Factors Contributing To Customer Satisfaction At Pizza Hut Pukekohe
Research Aims and Objectives
Discuss about the Extrinsic Attributes of Product Quality System.
This research program has been executed on the topic “What factors create customer satisfaction and how to further improve those factors”. Customer satisfaction is an important aspect of every business as the chances of success and growth of the business are dependent on the satisfaction level among the customers. The goal of the organizations is to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers (Jacob, et. al., 2014). Customer satisfaction is dependent on the capability of the business in meeting the needs or expectations of the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe is focusing on providing quality products for the purpose of meeting the expectations of the customers by offering better quality products (Salmi, 2011).
This research has been executed with a motive to gather the data related to the concept of customer satisfaction, advantages attached with the increasing customer satisfaction, factors helping Pizza Hut Pukekohe in creating customer satisfaction and the manner in which effectiveness of these factors can be enhanced. Data related to the research topic is to be gathered with the application of different approaches or methods. Recommendations have been provided which can be used by Pizza Hut Pukekohe for the purpose of enhancing the customer satisfaction and generating the desired outcomes.
Research aims define the outcomes or the goals which need to be attained with the execution of this research program. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors which form the basis for the success of the business. This research has been executed with an aim to develop the knowledge of the concept of customer satisfaction. This research will gather data related to the various factors which help in the creation of customer satisfaction. This research program will provide knowledge of the measures which will help in enhancing the effectiveness of the factors creating customer satisfaction.
Research objectives are formulated with a motive to guide the efforts of the research in the right direction. Research objectives formulated in this research program are stated below:
- To gain knowledge of the concept of customer satisfaction and analyze the importance of customer satisfaction for the business.
- To analyze the benefits of increasing customer satisfaction to the business.
- To analyze the factors which will result in the creation of satisfaction among the customers of Pizza Hut Pukekohe.
- To identify the measures or ways which can be used for implementing these factors in a better manner for enhancing the effectiveness of the factors creating customer satisfaction.
Research questions are formed with a motive to form a base for the data collection process. Customer satisfaction is a general concept which plays a vital role for every business. Data related to the research topic has to be gathered for the purpose of execution of the research successfully. Research questions for this research program are:
- What is the importance of customer satisfaction for a business?
- Which factors results in the creation of satisfaction among the customers of Pizza Hut Pukekohe?
- What the benefits associated with the increased customer satisfaction to Pizza Hut Pukekohe?
- Which measures can be adopted by Pizza Hut Pukekohe for improving the effectiveness of the factors creating customer satisfaction?
Variety of approaches or methods will be used for the purpose of collection of the information related to the topic of the research. These approaches or methods are defined below:
Variety of Approaches or Methods for Data Collection
Research method: mixed research method has been chosen from the various alternatives available. Different methods are available and these methods have been analyzed for the selection of the appropriate method. The mixed method applies qualitative and quantitative methods for the attainment of the desired outcomes (Wilson, 2016). The mixed method ensures collection of quality data for the research which enhances the quality of the research executed (Östlund, et. al., 2011).
Research philosophy: interpretivism research philosophy will be adopted for the execution of this research program. This philosophy adopts humanistic qualitative methods for the assembling of required data (Winit-Watjana, 2016). This research philosophy places its focus on the humanistic qualitative methods for the assembling of the primary and secondary data. Knowledge of the different aspects of the research program will be developed with the help of this philosophy.
Research approach: analysis of the different research approaches have been made so as to choose the appropriate approach. Research approach which has been selected with a motive to collect data for this research program is the deductive approach. The deductive approach has been chosen. Deductive approach develops knowledge regarding the general as well as specific aspects related to the research (DeValut, 2017).
Research strategy: an explanatory research strategy has been chosen for this research project. This research strategy has been chosen. This strategy guides the efforts in the right direction and gathering the required data for meeting the objectives and research questions formulated in the research (Matta, 2015).
Data collection: for the purpose of assembling of the data related to the research, primary and secondary data will be gathered. Primary data will be gathered with the help of a questionnaire as it will ensure collection of raw form of data. Primary data is raw form of data which is specifically collected for the research (Ting & Sandel, 2016). Secondary data will be gathered with the help of internet sources which will provide second-hand data. Secondary data is the second hand data collected by others for their research (Edirisingha, 2012).
