Exploring The Characteristics And Programming Mindset Of Robots

The Problem Domain and Research Questions

This project relates to robots, their characteristics and functioning. For the various individuals, robot refers to a machine which imitates the human. Several robots tend to grab our imagination like, the robots continue to inhabit imagination. Still some individuals are not able to give an automaton for dependably moving with the dynamic world. Most of the robots can simply be dangerous, onerous, boring, or they can be nasty. Robots are found mostly in motorcar, medical field, and production and house industries. Nowadays, there are more than one lakh variety of robots operating for the United States of America. Some robots just like the Mars Rover occupier and therefore the forthcoming Mars Exploration Rover, or the underwater automaton Rangier tarandus facilitate us find out about places that are too dangerous for us to travel. Whereas different sorts of robots are simply plain fun for teenagers of all ages. Well-liked toys like Teckno, Polly or AIBO ERS-220 appear to be most popular during festival time. In section 2 the problem domain and related research questions are addressed. Section 3 gives the background to the project including the literature review and state of the art as it is today. Second 4 gives the requirements analysis while section 5 provides the project plan and design. Section 6 discusses the research methods for the next stages of the project. Finally, the conclusions are given in Section 7.

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In robotics, the primary problem refers to developing “The Programming Mind set” rather than to have skill in a particular language. My research goal is to develop proficiency in programming outlook. This can be evaluated both with quantitative and qualitative research.

Arduino means a tiny computer, which has a powerful platform by using which various tasks could be performed easily. The robot is interfaced with a large number of inputs like, sensors, potentiometers, speaker, DC motor and a display [1] [2].

Golem hardly contains a common definition. The area unit certain important characteristics of golem that are necessary, which can help in assisting to take a decision of what’s and what’s not a golem. Moreover, it assists in taking decision like what options are required to build in the machine, prior to becoming a golem.

The robot comprises of the below mentioned important characteristics. They are [5]:

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Intelligence: Robot’s important characteristic is programming, as it helps the robots to be smart.

Sensing: Sensing could be recognized as robot’s key characteristics, which helps the robots to check the objects present in its surrounding. The robot contains various sensors such as light weight sensors like eyes, pressure sensors like hands, chemical sensors like nose, hearing and echo sounder sensors like ears, and style sensor like tongue. The awareness of the atmosphere is provided to the robot with all these sensors.

Background and State of the Art

Energy: Robot definitely needs energy or power for all its operations. Robot come in various powered facilities like they can be charged with solar-power, electrical power and battery power.

Movement: The other essential characteristic of the robot includes moving from place to another, it might be walking on legs, rolling on wheels, or dynamical by thrusters

Therefore, these characteristics increased my interest to know more about the robots.

The literature review provides the understanding of robots and their functioning. The different view point of various researchers is reviewed to obtain effective ideas which can be utilized in this project. Some of the effective ideas include interfacing the robots with Arduino. 

According to [2], the author Robert Bogue aims to furnish current essential developments in the technologies of human?robot interfacing.

The methodology used in this research is researching the recently developed technologies that help the humans to effectively interact with the robots. The assistive robots are discussed along with inexpensive robots. At last, the impacts of controlling the robots and the progress in this aspect is researched.

The findings show that the new and improved human?robot interfacing technologies are the topic of a major development effort. Low?cost robots could be commissioned easily and can be operated to help human activities. The technology of assistive robot is found to be progressing because of an effective man?machine interfacing techniques.

As per [6] the author Vincenzo Piuri talks about the Flexibility and propelled administrations for surrounding the insight essential for a savvy mechanical help. The understanding of present needs and the wants of clients in the collaborations with nature for their everyday use are understood, just as for understanding the present status of the earth likewise in complex circumstances. This framework comprises a basic base for savvy living. Computational insight can give extra adaptable procedures to structuring and executing checking and control frameworks, which can be arranged from conduct precedents or by mirroring estimated thinking procedures to accomplish versatile frameworks. This session will break down the open doors offered by computational knowledge to help the acknowledgment of versatile activities and astute administrations for brilliant living in an encompassing wise framework.

According to [7] the author aims to provide details of commercially available domestic robots and recent product developments and consider whether a significant boost in the robot population is imminent.

By following a short introduction, this paper first provides a brief overview of existing domestic robots and identifies recent product trends. It then discusses some newer product developments which extend the capabilities of domestic robots. This is followed by a consideration of the many recently launched companion robots, and the paper concludes with a discussion of the likely impact on the domestic robot market.

Requirements Analysis

This paper shows that domestic robots have benefited from developments in artificial intelligence, sensor technology and connectivity, which have led to greater versatility and enhanced ease of use. Several new product developments are extending the range of functions conducted by domestic robots. Many small, mobile companion/social robots have recently been developed which interact with humans by speech and vision and conduct functions such as entertainment, the control of household appliances and security.

This paper provides an insight into the wide range of domestic robots which are available or under development and considers their commercial prospects.

As per [8] the author aims to review of the use of robots in two healthcare applications: surgery and prosthetics.

