Factors Affecting Waiting Time In Banks: A Quantitative Study

Purpose of the Study

Discuss about the Assessing Factors Affecting Waiting Time In Banks.

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Business organizations are seeking the help of mobile applications to deliver their services to the customers. Mobile integrations have been helping to maintain the growth of banks in the country [1]. The use of line management in the bank has been making a different approach to develop the banks in the market. Organizational behavior has been an important factor for the growth of the business in the market.

The research focuses on the factors affecting the waiting time in banks. The research identifies all the factors and elements that might affect the waiting time in banks. The research will use a proper methodology using the quantitative approach. Data will be collected from primary sources. Data analysis will be done using the quantitative data analysis method.

The problem in the research is the hardships faced by the customers in banks regarding waiting time. Therefore, waiting time has been creating a rush in the bank.  Therefore, the customers have to wait for a long time for their chances for receiving services. These waiting times impose a negative experience among customers.Purpose of the study

The purpose of the research is to identify the factors affecting waiting time in the banks.  There are various factors affecting waiting time in banks including the branch size, desk type, availability of meters and working hours. The problems that cause the customers to face such delays in service in the banks will be discussed in this research. The purpose of the study is to maintain a proper strategy for minimizing the waiting time in the bank.

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The objectives of the research are as follows:

  • To identify factors affecting waiting time in bank
  • To identify challenges faced by the bank due to high waiting time
  • To replicate these challenges using different strategies in the bank

Following are research questions:

  • What are the factors affecting waiting time in bank?
  • What challenges are faced by the bank due to higher waiting time?
  • How these challenges can be replicated by the bank?

Banks have the responsibility to preserve the monetary fund of the general mass and therefore form an essential organization for customers in the society. Therefore, waiting time in banks is an important factor that affects the growth of a bank. It has been found that often the customers have to wait in the bank for availing their services.  Therefore, this creates frustration and depression among the customers at a bank [2]. The maintenance of the banks depends on different factors that are previously mentioned. Bank managers can be held responsible for managing the waiting and queuing time for the customers at bank.  It is the duty of a manager to focus on the satisfaction of customers at banks. The growth of the banks depends on gaining new customers and retaining old ones. Customer satisfaction is an important tool in the growth of banks.  The waiting time provided to a customer depends on the success of the bank in the market.

Objectives of the Research

There are various factors affecting the waiting time in banks. The factors include the size of the branch, types of desks that are present in the branch, the types of services that are being provided, and the availability of extended working hours [3]. The branch size also affects waiting time for the customers at bank. If the branch size is small, number of employees would be less. Therefore, the customers would have to wait a longer time for their turn.  On the other hand, if the branch size is big, the number of employees in the bank would automatically be more. The customers would have to wait for a comparatively smaller time in the queue. Therefore, it can be noticed that branch size creates a direct impact on the waiting time in bank [4]. The desk type maintains the service department of a bank. Customers have to reach the desk for getting help regarding their queries in bank. Therefore, the bank clerk has to be more active in order to attend the maximum of customers at a time. This would be able to help increasing the efficiency of employees in banks [4]. This strategy would help in reducing the waiting time in banks as most of the customers would be able to clear their query in lesser amount of time.

The type of services provided by the bank helps in informing customers about the withdrawal and deposit of cash in the bank. Therefore, the service efficiency would help in minimizing the queuing time of customers at bank. The working hours of employee affects the waiting time in banks. Employees need to increase their efficiency in order to maintain the speed of working and providing services to the customers in the bank [5]. Waiting time in banks has been creating various unfavorable circumstances for the customers at bank.  The line management in banks helps in maintaining the waiting time for the customers in the bank.  The use of line management helps in maintaining different managerial and operational works in the meantime.

Research methodology is an important part of the research that helps in linking the problem factors with scientific processes related to the research topic. This research would use quantitative approach for the proceedings in the study [6].  The researcher will maintain a proper data gathering technique in the research that would help in acquiring the required data and information for the study.

Research design

Factors Affecting Waiting Time in Banks

Research design in this case is of three types, including explanatory, exploratory and descriptive research design. Exploratory research design explores about the factors affecting the waiting time in the bank. Explanatory research design is the methodology for analyzing the situation with the help of the research questions [7]. The researcher will use descriptive research design in order to maintain a proper outline of the research.  The descriptive research design accesses the in-depth research of the factors affecting the waiting time in banks. 

Data Types and Sources

There are two types of data and information in the research. These are the primary data and the secondary data. The research would use the primary data as raw data for the study. The data sources are dependent on the type of selected in the research [8]. Therefore, the researcher will use online survey for collecting primary data related to the research topic.

Data Gathering techniques

The data gathering techniques are of two types. These are, primary data gathering method and secondary data gathering method.  The primary data gathering is used for collecting data form surveys. The secondary data gathering method is used for collecting secondary data from online journals, articles, books and government databases [9].  Therefore, the researcher will use the primary data gathering method in this case. Online survey will be conducted for data gathering process. Survey questionnaire will be created in order to organize online survey.  There will be 10 close ended survey questions in the survey questionnaire.  The sample size for the survey will include 50 employees of a bank.  Then, the answers of these participants will be gathered as the data for research. The sample size has been selected by using techniques that are simple and random [10]. The survey questions are related to the objectives and research questions initiated at first.

Data Analysis and interpretation

Data analysis can be categorized in two types, such as, quantitative and qualitative data analysis [11]. Quantitative data analysis deals with the primary data collected from online surveys conducted before. Data and information collected from survey questionnaires are then analyzed properly. The qualitative data analysis method is used for analyzing secondary data collected from online journals, articles, books and government databases [12].  Therefore, the researcher will use quantitative data analysis method for analyzing data and information collected from the online survey.  The use of Likert scale range 1 to 5 will be used for analyzing data and information collected from online survey.  The use of graphs, charts and tables will help in better presentation of outcomes and results.

Task Name





60 days

Wed 8/1/18

Tue 10/23/18

   Selection of the Topic

5 days

Fri 6/29/18

Thu 7/5/18

Gathering of Data from secondary sources

7 days

Fri 7/6/18

Mon 7/16/18

   Preparing the layout

8 days

Sun 7/15/18

Tue 7/24/18

      Review of Literature

5 days

Wed 7/25/18

Tue 7/31/18

      Developing plan for the research

8 days

Wed 8/1/18

Fri 8/10/18

   Selecting appropriate techniques for research

24 days

Sat 8/11/18

Wed 9/12/18

Gathering of Secondary data

14 days

Thu 8/30/18

Tue 9/18/18

      Data Analysis & Interpretation

10 days

Wed 9/19/18

Tue 10/2/18

   Findings and Discussion

15 days

Wed 10/3/18

Tue 10/23/18

      Conclusion to the study

2 days

Wed 10/3/18

Thu 10/4/18

      Preparing Rough Draft

6 days

Fri 10/5/18

Fri 10/12/18

      Completion of Final Work

7 days

Mon 10/15/18

Tue 10/23/18

Table 1: Timeline

(Source: Created by Author)


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