Exploring The Effects Of Individual Readiness To Change Perceived In The Workplace

Importance of Cooperative Approach in Providing Safe and Comfortable Workplace Environments

Explain Individual Readiness To Change Perceived?

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Strategies assist the managers in prioritizing the activities according to their importance. Mere implementation of the strategies is not enough in terms of carrying out the business activities. The managers need to expose cooperative approach towards the provision of safe and comfortable workplace conditions to the workers. Here, employees’ approach is crucial in terms of applying rationality towards accepting the decisions implemented by the management (Benn,  Dunphy and Griffiths 2014). If the employees indulge in community Workers Union, it means they are exposing collective approach towards opposing the decision of the management. Typical example can be improvising the attendance management system. In case of FoxMeyer Drugs, technology enhanced the efficiency in the business activities. This technological advancement extends a helping hand to the staffs in terms of improvising their presence in the workplace.

Approach is one of an important aspect in strategizing the workplace activities. Lack of adequate in-house skills compelled FoxMeyer to encounter the issue of customer turnover. This can be a strong and flexible issue for the worker’s union to revolt against the management. Cooperation from the management assists the trade union members to expose better performance (Burke 2017).

Delving deep into the business of FoxMeyer’s business, introduction of new technologies can be accounted as the wise approach towards altering the workplace scenario. Planning for bringing these type of changes proves beneficial in terms of achieving positive outcomes. Even in attendance management, planning is needed. This is in terms of regulating the performance of the workers. Herein lays the appropriateness of the change management policies and procedures. Policies act as a crucial document in terms of monitoring and tracking the performance of the workers. Along with this, it is also a means of extending support to the workers in terms of extracting productive output from them (Vakola 2014).

Betting does not go with the management issues. This activity is a deviation from the usual functions of the personnel. This type of approach reflects the gaming mentality of the managers, which compromises the needs of the workers. Along with this, this gaming mentality reduces the morale of the staffs, resulting in turnovers. Strains develop in the relationship between the managers and the employees, adding negative connotation to the aspect of teamwork. All these aspects relate with the business approach of FoxMeyer Drugs. Involving the staffs in preparing the strategies attaches positive connotation towards bringing changes in the workplace (Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths 2014). Herein lays the appropriateness of the arguments proposed by Korsu and Korsu.

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Relevance of Strategies in Prioritizing Activities

Unitarianism contradicts the aspect of change. This is applicable for all of the contexts including business. Along with this, Unitarianism also opposes the aspect of shared, nullifying the importance of collaboration and teamwork. In terms of Human resource management, Unitarianism is inappropriate, as it is the assessment of the employees’ approach towards making effective use of the organizational resources. Herein, ideology is an important aspect in terms of assessing the approach of the employees towards the sharing the common goal of success (Greenwood and Buren 2017). Normative claim towards Unitarianism reflects the relationship between the employees and the employers. A deeper inspection of this claim reflects that it is only the employer, who overpowers the employees in terms of getting the work done. This reflects the selfish mentality, contradicting the aspect of sharing, adding value to the true essence of Unitarianism. This selfishness of the management confines the employees within the harsh instructions and orders. This confinement kills the right to speech in case of the employees, making them insecure in terms of their jobs. In view of this perspective, the aspect of “human” in the human resource management gets negative connotation. Along with this, it also negates the aspect of ensuring the wellbeing of the employees. The immediate result of this are absenteeism, turnover, which results in the loss of the companies and organizations (Greenwood and Buren 2017).           

Ignoring the voice of the employees is an addition to the gaming mentality of the employers. This reflects failure in terms of effective management of the resources, that is, the employees. Herein, the aspect of organizational change seems a distant hope unless the employees are involved in the change process and plannings. Here, the question related to the relevance of employers’ Unitarianism seems relevant. This is because ignoring the wellbeing of the others is not at all a reasoned and planned behavior, which the employers are expected in terms of managing the employee performance (Bashshur and Oc 2015).

Arguments related to the withdrawal of the organizational levels from this practice of Unitarianism indicate the shredding of responsibility towards proper management of the human resources. Here, there is no question of punishing the voicer. This is because he attempted to get justice, which was in vain due to the authoritarian approach of the employer. This exposure of authority disrupts the organizational hierarchy, leading to chaotic conditions in the workplace. Along with this, it also attaches an interrogative parameter to the ideology of the employer, with which they approach the workplace issues (Greenwood and Buren 2017).

Drawbacks of Unitarianism in Managing Employees

Security is important for extracting productive output from the employees. Security policies help the personnel in ensuring the wellbeing of the staffs in an efficient and effective manner. These policies need to be flexible in terms of assuring the employees that they are an asset for the company or organization. Herein lays the appropriateness of the term flexicurity. It involves the aspect of hiring and firing of the employees, disrupting the stages proposed by Tuckman for formation of a strong and flexible team. Frequent hiring and firing attaches insecurity to the employment of the workers (Muffels, Crouch and Wilthagen 2014). This adds vulnerability to the market position of the company and organization.    

