Extending The Use Of Market Orientation: A Report On Surfers Against Sewage
SWOT Analysis of Surfers Against Sewage
Discuss about a Report on Extending the Use of Market Orientation?
The Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) is one of the leading Environmental Charitable organizations which endeavors to protect, conserve sustain UK’s oceans, waves and beaches. They are successful in their objective as they involve community action, education, volunteering jobs and scientific research to improve the state of the Oceans and the beaches and change the public’s behavior and the government attitude and industry temperaments towards their objective (Greenfinder.co.uk, 2015).
A main part of the organization deals with acquiring and retaining memberships so as to broaden their range and spread their message across a richer target. This will not only help the organization to grow but will also create the right market for communicating their message and propagating their campaign (frey, 2015).
The analysis of the organization is needed to understand its strengths weaknesses and strategic alignments which will further help in planning the campaign and the understanding the organization.
Strength- the organization is a charity community with volunteers and a committed membership whose sole aim is to protect UK’s marine environment and generate concerns and actions in that area. It is authentic and has already achieved great success
Weakness- the organization runs on limited funds and donations and in the recent light of fewer donations it needs a rise in the number of memberships and donations
Opportunity- there is a wide berth of opportunities in the area that it has a wonderful website and presence in the digital and social media which will help the organization to communicate its message properly and reaches the target consumers directly.
Threats- limited funds; other charitable organizations on human health and animals, communication barriers like opinion leaders are some of the factors which might have a negative effect on the organizations endeavor to reach the consumers.
The Proposed Campaign title would shortly and precisely define the objective of the campaign and the subject and goal the campaign will achieve. Since the organization is concerned about recruiting and retaining membership for the charity to raise funds and propagate the message, the title should refer to the requirement of the campaign. Hence the title of the Campaign should be “Join @ SAS” (Sargeant and Wymer, 2008).
The design and construct the communication plan research and analysis of the current market, the consumers and the study of the present communication strategy need to be done. This will give a clear idea on what should be the new message and how it should be communicated and to whom (Turner, Miller and Gilbert, 2015).
The UK market is striving with charitable organizations. Each of the organizations is competing for the valuable time and money of the people. In 2012 there have been a huge cut in public spending and the donation fell by a fifth, thus increased the demand for charitable donations. Also with the rising concern for the climate and other issues that are concerning the world charitable organizations have come a long way in promoting concern and action towards mitigating issues and implementing sustainability. The overseas aid charities received a total of 10% donation, animal sector 6% and only 3% for environmental cases. The people are less concerned about environmental health and are yet doubtful of the fact that there donations are properly utilized. Hence it is very important to create a market for the indulging in the environmental charity of keeping the UK coastal ecosystem maintains (Hankinson, 2000).
Proposed Campaign Title: Join @ SAS
UK Charity HotSpots (Experian.co.uk, 2015):
The people who thrive due to the charities are the coastal communities and businesses that depend on that natural habitat and are generally partakers of the charity institutions. The common citizens are slowly becoming aware of the environmental issues which are concerning the world. The high involvement people are generally more concerned about the effect of their consumption methods which influence the environment and wants to really work for the environment while the low involvement people e more in the good feeling they experience after donating(Ethicalconsumer.org, 2015).
The main consumers or donors of the institutions consists of the teenagers and young adults within the age bracket of 16 to 24 years old and elderly people above 55 years old are the most generous donors. The middle aged people are most doubtful about the charitable organizations and are less keen on joining (Thetravelfoundation.org.uk, 2015).
The Surfers Against Sewage has used wide range of media vehicles to promote their charity campaigns and awareness communication. Starting from events, sponsorship programs to promotion through website, advertising in all available media and short films in SAS TV and SAS YouTube channel and social media pages as well are the strategies that have already been implemented (Sas.org.uk, 2015).
There are newsletters different activities and a genuine call for fundraising in activities which are continuously and constantly propagated through UK media (Protectourwaves.org.uk, 2015).
The objectives of the “Join @ SAS” is to promote the charity in order to achieve membership recruitment and retention for creating an impact on the market, spread their message and complete the task within the limited budget or fund that the institution has in store (Pride and Ferrell, 2007).
The aims and objectives of the Marketing Communication Campaign are:
To create a communication plan that will directly reach the target consumers
To attract people who will easily join hands with SAS to donate for the community services, events and campaigns
To make sure the people are feeling benefitted through the donations somehow or having atleast a good impression about the organization and their involvement with it
To sustain and retain the membership in order to create reputation and strong ground for the organization
To promote and propagate the messages to all corners of the Country and influence more people to join the organization
To develop and nurture the charity in order to take it to greater heights and fulfill the organization’s aim of conserving, beautifying and protecting the waves and beaches of the UK Coastal ecosystem
The target audience is the people that are to be targeted through the marketing communication. They are the people who are asked to join with SAS and employ their valuable time and money and continue to do so.
Demographic- the age, sex and income of the people fall in this criteria. The people should be middle aged of both the genders with a high to medium disposable income who will willingly and gladly donate and involve with organization
Psychographic/Cognitive- the people will be highly environment conscious and will feel that the nature is at threat and it is their valuable involvement which is helping the waves and the beaches to survive and sustain. The people must feel proud and active in the whole programme (Hibbert and Horne, 1996).
Marketing Communication Plan
Behavioral- the people would be somewhere between high involvement and low involvement group. They would be less regular consumers but will form the new initiated to the donating for charity crowd. Their donations would be of a good quantity, timely and constant.
The target group will hence comprise of people above 45+ years, with high disposable income who are generous donators or are new to the whole scenario.
The communication will place the organization in such order that people will perceive it as active, authentic, socially concerned and completely beneficial than the competitors of the Charity market.
