Expenditure Pattern Of Students With Regarding To Gender And Social Economic Variation

Literature Review

Discuss about the Gender and Social Economic Variation.

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The aim of this research proposal is to develop an understanding the expenditure pattern concerning gender and social economic variation. The research proposal provides an outline about the expenditure incurred by a household during the preference period. The proposal examines the age structure of the gender gap in household expenditure allocation by making the use of survey data. The investment motive hypothesis upholds that resources are allocated to household members. Intra-household gender dissimilarities in health expenditures could be determined by gender dissimilarities in the value of male and female health in household production.[1] Higher health expenditures are received by women of childbearing as well as motherly ages. Efforts were also made in this proposal to classify households into diverse socio-economic categories by making the use of three dissimilar characteristics. The characteristics include social group, the type of household as well as size class of land possessed by the household. The literature mainly focuses on gender-specific motivation for allowances. As a result, women seem to function as insurers for the families. [2]

A review of accessible literature associated to the subject is an important as well as essential part of any research study. Objectives and methodology will be framed with the help of a decisive survey of the literature. As opined by [3], international migrants moves from developing to developed countries and they get familiar with a diverse society as well as new markets in the target countries. It has been found that allowance receipt raises the household expenditure on both health and education. However, an allowance reduces liquidity constraints. Investment motive mainly constitutes a reasonable explanation for gender differences in household expenditure. Intra-household gender differences in expenditure could be determined by gender differences in the value of male and female health in household production.

As opined by [4], the two largest colonies NSW and Victoria established universities with a restricted range of disciplines. The strong worldly nature of the society in Australia discouraged the involvement of the university in the education of clergy. However, the universities in Australia moved relatively in order to enroll females. As a result, they got admission into Melbourne as well as Sydney university. The educational system was characterized by dissimilarity between academic and professional education. The initial gender breakdown of students enrolled at universities when the population was 7 million. However, out of 7 million individuals 14,236 were enrolled out of which 28 percent were females.

Research Question

Women born and hoisted in an era when female workforce participation rates and female wages were comparatively low might have predicted that they would not themselves be participating in the labor force for long. As a result, expenditure on higher education will bring inadequate return to cover the costs. Gender wage gaps has also reduced over the past few decades. However, from the middle of the twentieth century led to the right of entry to Australian universities that in turn extended the introduction of mass secondary school education as well as the expansion of the number of universities. With the expansion of the academic specialization, the curriculum also increased. As a result, gender stereotypes eroded. This reduced market explicit discrimination against females. As a result, women acknowledged improved career opportunities.

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The increasing expectation of labor force participation as well as reduction in the gender pay gap encouraged females to expend more in higher education. As a result, the economy has continued to restructure and labor demand has risen in professional occupation as well as service industries. Total household consumption in Australia is recorded to be more than 50 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, it has been found that considerable gender discrimination is mostly found in health care spending for children while the households face resources shortage. The universities in Australia vary greatly in the proportion of students from low socio economic backgrounds. [5]

As opined by [6], the proportion of enrolment of low socio economic students lies in the policies that are obtainable for universities in order to augment the proportion of low SES students that they admit. Despite the unpretentious increase over the last ten years, the individuals from lower socio economic status stay underrepresented among advanced educated students. it has been found that with the gender gap among domestic students, the gap has widened by almost 20 percent. However, as per the records it has been found that the gender gap is mainly broadening due to lack of men at the university. However, as per the research the number of females had jumped to 129,045 from 79,222 that accounts for 63 percent of the increase. With each passing year, the gap has narrowed with females achieving 52 percent of course completion as compared to 48 percent of males. The research also shows that the higher education sectors in Australia have undergone an expansion in the number of students. The socio-economic status students in the university of Australia increased by 17 percent in the year 2012 and 17.5 percent in the year 2013. [7]


It has been found that only 16.1 percent of domestic higher educated students have an enduring home address among 25 percent lowest socioeconomic postcodes. The augment in the percentage of students from low socioeconomic areas have increased steadily over the phased accomplishment of demand driven financial support since the year 2010. The native population has been found underrepresented. As per the survey that has been conducted, it is found that there has been an incomplete “closing of the gap” in higher education contribution in recent years. The percentage of students who are found to be native has increased by more than 1.2 percent. [8]

The prime objective of this research proposal is to determine the study of expenditure pattern of students with regarding to gender and social economic variation. It is mainly a multidimensional issue that is deeply embedded.

