Factors Affecting Market Demand: Income, Tariff, And Inflation Rate

Economic Theories and Concepts

The future of any business depends on economic scenario in the nation. The state of economic condition subject to performance of different macroeconomic variables. Before taking location decision, any business needs to evaluate the micro and macroeconomic state of the nation (Erasmus, Strydom & Rudansky-Kloppers, 2016). After price, income is the most significant determinant of demand. The national income helps to determine aggregate demand in the economy. The level of aggregate demand influences the movement of price which is captured by the inflation rate. Trade balance is another determinant of aggregate demand. The balance of trade depends on export earnings and cost of import. A tariff makes import expensive by imposing additional tax on imports. High tariff rate discourages import demand.  

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Schmeckt Gut plans to launch it Besser energy bar in Atollia within the next few months. The market analysis has been conducted on different factors that might influence the business. These factors include average income of people in Atolia, number of stores where energy bars are offered and rate of tariff on imports from Industria. The present report summarizes the result of this market analysis to address different projection regarding income, tariff and inflation rate. Projection has been made on the demand for energy bars based on these three determinants factors. 

The average income or per capita income is an important factor affecting demand for any commodity. The increasing income not only increases affordability of people but also changes consumption pattern. For example, people become more health conscious and can afford fitness products like energy bar. The basic supply-demand model is crucial in determining price-output combination in a particular market. The basic supply demand framework is extended to the macro-level with emphasis given on aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Level of income by determining demand influences price level. A moderate inflation rate is considered as a good sign for the economy as this helps to reduce unemployment. The trend in tariff or tax revenue does not follow the same steady pattern at all rate. Based on the revenue trend government determines the optimum tax rate. The another factor affecting market demand for Besser energy bar is the rate of inflation. The dynamics of this forces are analyzed to ensure a successful entry of Schmecket Gut in the Atolia market. The business environment is evaluated based on the following basic theories

Demand and supply are two basic tool of market economics. Demand is defined as the desire of people to purchase a certain good or service backed by the purchasing power. In the demand decision, income plays an important role as it determines the purchasing power. The quantity that sellers willing to supply at a particular point of time is defined as the supply of the good (Frank & Cartwright, 2013). The interplay of supply and demand together determines price and output choice of the firm. Any change in demand and supply cause a change in market equilibrium. For normal goods, income has a positive relation with demand.

Market Analysis of Atollia

When income changes then both domestic and foreign firms are benefitted from increased demand. The increased income in the domestic economy makes the domestic market attractive foreign firms (Mahanty, 2014). A rise income allows people to lead a better quality life. People can then afford healthy habits. In order to stay physically fit and healthy people may join gym. An increasing income in Atollia thus have a tendency to courage people to join a gym. The physical workout at gyms have to be supplemented by energy product as a substitute of main course meal. Energy bars are products that supplements energy. The energy is however expensive than regular meals.

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The desire of people to improve quality of their living increases demand for energy bars. The rising trend of demand in the Atollia market provides Schmeckt Gut a ready market for successfully launching Besser energy bars. The collected market data revealed an upward trend in the average income, which is expected to have a positive impact on demand for energy bars. The increasing trend of income by increasing demand causes general price level to increase. If the inflation rate is moderate, then it is a good sign for the economy. The increased price given cost increases profit of the sellers (Frank & Cartwright, 2013). The inflation rate thus encourages suppliers to supply more. The moderate inflation rate offers a favorable business environment for both domestic and foreign suppliers. Increased supply of foreign goods often hurts the domestic suppliers by undercutting their market share. Government then intervenes in by imposing tariff on the imported goods. Tariff apart from restricting import provides an additional source of revenue. 

The study of aggregate demand and aggregate supply helps to determine the state of macroeconomic equilibrium. Individual demand and supply depicts the scenario of an individual market. In order to understand the demand supply condition for the economy as a whole the concept of aggregate demand and aggregate supply of the economy. Aggregate demand is an aggregate measure of all the expenditures that take place in an economy in a particular year (Mankiw, 2014). The aggregate demand is also termed as planned expenditure. The four main components of aggregate demand are consumption. Investment, government expenditure and net export. The available goods and services in the economy the given year is termed as aggregate supply. It is known as the actual expenditure of the nation. The aggregate supply and aggregate demand together determines national output. 

