Exploring The Human Factors Behind Computer Networking And Internetworking Design

Human-centric approaches in Computer Networking

Networking this is the connection of two or more computers so that they can communicate with each this allows sharing of data and file between computers in a networking .Inter linking of several networks is called internetworking [1]. Networking has enhanced connection of small devices like peripheral devices like mouse and keyboards to the system unit .More so through networking there is video conferencing and tele-conferencing. Since communication is very much valued this has lead to new invention of networking devices from  the low-levels ones to high level ones that have very high speed. This report describes how networking and has gradual been improved from analog to more digital.

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Internet web


Web browsers


Search engines




Video conferencing


Human beings have come up with many approaches ways to provide solution to existing problems. This process in which human beings come up with this processes to solve the problems is called human being centric design. In networking several models have been designed by human beings to in order to solve networking problems. The models include TCP mode and OSL model[2].

OSL model is general view on how a system should communicate with one another using its protocols. The OS model has several layers that communicate with each other to fulfil the purpose of  the system The following shows the layers that are found in the  in the model[3].

 Application layer

Presentation layer

Session layer

Transport layer

Network layer


Physical layer

This is network layer that is involved in transferring data between two or more hosts.

Presentation layer

This is the layer that deals with the representation of data. For example during file sharing data from the sender is converted into wired data before is transferred to the receiver.

Session layer

This is layer that manages sessions in a network. It makes sure that no session is repeated after it has been successful performed. Normal used in synchronization and dialog controls.

Transport layer

It enhances delivery of information to the end user. It fetches data from the above layers then gives it to the network layer which then transmits it.

Network layers.

This layer deals with identifying hosts in the subnets and then uniquely identifies paths in which data will flow to the required destinations.

Data link layer –it transfers raw data from the one layer to another.

Physical layer- This is the layer that deals with the hardware components   for actual communication .The hardware are involved in signaling and voltage.

The TCP and IP are rules that govern connections of computers to the internet. Computers use this kind of language so that they can be connected to the internet. TCP model has four layers less than those that are found in the   OSL model. The layers include the application layer, transport layer internet and lastly link layer. IP provides mechanism in which the hosts uniquely identifies the clients within the network. They are also used to uniquely host within the network.

OSI Model


Mouse is computer device that is very much essential   for computers today .Without them it is difficult to operate our computers. Long ago there were no mouse and graphical interfaces hence computer users only operated the computer through entering commands via the keyboard.

The first computer mouse was a wooden shell invented by Douglas in 1964.When the metal came into contact with  the surface it could perform some actions on the computer screen. Eight years later Bill English invented a new design called ball Mouse that we are aware of it currently. The ball replaced the wheels in the previous design and it was able to monitor that was able to track movements in any direction. This design was mostly utilized even in the new evolving computers. After another eight years optical mouse was created eliminating the ball which frequently became dirty from moving round the work area, adversely influencing its operation. Today the optical mouse is the one that’s is fully utilized .

    QWERTY layout.

This keyboard layout was discovered by James and Sholes in 1878.The layout was developed to overcome the physically technology of machine layout[4]. Early typist would press a key which could in turn push hammer that strike the paper to make the writings. Typists who used   this kind of keyboard were very slow in typing. Below is figure representing   QWERTY keyboard.


This keyboard was developed with aim of identifying all the shortcomings in the QWERTY keyboard and correcting them. The keyboard was named after a professor who invented it.Many keys in this type of designed were placed in the in the home row so that the typing speed of the user could increase. The figure below shows an example of dvorak keyboard layout.

GUI is an interface that allow users to communicate with the computer with a lot of easy. This interface allow the users to view the icons of various programs   that making easier to use them. The first GUI protype was developed in 1979.

Communication between two computers or devices within a network is enhanced by protocols. The protocols can either be divided into dynamic and static protocols. Static routing occurs when routers uses manually configuration  settings   while dynamic routing is type of routing that provides maximum  routing by allowing the routers to select the  paths in which data will follow during communications. There are various types of routing protocols which include RIP, IGRP AND OSPF [5].

TCP/IP Model

This is forceful technology that is used in both LAN and WAN .It is divided into interior a gateway protocol that utilizes distance vector algorithm.

This is protocol that is used to exchange data between within an independent system. It maintains high metrics in network communication hence is more better that the RIP. The diagram below shows an example of IGRP routing.

Is a functioning routing convention utilized in internet? Especially it is a connection state directing routing and incorporates into the gathering of inside gateway convention.




Was very slow


Very fast

Transferred through Ethernet cables that are very slow.

There is use of optical cables to transfer data

It to will use electromagnets

to transfer data

It was edge hence the bundle speed was less than 1000kbs

Speed is  up  in MBS

The speed will be in  gigabytes

The technology of screens has greatly been innovated. Computer uses LCD screen for display rather than the cathode ray tubes that were used before[6].LCD screens are light and can be easily carried from one point to another. This display technology is also clearer than the cathode rays screens.

Another technology that available is the touch screen which gives typists easy time of typing. Touch screens are easier to use than button   devices.

IOT- This is  a network of physical components which enables devices to communicate with each other within network[7]. This technology is used to control things in hospitals home appliances through a network. it saves time since devices can be controlled without actually being operated physically. The following shows an example of IOT.

Cloud computing-This is the delivery of computer services e.g databases and server online over the internet[8]. Cloud computing has made communication to be very easy .It has enhance high speed of communication through sharing of resources online. Many companies store there data online so that they can be accessed from anywhere. it has reduced the cost of storing data[6] .

In the above diagram devices can be put on or off through a mobile phone.

Intelligent computers-This is the ability of a computer to acquire human characteristics of learning, reasoning and solving problems in the current world. This computer technology will be required in solving   human problems in a very short period of time.

Software defined networking- is technology that makes wireless network more reliable and convenient by untying the information plans and control plans tasks. Its plays a role in the positioning  wireless networks to  network function virtualization for elastic and flexible   positioning of the core mobile networks which can also be called the control panels .it encourages network engineers to do more research before setting up a network


The speed of communication among computers has gradual increased from the time it was discovered. This means that the future will have computers that have great speed that will transfer large data files in just a blink of an eye since the networking speed of networking components is increasing from day to day.


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