Explaining Pashmina Clothing Line Of Nepal

Literature Review

Explain Pashmina Clothing Line of Nepal.

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Pashmina refers to the kind of textile that made with the combination of cashmere and silk. However, many argue that pashmina is not only the blend of this two only, in fact it is the higher grade of cashmere. Pashmina comes from a Persian word “Pash” that refers to fur of specific Tibetan animals, primarily goats. The clothing made of pashmina is extremely popular all across the world. The majority of the total amount of pashmina produced and delivered from the Nepal. Even, Nepal offers several types of pashmina that actually have the potential to meet the need of the people from all across the world. Especially, the countries like Australia where the weather fluctuates in every session. Clothing products from different types of Pashmina that manufactured in Nepal can actually become very popular in these countries market. In addition, as the technology in the clothing industry is improving day by day, it actually helping the products made from pashmina to introduce new and unique types of clothing segment that have the potential to grab the market of the entire world. Furthermore, Nepal market is too small for the product like pashmina clothing, as it has the potential to grab the entire world market. In this study, the focus is on the hypothesis that evaluate whether the introduction of pashmina product on the Australian market can have the expected amount of impact or not.


According to Ben et al. (2015) any business have to target those particular markets which covers more and more people. Australia as a marketplace is huge. In addition, the country has different types of climates from the extreme hot to very cold. As a result of that, the citizens of the Australia utilizes several types of clothing lines. This induces clothing lines made from the product like pashmina the opportunity to grab the major portion of the market. According to BUCKRIDGE (2014) different types of weather does play a huge part in increasing the demand of pashmina clothing in the Australian market. In fact, the demand for the pashmina product in the Australian market is so much higher, it actually experiences a supply gap. As per the article by Campbell (2015) successful introduction of any product in a particular market depends on the potential desire or needs of the customers of that particular market. Therefore, as the Australian market is experiencing supply gap over the past few years in the pashmina clothing category, it is the perfect time to target the market to introduce more and more pashmina clothing. As opined by Carrigan and Bosangit (2016) the prominent quality of pashmina manufactured in the Nepal market. Therefore, pashmina clothing that manufactured in Nepal do have competitive advantage in the market. Competitive advantage does help companies to gain popularity in the new marketplace.

Effectiveness of Starting up a Business Regarding Pashmina Clothing of Nepal

Chang (2013) mentioned moderate climate and casual lifestyle leads major portion of the Australian citizen to spend less on clothing as compared to other European economies. In 2014, clothing retail turnover in the Australian market was estimated around AUD$17 billion and if the estimation includes clothing sales in the departmental stores, the turnover rises up to AUD$21 billion. From the international perspectives, Australia’s population is near about the one third of the population of the United Kingdom but the estimated figures represent that the citizen of Australia actually spend one seventh of the amount in the clothing that United Kingdom spent. This depicts the fact that introduction of pashmina clothing in the Australian market can actually have lesser impact than introduction of the same in the United Kingdom or USA market.

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However, as Nepal is considered as the hub of manufacturing clothing product made from pashmina. It is much more easier for the marketers to target Australian market as compared to other European market. In fact, ÄŒiarnienÄ— and VienažindienÄ— (2014) mentioned that the transport or import-export cost in the Australian market is comparatively cheaper than other European market. Therefore, if the marketers can actually develop effective value chain strategy for the introduction of pashmina clothing product in the international market, it definitely can able to generate huge amount of revenue. By contrast D’Souza (2015) mentioned that Australian garment market is comparatively thin, as the citizens spend major portion of their income in the household, transport and communication equipment. Still it probably poses the greater market compared to other Asian countries. In addition, Australia is considered as one of the major tourist destination of the world. Therefore, people from all over the world purchase clothing and accessories from the Australian market. Hence, targeting Australia for the introduction of the pashmina clothing can actually provide marketers the optimum international exposures that they are willing to achieve. 