Techniques: random sampling technique will be applied for the purpose of selection of the samples for executing the data analysis process. This technique has been chosen so as to select the samples for the analysis process in a fair manner. Random sampling technique allocates equal chance to every data of getting chosen for forming a part of data analysis process (Kulshreshtha, 2013).
Resources required for the research: different resources will be required for performing the research successfully. These resources include time, human resource, financial resource, and knowledge.
Resources Required for the Research
Research timeframe: research program will be divided into different activities so as to ensure that research is completed successfully.
Limitations: Limitations need to be identified and dealt effectively for the execution of the research successfully. These limitations which can affect the research include lack of sufficient financial resource, shortage of time and lack of access to data.
Targeted participants: data collection will be done with the use of primary and secondary sources of data collection. Primary data will be assembled with the use of a questionnaire which will be distributed to the employees and customers of Pizza Hut Pukekohe. Secondary data will be assembled from the internet sources including, websites of the organizations, articles, journals, and notifications.
Ethical considerations: during the execution of the research, principle of confidentiality, honesty, and fairness will be followed for ensuring execution of the research in a proper manner.
In the words of Kursunluoglu (2014), the term customer satisfaction can be defined as the capability of the organization in satisfying the needs of the customers. Customer satisfaction results in developing loyalty among the customers which contributes to the success and profitability of the company. For the attainment of the objectives of the organization, it needs to consider the satisfaction level among the customers. Different customers react differently and for attracting the customers, there is a need to analyze the needs of the customers. This analysis of the needs or expectations of the customers helps in taking initiatives for satisfying the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to use three factors which will help in contributing towards customer satisfaction. These three factors include attentiveness, helpfulness, and responsiveness (Peng, et. al., 2015).
According to Rubera & Kirca (2017), competition in the business environment is increasing which can affect the customer base of the organization. Close substitutes of the products are available in the market which affects the sales of the business. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to satisfy the customers for the purpose of coping with the increasing competition and enhancing the sales of the business. Satisfied customers promote the products or services offered by the business. This approach will help in the reduction in the cost of the business and enhancement in the performance of the business (Fellx, 2017). Dissatisfaction among the customers can affect the growth and performance of the organization at large. The main motive of every organization is to earn profits by meeting the needs of the customers. This motive can be fulfilled with the help of focusing on customer satisfaction (Sharmin, 2012).
Targeted Participants and Ethical Considerations
Companies are adopting a customer-oriented approach for the purpose of dealing with the increasing competition. The focus of the business is on enhancing the quality of the products or services with a motive to satisfy the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe can identify the potential market opportunities by satisfying the customers. Services or products are being offered by the business for enhancing the experience of the customers (DeNucci, 2011). Customer satisfaction is not a new customer. Organisations adopt customer satisfaction process for the identification of the needs of the customers, taking steps for fulfilling these needs and analyzing the reaction of the customers towards the steps taken for fulfilling the needs of the customers (Jasmand, et. al., 2012). Customer satisfaction process of an organization include different steps and these steps include recognition of the need, initiating search process of the information, evaluation of the pre-purchase alternative, purchase, consumption, and divestment (Rekila, 2013).
According to Lim (2010), there are various factors responsible for the decrease in the customer satisfaction. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to consider these factors for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the business. These factors include increasing competition, availability of chose substitutes, low quality of the products or services, high pricing policy of the business, negative attitude of the employees towards the customers and non-availability of the services or products for the consumption by the customers (Satya, 2011). All these factors need to be considered by Pizza Hut Pukekohe so as to eliminate the adverse impact of these factors and enhance the performance of the business. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to focus on the quality of the products or services, maintaining the prices of the products as per the income level of the customers and enhancing the attitude of the employees towards the customers. These approaches will help in enhancing the satisfaction level among the customers (Rajput, et. al., 2012).
Pizza Hut Pukekohe has taken customer friendly initiatives for meeting the expectations of the customers. Prices of the products are offered are affordable and can be paid by the customers. Local products are offered at different outlets for meeting the needs of the local people. Market research has been carried out for the collection of data related to the choice and taste of the customers (Shaharudin, et. al., 2011). These initiatives have helped Pizza Hut Pukekohe in enhancing the satisfaction level and customer base of the chain.