By following a brief introduction, this paper first considers robotic surgery and discusses a selection of commercial products, applications and recent technological advances. It then considers recent developments in robotic prosthetics.

It is shown that surgical robots are being employed in an ever?growing range of clinical procedures. Systems employing tactile feedback are under development. Improved robotic prosthetics are the topic of a major research effort and recent developments include hands and grippers, walking aids and novel control techniques, including thought?activated systems which exploit advances in brain?computer interface technology.

This paper provides details of recent developments and applications of robotic surgery and prosthetics.

According to [9], Humanoid robots have evolved over the years and today it is in many different areas of applications, from homecare to social care and healthcare robotics. This paper deals with a brief overview of the current and potential applications of humanoid robotics in healthcare settings. We present a comprehensive contextualization of humanoid robots in healthcare by identifying and characterizing active research activities on humanoid robot that can work interactively and effectively with humans so as to fill some identified gaps in current healthcare deficiency.

The objectives of this project are:

  • How to build an Arduino controlled robot?
  • How to program the robots?
  • What is the interfacing technology used?

The robot programming involves various languages. In robotics, the primary problem refers to developing “The Programming Mind set” rather than to have skill in a particular language. In various ways, it doesn’t bother about the programing language which you have learnt initially. Each language learnt helps to develop the programming outlook proficiency and this helps a lot for finding out new language whenever required. Certain the languages are mentioned and discussed below.


HDLs stand for Hardware Description Languages and they are a programming method to describe the natural philosophy. All these languages are familiarized to certain robotics. But, few developments has given best result by the use of HDL programming with robotics.

Project Plan and Design


MATLAB, and its open supply relatives, like Octave, is incredibly fashionable for some robotic engineers for analysing information and developing management systems. This is the best language for research information of robotics and for implementing management systems.


C# may be a proprietary programing language provided by Microsoft. C#/.NET is also the suitable language for Microsoft artificial intelligence Developer Studio.  C# is used for long run development.


Java is the best programing language that “hides” the underlying memory practicality from the coder, that is it makes it easier to program than, say, C. Java when used for programming in robotics, the background is applied in all probability form. Like C# and MATLAB, Java is AN interpretative language, which implies that it’s not compiled into machine language [4]. Rather, the Java Virtual Machine interprets the directions at runtime. The speculation for victimization Java is used for identical code on many alternative machines, because of the Java Virtual Machine.


In ROS, a couple of programming languages that are found include, Python and C++. Python is an interpretative language just like Java. It withholds various similar old things which needs time in programming such as, the casting variable types and process. Moreover, there exists wide range free libraries, which reflects to “reinvent the wheel” after implementing some basic practicality. Python in artificial intelligence avoids performance loss which is advantageous than other languages.

Building an Arduino – Controlled Robot

The below steps shows the building of an Arduino – controlled robot. The steps for building a robot is as follows:

Step 1: Source parts

Chassis Kit:

The required parts to build a robot are Gear box, Arduino Uno, Motor shield, Ultrasonic sensor, Motor and batteries. The mechanical parts include tracks, wheels, axels and the wooden base. These parts are used to make up the body of the robot. The chassis kit is selected which should be a perfect base to build a robot. Tamiya 70108 chassis kit can be used which is cheap and easy to assemble. The kit has tank steering, which helps to turn the robot around its own length. It also has double gearbox. The basic kit can move forward and backward but cannot turn around. Hence, Tamiya 70108 is the best choice for the base of the robot.

The 70168 Gearbox can be assembled easily and it enables the robot to turn. It works easily as every single part is run by a different motor. There are four gear ratios which can be selected for higher speed or increased torque is needed. Gearing could be modified for compensating respectively.

Arduino Uno

UNO is referred as the best board for working with the coding and electronics. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board which is based on ATmega328P (datasheet). It contains 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 could be utilized as PWM outputs), power jack, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, 6 analog inputs, reset button, USB connection and ICSP header. The components required for supporting the microcontroller are available. Through a USB cable it is connected with PC or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery. The reference version of Arduino are the Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE). Uno board is the first in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform.

Research Methods

Motor Shield is a part which is used as the motors’ driver module that allows using the Arduino for controlling the motor’s working speed and direction. It is used for driving two DC motors or a step motor depending on Dual Full-Bridge Drive Chip L298. Motor Shield could either directly be powered by Arduino or with the help of external power supply 6V~15V through the terminal input. This module could be utilized to develop intelligent vehicles, micro robots and so on.

The sensor is an important component in the robot. The sensor and Arduino are viewed as robot’s eye and brain. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is used in the robot for gathering real world information to feed the brain of Arduino. More accurately, HC-SR04 utilizes the sonar, sending out sound waves and measuring them. With the help of sound’s speed, one can easily calculate the distance between the sensor and the object that are identified.

HC-SR04’s Specification

The HC-SR04 can be used for interfacing with any microcontroller, by using a digital input like PIC, or any Arduino series.