As a raw material for the development of the clothing, pashmina is considered among the finest. Since, the wool that made from pashmina is considered among the softest and most luxurious wool made around the world. It requires specific atmosphere for the manufacturing of the pashmina product. As a result, it does not have face that much competitions as compared to those clothing garments that developed from other raw materials. Gibson (2015) mentioned that unique product offering does have huge amount of impact on the development of the new market. Since, it provides the customer complete new range of products. Introduction of pashmina clothing can actually give huge amount of influence on the business activity. As mentioned earlier, different types climate induces the people of Australia to purchase various types of woolen garments. This garments made of various type of raw materials. According to Ishfaq (2015) only 15% of the total woolen garment that used in the Australia are actually made by utilizing pashmina. It indicates that there is a huge potential market that yet to be captured by the marketer.

In addition, Nepal manufactured variety of pashmina products like cashmere, angora, karakul, merino, shahtoosh etc. Jia et al. (2016) mentioned that the fiber manufacture from these various type of pashmina is extremely soft. Therefore, it is very popular among the Australian people. However, Lee, Kim and Yang (2015) highlighted the fact that effectiveness of introduction of any product into a new market actually depends on several factors. Firstly, the marketers of the pashmina clothing have to identify the kind of competition they have to face at the time of introducing the pashmina products line. As per the article by Marks (2013) competitors analysis is extremely crucial, as it will help the marketers to develop strategies that can counter the strategies of the competitors. In fact, it will help the marketers to identify the market and also evaluate the exact type of needs that the citizen of Australia possesses. This analysis will help the marketers of pashmina clothing to target the ideal customers. Melchior (2012) mentioned the fact that successful introduction of new product with minimum financial outlay, it is very important to focus exclusively on those part of the market that the marketers feels has the greater chances of gaining popularity. However, to target those customers or those parts of the market, marketers first have to identify the portion, which are purchasing similar type of products. Oh and Prasai (2012) mentioned the fact that it is easier to fill the needs of the customers than to create a need. Thus, effective strategy for developing market in Australia will also have to focus on to fill up the needs of the potential customers by providing similar type of stylish clothing that is made out of pashmina.

According to Poudel, Hellmann and Perera (2014) effective strategy for developing new market in Australia will also have to consider developing unique value proposition for the pashmina product. Since, current business environment is changing all the time, introduction of a product in to a new market demands huge challenges for the company. As per Prasai (2014) effective introduction of pashmina product line the marketers have to develop value proposition that they will provide to the customers and then they have to consider about the exploitation that the marketers engages regarding to selling and marketing the value of the brand and realizing its objectives. Developing value proposition also will help the marketers to create popularity of the pashmina product in the new market.

Marketing strategy also plays a key role in developing effective market for the marketers of the pashmina product line. Since, effectiveness of introducing of any product highly depended on the kind of awareness that the company has able to spread about the particular product. As without creating awareness, no product can actually able to grab a significant portion of the market share, the marketers also have to implement marketing strategy so that the potential customer can actually able to gain major portion of the market share. Popularity of pashmina clothing will also depend on the pricing strategy, which the marketers select to gain major portion of the market. Since, the marketers have to conduct import export services to provide pashmina clothing in the Australian market. The pricing strategy of this clothing will have several layers. The marketers have to initiate trademark to their product. So that consumers can actually able to identify the product from the rest of the market. According Rana et al. (2015) trademark is highly associated with the emotion of the customers. Since, they perceive that the product with specific trademark will actually help the pashmina industry to spread their business not only in Australia but on the entire world.

Scholar (2016) mentioned that Nepalese pashmina clothing is actually registered in total 38 countries of the world. This allows the marketers to easily utilize market of these countries for the purpose increasing the present level sales. In last few years, Nepalese pashmina industry has able to grow up to 20%, which allows the marketers a significant amount of excessive pashmina to export in the foreign countries. Especially, in the Asian countries, clothing line of pashmina product has able to gain huge popularity will its stylish and useful product line. Over the years, the product made from the pashmina of Nepal has able to gain huge portion of the market.

