Factors Affecting Casual Employment In Retail Service Sector

Problem Statement

Casual employment is one of the most drastically developing areas that are related to modern day retail business. Since its introduction, casual employment has been observed as a significantly developing area of operation for majority of the employees all around the world. It has significantly has a major section of employees working under it. In spite of huge population of people working in this industry, the casual and part-time employment is also associated with majority of issues. This proposal reflects the association of some of the major lacking that is associated with the development of a crisis related situation in the retail industry. This crisis is related to the conditions that are associated with respective casual and part-time workers. Several aspects that implicate for the association and development of these situations are largely discussed in this proposal in order to provide a relevant understanding related to the respective subject. In addition to these factors, a major section of this proposal is related to the association of all the major issues that are being faced in the current scenario related to the retail employment structure.

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What is the issue?

The employement conditions of casual and part-time employees in present day retail industry is highly incorporated with factors such as availability of insuffuicient opportunities, irregular par structure and irrelevent working shifts. This is a major issue that is depicted in this research proposal.

Why it is an issue?

It is an issue as the part-time and casual employees constitute a major section of the working class that is related to a the retail industry. The irregularituies related to their working structure is largely incorporated wuith some major advancements that is relatevely very crucial for their development as well as the development of whole retail industry and this is a amajor reason for this issue.

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Why it is an issue now?

It is an issue now as in the current business structure, employees are considered as one of the majorfragment that implicated every important aplication in order to sustain business development and prosperiety and their satisfaction is of major value. In order to facilitate an overall deveklopment of each and every aspect related to the retail industry, this issue needs to be taken into consideration in the current scenario.  

What light does this research shade on?

A major portion of this research shade light on the availability of proper job orientation and availability of equal opportunities that are related to each and every perspective of the current business operations relatd to the retail industry.

Research Objectives/Questions

This research aims to evaluate the major issues and their respective causes related to part-time and casual employees of the retail sector. These issues are effectively elaborated in order to understand their relative impact and origin factors.


  • To identify the various issues related to part-time and casual employees in retail industry
  • To discover the impact of factors such as irregular working structure and lack of opportunities in context of retail sector
  • To critically analyses the aspects related to development of these issues
  • To define the challenges related to development of respective solutions related to these issues
  • To recommend ways in order to facilitate employment feasibility for part-time and casual employees in retail sector


  • What are the various issues related to part-time and casual employees in retail industry?
  • What is the impact of impact of factors such as irregular working structure and lack of opportunities in context of retail sector?
  • What are the aspects related to development of these issues?
  • What are the possible challenges related to development of respective solutions related to these issues?
  • What are the possible suggestions in order to facilitate employment feasibility for part-time and casual employees in retail sector
  • Lack of economic advantages

Availability of economic opportunities is one of the core requirements that are related to any job opportunity. It is the basic requirement that needs to be analyzed in order to justify the feasibility of an employment service. In the current perspective almost all of the major retail organizations lack to provide appropriate economic possibilities related to the employee working as part-time and casual basis (Price, 2016). This is treated as a major concern as it has drastically changed the perspective related to employment opportunities at the retail industry. The part-time and casual employees are highly discriminated from the regular workforce in this industry in terms of the pay scale and structure related to it. This leads to development of major unsatisfactory perspective for the employees working in this industry and relatively influences their social as well as economic perspectives of life. In addition to this, the unavailability of economic association in the job that is demanding a majority of time from these casual and part-time workers also works as a major factor in order to facilitate the underdevelopment of their emotional and behavioral perspectives that largely account for their overall development (Bamidele, 2017). In the current scenario, part-time and casual workforce present in the retail industry is not at all able to carry out their basic requirement facilities from the nature and structure of work they are carrying out. This develops a major disadvantage for both the employee section as well as the retail organizations. According to the views of Grimmer, Miles & Grimmer (2016), availability of a sound economic and financial support system in the form of salary is one of the most important factor in developing employee productivity and association with respective organization. This fact is also observed in the present scenario as the inefficient salary structure that is related to the retail organization is a major reason of the lacking possibilities in terms of employee motivation and support for the organizational development.    

