Fact Sheet Analysis: Geographical, Cultural And The Political

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The China has the largest population of the world about 1.357 billion population and total land area of the country is 9.597 million square kilometer, thus the area of land per head population is 70.72218 square meter (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). The United State of America (USA) is a big country, the total land area of USA is around 9.857 million square kilometer and the country has huge population of about 318.9 millions. The country is one of the greatest powers of the modern world a major economic power.  The area of land per head population of the country is 30.90937598 m2 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). Whereas, another super power European Union has 4.325million square kilometer of total land area with total population of 508 million and area of land per head population is 8.513779528 square meter much lesser than USA. Japan another major economy has total land area of 377972 square kilometer with total population of 127.3 million and area of land per head population is 2.969143755 squares meter the lowest in this category (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). India is a developing country has total land area of   3.287 million square kilometer with huge population about 1.252 billion population and the area of land per head is 26.25399361 square meter (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). Moreover, Australia has total land area of 7.692 million square kilometer with only 23.13 million total populations and the area of land per head population is the highest approximately332.5551232 square meter (Anon, 2016).

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Cultures and religions of India

India is considered as the home of variety of the cultures with variety of religions. Since it is a democratic country, the priority is made to people with giving rise to the variety of cultural practices with the consideration of variety of the cultures in the variety of the states (Clark-Decès and Guilmoto, 2011). The enhancements also help in the consideration of the political developments that creates the chaos in the country in the form of the riots. With the help of the consideration liberalisation, the economic overview of the country is seemed to be in the state of the average growth rate and for this reason the stability is gained in the country with the appropriate maintenance of the incomes of the people (Srinivasan and Jermyn, 2002).

Cultures and religions of China

The community and the cultural links help in the creation of the strong bonding among the people of china. With the development of the community, china has adopted the enhancements that help in the creation of tourism in the country which thereby helps in the increment of the economy in the country (Bao and Wang, 2007). It also helps in acknowledging the transfer of the religious beliefs and the process with providing people to people relationship (Guo, 2013). With the consideration of the engagement of the education in china, the social and the cultural relationship added values to the bilateral relationship formed within the country.

Cultures and religions of Japan

Cultural and the religious practices are the part of each and every country. Current state determines the Buddhism and the Shinto helps in the creation of the rituals for the side-by-side influencing of the people undertaking the religious preaches. With the creation of these two religious beliefs, community clash stated which created the religious riots with the enhancement of the spirituality in each and every one’s mind and thereby the rituals created the way for the adoption of the cultures in the form of the beliefs. Henceforth the cultural segregation takes place with the creation of the differentiation takes place two religions.

Cultures and religions of Australia

Australia is considered as the modern, multicultural and contemporary with the consideration of the buildings, fashions, recreations and the foods (Bartlett, 2002). Australia is also considered as the land of the aboriginals and the indigenous peoples that consists of the oldest living cultures with the consideration of the archaeological evidence and thereby it also helps in the creation of the Torres Strait Islander peoples who are settled in the mainland of the Queensland and Papua New Guinea (Hammonds, 2010). With the variations of the cultures and the religious trends, the mistreatment and injustices are still made with the differentiation of the black and the white people.

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Cultures and religions of the European Union

The cultural and the religious framework created the formal relationship with the enhancement f the trade and foreign exchanges that helps in the consideration of the multilateral and the bilateral investment systems (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). The cultural views also provide the energy issues that are seemed to be depicted in the case of the movement of the technology and innovations with the variation of the religious practices. The religious practices consist of the Christianity, Catholicism, Protestantism and the eastern orthodoxy. These religions are adopted by the European Union with the accounting practices and henceforth the dominations are made accordingly.

Cultures and religions of the United States of America

The creation of the current religions helps in the creation of the various economic overviews that helps in the consideration of the investments and the trade growth. The major religious trends and the overview of the religions help in the consideration of the geographic distribution that helps in the creation of Christianity and the Judaism (Pinn, Finley and Alexander, 2009). The Native Americans follows the Native Americans religions with the exploration of the religious groups with the creation of tradition and the family with the denomination. These practices are carried out for the welfare of the beliefs and the considerations are created as per the dominations and the traditions regarding the family beliefs.

