Exploring Authentic Leadership: Purpose, Principles, And Areas Of Development


Leadership is the effective term that enhances the productivity of the employees and encourages them to accomplish the task within time frame. There are various kinds of leadership strategy that enables the organization to take the appropriate decisions in the context of important phase (Carroll, Levy & Richmond, 2008). In this assignment, one specific leadership style that is authentic leadership will be described to define the features and impact of this style on the organization. It is necessary for an individual to have the clear purpose of the leadership to run the business in effective manner that is why the explanation about the purpose of authentic leadership will be made. It would be helpful for the further study as it assist to know more about the role of it in the organization and the impact of it on various people of the organization. The principles and value have the huge role in describing the leadership. The area of development will be discussed in this assignment so that an individual can make changes in himself for further development. It will be done with the help of personal leadership development plan which is embedded in appendix area. Furthermore, the steps will be demonstrated to become a more effective and authentic leader.

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Leadership is considered as a vital function which assists not only to the individuals but also to the business to enhance the efficiency for attaining the goals. It has various meanings in view of different authors. Most generally, leadership can be explained as influence, which is the art of influencing people so that they connect with the organization willingly and passionately for attaining the goals (Spears, 2010). It can be considered as the process as it can impact formal and informal group in the task of goal setting. It has the crucial role in executing the decisions successfully. However, there are various leadership approaches that facilitate employees to attain the defined goal but there is authentic leadership I have applied which is quite different from other kind of leadership. Authentic leadership is the approach that emphasizes the relationship by creating the leader’s legitimacy with honest relationship (Yukl, 2013). I used authentic leadership in which I demonstrate behaviour which enables me to trust in them all of the time. This leadership style can adapt the various changes as per the situations. It is very effective approach which helps to draw the inspiration from their lives.

The purpose of authentic leadership is to maintain the honest relationship. These kinds of leadership increase the ratio of better outcome which encourage others to attain the goals. The aim of authentic leadership is to enhance the personal growth as I faced so many challenges in life which stopped me to move ahead. It has been found that the contribution of consideration, communication, sympathy, and compassion are huge in success of the life (Avolio & Walumbwa, 2014). Authentic leadership defines an individual about the values of its components such as team developing, sacrifice, self-awareness, respect of ethics, support the team and sweet spot. To overcome with the issues of the life and the embarrassing moment, authentic leadership support in huge way (Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing & Peterson, 2008). The purpose of self awareness is to increase the knowledge about the surroundings so that ongoing activities could be recognized in effective manner. Team development is necessary to attain the group of gaols as the aim of this leadership is to develop the collaboration among team members. To describe the different elements of the life which is the good example of showing that life is unpredictable. The major purpose of this leadership is defined below:

  • To build the relationship with others and have connectedness with followers. It assists to share the views and ideas of not only leaders but also their followers so that they can realize that they are valuable assets for the organization (Ofori, 2008).
  • To show the values of the authentic leadership because these leaders do not compromise with their principles and values (Gardner, Cogliser, Davis & Dickens, 2011).
  • To describe the self discipline element of the authentic leadership this provides the ability to the leaders to focus on goals.
  • To represent the crucible components of the individual that adopts this kind of leadership to encourage employee.

Aims and purpose

The principles and values of authentic leadership are defined below which will assist to get the depth knowledge about the content.

Leader is behaviour: under this principle of authentic leadership is clear that leader is considered as the behaviour not the position as it impact on various activities to attain the goal. Leaders are one who find out the potential of their followers and guide them to attain the specific objectives.

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Leading signifies making an impact: the term of leadership is not finished till making the goals and attaining them rather it should have the capability to impact others for being the same (Giallonardo, Wong & Iwasiw, 2010). I used this approach and set the example of efficient authentic leadership. Positive change should be done within an organization.

 Action speaks louder than words: it is vital for the leaders to show the action instead of speaking unnecessary because what people see influence than hugely than what they hear. Authentic leadership has the great principle of defining the action (Granovetter, 2010).

Unity is strength: the main concept of authentic leadership is to unite the team members by developing skills in them. Unity can break the huge hurdle and enables people to move ahead without losing themselves. These approach beliefs in unity and team development.

I have faced number of challenges in my life during establishing myself as an authentic leader. It is necessary of an individual to make difference between the personal and professional life. The role of crucibles in life is vital as it helps to find the way or lose the way along with assess the values and find the sweet spots with supporting the team member or not. I consider that the major example in my life was sister’s loss which is instance of crucibles. I have found that I am sensitive and emotional which hamper my skills at many times. I am in the banking sector and have team of 11 members. I have found number of issues in me as I should focus on the organization interest along considering my team members. There are various areas of development as an authentic leaders are described below which helps to remove the emotional intelligence from the working style and show the different area which can being the reason of issues while performing the task (Wong & Cummings, 2009).

  1. Self awareness: self awareness is crucial because it helps to understand the other people; I am able to experience myself as separate and unique individual. It has been realized during my work experience after seeing the criticizing in my management style that being emotional intelligence is more productive in comparison of intellectual intelligent. It can be improved by focusing on the present condition because emotional intelligence could not work everytime (George, 2010).
  2. Behaviour or self management

Self management is necessary for managing the things around us. To meet the effective personal development leadership plan to increase the efficiency of the self management (Jensen & Luthans, 2006). As I found that I am very emotional which is not good for the management perspective as I need to reduce it by diverting my mind towards attaining the goal.

