this relation, the adaptability of the employees to the different process or regulation changes in the organization helps in ensuring job satisfaction and self efficacy. Moreover, Fried et al. (2013) opined that the different challenges that are faced by the employees while operating in the respective job roles affect the potentialities of the organization through higher employee turnover rates. Enhanced adaptability of the employees to the different organizational situations helps in improving their skills. On the other hand, the enhanced knowledge of the processes assists the employees in facing different workplace challenges and mitigating the same.
The design of the job profile and the workplace environment
Job satisfaction essentially depends on the mentality and perception of the employees. Abbas et al. (2014) opined in a research that the professionals or the White Collar employees prefer challenges and expect recognition in contrast to Blue Collar employees who focus more on the remuneration provided by the organization for their job role. The differences in the approach of the employees give rise to a complex structure of employees’ psychological capital that contributes to job satisfaction. On the other hand, the design of the jobs also affects the job satisfaction among the employees. Job design integrates the factors like time duration of the job, responsibilities and procedure of undertaking the job. Thamrin (2012) stated that more than 67% of the employees resign from the BPO sectors due to the odd timings and responsibilities conferred on the same (Wood et al. 2012). The procedure in which the job is to be undertaken influences the job satisfaction among the employees. For an instance, a student of literature or science would not be interested to work in an environment, which does not provide enough scope of exploration for the candidate. Therefore, job design is one of the major factors that affect the job satisfaction among the candidates.
The rostering of the staff members is again an important concern that affects the job satisfaction among the employees. Shooshtarian, Ameli and Amini Lari (2013) stated that flexibility in rostering helps the organization in enhancing job satisfaction among the employees and thereby maximizes the productivity. On the other hand, the lack of flexibility in the roster affects the proper functioning of the workforce through disrupted work- life balance. Braun et al. (2013) stated that rostering significantly enhances the engagement of the employees in the processes that are planned by the organization as per the objectives of the same. Therefore, current organizations take the initiative of facilitating flexible rostering in order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the business venture.
The Primary research question will be:
- Do employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook have Job satisfaction?
The Secondary research question will be:
- Does late night shift affects the Job satisfaction in Bakers delight employees?
- Does flexible roaster impact job satisfaction in Bakers Delight employees?
- Can work environment in Bakers delight affect the Bakers delight employees?
- What is the role of management on Jab satisfaction of the employees?
HP– The employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook have Job satisfaction
HO– The employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook does not have Job satisfaction
Philosophy helps in enhancing the study through the utilization of effective research paradigm. In this connection, Positivism Philosophy will be applied to the study as it assists in examining the existence of reality by using scientifically proven techniques. The utilization of different scientific theories and models related to the employees’ psychology will help in enriching the study and thereby achieve an unbiased outcome. Identification of employees’ psychology will be assisting to identify the rate of job satisfaction among the people employed in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook.
The psychological needs of the employees related to motivation and rewards for the job
Identification of the Research approach helps in guiding the study towards the outcome of the same. In this connection, deductive approach will be undertaken for the study as it scrutinizes the available models and theories while delineating the psychological capital of the employees. The identification of the psychological capital will be helping to identify the different factors that correlate to job satisfaction in a given scenario. The utilization of deductive approach will be helping to enrich the research through the identification of the different factors relating to employees’ job satisfaction while operating in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook.
The research will be administering Explanatory design in order to portray the cause- effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables. As per the case, the explanatory research design will be enriching the study through the identification of the relationship between job satisfaction of employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook and the independent variables (late night shift timings, flexible roaster, working environment and the role of management). The identification of the factors that affects the employees’ job satisfaction will be helping to enumerate the psychological capital needs of the employees.
The variables that will be considered during the research are:
Dependent variable: Job satisfaction of employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook
Independent variable: Impact of Late night shift on Job satisfaction of the employees, flexible roaster, working environment and the role of management.
The research will be conducted through the utilization of mixed methods, as it will be enumerating primary and secondary sources for data collection. As for the primary data collection, qualitative semi- structured interviews will be conducted. The interview will be conducted among the employees in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook. The semi structured interview questionnaire will be undertaking a nominal method for collecting the consensus of employees relating to the independent variables chosen for the study. The responses will be collected and analyzed simultaneously in support of the research. Data will be interpreted through the utilization of different Excel applications, which will enrich the findings of the study.
On the other hand, the research will also undertake a secondary assessment of the different peer reviewed journals, websites, government publications, blogs and the like. It will assist in enhancing the research study through the assessment of different models and theories relating to employee’s psychological capital and the LMX. Wong and Laschinger (2013) stated that the induction of models and theories in the research helps in strengthening the foundation of the study while portraying a disruption. On the other hand, the enumeration of different theories will help in supporting and validating the findings of the research that is collected through the qualitative interviews undertaken during the research.
Leader-Member exchange
The research will be primarily based on the qualitative interviews aimed at the employees working in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook. The research will be utilizing the stratified sampling where the employees will be divided into groups based on the type of employees. Stratified sampling will be helping to differentiate between the psychologies of the employees and thereby present the interview questionnaire. The segregation of the groups in the stratified sampling will helps in identifying the differences in the psychologies and expectations of the employees relating to the job’s time, roster, working environment and the role of management. The research will be undertaken on the basis of interviewing 6 employees working in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook. The six employees will be selected from the different departments ensuing that the research could be undertaken through the utilization of stratified sampling.
The reliability and validity of the data that is being collected through the semi structured interviews and the secondary sources are dependent on the unbiased approach which is being introduced during the data collection. The research will be utilizing relevant data from the online sources like websites and peer reviewed journals. On the other hand, the utilization of Excel applications during the data processing and analysis will be helping to ensure the validity of the data.
The research might be limited by biased responses of the respondents in the semi- structured interviews. On the other hand, the authentication of the secondary sources from which data is being collected might not be validated. It might affect the outcome of the study as per the concerns. The research developed an insight of the different factors that might lead to job satisfaction. However, the research will not provide empirical evidence of the quantity of employees who are affected through the changes in the management structure or processes.
Therefore, from the above research it might be stated that the study would outline the different factors that influence job satisfaction among the employees. The study will enumerate different theories through an evaluation of data from the secondary sources in order to identify the rate of job satisfaction among the employees working in Bakers Delight Cherrybrook. Therefore, the semi structured interview that will be conducted during the research study will help in gaining the consensus of the employees while understanding the concerns and expectations of the same.
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Factors that influence job satisfaction among the employees
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