Factors Affecting Psychological Wellbeing Of Turkish Migrants In London

Significance of Self-Efficacy, Finance, Language and Culture

The ANOVA test helps in finding out the significant difference between the grouped means in a statistical manner. It can be seen that the value of p=.004, which is less than 0.05. This shows that there is a statistical significance between the well-being of the Turkish migrants in London with respect to self-efficacy, finance, language and culture.

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From the coefficient table it can be stated that the total p value for self-efficacy has come to 0.001, which is less than 0.05 and is significant to the well-being of the Turkish migrants that are present in London. The p value of the language has come to be 0.754, which is more than the minimum value of 0.05. This shows that there is no statistical significance between the language and the Turkish migrants living in London. With respect to the financial part, it can be stated that the p value has come to 0.860, which is more than the value of 0.05. This shows that finance does not affect the Turkish migrants in the country. The value of the culture of the Turkish migrants has come to be 0.105 which is more than 0.05 and thus have no significance.

It can be stated that the cumulative significance is present with respect to the well-being of the Turkish migrants in London. This is due to the fact that the single variables are not significant to the dependent variable and collectively that have an impact on the well-being of the migrants that are coming to London. Therefore, it can be stated that the Turkish migrants in London are living properly, as they maintain their own culture and are financially stable as well.

In the literature review, it has been stated that the Turkish immigrants who are presently living in the UK are separated from their society, which has given rise to higher rate of unemployment and clustering of the residential areas. They also lack the skills to speak English, which is a basic form of communication in the country. This has led the Turkish migrants to be traumatized in living under the new conditions.

However from the analysis it can be seen that the level of self-efficacy, self-esteem, financial condition and culture are significant to the well-being of the Turkish migrants. The initial struggles of the Turkish community living in the country is huge and once they get accustomed to the culture and norms of the country, it helps them in living under proper conditions.

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Analysis of ANOVA Test Results

The well-being of the people can be measured through the level of success that they have within the society and the manner in which they can meet their needs and demands in an efficient way. This helps the persons to remain content, as their needs are being fulfilled by the society. Language is a problem for the Turkish immigrants, as they are not accustomed with the English language that is widely spoken in all parts of the United Kingdom. This is due to the fact that they are able to communicate in their native language, which makes it difficult to identify their wants and demands in the market.

The self-esteem of the migrants also get improved on the level of satisfaction that they get in staying under the present condition in the country. It also helps in understanding the rate at which their demands are fulfilled so that it can help them in satisfying their wants. Migration also hampers the level of comfort among the people, as they are pushed out of their comfort level and have to live under the conditions that may affect their psychological well-being. The country is also suffering from less number of houses, as the immigrant level has increased, which has resulted in the shortage of houses.  

The analysis has also shown that there is a statistical relationship between the culture, language, self-esteem, self-efficacy and financial condition that affects the well-being of the Turkish immigrants who are residing in London. Most of them have found reasonable jobs that has helped them in increasing their level of satisfaction and leading a better life. The problem in the language also hampers the ability to communicate, which makes it difficult for them in going for regular check-ups. This affects the mental health of the immigrants and results in low self-esteem. The level of efficiency with respect to the duties and responsibilities among the Turkish people is also reduced due to the factor that they are not able to communicate with the employees or employers in a proper manner. This results in high level of frustration among them, which is also reflected on their well-being.

The financial condition of the immigrants are also a factor that creates an impact on their well-being. When the people are able to satisfy their needs and demands, it helps them in increasing the level of well-being as well, as they are able to meet their demands. The well-being of the immigrant is increased when they have a stable financial income that will help them in fulfilling their demands and wants. Thus the analysis has shown that there is a significance between the well-being of the immigrants in London with respect to finance, culture, self-efficacy and language.

