Exploring Different Values In Practice
A Mission Statement
The noun value refers to the principles or the standards of deeds. It can also be defined as one’s judgment matters the things that are important in life. Values are of great importance such that they are considered essential in the different workplaces in order to ensure a good experience around your workplace (Bednarek & Caple, 2017). Therefore, the managers, as well as the team leaders of the different span of control, should clearly pay attention to values and morals of those at the workplace. This paper, therefore, analyses on the topic of values. As a result, there will also be a discussion based on different values in practice, the professional practice as well as the reflective statement on values.
Our mission is to help in molding good values within different organizations and in return maintain a great relationship within the organization. We will also organize for workshops where different persons will be educated on values in order to attain the right values in the society (Fairholm, 2011). The only way in which this can be effective is by putting the needs of the individuals first and avoiding placing judgment upon their activities regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
All the employees are protected under the equality act of 2010. In this Act, the employees are protected against discrimination and all the other unethical values while they are at their workplaces. This minimizes the rate of discrimination when it comes to areas such as those of gender, race, disability, age, and sexuality. Given an example of the disability, the organization will adopt timetable as well as the workload for the individual with the disability (Dolgoff, Loewenberg, & Harrington, 2009). Also, the company will play a role in protecting them from harassment from other members of the organization such as the staffs. This will be because it is our duty to play a role in the provision of employment as well as treating employees with the respect that is correct because they deserve it.
Any given organization requires definite values to be put in to practice to provide for the service users of the organization. The values include ethical, anti-discriminatory, incorporating the views of those associated with the organization to the practices involved with the organization, empowering service users, and normalization. The aim of these standards in practice within the given organization is to help those that use our services when it comes to recovering any value related issues (Kirschenbaum, 2013). The organization should also help the employee or even the person involved without judging them in one way or the other.
An Equalities and Diversity Statement
As the users of our services get engaged with the service providers of the given organization. The service providers should play a great role in working to meet the needs of their customers. They should empower the customers and prioritize them using the policy of the person-centered practice planning. It should be of great importance to the service providers that the needs and wishes of the customers are fully established and adhered to since it will strengthen the relationship between the two parties (Thistlethwaite, 2012). The professional understanding of the customer service providers of any given organization should be based on the common grounds which would help them to express and confide at the times when they are feeling safe. this is due to the fact that the right organization should be as a result of the good values. This means customer service providers have a component of control over their strategies and survives within the company to permit us to work in a respectful manner.
In any given organization, ethics is a very important aspect. This is due to the fact that ethics determine the means in the means in which the organization is likely to run. Where the values are great, then ethics are also said to be favored. Therefore, good ethical acts are a result of the good ethical acts (Reamer, 2013). Therefore, the given company should pay attention to working on the right ethic. As a result, acts such as those of bullying, discrimination, disrespectful among other unethical acts should e avoided within the organization.
Empowerment can easily be defined as the construct that connects individual strong point and capabilities, naturally helping structures, and positive behaviors towards social strategy and social modification. This is important to our facility users given that we fully focus on how to empower them to build relations with the individuals around them and also encouraging them upon carrying on with certain activities according to the changes present close to them. Other than empowering them upon giving a try to different new activities, we also empower them to believe more in their identity and self-worth also (Kaye, & Allison, 2013). The importance of the above empowerments is to help our customers to know how to handle acts of stigmatization and others that may pull their personality down.
Given that our staff members rarely use the services we offer, there must the availability to maintain the high leveled service when it comes to user involvement in for the organization to run. Due to quality values, the organization should try and come up with good ways in which good participation should take place (Morden, 2013). One of the ways should be when the organization is conducting interviews, the users should be given the room to ask question and place judgments on the facts observed.at such cases, the tokenistic format for the user is not put into applied this is regardless of whether the response obtained is positive or even negative. The reason as to why the organization does not use the content issued by their customer is because they consider the company to be of the great importance and they focus more on how to run the organization effectively. It has therefore been said that the participation of the service user is considered effective only when the results obtained greatly approach the practice lead. Therefore, it means that as the organization, we are obliged to examining the constraints present in the participation of the service uses and to also to change the types of measures that are usually carried out.