  1. Team development (Team work and collaboration) activities, meetings, one on one

Team development is necessary for authentic leadership as these leadership beliefs in making collaboration among team members. The area of team development should be changed in effective manner as other people or my team member does not criticize my leadership style. The role of the leader can be recognized by the performance of the team members which shows that leaders should be more energetic and have the problem solving skills so that followers do not wait for the long time for resolving the concerns.

  1. Ethical practices (Code of ethics)

Principles and values

The role of ethics practices is major in every organization as it maintains the well appearance of the company in the view of the outsiders. A well defined code of conducts show the mission, principles and values of the organization with the standards of professional conducts. It helps employee to serve as an effectual reference and locate the services and other relevant resources to ethics in the organization. This area should be developed in effective term so that the personal leadership development plan can be made in efficient way.

  1. Organizational and Group development

Organization and group development is vital for enhancing the productivity of the business. I was a manager, head of a department or vice president in banking sector. I was investing in my team member to enhance the skills of them and reduce their weaknesses. This area can be developed in an efficient term as it helps me as well as my team member to develop various skills for creating the good environment.

  1. Education

My current Executive MBA program will be benefitted me in executing the personal leadership development plan. It assists me to increase the managerial skills, communication skills and knowledge skills in banking sector so that my team members can get encouraged and do not criticize my managerial skills.

  1. Vision

Personal development leadership plan is encouraged me to improve my weakness by implementing various strategies in my activities or focusing on my strengths (Harms, Spain & Hannah, 2011). I do not want to live my life as a king; I just want to invest in them who want to enhance their skills. The role of PDLP is more effective in my life as it helps to improve my weakness which makes me more successful and effective in my professional and personal life.  

The area of development has been mentioned in seven points which show that this area can enhance the managerial skills in me and help me to reduce emotional intelligence. One day I had conflict with my risk committee which made me realize that I have to reduce my emotional intelligence level and think about the organization’s interest. The various steps to become more effective authentic leader by considering the points of area of development are mentioned below.

By increasing self-awareness: The self awareness of an individual after facing some elements of crucible can be increased by focusing himself and write down the goals and objectives on paper. It will help them to increase the self awareness because life is unpredictable and after having some crucibles, individual can distract from his way which may lead him in adverse situation. It is essential for being the authentic leader to stay focused, set boundaries and practice self disciplines. Feelings should be respected for developing the authentic leadership in an individual (Rego, Sousa, Marques & Cunha, 2012).

Creating the planner and being passionate: it has been discussed that emotional intelligence cannot work every time in the organization and for reducing the emotional intelligence in daily life activities create the planner by which would be helpful for on to self focused and work for organization’s interest as well. It is the major quality that helps to make the authentic leaders as it develops the aim of the personal life. Vulnerability does not reflect by showing thing with heart. It will encourage employee as well as team members, leading them to be more energetic and centred on theory task (Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm & McKee, 2014). It is vital for being the authentic leader to have the good heart and great approach. Along with that it would be beneficiary for me to involve in the society as it helps me to cope up from the saddest incident in my life when I get mingled up with different people and find myself that I am not all alone who is facing same grief in his life.

Areas of development as an authentic leader

Maintaining the transparency and apply the bottom up approach: to become an authentic leader for ahead of years, it is necessary for the leader to maintain the transparency in the system which will assist them to enhance the trust and loyalty from the employees. Good response from team mates can reduce the stress and encourage leader to do work enthusiastically (Bolman & Deal, 2017). It can be done in an effective manner by applying the bottom up approach from which an employer can get know more about him by getting feedback from his employee. It can be done by open communication.

One on one session and share personal development plan: it is necessary for becoming the effective authentic leaders to conduct the one on one session by which a leader can get know more about the  employee individually which increase the attachment between the employee and employer (Fox, Gong & Attoh, 2015). Long term career goals should be shared with employee who will open the two ways feedback dialogues, through which leader can access the employee and employee can do the same (Cashman, 2017). Effective and ethical leadership encourages me to become an authentic leader as I will grow myself in next years as a good leader. It will encourage me when I will hear about my good deeds from my followers.

Focus on self values and beliefs: the ethical practices in me can be improved for becoming the effective authentic leader for further years by focusing of self values and beliefs.

Participate in curricular activities and group task: it is necessary to involve in the curricular activities to distract my mind from one place to another as it makes my mind healthier.


It can be concluded that leadership is an effective approach which helps organization to attain goals and objectives through different strategies. There are various aims and goals of the authentic leadership which has been elaborated in this assignment. The report has been based on leadership development plan has been made which shows how different areas of development are taken into consideration in order to improve the leadership effectiveness. This will help me in fulfilling my duties and in getting things done in a better manner. These different areas of development are self awareness, team development, coordination, ethics, group collaboration, behavioural development, self management, vision and more. Also, steps has been discussed which will help me in using these areas of development in order to achieve effective leadership development.


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