The desired response is what the Surfers Against Sewage community expects after the full fledged campaign. This response would be three sided. The first part will see more and more people querying about the organization and its activities, visiting the office or the website, taking part in events. The second part will see a large number of donations from existing and new consumers. There will be an exponential rise in the number of memberships. The third phase will see the retention factor where people would not cancel their membership and will continue to fund and take part in events and activities, response from old consumers will also be gathered who were previously wheeling away from the organization (Chad, 2013).
The business proposal is to design, construct and market a communication strategy which will ensure that the objective of reaching towards the target consumer, recruiting and retaining membership for Surfers Against Sewage charity program (Amar, 2011).
Before discussing the marketing communication tool the marketing elements are discussed. The marketing element briefly contains 4Ps which are:
Product- it is the membership of the SAS which is being sold here so as to obtain donations for charity and spread their message to a wider scale.
Price- the budget fixed for the campaign is £5k and the donations that are required are of the same amount or more.
Place- the main target area where the marketing activity will take place is going to be Britain and other UK nations. The target people will be mostly UK residents, tourists will also be targeted at.
Promotion- it consists of the marketing communication tools which will finally be implemented as a marketing communication tactics (Clow and Baack, 2002). It is called the Promotional Mix it consists of:
The direct promotion of the communication through advertisements in various forms and different media options is necessary. Advertisements in TV and print is costly the least should be done there using of new media and radio will be cost effective and genuinely attract the target group. It is a paid form of promotion and little or no feedback is received from this thus it will be hard to evaluate the efficacy.
It is a non paid form of promotion and will be most effective as it excels in creating a good relation and image. Liaising with media personnel is important as they will cover the stories and publish the stories regarding the environment sustainability programs and membership campaigns and its benefits. Sponsorship programs will also act as public relation events as this will feature the organization.
UK Charity HotSpots
It is the oral face to face promotion where employees, volunteers and other members of the organization will meet the prospective clients and directly promote the organization its activities and will influence the people to join.
Activities such as trade fair events and discounts and added advantages like a picnic sponsored by the organization at the beaches would definitely interest the target audience and thus it will generate an increase in the number of donations and memberships.
The message is the communication that needs to be propagated to the target audience. To design the message the consumer insight is required. The consumers of Surfers Against Sewage are very much conscious of the environment. Although they need a certain amount of motivation in order to rise and join forces with the organization. The target group consists of experienced people who are doubtful of the charitable organization and are speculative and hence the message must be crystal clear and direct to reach the target people (Smart Insights, 2013).
The Campaign title- “Join @ SAS”
Tagline- Join in for Cleaner Waves
Message- Our Earth is the only paradise we know and ocean and beaches are our richest sources, be a member of Surfers Against Sewage and join the crusade against pollution and help protect the coastal realm.
All the promotional prints and communications must carry pictures of clear blue waves. The message should also project how neglecting the ocean and beaches harms the scenic and aesthetic beauty of the places and how it endangers life (Snow, 2011).
The focus should be on recruiting and retaining memberships, hence advertisements on beach picnics, photography competitions for the members are a good way to promote the campaign.
Also there should be continuous meets and activities involving the members so that they feel good about themselves and believe that something constructive is happening. A media tour of the beach landscapes and water sports sponsorship will be effective communication of the message.
The media options or vehicles that are chosen for the promotional activities that is to be undertaken (Bruce and Bruce, 2011).
Broadcast, Traditional, Digital/Social Media
Radio- sound of waves and then a voiceover would be of great affectivity as the target group will listen to the radio message when they drive. They will be conscious and hold it as important. It will reach a large amount of audience.
SASTV/ SAS YouTube- short films shot by regular members as a competition will be effective enough in creating the right amount of interest and will provoke others to join in.
Print- newsletters and infomercials in the magazines or newspapers will be read carefully by the target group and it will cost as no charge of space is required.
New media- like telephonic promotion and social media campaigns in Facebook, twitter, pinterest and instagram would interest the youth and prolific users of the digital world.
Media |
Cost |
Advertisement in TV |
1k Euro |
Advertisement in Radio |
500 Euro |
Newsletter |
200 Euro |
Sponsorship Events |
2k Euro |
Social Media |
5oo Euro |
Evaluation |
500 Euro |
Total Cost incurred |
4700 Euro |
The budget is minimal as it is a charitable organization which believes in utilizing its funds on taking actions to mitigate pollution, climate control and other sustainable activities. Hence the whole campaign should be broad, discreet and not an extravaganza of affairs (Wang, Lee and Fu, 2010).
Target Consumers of Charitable Organizations
The evaluation of the activities is a must to understand the result, output and the efficacy of the marketing campaign. Firstly the telephonic interviews will yield results of what the consumer generally feel and how pro are they towards membership subscription or donating. The second evaluation method is direct testing of the media activities by surveys and data analysis (Wlrstore.com, 2015).
The evaluation will require time and it must be seen that it is utilizing the least of the budget. The old members are called for seminars and meetings along with the new recruits, their attendance will provide the answer to the marketing activity. After 3 months of the activity the surveys, number of membership subscriptions, number and amount of donations, fund raised must be tallied together to see whether the marketing campaign has yielded positive results.
The Surfers Against Sewage is a charitable organization which is protecting the ocean, waves and beaches of UK and generating public awareness and government policy for caring for the marine environment. But there are few constraints like lack of motivation in donating for charities and doubts regarding the utility of the funs which have lead to very low memberships and funds for the charities. To fight back these constraints and be successful in their ultimate objective the campaign for recruiting and retaining of membership for SAS is taken up. The membership will ensure that more people are aware about the issues and the organization and will actively take part in the actions and projects taken also raise donations for the activities.
Thus finally a campaign is designed which will reach the communication to the targeted consumer and will be effective enough in convincing them and generating continuous funds.
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