Values in Practice (Discussion)
Normalization can be defined as the social procedures through which thoughts and activities come to be perceived as normal and develop a taken-for-granted or a natural manner in everyday life. There are different theories that can properly discuss normalization. The first theory is a social theory (Macdonald, 2004). Whereby, normalization seems to be in two different forms. First, the idea of normalization is initiated in the effort of Michael Foucault, especially the discipline and punishment in the setting of his explanation of the power of discipline. As Foucault applied the term above, normalization complicated the building of a perfect standard of conduct and then satisfying or grueling persons for respectively compliant to or different from this ideal. In Foucault’s explanation, normalization was unique in a collaborative of strategies for using the maximum social control through the minimum spending of force, which Foucault called disciplinary power (Macvean & Neyroud, 2012). Disciplinary power arose over the course of the 19th century, came to be used extensively in military barracks, hospitals, asylums, factories, schools, offices, among others, and hence converted to a crucial feature of a social structure in the society that is modern.
Secondly, there is the normalization process theory. Which is a middle-range theory and is mainly used in technology and science studies and also the medical sociology in order to offer a framework in which social science can clearly be understood.
Through the practice of the correct values within an organization, we preserve high values of professional repetition which consists of different many values which are incorporated into the service offered within the organization (Beckett & Maynard, 2005). Good values bring about a good relationship within the organization. The good relationship comes along because all the department are trained upon practicing good morals and also on how to handle the client. Therefore, the user service promotes respect, proper dignity, equality in the workplaces, care, legal rights as well as safety maintenance within the workplaces. It is therefore important to adhere to the principles mentioned above in order for the organization to participate fully in the activities involving the service user.
When it comes to the teaching which involves the correct values for the organization, the involvement of the service user is said to be of great importance given that they are the ones that deal with the clients (Sewell, 2013). Therefore, the organization should pay more attention to how they are trained, and their values given that they in a way determine the future of the organization. This is because if they in any way treat a client badly, there is a high possibility of the client moving to another organization.
Person-Centered Practice
the use of person-centered practice and personalization are seen are the source of the creation of the higher levels of fulfillment from services users (Wadham, 2010). Together with this, it is also highlighted that the staff and the service users together think that the staff tends to the service users in a way that is of more respect when applying person-centered planning in the given organization. As a result, personalization is highly supported because it creates a room for respect in the workplaces.
Failing in obtaining acts that Qualifies one as having the good characters does not mean that the person has automatically failed in all the acts, therefore, the person can therefore still work on his or her values and turn out to be of a good value. At this point, the manager of the given organization or even the leader of the span of the control to which the person involved belongs to should play a role of correcting the person involved (Stout, 2010). In any organization, the service users’ providers should be greatly coached on how to handle their duties. However, the manner at which the tasks are carried out within the organization really matters. Above all, neither the customer nor the service provider should be deprived of his or her rights in the presence of issuing of being offered services. As a result, the relevant codes of practice should be considered at all times.
Managing data as we as sharing information are considered to be some of the highest significances and all the staff members are supposed to survey both the Statistics Protection Act and the Code of Practice on confidentiality.
The Data Protection Act informs us on the way in which we handle individual data on our facility users, we have to follow the Act’s numerous data protection values such as making sure that all personal info of our provision users is applied in a manner that is lawful; also, that they are applied for specific determinations, and not kept for needless time lengths and also in a secure manner (Suter, 2010). value is part of our duties and in process of equipping values to those in our organizations, we apply acts such as those of respect and also, we adhere to the techniques of managing data
The above discussion based on the values and the different manners in which values are of great help to the organization has greatly widened up my brain and inspired me to write more on values. The concept is of great help to a wide range of audiences given that all the sectors work under the organization and can only work well in the places the acts carries out are guided by the good values. Hence, there are different topics that have merged to be of concern in this discussion. They are as outlined below.
Values in practice whereby, it was seen that given organization requires definite values to be put in to practice to provide for the service users of the organization (Daniels & Macdonald, 2005). The values include ethical, anti-discriminatory, incorporating the views of those associated with the organization to the practices involved with the organization, empowering service users, and normalization. The organization should also help the employee or even the person involved without judging them in one way or the other.