Compelling the workers to work overtime is not at all flexible in terms of ensuring their security. Rather, it means pushing the employees towards adverse situations, where they are incapable of taking appropriate decisions. This incapability aggravates the complexities of the workers in terms of adapting to the workplace issues. Even though changes are planned, the workers would respond negatively, as they lack training regarding flexibility to the workplace issues. In this situation, if there is an increased demand from the customers regarding the production of quality products, it would compel the staffs to expose negative outcomes (Muffels,  Crouch and Wilthagen 2014).

For proper implementation of the proposed changes, rational approach is needed from both the employees and the employers. This rationality is flexible enough for ensuring the security of the workplace.  Typical example of this rationality is adhering to the terms and conditions of the HRM policies. Involvement of the employees in developing the policies aligns with the true essence of flexisecurity, as they are the ones, whose production would enable the company to attain new heights of success.

Planning is crucial in terms of achieving positive outcomes. Evaluation of the developed plans is extremely important in terms of assessing their effectiveness in terms of the identified goals and objectives. Discussions related to the exposed performance enhance the awareness towards the need for modifications (Muffels, Crouch and Wilthagen 2014). Herein lays the effectiveness of training, which assures the employees regarding valuation of the efforts put in by them.

staffs and the kinds of works that they had been doing so far. As per the new proposed changes, the number of employees working in the departments will be modified and will be restructured. This will require the shifting of the employees from one department to the other and some of the staffs will also be asked to resign or will be terminated. This has also been mentioned that the total staff strength will be reduced from 139 to 103. This signifies clearly that the staffs will be reshuffled and some of them will also be terminated. However, this can cause a huge conflict and displeasure among the employees if no alternative is properly provided. The current division staff profile says that there are total 24 employees in level 1. However, there will be 32 total employees in level 1 as per the proposed change. This means that there will be a number of freshers. The less experienced staffs at level 2 were 63 as per the current staff division. The new draft says that there will be 41 staffs in level 2. As a result of this, the number of less experienced staffs will also increase. In order to guide them the number of more experienced people must increase. However, the new changed staff division says that there will be a fall in the number of level 4 and level 5 employees by a considerable amount. This means that there will be some employees who will be shifted to other branches or will be retiring or even terminated. This will not only hamper them but will also greatly hamper the freshers and the less experienced staffs that would actually need the support of someone experienced than them (Dudin and Vysotskaya 2017). Moreover, there are no managers or any such superior senior employees who will be guiding them. The employees working in level 3 will also decrease as per the changed staff division structure. These level 3 employees are the ones who are averagely experienced and can help the freshers and the experienced seniors as well. Reduction in the number of level 3 employees will also hamper the overall working of all the departments. As the number of freshers and less experienced staffs will increase, their working hours will also be extended as they will have problems in understanding the work and there will be less number of experienced people to guide them (Dudin and Vysotskaya 2017). So, it is for this reason that many of the employees will be terminated, some will be asked to increase and reduce their shift timings. Some of the employees who will neither be terminated nor will they resign, will be relocated to some new offices. All these together will cause many problems and confusions (Abbott 2014)

 It is the duty of the employer to make sure that he or she is consulting the entire matter with the employees, it is the right of all the employees to know the changes that would take place and how it will affect them. If the number of freshers and the number of less experienced staffs working in level 1 and level 2 respectively are increased, then there will surely be some problems for them to understand the work all by themselves. Moreover, the senior employees and the experienced employees from level 4 and level 5 will also decrease. So, there will be very less senior staffs to guide the increased number of juniors and the freshers. So, it is the duty of the employer to makes sure that the number of senior staffs’ must not be decreased to any abnormal limits. There must be a good number of senior staffs who will be helping the juniors. This is the duty of the employer to provide maximum support to the employees. The senior employees might be terminated all of a sudden just to abide by the new rule of reducing the total number of employees. However, this might be very tough for the senior employees as they may face financial problems due to a sudden termination.  Even if they are not terminated, they might be shifted to other branches. This might affect the comfort zone of the employees (Vovchenko et al. 2017). They might find it tough to travel to the new offices or they might not get the same friendly and comfortable working environment. So, in order to avert this, the employer must make some new departments within the same office so that the senior staffs that are being reallocated must be getting the same friendly and accustomed work environment. If at all termination is needed, then only those employees must be asked to resign who have reached the age of retirement and they must also be given full monetary compensation by the office. The employees say that they suffer from the lack of a proper supervisor. So, the employer must make sure that there is a supervisor who will be taking care of the freshers and the junior employees. Even if there has to be a promotion, it must take place according to the majority vote and a fair decision. It must be the duty of the employer to promote the overall well-being of the employees (German et al. 2017).

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