Factors Affecting Health And Human Service Management

Access to Quality Healthcare Services

Discuss about the Health and Human Service Management for Genetics.

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Different factors are ranging from social, environmental economic and personal which affect health service delivery. Such issues also affect health and human service management.  They are of different categories like social factors, genetics, individual behavior, policy-making, etc. The problems influence how people can access healthcare services, the quality of services they receive and the people’s healthcare knowledge.

It is essential for people to access quality and comprehensive healthcare services in the effort to manage and prevent diseases as a method of promoting health among the residents of different regions. Making the services available will minimize the cases of preventable disabilities as well as most of the premature deaths hence achieving equality in the healthcare system. Access to healthcare services means that there is a service center located close to the people where the patient can get the professional who they can trust. The services must also be timely and surety of the best health outcome (Fatih, & EGRESI, 2013).

Health literacy in an area is an essential aspect of health and human service management. It is the responsibility of the public health professionals to sensitize the public on health matters.  They should engage building skills with healthcare professionals. The general public should be in a position to understand health information and services to use them for their good.  The public should be aware of different health topics. Individuals who have limited health knowledge are misinformed about various health issues like causes of diseases. The experience on health helps people to link the relationship between exercise and diet to their health outcomes. Our attitudes determine to respond and perceive different issues and events. People who are aware of their beliefs have a low possibility of making unconscious decisions based on the already existing perceptions. The knowledge enables people to perform professional (Schulz, & Nakamoto, 2013

Our beliefs and values affect the quality of services we offer to others and the interactions with the society. This is because what somebody believes is what they experience. Many people think their beliefs are developed from the reality around and they influence our experiences. The ideas that are helpful in a particular society are fundamental. They may include being moral beliefs, cultural or even religious. Majority of the people around the world hold their views so dear since they determine how they live their lives. 

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Health Literacy

It is important to avoid our values when dealing with other people, especially in a workplace.  One should be informed of the impact if one applies them to a client who does not agree with your character and way of perceiving issues. Your values should not encourage other people to choices based on what you think or feel is the right thing. In a public office, it is advisable to work with the client develop ideas and solutions to an issue. Bosse,  Hoogendoorn, Klein,  Treur, Van Der Wal,  & Van Wissen, 20130

Considering the ethics when making any decision that pertains the progress of an organization very important. For the employees of an organization to be empowered using the right tools and knowledge, ethical choices must be made. The organization’s procedures and policies should be regularly communicated to the employees as they apply to ethics issues in a workplace. The universal values, laws, and regulations that are agreed upon must also be considered when making some crucial decisions. The process of ethical decision making takes different forms of surface ethics and the implications of a particular decision. Some critical, essential steps in the making decisions are necessary to ensuring ethics considerations. The decisions should; be based on the policies and procedures of an organization, conform to the universal principles, acceptable in the applicable regulations and laws and satisfy the personal definition of the right thing. (Goodwin, & Wright 2014). 

Critical thinking is processes that are commonly used in analyzing and evaluating research and information and then give conclusions. It is not recommended to agree with everything you come across without gathering enough evidence, examining different aspects objectively and rationally. The process should begin by identifying main points in the issue at hand without making any assumptions. Analysis of the issue at hand is done examining and thinking about the details to understand what is required.  You should think about the effects and the causes as well as the possible consequences of an event (Cottrell, 2017). 

Theoretical perceptions are a set of postulated ideas about the real events or things. The theories inform the kind of answers we get for the commonly asked questions.  Perception theories such as social-cultural, humanistic perceptions and cognitive perceptions can be used to address issues in society. They can be utilized to help people understand the causes of the particular problem and as a results give some insights on how the situation can be solved (Wang, 2014).

Values and Ethics in Healthcare

In solving any problem, the decision-making process is fundamental. Intentional decision-making process seeks to understand all the factors likely influence the situation at hand. It is essential to know when to make particular decisions depending on the situation. Kaner, S. (2014). Some cases require rapid choices while others have time consult and prepare the well-informed decision. The process requires one to identify the problem, know what is happening, the cause of the problem the complexity of the situation and explores all the possible solutions to the problem. Vohs, et al. 2014

There are many different challenges facing health and human service management. Poor communication skill in the industry is among the top issues that hinder the provision of quality services. Majority of the workers allow their values, attitudes, and beliefs control to influence the services provided to the client.  We are brought up in the different environment, and that is how unique our beliefs and values are. My religious and cultural beliefs are fundamental to me. According to my cultural and religious beliefs, women are inferior to men, and they should always respect them. Women are not allowed to speak back to a man since it is a sign of disrespect. If I enable such beliefs in a workplace, it means working with the female will be a difficult task for me and therefore interfere with the quality of services delivered. Betancourt, Green, Carrillo, & Owusu 2016).

In addressing the issue of communication skills, it is good to consider some ethical policies. For instance, we should acknowledge the need to use the language understood by everybody to in a particular environment. It is good to be aware of different cultures in an area and respect how different communities do their things. Recognizing them will help improve the quality of services given to a population. Some perceptive such as the humanistic insightful, cognitive insightful and social-cultural observant will be used. Cognitive perceptive holds that thinking affects how different people behave. It focuses on mental processes such as thinking, problem solve, memory, and language. The observant is, therefore, the best to help in solving the problem of communication. (Curtis et al. 2013)

As a manager in health and human service, it is essential to address the issue of disclosure as fast as possible.  To develop a practical solution, it is will carefully assess the situation to understand where the real problem. The communication issue among the workers will be addressed differently from the poor communication between the staff and the clients. All the staff members will attend a seminar to sensitize them on how they should communicate and deal with different clients who have different religious and cultural beliefs. I will also ensure we develop a policy document to guide all the staff members on communication. 


Bosse, T., Hoogendoorn, M., Klein, M. C., Treur, J., Van Der Wal, C. N., & Van Wissen, A. (2013). Modeling collective decision making in groups and crowds: Integrating social contagion and interacting emotions, beliefs, and intentions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 27(1), 52-84.

Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., & Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I. I. (2016). Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and healthcare. Public health reports.

Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills. Macmillan Education.

Curtis, J. R., Back, A. L., Ford, D. W., Downey, L., Shannon, S. E., Doorenbos, A. Z., … & Arnold, R. W. (2013). Effect of communication skills training for residents and nurse practitioners on quality of communication with patients with serious illness: a randomized trial. Jama, 310(21), 2271-2281.

Fatih, K. A. R. A., & EGRESI, I. O. (2013). Accessibility of health care institutions: a case study by using GIS. International Journal, 3(4), 2305-1493.

Goodwin, P., & Wright, G. (2014). Decision Analysis for Management Judgment 5th ed. John Wiley and sons.

Kaner, S. (2014). Facilitator’s guide to participatory decision-making. John Wiley & Sons.

Schulz, P. J., & Nakamoto, K. (2013). Health literacy and patient empowerment in health communication: the importance of separating conjoined twins. Patient education and counseling, 90(1), 4-11.

Vohs, K. D., Baumeister, R. F., Schmeichel, B. J., Twenge, J. M., Nelson, N. M., & Tice, D. M. (2014). Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: a limited-resource account of decision making, self-regulation, and active initiative.

Wang, Y. (2014). Unveiling the Cognitive Mechanisms of Eyes: The Visual Sensor Vs. The Perceptive Browser of the Brain. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI), 8(1), 36-50.

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