Person-centered practice in which the users of our services get engaged with the service providers of the given organization. The service providers should play a great role in working to meet the needs of their customers (Gulla, 2010). They should empower the customers and prioritize them using the policy of the person-centered practice planning. It should be of great importance to the service providers that the needs and wishes of the customers are fully established and adhered to since it will strengthen the relationship between the two parties.
Service user involvement whereby, this is placed into consideration when it comes to the teaching which involves the correct values for the organization, the involvement of the service user is said to be of great importance given that they are the ones that deal with the clients (Barsky, 2010). Therefore, the organization should pay more attention to how they are trained, and their values given that they in a way determine the future of the organization. This is because if they in any way treat a client badly, there is a high possibility of the client moving to another organization.
Normalization has earlier been defined as the social procedures through which thoughts and activities come to be perceived as normal and develops a taken-for-granted or a natural manner in everyday life. There are different theories that can properly discuss normalization. The first theory is the social theory. Whereby, normalization seems to be in two different forms. First, the idea of normalization is initiated in the effort of Michael Foucault, especially the discipline and punishment in the setting of his explanation of the power of discipline. As Foucault applied the term above, normalization complicated the building of a perfect standard of conduct and then satisfying or grueling persons for respectively compliant to or different from this ideal. In Foucault’s explanation, normalization was unique in a collaborative of strategies for using the maximum social control through the minimum spending of force, which Foucault called disciplinary power (Reamer, 2013). Disciplinary power arose over the course of the 19th century, came to be used extensively in military barracks, hospitals, asylums, factories, schools, offices, among others, and hence converted to a crucial feature of a social structure in the society that is modern. Secondly, there is the normalization process theory. Which is a middle-range theory and is mainly used in technology and science studies and also the medical sociology in order to offer a framework in which social science can clearly be understood.
Another area that we got to look at was Participation. Whereby, we got to understand that given that our staff members rarely use the services we offer, there must the availability to Participation
Given that our staff members rarely use the services we offer, there must the availability to maintain the high leveled service when it comes to user involvement in for the organization to run. Due to quality values, the organization should try and come up with good ways in which good participation should take place (Hoban, 2012). One of the ways should be when the organization is conducting interviews, the users should be given the room to ask question and place judgments on the facts observed.at such cases, the tokenistic format for the user is not put into applied this is regardless of whether the response obtained is positive or even negative. The reason as to why the organization does not use the content issued by their customer is because they consider the company to be of the great importance and they focus more on how to run the organization effectively. It has therefore been said that the participation of the service user is considered effective only when the results obtained greatly approach the practice lead. Therefore, it means that as the organization, we are obliged to examining the constraints present in the participation of the service uses and to also to change the types of measures that are usually carried out.
maintain the high leveled service when it comes to user involvement in for the organization to run. Due to quality values, the organization should try and come up with good ways in which good participation should take place (Akhtar, 2012). One of the ways should be when the organization is conducting interviews, the users should be given the room to ask question and place judgments on the facts observed.at such cases, the tokenistic format for the user is not put into applied this is regardless of whether the response obtained is positive or even negative. The reason as to why the organization does not use the content issued by their customer is because they consider the company to be of the great importance and they focus more on how to run the organization effectively. It has therefore been said that the participation of the service user is considered effective only when the results obtained greatly approach the practice lead. Therefore, it means that as the organization, we are obliged to examining the constraints present in the participation of the service uses and to also to change the types of measures that are usually carried out.
In Managing data and information, it is seen that as we sharing information are considered to be some of the highest significances and all the staff members are supposed to survey both the Statistics Protection Act and the Code of Practice on confidentiality. The Data Protection Act informs us on the way in which we handle individual data on our facility users, we have to follow the Act’s numerous data protection values such as making sure that all personal info of our provision users is applied in a manner that is lawful; also, that they are applied for specific determinations, and not kept for needless time lengths and also in a secure manner (Remtulla, 2010). value is part of our duties and in process of equipping values to those in our organizations, we apply acts such as those of respect and also, we adhere to the techniques of managing data
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