Political and Legal Systems


China’s basic political system is on people’s congress system, and China follow legal system from Vermont law school. Australia has a diplomatic relationship with the People’s Republic of China since 1972 and Australia has set up an embassy in Beijing in 1973 (Elleman and Paine, 2010). Both the country has linked by a bilateral relationship, which is based on economic along with the trade complementarities, a widespread program of top-level visits as well as widespread cooperation. China is the biggest both ways trading partner of Australia. The trade agreement between the Australia and China free trade agreement has been enforced on 20th December 2015, which improve the trade and investment within the two countries.        


India is the one of the largest democracy of the world and the country has dual polity system so that in central the central authority rules and in the state authority at the state periphery. The President is the head of the country and Prime Minister is head of the Government (Robb, 2011). Presently, India is becoming a major regional power. Australia has a bilateral relationship with Australia and prominent strategic relationship. India is Australia’s 10th largest trading partner as well as 5th largest export destination. India has significant relation with other super power like USA and UK (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016).     


Australia is one of the largest country and with rich minerals one of the biggest economy. The country has important economic and trade relations with the dominant countries of the world such as USA, China, Japan, EU and India. Favorable political as well as legal structure helps the country to increase it trade and business activities across nations in exponent way. In this nation there are boundless opportunities as well as endless potential. The country has Commonwealth Parliament or Federal Parliament. The Parliament is the legislative branch of Government of Australia. 


The system of the government of the USA helps in the creation of the political structure that comprises of the 50 states with the inclusion of the District of Columbia. The constituent states the separation of the significant powers of the self government with the creation of the election numbers of about 100 million. The state’s electors the winning candidate as the president with receiving the amount of 270 votes out of the 538 Electoral College votes. With this the formation of the two political parties are created that are the Republican and the Democratic Party with both encompassing a variety of the views.

European Union

The political and the legal system of European Union comprises of the European Council, European parliament and the European commission. It generally composed of the heads with the consideration of the Reform Treaties and thereby the international discussions are made accordingly. For the consideration of the legal systems, it comprises of the treaties of reforms and the legislations that helps the country to carry out appropriate trade policy governance.


Japan consists of the democratic constitutional monarchy with a parliament headed by the parliament government. The political system comprises of the house of the representatives with the house of the councillors (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2016). Executive power is invested in the case of the prime ministers and the ministers of the state. These helps in the appropriate regulation of the issues with the continuation of the controls of the administration and thereby the control are being supervised easily.

Growth and Trade

In 2014- 15, export of unprocessed key goods is exponentially increase by14.5 percent to $184.5 billion and the overall processes primary goods is hiked by 13.3 percent to $49.7 billion. Overall exports of the manufactures is hiked by around 5.9% to $42.9 billion on the basis of the simply transformed manufactures export which is increase by around 9% to $13.45 billion which is exponentially increase by the elaborately changed manufactures (ETM exports increase by around 4.4 percent to 28.3%. other key good Gold and other confidential trade export is decreased by around 6.1 percent to $19 billion.

Export and import


Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/Documents/australia-in-brief.pdf [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

Bao, G. and Wang, G. (2007). Minority religions of China. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press.

Bartlett, A. (2002). The aboriginal peoples of Australia. Minneapolis: Lerner.

Clark-DeceÌ€s, I. and Guilmoto, C. (2011). A Companion to the anthropology of India. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). China country brief. [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/geo/china/pages/china-country-brief.aspx [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). European Union brief. [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/geo/europe/european-union/Pages/european-union-brief.aspx [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). India country brief. [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/geo/india/Pages/india-country-brief.aspx [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). Japan country brief. [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/geo/japan/pages/japan-country-brief.aspx [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016). United States of America country brief. [online] Available at: https://dfat.gov.au/geo/united-states-of-america/Pages/united-states-of-america-country-brief.aspx [Accessed 14 Aug. 2016].

Elleman, B. and Paine, S. (2010). Modern China. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Guo, R. (2013). Regional China. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hammonds, H. (2010). Religions and beliefs in Australia. South Yarra, Vic.: Macmillan Education Australia.

Pinn, A., Finley, S. and Alexander, T. (2009). African American religious cultures. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO.

Robb, P. (2011). A history of India. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Srinivasan, R. and Jermyn, L. (2002). India. New York: Marshall Cavendish.

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