Exploring The Dark Side Of Ethical Robots: Risks And Ethical Considerations
ACCG822 The Dark Side of Ethical Robots for Businesses and Society
ACCG822 The Dark Side of Ethical Robots for Businesses and Society
The Working Principles of Ethical Robots
The notable objective of the paper is to focus on the dark side of ethical robots. This business report will be discussing the ethical considerations of the robots, the risks for businesses and society regarding the application of ethical robots. The risks associated with the use of the ethical robots will be discussed in this business report as well (Kim 2019). The issues associated with the use of ethical robots in the business sectors will be also discussed in this paper. The business report will be also presenting a flow diagram describing the presentation of the operations in an ethical robot (Zeng 2015). The importance of maintaining the environmental regulations, decision making capability, protection of human rights, complexities of the implementation procedure and data security issue regarding the use of the ethical robots regarding the use of the ethical robots. This paper will be concluding with a reflective unit stating interpretation, description and outcome of the use of the robotics in our society as well as in the business organizations (Cave et al. 2018). The next unit of the paper will be discussing the ethical problems in the context of designing the software.
Most of the automated systems which are increasingly used in our society as well as in different categories of business organizations. The rules and regulations of our society as the work ethics has to be followed by the robots so that the desired results are obtained from these advanced technologies. The evaluation of the predicted outcomes is one of the most significant ethical issues associated with ethical robots (Etzioni and Etzioni 2017). To mitigate the issues coming from this risk every ethical robot has a response button and it is utilized so that there are no further damage. The behaviour of the human beings keeps on changing every moment and there are concepts such as sarcasm which are increasingly being used by the users of the ethical robots the automated systems cannot fully understand the behaviour or sarcasm. The action of the approach which is taken by ethical robots cannot be revoked which is a very serious concern for the ethical robots, at the same time it can be said that the ethical robots have to be deployed using a professional IT governance plan (Jurkiewicz 2018). All these ethical concerns have to be kept in mind with the so that the ethical robots have very less issues.
Ethical Issues Associated with Ethical Robots
The use of ethical robots has an impact on both the business as well as in our society. Along with that, it can be said that the use of ethical robots has both advantages and disadvantages (Sharkey 2017). The different categories of risks for the businesses and society will be discussed below.
- The excessive use of ethical robots in our society is having a very negative impact on our society, as we are becoming more and more dependenton robotics technology.
- There is an increased risk of human manipulation with the use of the ethical robots in the business such as the manufacturing industries (Dalins, Wilson and Carman 2018). Since these systems work entirely based on the algorithms it can be said any kinds of security issues or breaching of the codesor other technical aspects may have a direct negative impact on the business sales of the organization.
- The excessive use of the ethical robots in the business organizations is having a negative impact on the healthof the employees as well, diseases such as obesity are becoming common in our society as well due to the lack of fitness issue (McKee and Porter 2017). Expert IT technicians are required for maintaining the ethical robots by the business organizations which requires separate investment from the management team of the business organizations.
- The ethical robots have to be properly aligned with the organizational targets so that the desired results are obtained, thus improper alignment or compatibility issuesbetween the employees of the organization and the ethical robots is also very much risks regarding the maintenance of the profitability of the business.
- The application of the use of the ethical robots in the ICT organizations increases different types of networking threatssuch as the threat coming from the cybersecurity issues such as Wanna Cry Ransomeware (Wright 2018).
- The lack of job opportunitieswith the increasing use of the ethical robots is a huge concern for our society as well, this risk is increasing at an alarming rate and is having a direct impact on the national economy as well (Spiekermann, Korunovska and Langheinrich 2018). The use of ethical robots is increasing in military operations all over the world. The fully automated drones and artilleries are used in the wars which are having a direct negative effect on our society as well. The following unit of the paper will be discussing a flow diagram which will be discussing the flow of action in the ethical robots.
The primary determination of this unit of the business report is to highlight the working principle of the instructions which are followed by the ethical robots to deal with the query which are inserted by the users of the system. After the query or the requirement is inserted, the process is initialized. The process is then reconsidered if more than one query is inserted. The movement and reaction time of the robotic is then controlled. If the program is successfully termination the program ends and if the program is not successfully terminated then the entire process restarts (Gunkel, D.J., 2018). Video cameras are one of the most important specifications of the ethical robots which are used in the defence sectors especially in the drones.
This flow diagram is used by the ethical robots which are used for inspection purposes in the manufacturing industries as well as in the military operations. This flow diagram has numerous steps and each step of this flow diagram having its own significance (Zhao et al. 2018). The operational ability of the ethical robots is needed to be aligned with the organizational activity or the tasks for which this technology or system is chosen (Lambert 2019). The use of these fully automated ethical robots in the business environments requires a professional business model plan which has to be followed so that the entire does not have any kinds of complexities (Borenstein and Arkin 2017). The goals and objectives if ethical robots are needed to be clarified by the users of ethical robots.