Projection of Market Demand

Change in any of the four components of aggregate demand causes a change in aggregate demand. Of the three factors considered for market analysis of Schmeckt Gut, two factors have direct impact on aggregate demand. The first is income and the second is tariff rate. When income increases, then household consumption increases. Consumption being one of the important determinants of aggregate demand thus causes aggregate demand to increase. The increased demand causes demand-pull inflation in the economy. Being attracted by high price various suppliers will be attracted in the region causing a rise in aggregate supply. When income increases, then people increases their demand for import. However, the increased import demand has an adverse effect on aggregate demand.  An increase in tariff increases the cost of import (Agénor & Montiel, 2015). In response to an increased import price, people reduces their import demand.  A reduction in import demand helps to improve trade balance and hence, have a positive influence on aggregate demand. The rise in aggregate demand in turn increases national output. 

The concept of Phillips curve is a macroeconomic concept to understand the relationship between movement of price level and that of employment status. The Phillips curve describes an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation (Forder, 2015). An increase in price level increases profitability of firms. This encourages firms to expand their business. As business expands new employment opportunities are created. This helps to reduce unemployment. The inflation rate thus has a positive effect on employment status. Therefore, any policy aims to reduce inflation might have a detrimental effect on employment. If go by the Phillips relation, then any anti-inflationary policy might contribute to an increase in unemployment statistics.   

In the current scenario, with an increase in income and demand, there is a general upward pressure on price. With increased price, the rate of unemployment in expected to reduce. This again has a positive impact on income and demand.

Taxes are compulsory payment to the government. This is the only source on government revenue. Depending on the state of the economy, governed adjusts tax rate. With change in tax rate revenue changes. Laffer curve explains the relation between tax rate and corresponding revenue. The shape of the curve is inverted U shape implying revenue initially increases with increase in the tax rate (Busato  & Chiarini, 2013). After reaching peak, revenue starts falling. At both the extreme the tax revenue thus falls to zero. The same rule holds for tariff rate. Tariff is the specific duty imposed on import. As tariff rate increases the resulting revenue initially increases and then revenue falls. 

Additional Variable: Number of Stores

The figure above describes the relation between tax rate and resulting revenue using laffer curve. The initial tax rate is at 0. The corresponding revenue is also 0. As the tax rate started to increase from the initial level, the revenue rises as well. Revenue continues to rise until it reaches the critical point which is defined as TRmax.  Once the tax rate goes beyond the optimal rate, revenue starts falling (Heijdra, 2017). At the extreme level, when tax rate is 100%, then revenue again falls to zero. Similar is the case of tariff rate.

The market analysis of Atollia reveals that the rate of tariff was initially 5%. After that tariff rate reaches to a peak level of 10%. However, then the tariff rate falls to 7.5%. This supports the proposition of laffer curve. The 10% tariff rate can be assumed to be the peak rate of tariff yielding maximum revenue.

The theoretical framework thus suggests how a 5% increase in income causes a demand for energy bars to increases. The increased income in addition to domestic demand put an upward pressure on demand for imported energy bars. This might hurt the domestic producers. The government then need to increase the tariff rate to restrict the flow of imported energy bars. As the tariff rate in Atollia was initially 5%. The next jump to the tariff rate is to a level of 10%. The increased income and associated increase in demand is favorable for the inflation rate to reach to a level of 2%. Different economic theories thus provide support to the projection of a 5% increase in income in association with 10% increase in tariff and that of 2% increase in inflation rate. 

As discussed in the preceding section, demand for energy bars likely to depend on the income level, movement of price and rate of tariff.  However, in the market analysis information is given on an additional variable, which is number of stores where energy bars are offered. The relation between potential demand for energy bars and the corresponding demand determinant factors can be framed with a multiple regression model (Plonsky, 2015). A multiple regression equation shows relation of the dependent variables with more than two independent variables. The multiple regression equation for potential demand of energy bars can be defined as

Average Demand = a + (b* income) + (c*tariff rate) + (d*number of stores)


a is the intercept of the regression model. b, c and d denotes the co-efficient of income, tariff and number of stores respectively.

