Excel Analytics Tools And Business Process Modelling For UMC – Case Study
Predicting and calculating sales and milk production for UMC using Excel analytics tools
In this question the excel analytics tools are used to predict and calculate sales and milk produced for UMC. The excel file contains the milks product type and their corresponding order details and the collected revenues. The sales data is collected on a cycle of 52 weeks. At first the Equivalent litre/carton column, supplier price per unit and retail sale price per unit is calculated in excel. The retail sellers are assumed to be doing 10% profit on the supplier price per unit. The supplier price per unit is calculated in the milk products table also. Then the milk production table is completed where the projected milk ordered in litres is calculated by increasing the production in 2017 by 18.6%. The milk production table is shown below.
Milk production – Overall litres (past, present and projected future) |
Product Code |
Product Description |
Raw to processed ratio |
Litres Ordered (W32-2016) |
Litres Ordered (W32-2017) |
Projected Litres (W32-2018) |
RF |
Reduce Fat Milk |
0.8 |
140.63 |
270.0 |
320.2 |
A2 |
Special Milk |
0.95 |
70.31 |
90.0 |
106.7 |
FM |
Flavoured Milk |
0.9 |
101.25 |
151.2 |
179.3 |
SM |
Skim milk |
0.7 |
37.50 |
96.0 |
113.9 |
UM |
UHT Milk |
0.5 |
37.50 |
48.0 |
56.9 |
LF |
Lactose Free Milk |
0.6 |
42.19 |
54.0 |
64.0 |
OM |
Organic Milk |
0.75 |
28.13 |
36.0 |
42.7 |
Totals |
640.31 |
1096.20 |
1300.09 |
Total orders by customers for Week 32 for all 3 years (2016-2018) by column chart
Reflection of milk data table by column chart:
It can be observed from the charts that Wholeworths petrol orders the most milks from UMC and the maximum ordered milk is in the year 2018.
Task B: Business process models
The business process model by Swim lane diagram of the UMC is given below.
Task C: Role of business process modelling
The role of the business process modelling can be understood by this following discussion:
- Aligning the operations with the new strategy of business: The implementation or the modification of any business strategy commonly requires the changes to the people and the operation who are performing the work. There is a nature of the people to resist the changes. Therefore, there can be significant impact of the old strategy on the new strategy. This feature is facilitated by the Business process modelling by:
- With ensuring the execution of the tasks and the activities by any team members might help the organisation in implementing the strategy. If the alignment of the strategies and the processes is not done properly, it might lead to the failure in the execution. Even if the execution of the tasks is done correctly, the complete goals of the organisations cannot be achieved.
- Improve the communication of the process: Any one area using which the distinguishing of the successful businesses and the teams is done for providing them with any clear idea of what is being done, and the methods by which they are doing the work and the exact role of any team member. The clear communication of all the processes of the operations is vital for facilitating the smooth operation of any team.
- Increase the consistency and the control: the companies and the organisations who succeed are the ones who ensure that the business processes and the rules are designed well and they are constantly functional the particular way each time. The key to the organisations like UMC is the consistency and the process control.
- Enhancement of the operational efficiency: In the present environment of the businesses, each of the business and the managers like to ensure the achieving the most preferred results with resources that are allocated to the businesses.
Information acts as an important factor in the organisations like UMC as it provides the guidance for every decision an organisation undertakes or expects to make. Therefore, the information is vital in the process of decision-making and the problem-solving, and deprived of the right information, the organisations are surely certain to make some inaccuracies in these vital processes.
Any organisation like the UMC requires the information regarding the weaknesses, threats, strengths, and the opportunities. The major intention of any SWOT analysis in any organisation is conducted to provide the assurance that the organisation has the idea of the internal and external position for securing and obtain growth of the business. The importance of information in the organisations could be understood by the fact that the information assists the organisations in devising the enhanced strategies for effective handling the competitors. The recommendations that are provided to the company are the implementation of the improvements in the network of the company and implementation of the cloud services. The improvements in the network of the company with the implementation of the firewall and fast response and backup servers would help the organisation in enhancing the information sharing in the organisation. This would help the organisations to obtain the enhancing the services than the competitors of the company. Moving to the cloud computing might help in reducing the managing cost and the maintenance of the IT systems. Instead of purchasing of the costly equipment and the systems, the cost can be reduced with the utilisation of the services that are provided by the cloud service provider. Enhanced scalability could be achieved by the organisations to manage the storage and the operations of the business according to the situations, allowing the enhanced flexibility according to the changes in the requirements.