Factors that Affect Customer Satisfaction
The existence of the business is dependent on the customer base of the business. Every organization needs to treat the customers fairly for enhancing their satisfaction level. Customers of the business help in enhancing the profits, sales and developing a reputation of the business in the competitive business environment. Customer satisfaction acts as a measure which can be used for the analysis of the needs and expectations of the customers and deliver quality products or services to the customers (Malik & Ghaffor, 2012). In the dynamic business environment, customer satisfaction is an essential element for the success of the business. Customer satisfaction is considered as a key for the creation of the long-term relationship with the customers of the business. The impact of customer satisfaction can be seen on the loyalty and publicity of the products or services offered by the business. Pizza Hut Pukekohe can cope with the increasing competition with the adoption of strategies for satisfying the needs and expectations of the customers (Lin & Wu, 2011).
There are various factors which help in the creation of customer satisfaction level. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to consider these factors for creating satisfaction among the customers of the organization. These factors include quality of the products or services offered, time involved in the delivery of the products or services, attitude or behaviour of the employees towards the customers and their work, environment at the outlets of the business, taste and hygiene factors, customer support services offered by the business, prices of the products, availability of the substitutes, location of the outlets of the business and experience gained by the customers (Azadavar, et. al., 2011).
Quality of the products or services offered affects the attitude of the customers towards the products or services offered by the business. Every organization must focus on providing quality products or services. Time involved in the delivery of the products or services also affects the attitude of the customers as delay in the delivery of the products results in a decrease in the satisfaction level of the customers. Quick delivery enhances the customer satisfaction level. Attitude or behavior of the employees towards the customers and their work also affects the customer satisfaction level. Employees of the organizations must communicate or interact with the customers effectively and positively so as to enhance the experience gained by them. The environment of the outlets of the business also affects the satisfaction level of the customers (Teng & Kuo, 2011). Pizza Hut Pukekohe ensures that the environment at the outlet is maintained so as to satisfy the customers. The positive environment of the outlet attracts the customers towards the Pizza Hut Pukekohe.
Importance of Customer Satisfaction in Business
In the words of Seung (2012), taste and hygiene factors of the food products and environment of the outlet are helpful in satisfying the customers of the business. Customers nowadays are more conscious towards their health and prefer hygienic products. Customer support services offered by the business enhance the satisfaction level of the customers as customers feel that their queries or issues are being heard and dealt by the organization effectively. Prices of the products also affect the choice of the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to analyze the pricing policies of the competitors for setting effective prices of the products so as to attract the customers.
There are different alternatives available in the market (Sienny & Serli, 2010). Availability of the substitutes can affect the customer base of Pizza Hut Pukekohe. Location of the outlet also affects the satisfaction level of the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe is located at a convenient place which is in the reach of the customers. This factor has contributed towards enhancement in the customer satisfaction level. Experience gained by the customers is dependent on the quality of the products or services, prices and various other factors (Shaharudin, et. al., 2011). Pizza Hut Pukekohe must ensure that customers are gaining a quality experience.
An organization can adopt enhance the effectiveness of the factors responsible for the creation of customer satisfaction in different ways. These ways need to be adopted by Pizza Hut Pukekohe for the purpose of increasing satisfaction level of the customers. Ways or measures which can be used for improving the effectiveness of above discussed factors include focus on the quality of the products or services offered, providing training to the employees for enhancing their attitude towards the customers, taking feedback from the customers, offering products to people of different income groups, conducting surveys for the analysis of the taste, preference and trend and providing training to the employees for reducing wastage of time (Shaharudin, et. al., 2010).
Pizza Hut Pukekohe can focus on the quality of the products or services offered so as to ensure that the quality products are being delivered to the customers. Quality of the products or services needs to be maintained as it determines the choice of the customers. Training to the employees can be provided for enhancing their attitude towards the customers. Training sessions will ensure that employees are treating customers positively and fairly. This will help in enhancing the experience gained by the customers. Feedbacks from the customers can be taken by the organization for the identification of the issues or the problems which are affecting the satisfaction level of the customers. These issues need to be resolved within the short span of time for enhancing satisfaction level (Ryu, et. al., 2012).
Customer-Oriented Approach and Market Opportunities
Different products can be offered to people of different income groups. This approach will help in attracting the customers of different income groups and enhancing the customer base of the organization by satisfying the needs of the customers. Surveys can be conducted for the analysis of the taste, preference, and trend. This will help in providing products or services as per the need or expectation of the customers. Training to the employees for reducing wastage of time can be provided. This will help in the quick delivery of the products or services to the customers (Ryu & Han, 2010).