Micro Servo

Between the ultrasonic distance sensor and its mount, the Micro servo is placed. The SG90 micro servo is utilized in the robot, like a human neck. Robot can move and turn in different directions using a Micro servo. Subsequently, there is possibility of setting up an array of various ultrasonic sensors, just like the fly’s eye, where every single sensor measures the distance, using various angles. The product is made with high-grade material and advanced equipment and machinery. It includes features like high performance, durability, accuracy, and reliability.

When connecting a motor with the robot, it is selected in such a way that the supply voltage and current has to be checked and tested. The testing is done in order to avoid the drivers from burning out. The Pololu #1117 motors has voltage that is higher and it produces less amount of current which is used to pull the drivers when stalled which safeguards the motor without burning. This motor functions effectively with various lower-power motor controllers – namely, Orangutan SV-328 robot controller, qik 2s9v1 dual serial motor controller, TB6612FNG dual motor driver carrier and Baby Orangutan robot controller. The motor doesn’t produce electrical noise, because the FA-130 motor was utilized in various Tamiya gearboxes. Also it can draw extremely less amount of current. This motor is applicable for the lower-current motor controllers containing the Tamiya gearboxes.


Lithium polymer battery is more suitable to power the robot which has a high technology and high capacity. The power is stored for hours. While utilizing such battery, it is suggested to have a smart charger.


The tools that are required for building a robot are:

Screwdriver set

Soldering Iron (optional)

Hobby Knife

Wire Strippe

Assembling the source parts:

After selecting the parts to build the robot, the below instructions are followed for assembling the source parts

The parts are organised.

Holes are marked to mount the Arduino.

Drill Arduino mounting holes.

The notches are made near the sides for mounting the gearbox.

Idle axle mounts are attached.

Bogey axle mounts are attached.

Idler wheels are placed axle.

The idler axle, wheels, and wheel securing caps are mounted one over the other.

Bogies and wheel securing caps are attached.

Chassis is finally set.

Step 2: To build a support box for the battery

The battery box was built with the help of a Meccano Erector set. Frames for robotics projects are made using erector sets.

Step 3: To mount the gear box

There are small parts which are hard to hold. They are organised in a proper manner and assembled. It is made sure that the grease is applied in order to reduce friction. For the chassis, the gearbox is little extra wide. The bolts go down through the gearbox, notches and then inside the sandwich plate. Even the sandwich plate catches hold of the battery holder down, which actually slips below the gearbox.

Step 4: To connect wire with motor

The wires are combined and pinched into a two – hole erector. The wires are organised in such a way that they are easy to be apart from Arduino.

Step 5: To attach the Arduino with source parts

The Arduino is placed up from the chassis using the drilled holes, the space provided in the Chassis for the Arduino. Three major screws were used as the components. It is made close to the USB port. From the Meccano Erector set, the spacers and bushings are placed in the chassis.

Step 6: To enclose the motor shield into the Arduino

It should be observed carefully that the pins should not be bend and the pins are line up from the motor shield. It is slowly pressed down unless the Motor Shield is safe for the Arduino.

Step 7: The ultrasonic sensor must be assembled.

A triangular erector set panel is taped around to set a panel. Sensor is taped near the panel’s corners. To the sensor triangle the strut is bolted. The points are marked and holes are drilled for mounting screws. The sensor is mounted on the chassis with the aid of bolts.

Step 8: The ultrasonic distance sensor must be connecte

From a sensor the wire is attached, which is marked as VCC. Then, in the foremost right position below the Motor Shield, another pin is marked as V. The pin marked GND from the sensor is connected to the pin of the Motor Shield and it is marked as G. The wire from the Trigger pin on the sensor is connected to the digital pin 7 and on the Motor Shield it is marked as D7. The wire from the Echo pin on the sensor is connected to the digital pin and on the Motor Shield it is marked as D6. Special cables are used for computer jumpers. Wires are soldered to the pins. It can be done with different colour wires to avoid confusion during jumpering of wires.

Step 9: To mount the battery.

The battery is mounted. When placing the battery, it should be placed very careful, because the battery can be the heaviest component in the robot. Battery holder was placed too far back, to move it forward on the top of the motor shield heat sink, as this allows effective distribution of weight. The battery hook-ups present on the motor shield are verified which denotes that the red wire goes to positive, and black goes to negative. Battery plugs are clipped together so that the Arduino and Motor Shield lights can light up.

Step 10: Loading the program.

In the Arduino language, the programs are referred as sketches. The sketch is loaded into the robot. Finally the robot is ready to operate, when the program is executed.

Step 11: Final set up of the robot

The quantitative research method will be utilized in the next stage of the project.

Conclusion, limitations  and future work

This report gives a clear picture about robots, the necessary components for assembling are discussed in detail. Also the interfacing and the programming is also explained in detail.  This paper furnishes essential details and advancements in interfacing the human?robots.


The limitation are, the intellect of the robots are programmed and needs a lot of tests and certifications to be used in the industry.

Future Work

The future work can be carried out on advancing the characteristics of the robots


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