Summary of the multiple regression result is given as follows

Regression Statistics

Multiple R


R Square


Adjusted R Square


Standard Error









Significance F















Standard Error

t Stat


Lower 95%

Upper 95%








Average income

 per person







Tariff rate on

 imports of energy bars







Number of stores

 where energy bars are offered







Based on the regression result, the estimated regression equation is obtained as

Average demand = -12.1602 + (0.0048 *income) – (6.4570*tariff) + (4.0724* number of stores)

The value of R square is obtained as 0.91. The correlation co-efficient or R square value shows the proportion of variation in the dependent variable in explained by the independent variables together. A high value of R square indicates the concerned model is a good fit model (Draper & Smith, 2014). Here, the value of the correlation coefficient implies that the three independent variables together explain 91 percent variation in the potential demand for Schmeckt Gut’s energy bar. This in turn support the claim that the three taken independent variables have significant relevance for demand of energy bars.

The individual coefficient indicate relation between each of the variables with demand. For average income per person, value of the co-efficient is 0.0048. The positive sign implies the variable has a positive relation with demand. As income of people increases in Atollia, people thus have a tendency to increase demand for energy bars and vice versa. The relationship however is valid only when the relation between the two variables are statistically significant (Plonsky, 2015). The p value corresponding to average income is 0.0163. The p value is less than the significance level of 0.05. This suggests the variable is statistically significant at the 5% level of significant and hence income is a positive significant determinant of potential demand for energy bar.

The next demand determinant factor is tariff rate. The tariff rate considered here is the tariff rate imposed on import from Industria. The coefficient of tariff is -6.4570. The tariff rate thus has an adverse impact on the potential demand of energy bars. The rationale behind the relation is simple. As tariff increases, the effective price of imported energy bars increases. This induces people to demand energy bars less. The corresponding p value for tariff rate is 0.0000. The p value less than significance level implies like income; tariff rate is a significant determinant of demand. Therefore, government policy decision regarding tariff influences the market demand of Schmeckt Gut. A favorable business environment of the company needs the government to reduce imposed tariff as minimum as possible.

Finally, number of stores has a positive relation with energy demand. The estimated coefficient is 4.0724. This means as there are more stores that offered energy bars, higher is the demand for energy bars. Increasing number of stores increases the availability of energy bars. This helps to potential demand. The variable again is statistically significant as obtained from its significant p value.

The analysis of market data is used to predict the potential demand of energy bars with important economic variables like income, tariff rate and inflation rate. The demand of energy bar is found to be increased with increasing income. The data shows an upward trend in income in Atollia. This though has a positive signal for the company to launch its energy bar in Atollia, but it also has the potential to increase competitive pressure. The profitable market of Atollia might attracts other companies as well intensifying competition in the market place (Armstrong et al., 2015). Schmeckt gut should be prepared to face such competition and should have suitable marketing strategy to promote its own product. The company can initially offer the energy bar at a comparatively lower price to capture a significant share in the new market. The company can also invest in advertising to inform more people about their energy bars and other additional offers for the product.

An increase in the tariff rate is a threat for the company. The tariff rate has an adverse effect of market share of the company as it significantly reduces the demand for energy bars. The current rate of tariff in Atollia is 7.5%. The rate has lowered from a comparatively higher level at 10%. This provides the company significant potential to enter in the Atollia market. The company needs to take a pricing strategy such that demand is not much affected from fluctuation in the tariff rate (Adekola & Sergi, 2016). The company should try to make its product demand price inelastic as much as possible. One strategy can be differentiating its energy bars from that locally available. This will help to reduce vulnerability of demand to the imposed tariff rate.

Inflation has a generally tendency to reduce demand. Therefore, the company should consider the overall price level as well as price of its own product. A very high price in the new market has an adverse effect on potential demand (Wood et al., 2015). Instead the company should set a price in line with the existing price level or even at a lower level.

Finally, the company should ensure that the energy bars are available to a considerable number of stores. With increasing availability, demand tend to increase. This will the help the company to enjoy a significant share in the new market. The company can initially distribute its product through local stores.


The report analyzes potential business environment for Scemeckt Gut in the Atollia market for launching Basser energy bar. The particular focus has been given on income, inflation rate and tariff rate. The impact of these variables are considered in light of macroeconomic theories and concept. The specific theories discussed are supply and demand, aggregate supply and aggregate demand, Phillips curve and laffer curve. Gaining support from thus theory, it has been observed that a 5% increases in income can be associated with a 10% increases in tariff and 2% increase in inflation rate. While estimating the potential demand, the average income is found to have a positive relation with demand. An inverse relation exists between demand for energy bars and rate of import tariff. Based on this finding, it might be concluded that Atollia market is a profitable market to launch its energy bar. 

Reference list 

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