  • Irregular working structures

Another factor that is of major consideration in order to understand the employee orientation and developmental perspective is related to the availability of irregularity in basic operational structure of casual and part-time workers. The part-time workers have a major issue in order to coordinate with their respective work schedule as there is uncertainty availability all the time (Preston & Yu, 2015). For example, a casual employee has irregular number of working hours in a retail store that is based on the availability of regular workforce and customer traffic. For a busy season they are asked to work for as long as 10 to 12 hours but in case of lean seasons they are not even able to get a regular shift. This explains the huge amount of irregularity that is available in the retail sector in terms of casual and part-time employment. In addition to this, the irregular working hours also have a major impact over the health as it affects the various important activities like food and sleeping habits. These factors add up to the under development of living values related to these employees. In spite of these factors the part-time and casual workforce is still not able to carry out sound standard of living in terms of social as well as economic context. According to the views of Le, De Haan&Dietzenbacher (2018), the increasing irregularities in basic operational structure of working ships for casual and part-time employees have led to a major drawback that drastically decreases the overall human values among the relative workforce.  

  • Lack of future possibilities

Justification Of The Project

In addition to the economic instability and irregular working patterns, the current retail industry also fails to provide adequate future possibilities to casual and part-time workface employed within the industry. The amount of possible conversion of this uncertain natured work into certain and regular work structure is very scarce. The reports generated through various workplace surveys depict that an average employee who has served for a time period of 3 to 5 years has a mere possibility of 35% to get a permanent position in the retail industry(Bailey, Price, Pyman& Parker, 2015). This statistic shows the amount of uncertainty that is associated with the future possibilities related to the development of casual and part-time employees. In addition to this, the facilities that are related to a regular employee are also a major factor that is associated with the reflection of huge underdevelopment in the context of part-time and casual workforce of retail industry. According to the views of De Vries (2017), the amount of uncertainty that is available in the retail is very high and its worse impact can be seen among the non-regular workforces who are employed over need basis. In addition to this, the association of various similarities in terms of the responsibilities and work objectives for both the regular as well as casual employment in the retail sector is also largely influenced by the lack of future opportunities. A major association of this factor can be observed from this fact that none of the casual employee is ever assigned to any of the superior positions in a retail organization. In addition to this, the availability of regular employees for each and every positive position in an organization is also a major factor for consideration (Fagan, Norman, Smith& Menéndez, 2014). The casual workforce is largelyexemptedfrom these factors and thus remains underdeveloped. In addition to this, the lack of future opportunities also have a major possibility that is related to the lack of basic skills and knowledge related to the industry and its related operations. The casual and part-time workforce is also discriminated in terms of the available skill development opportunities inside an organization as they are considered vas a temporary service system. This implicates with the major lack in their skills set and industry specific knowledge development (Tang, Liu, Oh &Weitz, 2014).  

  • High turnover rates among casual and part-time employees in retail industry

Employee turnover is a major fact that is related to any industry. Similarly, in the retail sector also the unavailability of casual workforce in times of need is a major factor that influences the overall working structures related to the casual and part-time employees. Due to the availability of major factors such as extreme work load and less payout most of the employees are constantly changing their casual jobs and this lead to an increase in the uncertainty factor related to employment of this nature (Mac-Vicar,Ferrer, Muñoz&Henao2015). The retail originations are not at all able to facilitate a permanent status to the casual or part-time workers. This is a major issue that is related to development of a more organized and opportunity oriented development of the casual workforce related to the retail industry.

  • Unemployment

Unemployment accounts for the majority of issues and under-development of employee related to casual working industry is one of them. Due to the lack of regular employment opportunities, majority of the people who are in need of jobs get involved in the casual section of retail industry. In addition to this, the nature of work that is related to casual and part-time opportunity never lets these individual employees to acquire adequate knowledge and skill sets so that they can fit into a regular profile of work (Price, 2016). This process is a major reason for the association of a huge amount of workforce availability in the casual and part-time category of the retail industry.  

  • Absence of adequate knowledge and skills required for a regular job profile in retail industry

Majority of the workforce that is employed into the casual form of retail industry is largely associated with the respective lack in skill sets and adequate knowledge of the relevant industry. It is a major factor that instigates the development of a huge number of unemployed workforces in retail industry as any sector requires a considerable amount of skills and prior knowledge in order to facilitate the development factors. These skills and informative knowledge is largely absent in the casual workforce and thus it restricts their further developments (Bamidele, 2017). The requirement of these skill sets and informative knowledge is not only limited to the development of casual and part-time workforce in external environment but is of major use in order to develop within the industry itself. In the present times, these skills are considered as major driving forces that are related to internal as well organizational development. 