Literature Review on Turkish Migrants in the UK

Reliability test has been performed to check the consistency of the data. Reliability is the concept that represents the extent to which a data generates consistent results, even if the calculations or measurements are performed repeatedly for a number of times. In this analysis, the proportion of the systematic variation in a dataset or scale is obtained through the association between the observations, attained from different administrations of the datasets or scale. In other words, reliability analysis is performed to check whether the measure or testing process adopted for studying the phenomenon, generates similar outcomes under different circumstances. Highly reliable statistic indicates that the outcome of the tests will be reproducible, almost precise and consistent from one testing situation to another (Lewis & Loewenthal, 2015). Reliability tests are of four types, namely, test-retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, inter-method reliability and internal consistency reliability. In the study of the Turkish migrants in London, the internal consistency reliability test was performed.

The internal consistency reliability test examines the consistency of the results across the observations within a dataset. In other words, internal consistency measures the correlations between several items on the same test, that is, it measures the reliability of the summated scale, in which several items or observations are summed up to produce a total score (Vaske, Beaman, & Sponarski, 2017). Cronbach’s alpha is used to measure the internal consistency of the data.  A score of 0.7 and greater for Cronbach’s alpha is a good and acceptable score of reliability.

In the given study, the internal consistency reliability test was executed on the 6 different types of variables separately. The individual reliability was measured to find out whether the questions on different items, that is, self-esteem, well-being, self-efficacy, language, finance, social culture and the total values, would be able to produce consistent results across different testing situations. Thus, 6 Cronbach’s alpha tables were generated by using SPSS version 20.

Regarding self-esteem of the Turkish migrants, the alpha value is 0.570, which is slightly less than 0.7. As per the rule of thumb for Cronbach’s alpha results, this score indicates poor internal consistency for the observations related to self-esteem. In other words, the survey questions will generate poor and inconsistent result each time for different sample sets. The questions need to be reframed with less ambiguity, which could produce consistent results repeatedly.

For the variable well-being, the alpha score is 0.521, which is again much less than the acceptable score of 0.7. Similar to the self-esteem score, this again indicates poor internal consistency for the survey results on well-being.

Importance of Well-being and its Measurement

The survey collected information on 23 items under self-efficacy. The Cronbach’s alpha value is 0.640, indicating a questionable score.

Under the language segment, the reliability score is 0.808, indicating a good score. The score for the finance related questions is 0.494, representing an unacceptable score and for the items on social culture is 0.587, again indicating a poor score. Thus, it can be said that, the questions measuring the factors of language are framed quite unambiguously and hence will be able to generate almost accurate and consistent results across different testing circumstances or for different sample sets, but that is not the case for finance and social culture. 

The Cronbach’s alpha table represents highly diverse values. The concepts of self-esteem, well-being, and self-efficacy are highly dependent on the psychology and perceptions of the Turkish migrants, while the other three factors, that is, language, finance and social culture are more factual, or dependent on reality. Psychological aspects or ideas are different to each individual and those also change as the circumstances change. Hence, it can be inferred from the Cronbach’s alpha results that these questions on psychological aspects can generate different outcomes in different situations as people may have different views at that particular time or context. On the other hand, since, the language has a preset or predetermined context, it is highly possible that different sample sets of Turkish migrants would have almost similar views to it and as those are mostly fact based, there is not much scope for variations. However, finance related matters are highly personal and the responses would vary among different sets of participants. Hence, the survey outcome will not be consistent under different circumstances. Regarding the social culture related questions, Turkish migrants would have different views as there are significant cultural differences in the UK from their own culture. Hence, it is quite possible that the test results will be inconsistent in different circumstances. Thus, the finding from the overall test infers that regarding the psychological aspects of the Turkish migrants, the difference in culture would bring significant impact on self-esteem and self-efficacy, which would influence their well being, although to get more consistent data on the factual aspects, such as, finance, the questions need to be designed with less ambiguity.


Lewis, C. A., & Loewenthal, K. (2015). An introduction to psychological tests and scales. Psychology Press.

Vaske, J. J., Beaman, J., & Sponarski, C. C. (2017). Rethinking internal consistency in Cronbach’s Alpha. Leisure Sciences, 39(2), 163-173.

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