Business process modelling and decision-making for UMC
It is recommended to the company to develop a native mobile app for the ordering system and provide the customers with the personalised shopping experience. There are several advantages of the mobile apps over the webpage. The applications of the mobile app are commonly 1.5 times faster than the mobile websites as the performance of the applications in the mobile phones is considered to be easier. The data is required to be fetched from web servers that can take significantly lower time to process the query on the basis of the packet sizes and the speed of the network. The content on the mobile apps is extensively personalised depending on the preferences of the consumers. The personalisation with the enhanced user centric approach is vital for making the experience of the customers delightful. The basis of the personalisation can be on the basis of the interest, location, behaviour and the culture of the users. The availability of the instant and the offline access provides the users with the ability of consuming the content easily and then offering the experience that is seamless through the storing of the data, which can be accessed in the offline platform too. The features of devices can be used for performing enhanced interaction with the users. The updates of the applications can be provided to the customers easily for providing them with the idea of any kind of modification in the ordering system or the addition of any new items in the business of the company. Therefore, it is recommended to the company to implement the mobile app for the new ordering system of the products.
Web Analytics: The web analytics is the process of collection, measurement and reporting of the web related data for understanding the optimization of the web usage. However, it is not only a process of the measuring the web traffic but also it can be used for market and the business research. Web analytics is a typical type of application which can be used for the helping various types of organizations that includes measurement of the results of broadcast advertising campaigns or the traditional printing. The application of the web analytics is capable of estimating how the traffic to a website changes after creation of a new advertising campaigns. Web analytics is also capable of counting the number of visitors to a particular website and the number of pages that has been viewed.
Benefits of web analytics, social network analysis, and customer relationship management
Social Network Analysis: The social network analysis is a typical process of the investigation of the social structures by the usage of the graph theory and networks. The social network analysis characterizes the structure of the network in the terms of ties, nodes and edges which interconnects them. The social structures are mainly visualised through the social network analysis and this social network includes memes spread, social media network and circulation of the information. It also includes the business networks, collaboration gaps and the acquaintance network. For visualising this networks often the socigrams are used.
Customer Relationship Management: The CRM or the customer relationship management is the process of managing the interaction of the company with the future potential and current customers. In this process data analysis is used about the history of the customers with the respective organization to bring improvements in the business relationships with the customers by mainly focusing on the driving sales growth and retaining the old customers. The main important aspect of the customer relationship management approach is compiling data form various different types of communication channels which includes website of the company or the organization, email, telephone, live chat and the marketing materials. By using the CRM approach the system is capable of facilitating how to care about the needs of the customers.
Thus the main differences between these threes concepts regarding the environment of the information collection is that the web analytics collects information from a website about the number of visitors and to the website and number of pages viewed by the visitors. The main benefit of collecting the data for web analytics is that it helps to gauge the traffic and the types of popularity trends which is very much useful in the case of the market related research.
The social network analysis gathers data from the various of resources which includes social media networks, information circulation, memes spread, business networks and the social networks. It this process of the data collection qualitative type of data is gathered. There are various types of advantages are provided by the social network analysis which includes wider applications, multiple uses and targeting responses.
The customer relationship management collects the data from different types of communication channels and this channels includes website of the organization, email, telephone calls, live chats and from the marketing medias. Also, one of the most important source for collection of the customer relationship management data is the social media. In this case mainly the customer related data is collected from the above discussed resources. The collected data can provide various of benefits to the organization but before that the data need to be analysed very much carefully. From the collection of those data, the organization can use the data for driving the growth of the sales and for a better customer management by the retention of the existing customers.
In the current situation there are various types of privacy laws for achieving a safe and a secure information but there are some common sets of privacy laws for the securing the information properly. These privacy laws are the:
- There should be a valid reason behind the collection of the data from any kind of source and this reason must be stated properly.
- The information collected from a source or from any individual cannot be revealed to some other individuals or organizations without proper authorization from that particular source which can be an individual or can be an organization.
- The information collected form a specific type of source must be accurate and should be up to date.
- There should be a mechanism for all the individuals and all the organizations to review the stored data about them. This must be done to ensure accuracy of the data and the authenticity of the data.
- The collected data from the source must be deleted when no longer needed for the previous mentioned stated purpose.
- Some of the data are too sensitive for collecting. Thus if there is no extreme conditions the data must not be collected.
- For protecting the information in the aspects of the cyber security the collected information must be protected by a strong password. Thus a password policy must be created.
- Control access is one of the important cyber security measures for protection of the information. The control access can limit the access of users to a particular resource unless the user provides a valid credentials for accessing the resources.
- Firewall setup is also an important cyber security measure for protecting the information. The firewall acts as a gatekeeper between the internet and the system. Thus unauthorised access to the data can be blocked for protecting the information.
- In the cyber security measures intrusion monitoring is also an important concept. Intrusion monitoring system can be installed so that it can effectively detects the intrusion in a system so that the stored information can be saved form theft.
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