In the words of Azadavar, et. al. (2011), customer satisfaction can be explained as the marketing term which helps in measuring the level of effectiveness of the products or services offered by the business meets the expectations of the customers. Measurement of the customer satisfaction is an important aspect which helps in determining the performance of the business. Pizza Hut Pukekohe can measure the satisfaction level among the customers for the measurement of the performance of the organization. There are various benefits associated with the increasing customer satisfaction. These benefits associated with the increasing customer satisfaction include enhanced customer base of the organisation, enhancement in the sales of the business, increase the profits of the business, better growth opportunities to the business, competitive advantage over the others in the industry, works as a marketing tool, loyalty among the customers, retaining existing customers, attracting new customers, good reputation in the market and indicator of success of the business (Malik & Ghaffor, 2012).
Increasing customer satisfaction level can result in an enhancement of the customer base of the organization. Increase in the satisfaction level of the customers helps in enhancing the customer base of the organization. Pizza Hut Pukekohe can enhance the sales of the organization with the increase in the satisfaction level among the customers. Increase in the profits of the business is another advantage associated with the increasing customer satisfaction. Pizza Hut Pukekohe can attain higher sales by contributing to the satisfaction level among the customers. Increasing customer satisfaction can provide better growth opportunities to the business (Teng & Kuo, 2011). This will contribute to the better future prospects for Pizza Hut Pukekohe. Enhanced customer satisfaction provides a competitive advantage to Pizza Hut Pukekohe over the others in the industry.
When organizations satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers, then this enhances the loyalty among the customers. Customer satisfaction and loyalty among the customers are directly proportional to each. Increase in one aspect results in an increase in the later aspect and vice-versa. Customer satisfaction works as a marketing tool as it helps in promoting the products offered by Pizza Hut Pukekohe. For the promotion of the products offered by the business, there is a need to provide quality products. For the purpose of retaining existing customers, there is a need to satisfy the needs or demands of the customers. Increase in customer satisfaction will help Pizza Hut Pukekohe in retaining the existing customers and attracting new customers. A positive reputation in the market is created by satisfying the needs or expectations of the customers. Customer satisfaction acts as a true indicator of the success of the business (Shaharudin, et. al., 2011).
Thus, from the above discussion, it can be stated that Pizza Hut Pukekohe has taken initiatives for the enhancement in the satisfaction level of the customers. This research has been conducted with a motive to identify the factors which help in the creation of satisfaction among the customers of the business. During the execution process of this research program, it has been analyzed that customer satisfaction determines the future of the business. There is a positive relationship between the customer satisfaction and performance of the business. Quality of the services or products is the main determinant of the level of customer satisfaction among the customers.
Pizza Hut Pukekohe has to take steps for enhancing the customer satisfaction. Strategies need to be implemented for the contributing to the satisfaction level of the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to maintain a healthy relationship with the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe needs to consider the issues faced by the customers for enhancing their satisfaction level. There are various benefits attached with the increasing satisfaction level of customers. A Higher level of customer satisfaction will result in enhanced performance of Pizza Hut Pukekohe. There is a need to enhance the effectiveness of the factors adopted for creating satisfaction among the customers.
Recommendations are the set of suggestions proposed for enhancing the actions of the business. Pizza Hut Pukekohe is performing well and is ensuring the delivery of the quality products for meeting the expectations of the customers and satisfying them. This has contributed to the enhanced performance and enhanced the customer base of Pizza Hut Pukekohe. Few recommendations have been made which can be used by Pizza Hut Pukekohe for enhancing the customer satisfaction level.
Quality standards can be set for the purpose of ensuring the quality of the food products offered and quality of the services offered. Quality of the services or products offered is one of the most important factors which determine the satisfaction level of the customers. Pizza Hut Pukekohe will be able to satisfy the needs and expectations by setting standards for quality. Employees of Pizza Hut Pukekohe will be focusing on the quality of the products and services.
A quality control team can be set up along with a customer support team so as to ensure the quality of the services and products as well as collecting feedbacks and resolving the issues or problems faced by the customers. Quality control team will focus on the performance of every employee so as to ensure the quality of the service offered. Customer support team will conduct surveys or gather feedbacks which will help in identifying the issues affecting customer satisfaction.
The product range offered by Pizza Hut Pukekohe can be extended or new and innovative food products can be offered for the purpose of attracting the customers of different income groups and satisfying their expectations and needs. Expansion of the product range will enhance the customer base and will help Pizza Hut Pukekohe in meeting the expectations of the customers belonging from different income groups.
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