Facility And Risk Management For Health And Safety

Risk assessment

Discuss about the Facility and Risk Management for Health and Safety .

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Risk assessment structure

In the view of Holmes (2000), the structural risk assessment and process of evaluation is used for the purpose of determining the risks related to the businesses and companies (Holmes, 2000). The risk management can be construed as the process of identifying, analyzing, evaluating and treating the exposure of loss (Marquette, 2016). The risk management is intended to mitigate the losses and its adverse effects. Risk assessment can be done by discovering and evaluating the risks. Managers look out the underlying potential risks. Many a times they are dependent on the staff members for the same purpose. The unidentified risks can become evident with the change in the internal work procedures and rules and regulations (Hall et al., 2008). The risk management strategy can be deployed only after understanding the prevalent risks. Risk evaluations can be made for the purpose of managing risks (Upton, 2004). The main intention of the risk management is to mitigate the harmful outcomes. The evaluation of risk should be done in a proper manner so as to reduce the detrimental effects.

The process of risk management can be significant from the point of view of the risk assessment of the venue analysis of Helensvale Golf Club (Golf Club, 2016). There might be many chronic risks arising at the venue due to not being able to recognize the prevalent risks. Risk assessment of the Helensvale golf club, will be done in the project. This site will be analyzed from the point of view that whether site is safe or not. The risk in terms of physical assets, non-physical assets, financial assets and human assets will be examined (Helensvale community, 2016). There can be following risks arising at the events such as:

  • Risk of crowd management and control
  • Financial risk
  • Risk related to alcohol
  • Risk of communication
  • Risk related to environment
  • Risk of emergency services
  • Risk related to occupational safety and health

These are the various risks which can be prevalent at any place. Further risk assessment of the chosen venue will be done. There can mainly be two types of risks which are as follows:

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Primary risks and consequences: Primary risk is the risk occurring in the day to day life in the venue. The consequences of these risks can be higher.

Secondary risks and consequences: Secondary risks occur when primary risk takes place. After the occurring of primary risk, secondary risk occurs as the potential risk.

As per the report of Affinity Agency Group, the manager of Golf club should be having knowledge of all the risks prevalent at the venue (Affinity Agency Group, 2016). The safety concern of the Children and adults should be essential at the venue (Hong Kong, 2016). The risks pertaining to the businesses can be legal risk, financial risk, health related risk, and safety risk and other such risks can arise at the venue of Helensvale Golf Club. As per the report of Elliston the good planning should be such that which can mitigate the potential hazards (Elliston, 2016). The risks identified at the Golf Club are related to the adverse working conditions, water hazards, risk of having holes in proximity, hazard of road crossings, risk at slopes, paths and at steps. Apart from that the risks can be prevalent such as golf Buggies, vehicles and hazardous substance (Golf Club, 2016). There is also a risk whilst carrying clubs and using motorized and pull trolleys in the dry and wet conditions.

Risk assessment structure

Identification of risk

The risk can be identified in the following manner:

Figure 1: Risk Management process for Helensvale golf Club and Gold coast

Source: (Shaw et al., 2012)

The figure 1 given above is showing risk management process through which risk of Helensvale Golf Club can be identified and the measures to control the same can be taken.

The risk assessment measures can be taken for determining the priority. The risk ranking system is for developing the priority of risk (Gulf Australia, 2015). The risk should be prioritized for taking urgent actions for the risks of urgent natures. The risk identified for golf club will be analyzed on the basis of the risk matrix table (Brentwood Golf Club, 2016).

The risk ranking is important for the effective risk management.  Small risks can take form of large risks in absence of risk ranking concepts. There can be 3 challenges of the risk ranking. First challenge is to determine the priority risk out of too many risks. There can be too many risks for the Helensvale Golf Club such as:

Adverse weather conditions which can injure the golfers. These risks may occur because of getting stuck by lighting, getting stuck in debris etc.

The risk of holes in close proximity can cause severe consequences.

The risk can be due to the bridges from which vehicle can fall.

Risk of drowning in swimming pool and the swimmers can slip which can cause injuries

The second type of risks is to have so many definitions of the risks. The risks can be measured as the risk magnitude wherein higher risk magnitude will be indicating higher risk and vice versa. The risk ranking begins after the characterization of risks. These risks can have too many possible values creating the risk ranking more complicated (Fischhoff & Morgan, 2012).

The risk management can be understood from the context of Helensvale Golf Club as follows:


Table 1: Table showing Likelihood of Risks

Level of risk

Likelihood of risk

Detail description of risk


Almost Certainly

The risk is expected to take place in most of the circumstances



There are chances of occurring of risks probably in most circumstances



The probability of occurring of risk at some point of time



The possibility of occurring of the risk at some time only


Very Rarely

Probability of occurring of risks in exceptional circumstances only  

(Elliston, 2016)


Table 2: Consequences of risk

Level of risk


Detail description of risk


Insignificant risk

·         Low impacts on the fittings, furniture, equipment’s and fittings etc.