  1. How the diminishing gender gaps encourage women to spend more on higher education?
  2. What are the recommendations that will help to improve the socioeconomic variation in Australia?


H0: Expenditure pattern of students is negative about gender and social economic variation

H1: Expenditure pattern of students is positive about gender and social economic variation

The research methodology requires congregation of relevant data from particular documents. It is mainly a systematic plan that helps to conduct the research. The methodology comprises interviews as well as surveys and technical research. The research methodology mainly comprises of two methods that includes qualitative as well as quantitative method. The research method that is used in the proposal is quantitative method that emphasizes on objective measurement as well as the statistical and mathematical analysis of data that are collected mainly through polls, questionnaires as well as surveys. The data is mostly collected by making the use of structured research instruments. [9]

Research philosophy is an enormous topic that incurs a method by which data about a phenomenon is gathered as well as analyzed. The various philosophies of research approach is included by both epistemology as well as doxology. [10]In order to conduct the research philosophy it is important to include the following steps:

  1. It is required to identify the research philosophy that will be pragmatism, positivism as well as realism.
  2. It is also required to discuss the implication about the research philosophy on the research strategy.

According to the positivist, the reality is stable that can be observed as well as described from the objective perspective. Positivism deals without interfering with the occurrence being considered. They also challenge the fact that phenomena should be inaccessible. Under positivism, prophecies are made based on the previously observed realism and their inter-relationships.  Positivism has a long as well as rich historical tradition. It is so entrenched that knowledge is not claimed as grounded.

Interpretivism is also referred to as interpretivist that mainly involves researchers to construe elements of the study. It is also associated with the philosophical position of impracticality that is used to group diverse approaches jointly. This approach is also based on naturalistic approach of data collection such as interviews. Interpretivism philosophy had helped secondary data research to become popular. However, there are disadvantage that are related with interpretivism, as it cannot simplify data that is impacted heavily by individual point of view as well as values. [11]

Research Methodology

This type of approach is mainly concerned with developing a hypothesis that is mainly based on the existing theory. As a result, it is important to make use of this approach to conduct the research. This approach can be explained by the method of hypothesis that is derived from the ratio of the hypothesis. [12]

As the proposal is mainly based on the secondary analysis, all the required economical data will be collected directly from the official website of Australian Bureau of Statistics. With the help of this website, the researcher will focus on how gender gap affects expenditure. The data analysis will also involve statistical analysis that will be assessed by making the use of correlation among the variables. The changes in the variables are mainly depicted with the help of correlation series. However, one of the most important feature of accrual accounting is negative correlation.  [13]

A Gantt chart is mainly used in the management of project. Gantt chart is one of the most common as well as useful is used to display activity against time. A bar represents each activity and the position of the bar reflects the start date.


Start Date

Duration (weeks)

End Date

Project Proposal




Literature Review




Research Methodology




Data Analysis




Final Report Submission




The most important task of the research is to prepare the project proposal.  After conducting the outline of the research, the work related to research will be started. The subject matter requires being clear to the researcher after conducting the research. The Gantt chart is conducted to show the estimated time for each task. The above graph shows that the estimated time differs from the original time. The present research proposal requires secondary research that incurs less time as compared to primary research. [14]

There are various methods that are used while the collection of data in this proposal. The secondary method has been used by collecting data from Australian Bureau of Statistics. Apart from these sources, the data has also been collected from newspapers, sources, books as well as journals. While the data collection both the qualitative and the quantitative methods can be used. The research will find out that how gender gap affects expenditure and how the socioeconomic variation is impacted due to expenditure pattern in Australia.

Expected outcome of this research socioeconomic students have modest impact on the performance of the university. It has been found that the students with lower socioeconomic variation have performed marginally better than their peers from the students with higher socioeconomic variation. In the academic outcome, a legion of women mostly outperforms the legion of men. 


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