There are different categories of ethical issues associated with the use of the robots in our society as well as in the business organizations. The ethical issues have to be identified and understood in the first place in order to deal with them in a structured and organized way (Dalins, Wilson and Carman 2018). The following unit of the paper will be discussing ethical issues around the robots such as the decision making capability, maintenance of the environmental regulations and protection of human rights in a detailed manner.
Most of the business organizations need to maintain sustainability development in their working environment using the regulations stated by the government agencies. The Environment Protection Act of 1986, has to be followed by every business organizations but the use of ethical robots is a huge concern regarding the maintenance of the environmental regulations (Jurkiewicz 2018). The working principles which are entirely based on algorithm are needed to be changed according to the regulations stated by the government agencies. These regulations have to maintain by the dedicated by the Human Resource department.
Interpretation of the Use of Ethical Robots for Optimizing Business Processes
The resources which are there in the business organizations must be recruited very professionally using the HR department based on the qualification of the candidates as well the experience of the candidates in the same industry (Yun et al. 2016). The decision making capability of HR resources is very much important to deal with the issues concerning the use of ethical robots in the production rooms of the business organizations (Cave et al. 2018). The challenges thrown by the ethical robots in the business organizations have to be identified in the first place so that the robots can be used for many years as it requires huge investments from the shareholders of the business organizations.
The protection of the human rights of the users of the robots is the other significant ethical concern of the robotic technologies used in the business environments such as the nuclear power plants and the chemical industries (Borenstein and Arkin 2017). All the stakeholders associated with the ethical robots have to understand the working mechanism of the robot as well so that it can ensure the safety and security of the users accessing those robots.
According to me, there are numerous categories of ethical issues associated with the use of the ethics robotics both in different types of industries as well as in the society in different types of home-based appliances (Etzioni 2018). The following unit of the paper will be discussing the interpretation of the use of the ethical robots for optimizing the business process of business organizations.
According to me, the increasing use of ethical robots are leading to numerous difficulties are they are having a direct impact on the users. I believe that the lack of conscience of the ethical robots is a huge concern for the users as there are situations where conscience is needed especially in the decision making process (Bringsjord 2015). I think that predictability is one of the most important ethical concern for the ethical robots which are used by business organizations. The issue of predictability of ethical robots is always overlooked by most of the business organizations. The impact of the use of ethical robots in our society also has a negative impact on the behaviour of human beings which has to be solved in the first place. Along with the negative impact, it can be said that the business processes of the industries are optimized with the use of ethical robots (McKee and Porter 2017). The following unit of the paper will be discussing the outcomes of the use of ethical robots in business organizations.
Outcomes of the Use of Ethical Robots in Business Organizations
I believe that the use of ethical robots has both advantages as well as disadvantages. The optimization of the process in business organizations as well as in our society are the positive impacts of the ethical robots whereas the huge initial investment required from the management team of the business organizations and investments required from the shareholders of the organization are the other limitations for the use of these ethical robots (Salvini 2015). The incorporation of the ethical robots in our society as well as in the business organizations requires an effective IT governance plan (Etzioni 2018). The use of the ethical robots in the decision making procedure in a business organization must be following concepts such as equity and equality which are not always easier to follow by the ethical robots. There is a very low sense of humour for the ethical robots which are used in the business organizations (Vanderelst and Winfield 2018). However, along with the issues of the ethical issues, it can be said that there are no ethical considerations such as biasedness and racism. I believe that there are many adversaries associated with the use of ethical robots such as automated drones. There are different categories of technologies which are required in the business environment of business organization such as the big data technologies and the cloud computing technologies (Wagner 2018). Considering the future, I think that the use of the ethical robots in the business organizations is also a huge opportunity of the cybercriminals to show their potentials in terms of new advanced sophisticated ways of attacking institutions. Thus the use of ethical robots in future has to be done using proper planning.
Thus the paper concludes the use of the ethical robots in both business organizations as well as in society. The paper concludes the ethical issues associated with the use of robotics such as evaluation of the predicted outcomes and understanding the behaviour of the users. The risks of the use of ethical robots in business in terms of the alignment of the technology and organizational capability can be also determined from this paper. The paper helps in concluding the risk of the use of ethical robots in our society in terms of the increasing health issues such as obesity. The procedure followed by the ethical robots when a query is inserted into the robot is also presented using a flow diagram. At the same time, the ethical issue associated with the use ethical robots such as the maintenance of the environmental regulations such as the Environment Protection Act of 1986 and protection of human rights can be also understood from this paper. The impact of the ethical robots in our society as well as in workplaces can be also concluded in the paper. Thus, this business report is very much useful to understand the ethical issues associated with the robotics from a business perspective.
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