As mentioned earlier, pashmina clothing line has able to gain popularity in the world market with its unique and high quality product. However, after the adulteration of the pashmina clothing, the business of the Nepalese pashmina have experienced huge amount of drop in the world market. At the time of 1999 to 2000, 7.5 billion rupees of pashmina was exported in the world market, which come down to 1.3 billion in the year of 2010. Studies identified the fact that the drop in the demand for the Nepalese pashmina product is due to the supply of product, which is not up to the expected quality of the customers. In fact, many cases have identified the fact Nepal pashmina clothing actually exported with mix of other wools. According to Shakyawar et al. (2015) these incident have made serious impact on the worldwide businesses of the of the Nepalese pashmina clothing. As a result of that the introduction of pashmina product line will have to go through several challenges that the marketer have to deal with in order to place the product effectively in the world market.

As opined by Turney (2013) to effectively introduce product in the Australian market, the marketers first have to regain the trust of the customers that there will no issues regarding the quality of the delivered product. Since, customers expected to have the best quality of product available in the market, when they are looking purchase pashmina product line. Poudel, Hellmann and Perera (2014) mentioned the fact that pashmina product has able to gain huge amount of popularity among the people all over the world because of the Parisian designers. Since, they illustrated various kind of product range made from the Nepalese pashmina in late 1990s. Before that, pashmina clothing only considered for the traditional wear, which created huge amount of negative impact on the worldwide businesses of the product. Particularly with the modern Australian culture, traditional wear just does not goes with the people. Hence, the product has struggled to establish itself as a premier clothing line.  

However, as more and more research is happening all over the world to introduce clothing that can goes with all kinds of culture and personality, pashmina also has able to gain popularity in the market slowly. In fact, the drop of businesses in the recent years is not because of that the pashmina product has not able to cope up with the change in thoughts and culture but it happened because of the lack of quality. However, introduction of clothing product in the Australian market is very tuff. Since, the market of clothing line is already filled up with the huge number of competitors. Furthermore, each and every marketers is looking to implement strategy that can potentially outplace its competitors in the market. As a result of that, pashmina clothing line will also have to face immense competition from the competitors like The Industry Association for Direct Selling in Australia and Zelda Cashmere International Pty Ltd. For that reason if pashmina product line cannot able to adopt strategies that can actually counter the strategies of these competitors, it can never able to introduce itself successfully in the market.

In addition, the marketers of pashmina product line will also have to face challenges from the online trading market. As the entire world is technologically evolving, every day new technologies are also coming up that changing the process of the businesses. In current time, e-commerce has come up as one of the major player of the world market that completely changes the way of businesses. Since, people can actually purchase those products of any kind with the use of the e-commerce sites, which is not easily available in the market. Hence, introduction of Nepalese pashmina clothing in the Australian market will have to face immense competition from the online competitors like cashmere zone, pashmina online, pashmina passion, pashminastore.com, myer.com and many more. Hence, marketers will have to enforce crucial strategies in order to secure the future of the Nepalese pashmina clothing in the Australian market.

The above analysis highlighted the fact that introduction of pashmina clothing line will have to face many challenges in the Australian market. Hence, marketer will have to be extremely careful at the introduction stage of pashmina clothing. Since, pashmina clothing is generally available at a higher price. Target market of marketers will have to be high-level income group people. However, as the goal regarding the introduction of pashmina clothing is to grab comparatively unaffected market of Australia, marketers also have to target other income level groups as well. Since, pashmina clothing have huge potential, the entire Australian market will have to consider as the market size. Marketers will have to focus on the advance technology such as social media marketing, mobile marketing, and email marketing to grab the attention of the high-income level group of the Australian market. As mentioned earlier, Australian people like to use different types of clothing. As a result, marketers will have to face competition from all other types of fabrics used in the clothing industry. 


From the above discussion, it can be evaluated that pashmina clothing line of Nepal still has huge amount of potential to grab major portion of the world clothing market. However, the clothing line will have to go through huge amount of challenges at the time of introduction in the world market. The study also evaluated the fact that the expected amount of impact by the introduction of the pashmina product can only be achieve by the marketers if they were able to implement marketing strategies successfully in the market. Hence, no clear-cut conclusion can be made on the expected outcome of the introduction of the pashmina clothing in the Australian market. The impact actually depends on many other factors as well.  


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