Examining Discourses On Hidden Disabilities: A Qualitative Study
Rationale of the Study
In most recent decades great progress has been made with regard to the social inclusion, social representation, and attitudes towards individuals with disabilities (de Boer, Pijl, Minnaert, and Post, 2014). However, such attitudinal shifts have largely been in relation to ‘visible’ disabilities, in which the disability is physically obvious, and easy to be aware of (Leigers & Myers, 2015). However, such advancements have not been experienced by those who live with ‘hidden’ disabilities, in which impairments cannot be easily observed (Couzens, Poed, Kataoka et al, 2015). Hidden disabilities cover a broad spectrum of illness and impairment such as chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic fibrosis, psychological diagnoses and many more (Lovett, Nelson, and Lindstrom, 2015).
Rationale of the Study: People with hidden disabilities often experience disparities in occupational fulfillment, overall health and wellbeing, as well as quality of life compared to the non-disabled population, and in some cases the disabled population too (Hatton and Emerson, 2015). People with hidden disabilities often experience workplace or educational discrimination or have fewer opportunities for career advancement, and may also experience discrimination in social situations (Santuzzi, Waltz, Finkelstein et al, 2014).
It is clear that although societal progress has been made towards improving opportunities for those with visible difficulties, much more work needs to be done to address such disparities for individuals living with a hidden condition (Gewurtz, Langan and Shand, 2016). In order to better understand the disparity between society’s attitudes, progress between visible and hidden disabilities, this study aims to examine the ways in which people talk about hidden disabilities and to identify and describe the discourses that are constructed as part of this process (Prince, 2017).
To achieve this, the following objectives will be pursued: the recruitment of participants to take part in two focus groups; through distinctive questionnaires to promote discussion and to guide information giving to participants; the use of interpretive phenomenological analysis to elucidate the themes that emerge. It is anticipated that results from the proposed study will better inform us as to why hidden and visible disabilities are viewed differently and may provide the first steps towards addressing this disparity (Jespersen, Michelsen, Tjørnhøj-Thomsen et al, 2018).
- Research Objective 1:To analyse society’s attitude towards hidden disability
- Research Objective 2: To understand the multifarious impact from society’s attitude on individuals with hidden disabilities
- Research Objective 3:To be able to gain comprehension to better design a solution than already exists
By developing the perceived idea of the hidden disability. Rather than an illusion or lack of knowledge, clarity eliminates confusion. By identifying and analysing unexpected issues through facts and being able to go back to phenomenology as a philosophical approach to the study of experience. This eliminates query to mitigate these risks. Issues are clearer and directly addressed. The researcher shows transparency to provide a detailed, mainly representation of the various aspects of the human experience, Cognizance of our lived experiences. Emotions and true nature exposed through detailed step by step research, IPA research is used correctly. Data collection, interviewing, focus groups, data analysis, and writing up quality and validity through indicators of quality. Additionally making qualitative research may become more visible.
An appropriate research design has to be adopted in order to learn about the situation facing hidden disabled. Designing an appropriate research methodology is essential for achieving success in a study.
Research Philosophy: The study will adopt epistemology research philosophy and qualitative approach. A qualitative design for participants needs to be designed for appropriate monitoring where true reactions of participants taking part in the study. Feedback to the questionnaires in focus group has to be developed as a measure of the perception on hidden disability.
Qualitative Design: Watching participants their appreciation and approach toward the individuals towards hidden disabled and analysing society’s reaction examination by inspiration or regular their validity. Looking at the request that the individuals ask and moreover their considerations and the recognitions in the midst of the time they are seen by the authority. Rapid assessment have been used as an approach to manage standard cripple. Acknowledgment has examined disabled people, inadequacy affiliations including the media deciphered and explored by control and imposter circumstances.