·         No risk of safety to contractors, employees and staff members

·         Less impact on the finances of club

·         Image of the business remains intact with the occurring of risk

·         Low cases of injuries


Minor risk

·         The issues related to the treatment through providing first aid

·         Halt in the events

·         Less financial loss

·         Release of chemical at the event


Moderate/Average risk

·         There is need of medical requirements to the human assets

·         Release of chemical on site, requiring assistance of external team

·         Temporary halt in the events requires  the outside assistance

·         High financial losses to business


Major risk

·         The possibility of occurring of the risk at some time only

·         Loss of capability of production

·         Extensive injuries

·         Major financial losses to the company


Significant risk

·         Death of the visitors or any personnel from the company

·         Release of Toxic elements

·         Halt of production due to the investigation and other processes going on at the workplace

·         Catastrophic financial losses

(Elliston, 2016)

Risk Ranking Matrix

Table 3: Table showing Risk ranking Matrix









5  (Significant)

A  (Almost certainly)






B  (Likely)






C  (Possible)






D  (Unlikely)














The table 3 given above is showing risk of four types mainly. These risks are extreme risk, high risk, moderate risk and low risk.

Extreme risk: Immediate and urgent actions are required to done away with the risks

High risk: The need to inform the management regarding the risk and practicing actions for prevention and mitigation of risk

Identification of risk

Moderate risk: Need of informing the management related to the risk

Low risk: There is need of taking follow up of the policies and procedures. In case of change in the potential risk, inform the management.

Venue Findings

Comprehensive venue analysis of the venue Helensvale Golf club was done. The risk assessment is attached in the Appendix. Each risk given in the table attached in the appendix was determined on the basis of the likelihood and impact of the risk on the venues.

The low risk, high risk, moderate risk and extreme risks were identified from the context of the venues. The priority of the underlying risks is judged as follows:

Figure 2: Priority-wise Risk of the Venues

The priority risk of the venue is depicted with the help of pie chart shown in the figure 2. The figure is showing that there are 36 percent of risks at the venue which are of extreme level and urgent action is required for the same. The high risks are also having percentage of 28 percent in the Helensvale Golf Club. The medium risks are almost same as the extreme level and medium level risks at the venue. It is 28 percent showing no significant difference as the high risk. The lower risks are found to be just 7 percent. The risks coming under the extreme level risk are having value of 1 and high risks are having value of 2. Value of 3 and 4 is possessed by medium level and lower level risk at the venue. The extreme level risks are related to: risk of falling at steep sides, slipping on the wet surfaces, risk of drowning and catching diseases in the swimming pool, risk of Injuries, bruises and fractures due to slipping at the staircase, and risk of falling at steep sides. The high level risk are risk of golfer being in range but out of sight, risk of holes  in close proximity of Golf club, risk of Injuries, bruises and fractures due to slipping at the path, and risk of injury to drivers as a result of collision of vehicles. The risk falling in category of medium level risk are Risk of being hit by the golf ball or vehicle of maintenance, the risk of being struck by the car specifically at the place where road crosses the course, risk of being hit by the moving vehicles and objects and ingestion of the hazardous substance. The lower level risk includes the risk of users of golf buggies because of overturning of vehicles when driving on the slopes.

Risk ranking system

Conclusion & Recommendations

After the analysis of the risk factors regarding the venue, here are some recommendations to overcome the detrimental effects that may occur due to the carelessness.

Safety measures to be recommended for venue Helensvale are as follows:

As the weather conditions changes drastically over the place, therefore, it is recommended that golfers should always carry safety measures along with them and be attentive to avoid golfing in adverse weather conditions. There should be guards to instruct people about the weather conditions and to make them aware about the safety measures to be adopted in bad weather.

There is risk of holes in the close proximity, therefore, one should take a lot of care while riding, golfing or walking and should go out during day only(Matterhorn, 2016). There should be sign-boards on the paths where there are so many pits and holes to indicate and instruct the people not to go towards that way.

There are bridges also and they are risky too, so one is advised to drive carefully over there. There should be proper facility of electricity poles so that people can drive in proper way over the bridges and prevented from being injured.

It is being advised that one should always swim in the presence of a partner and children in the presence of their guardian to avoid mishaps in the swimming pools. Availability of expert coaches and experienced swimmers should be there to avoid any kind of accidents(Hamptongolf, 2016).

People are recommended to keep first-aid box along with them while going outside. There should be proper first-aid facility provided to the injured persons and proper medical facilities to take care of the ill persons.

The most important recommendation is to keep all the medical facilities available for children and aged persons in case they get ill.

There are medium and steep slopes throughout the courses which must be treated with the care particularly during the wet conditions. Therefore, all the golfers should ensure that they must have the golf shoes which are suitable and adequate for the weather conditions and the ground.

advisable that the court should have a smooth and slip resistant playing surface that is free of tripping hazards. The staff of the golf club should prohibit the activities which is unauthorized on the courts to avoid the injuries.

It is being advised for the staff of the golf club to monitor the accident investigation and inspection reports and ask the employees to offer some ideas for the improvement in the control measures.

The club should ensure that the personal protective equipment are correctly used and maintained in accordance with the standards. The safe work procedure should be readily available near to the site.

It is recommended to ensure that all the working staff receives the appropriate training in the safe work and emergency procedures to control the measures related to the hazardous issues.

It is advisable to use the supervised recreational facilities and equipments. Rules and regulations should be provided for each activity so that it ensures the safe behavior and prohibits the dangerous activities like equipment abuse and horseplay.

The automated ball throwing equipment should have the device alerting signals before ejecting the ball, so that the players do not get hurt from the ball.

It is being advised that the court should be properly fenced and enclosed with the access of lockable gates.

All the recommendations should be followed by the venue as a risk management plan.


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