Conceptual Framework

Research hypothesis

The research hypothesis in this case reflects various possibleprejudgements that can be made in order to assess the employment feasibility for part-time and casual employees in retail sector. In this case the research hypothesis is given as:

H0: The employement conditions related to part-time and casual employees in retail sector has no major issues

H1: The employement conditions related to part-time and casual employees in retail sector has major issues

Research Philosophy

This researcher will be using positivism phylosophy in order to provide better concluding analysis for the respective topic. A major reason for the selection of positivism research phylosophy in this research is the fact that it is related to application and understanding of operational and current possibilities related to the subject. In addition to this, the positivism philosophy is also helpful ibn order to facilitate the overall understanfing related to the concerned subject (Ali &Chowdhury, 2015).

Figure1: Research philosophy

(Source: Ali &Chowdhury, 2015, p.421)

This research will be using deductive approach in order to facilitate the detailed understanding of various theories and models that are related to understanding of this subject. This approach will also help assessing of any prior knowledge, hypothesis and information that signifies developmental perspectives of employee oriented development at the retail industry (Pearl, 2014).

Figure 2: Deductive Approaches

(Source: Pearl, 2014, p.198)

Descriptive research designwill beused by the researcher in order to provide a real time based analysis of the subject in addition to the fulfilment of objectives related to data collection perspective in this research. In addition to this, the descriptive design will also help in covering a wider impacted area in terms of casual and part-time workforce analysis related to the retail industry. (Burns, Bush &Sinha, 2014).

Surveys and questions from individual employees will be majorly used throughout this research in order to faciliate the development of an overall responsce from various areas of impacted audience. There will be 6 to 10 questions that will be based on employee expeirences, job expectations and requirements that must be included in order to facilitate the overall developmnet of the employee related concerns in retail industry (Singh&Masuku, 2014). In addiotion to this, the survey will be involving 69 respondennts, including present employees who are currently working as part-time or casual basis and also the management of different retail organsiations. In addition to this, parsonal interviews will be also a major process that will be employed by the researcher in order to faciliate the recording pof individuial considerations with the main issue in focus.

Primary quantitative methods must be used by the researcher in order to gather information related to specification, types and impacted groups from this research perspective.This method of data collection is highly recomendable in terms of assessing organsational developments and issues. In addition to this, the researcher will also be using  data collecftion methods involving secondary sources like journals and ewebsites in order to gater relevent information (Hussein, 2015).

The data collected during this research is highly related to the assessment of some of the major conclusions related to the presented issue. Major important aspects such as time, cost and research area are largely taken into consideration in order to facilitate the overall development of a major understanding related to the issues and possibilities that are related to the development of focused area. The surveys and employee questions are constructed largely in accordance with the purpose to get an in-depth knowledge related to the concerned industry and process of its operations. The reports from these surveys and employee responses in accordance with the respective questions reflect the impact of economic and social irregularities that are in practice throughout the retail industry in consideration of the casual and part-time workforces. These answers also specifically help the researcher to analyze different issues that are being faced by this huge segment of working population. The conduction of interviews also facilitated a proper one to one conversation in which it was recovered that majority of the opportunities related to the retail sector are largely accompanied by the employees who are designated as regular. The responses gathered through the personal employee interviews reflect the association of inequality and disorientation among different sections of the working groups in retail industry. This also helps in understanding major objectives that are recorded by these individual employees in order to consider their working system or structure less effective than that of the regular employee. In addition to this, another major prospect that is equally involved in this issue is related to the retail organization management teams and groups. The interviews from the management authorities at various major retail organizations depicted that availability of opportunities in the respective field largely requires a considerable amount of skills and knowledge and the casual employee groups are often unable to demonstrate that and thus lag behind the mainframe of development in retail sector. Consideration of these factors relatively helps in analyzing the situation in a better manner and also helps in drawing respective conclusions in relation with the applied research practices. The overall analysis process depicts that the lack of opportunities are more of a self-made issue for majority of the casual workforce as they fail to develop relevant skills and knowledge sets.   


Estimated cost to be Spent

Literature Review


Data Collection


Data Analysis


Total Budget Estimated


The table above provides adequate information related to the overall budgeting of this proposal.

This budget is related to the cost specificities spending that are carried out in different sections of the overall researching and proposing work.

In order to conclude this research proposal it can be said that the present employment conditions related to casual and part-time workers in the retail sector is highly disturbed due to unavailability of basic social and economic development opportunities. This research proposal provides a major understanding related to the development of casual and part-time employees in retail industry. The issues and factors responsible for development of these issues are also adequately presented in this report in order to facilitate the overall understanding of concerned subject. A respective timeline is also included in order to specify the time oriented developments that are relatively required in this employee assessment development proposal.

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