Data Analysis Technique: This examination will be non-quantifiable, show reflection regarding participants understanding of the study. To show the perception versus reality. Discernment through focus clusters in open social occasion talk, recorded on a Dictaphone. Enabling specialists to get to the recorded material and look at the on-going building limit on the examination and the area of research. This procedure that searches for data, ability and comprehension to the stream of individual work. It is tied in with getting the trust and outfitting a real record with demonstrate. Data analysis can be conducted by either inductive or deductive techniques. In this study inductive techniques where one theory or concept will lead to another will be adopted for qualitative study.
This will be an extremely strict and exact investigation led under the supervision of the University and my administrator. It requires a level of commitment and there are profits by a concentration gathering. An all-encompassing methodology that is reflexive and gives a considerable commitment toward the social existence of people, planned to give a stylish effect on the particpants communicating a sound reality. The information is and will be put away and the investigation will give a dialog to assess conceivable clarifications and not constrain it to a summed up particular perception.
Data Collection: The data gathered is called hands on work utilizing regard, correspondence, utilizing singular, delicate information subjective Inquiry and Research Design, information will be investigated and used to make speak to help inside this region of research. It will in addition can furnish help toward affiliations managing the shrewdness and point of view inside the necessities of incapacitated individuals and along these lines give a predominant seeing all around.
In order to make the data and research interpretation transparent and to make the data effective, the study has to show and describe the experiences of an individual and he focus groups. This is a realist perspective and a constructivist approach on observable behaviour, finding links between knowledge and power rather perception.
This examination will base basically on interpretive phenomenological examination (IPA) one particular approach to manage mind science .The paper contemplates the different levels of interpretation, Possible through IPA and keeping an eye on an idea of when a comprehension is ‘adequate’. Thought of issues around the sorts of subjects for which IPA is fitting and the rising case using the approach. The accompanying section considers how IPA studies can widen the kind of individuals included and moreover assesses the propriety of different data
Research Philosophy
Participants will be identified by sending across mailers to friends and encouraging them to resend such to their friends. This stream of network within and outside the University will allow attracting possible participants for the study. Through current networks, university and friends with hidden Disability or illness. These participants are of interest to this study as there are many in both these environments that are faced with hidden disability, effectively the stimuli in these focus groups will be interesting based on whether they have experienced being a person with a hidden disability or how they would treat someone with a hidden disability if they do not.
The disclosure of personal information, I will do my best to manage all data carefully and securely. The participants have the right to withdraw at any time and are not bound to complete the focus group. As well as the moderator ensuring that they will be able to express any concern or issues that may arise or be triggered by the study. The Participants will be made aware of the counselling services at University should there be any reason that the study cause them any anguish or trauma.
There minimal risks and these will be addressed by the researcher, all sensitive information that requires confidentiality and the data will be kept safe and the participants have the right withhold and withdraw at point. Participants will be supervised during the task and it will take place under close supervision of the researchers
There poses no real dangers or burdens and concerns apart from behavioural issues and disagreements between participants behavioural issues between participants.
Participants will be debriefed regarding the study aims and objectives such that they can decide regarding their participation. They will also be allowed to go through the questionnaire such that they can make an informed decisions regarding their participation in the study. By signing consent forms, they will have the right to withdraw and withhold sensitive information.
Data from participants will be collected through focus groups and face to face interviews by furnishing them with questionnaires. Consent will be obtained from each and every participant through use of forms for participant consent.
Prior to signing of consent form, participants will be made to participate in debrief session. The debrief sessions (as detailed enclosed in Appendix) will provide full knowledge regarding the study to its participants. Consent will be obtained from the individuals, who agree to take part in the interview procedure and face to face discussion. Participant consent form will also be obtained from Birmingham City University for students.
There will be a debrief after the discussion and then participants will have to sign consent forms and will follow a strict interview schedule. This is a non-structured environment and will be recorded and transcribed. Data collection through this method is reliant on the recording to provide precise accounts of the data. It is a method that allows the researcher to refer back to the recording. A hard copy, transcript (recording on a Dictaphone) to provide accuracy of the data as well as notes written up immediately after the interview. There is an interview schedule and this will be adhered to. Moderated by the researcher.