Exploring Lebanese Food Culture: The Delicious Falafel Dish

Describe the Chosen Food in its Local Context

Discuss about the Food Culture for Lebanese Food Falafel.

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In this assignment the information about the Lebanese food Falafel in local Almond Bar Darlinghurst Sydney has been delivered by the researcher. The word ‘cuisine’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘coquere’ which means ‘to cook’. The style of cooking is can be characterized in various manner and techniques. The dishes that are prepared by using the ingredients and techniques refer cooking. It is normally related to a particular region or culture. In this assignment it has been discussed about a particular dish of Lebanese that is falafel and showing the emergence as a Middle East food in local Almond Bar Darlinghurst in Sydney (Diner, 2013). Here Lebanese food falafel has been chosen by the researcher to discuss its historical as well as the importance and popularity of it among the local and the foreigners (Abdullah, 2015). The researcher also delivered the information about the production rate and the consumption rate relating to the historical age. The gastronomy importance of the food that has been selected by the researcher in this context has been also discussed. And the most importantly the demand and the supply of the falafel dish and its popularity in the local and over the world has been also discussed in this report.

Falafel is the name of a dish that is popular in the Middle East part of Egypt. Falafel is one of the Lebanese delicious dishes among various famous dishes that are made from the Fava bean and chickpeas or by both. It is the deep fried ball or patty that is considered as snacks. The falafel ball are used are mainly traditional dish of the Middle Eastern part and generally served pita. It is also used as staffing ingredients in between flatbread known as “taboon”. The falafel ball is served in local restaurant and bar in the Sydney as snack item. The falafel dish is famous dish of Lebanese though it is originated in the Egypt (Waines, 2016). In the local region and part of Sydney this dish very famous.

The dish falafel ball or patty is prepared from the paste of chickpeas and fava bean which is mixed with onions and different type of herbs, spices and then it is deep fried. It is served with different sauce and salad and it is considered and popular among the people as a delicious tasty food. It is crispy and juicy as it is deep fried. It is as local street food and in local bar in Almond Bar Darlinghurst in Sydney. Therefore, as it is popular Lebanese dish the demand of the food in the bar and restaurant is high for it taste.

History of the Food in Context to the Major Periods of Change or Globalization process

According to various researches report the information that is provided by the researcher that still now there is controversy with the origin of Falafel. The dish falafel is eaten by an ethno-religious group in Egypt and is considered as Muslim. During the lent period this group of people intake this food instead meat. Therefore, it is considered as vegetarian dish. In the Middle East part the dish falafel is considered as a street food or fast food (Popkin, 2006). The researcher also intended to deliver information that falafel has been considered as popular dish for which the Mc Donald’s has taken initiative for servings their menu as “Mc falafel” in several part of countries.  In this modern period age the dish falafel is considered as Lebanese famous dish. Falafel has played an iconic role in the region of Israeli cooking and is represented as the national dish of the county.

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As falafel is completely vegetable based food it’s consider under the law and acts of Jewish dietary. During the age of 1970 the Lebanese dish falafel was only considered and found in the Middle-east and Jewish restaurant and bar. But now a day, the falafel dish has been popular delicious dish in the North America, Australia and various other countries in this world (Waines, 2016).

As it is discussed above that falafel the Lebanese dish is completely prepared by the vegetables therefore it very popular and famous delicious among the Vegan or the people those are vegetarian. It is accepted as alternative dish by the vegetarian instead of meat or non – vegetable food. It is also now in recent time sold in the market and health –food stores. The falafel dish has been accepted as nutritious and protein food by the peoples and cooked in different variety. The falafel balls or patty are used in the in different types of recipe as an ingredients such as while making dish with spaghetti the falafel ball rue mixed with it for enhancing the quality and taste of the dish instead of meat balls.

There are three major periods of change in the context of regional cuisine. These three changes occurred due to the affect of globalization processes (Cavalcanti, 2015). During the period 1400s to late 1800s the European mercantilism started, it was the first phase; the second phase was the migration during the period of 17th century followed to 20th century when peoples from different region of the world were migrating and settling in a different part which influenced and created a fusion of taste and foods (Hall and R., 2016). And the third phase was thee contemporary globalization which has increased the communication among the several part of the region in world. The transportation gap decreased in order to spread the knowledge of the food all over the world. Therefore, the dynamic change in the globalization has influenced the food habits of the many region people. 

Provide Rich Description to Reflect the Production and Consumption

According to the above discussion the falafel dish is Lebanese dish which is made from the chickpeas and fava bean. According to various research studies the rate of production percentage of grown chickpeas is almost 80% globally. There are two types of chickpeas that are grown are desi and kabuli. In Australia 70 to 80% is the production of desi chick peas. In the north east part of Australia typical desi chickpeas are grown while kabuli chickpeas are grown in the part of south east part. In Australia the crop is grown in the winter season nab harvested in the month of October and January.

In the year 1980 the first commercial chickpeas have been grown in Australia. In between the year 1990-91 and 2012-13 the production rate is 192000-817000 tonnes. The production rate has increased rapidly near about 40000tonnes according to the year 2005-06, the record delivers information the production rate high time was 2012-13 and the production was 377000tones (Pugliese et al. 2013).

According to the production rate of chick peas in Australian market the researcher served information about the consumption. The Australian chick peas are exported to different region of the world such India, Bangladesh, south assai, etc. In the year 2011-2012 the production of chickpeas was 673400 tonnes and the exported rate was 581000 tonnes. The Australia has been considered as the world largest exporter of chickpeas in the global trade market (Jabeen and Katsioloudes, 2013). In average the exported chickpeas of Australia are 36% in an annual accounting rate. In the year 2012 the production rate of Australian chickpeas decline to 11.3 tonnes which 11.6 tonnes during the year 2011. The production and consumption of chickpeas in world trade market is increasing its volume rapidly. Therefore, it is relevant that the production rate of the chickpeas in Australia is experiencing a rapid growth which is enhancing the economic and financial aspect of the globe trade market (Waines, 2016). There are many foreign countries that are collaborating with the Australian exporter for the exporting the chickpeas and also to increase the financial position of the particular region.

The falafel ball or patty is usually found as the nation food and famous delicious food of the Middle East part of the world. But in the near future it spread all over the world (Articles, 2016). The Australia is getting benefited by the production of the chick peas which is the main ingredients of the falafel dish (Industry.gov.au. 2016).The dish falafel is accepted by the local people in Australian and the Almond Bar in Sydney is getting benefited by the serving the dish to the customers. The dish is very delicious and tasty for which the demand for the food in this restaurant is very high. The cooking style of the dish is as old as the ancient time so the taste and the flavour is maintained as authentically (Jabeen and Katsioloudes, 2013). In the Sydney and other part of Australian the licensee dish is also considered as the delicious street food.


Keeping in mind the various points that has been discussed above in this assessment, we can conclude that there are different cuisines of several regions and they are accepted as a part of nationality of their region. The Lebanese cuisine of falafel is the one of the oldest and is very popular dish in the various part of the world. It has also been accepted as protein and nutritious dietary food by the peoples. Therefore the falafel dish is increasing the financial status of the local Almond Bar Darlinghurst in Sydney as the demand from the customer is high.


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Cavalcanti, J. (2015). Globalization of Food and Labor: Challenges for Sociology. Sociologies in Dialogue, 1(1).

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