EVoting System: Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture And Information Management

ICT705 Data and System Integration

Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture

Voting is a very important event for any type of country. However, the event of voting comes in with a number of disadvantages for the country that is hosting the voting event. Hence, the development of eVoting system has been thought of as solution for the problems that a county has to face. The automated system would allow the country to organize the voting event online and would allow the general mass of the country to relieved of the responsibility of casting their by standing in huge queues.

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The report paper has been developed for the explanation of the requirements, designs and the implementation technique of the eVoting systems for the country. The Information about the Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture and the management of information and integration with the architecture has been described in this report.  

Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture

Enterprise Information architecture is one of the sub structures of the Enterprise Architecture process that helps in the description of the set of requirements of the systems, the principles of the systems and the current models that are being used in the system. This makes the procedures of the organization easily flexible and allows the organizations to exchange the required information in the system and achieve the resultant changes in the system. The main intension of deployment of enterprise information architecture is to providing a common framework so that sharing the data and increasing the cost effectiveness of the system. The security and privacy of the different units within an organization is also the enterprise Information architecture is used.

The paper deals with the voting systems of the countries and this is a very important event for the selection of the government in the countries. Democracy is a form of government in which the power to control the all the legislative procedures of a nation is allocated to a person who would be performing all the activities. It is processes in which the voters would selecting the rightful representative for themselves that would be helpful for them in achieving the preferences in which they want themselves to be governed. However, with the latest development in the technology online voting has been a great reformation and the use of system has been very effective. This has been very popular as the process allows the people to cast their votes from the remote locations and also the process involving data collection and data manipulation has been very efficient and the population is able to obtain an effective result from these developments.

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Earlier the traditional paper ballot systems were used which along with some mechanical devices, however the systems were very vulnerable and resulted in the manipulation of the result of the election for the countries. In addition to this, there were issues of ineligible voting that had affected the election results to a great extent. There was case where often an underage person would be able to vote and there were additional instances where the person would be allowed to vote twice within a single election. This resulted in the results of the election to be manipulated to a great extent. In addition to this, there were case where the voting records were washed away due to flood or earthquake and this has resulted in the voting results being wrongly declared. In addition to this, there might be other accidents that might destroy the data that was recorded for the election but without the data the election results remain undeclared. Hence, various incidents gave rise to the use of eVoting system.


It has been already discussed that the EIA RA approach is being applied for the development of the eVoting systems. The major benefits of the adoption of the model are described below:

Resolution to the issues of ineligible voters: In the traditional systems the issues of ineligible voting was very harmful for the countries that had organized the voting events. This is because there were issues of duplicity and there would be manipulation in the results of the elections that are conducted by a particular country. Hence, the implementation of the system would restrict the voting to a single vote per person in the country. The system would be implementing a procedure that would make the person register to the system and cast their vote according to their wish. The system would this restrict the underage voters during the registration process and also the registration process would make sure that there are no duplicate votes registered in the voting system. Hence this would resolve the issues in the system.

Remote Access to the voting system: The remote access to the system would be enable the voters to register to the system and hence, they would be able to cast their vote from anywhere at any time from any location. As a result, the system would be able to provide the voters the chance of casting there vote easily and make the overall process hassle free. The system would also make the traffic within the host cities easier and make the overall process easier for the people of the country.

Data protection of the voting system: The data in the system would be protected as the system would be having an online centralized database connected to main system. The database would be storing all the data about the votes, voters and the candidates in the system. This would enable them to check the information about the candidates as well and also store their votes safely in the systems making the data safe within the system. In addition to this, the system would also safeguard the data in the time of accidents and other natural calamities. This would ensure that the casting of votes and the results of elections are unbiased and are also completely safe and secure.

Figure 1: Electronic Voting Architecture

Source: (created by Author)

The information system management integrates all the processes that are functional in the organization to collaborate and act together. All the units are unified and all the processes act as a single unit. This is very important in case of a eVoting system as the system involves the functions of vote collection, vote manipulation and also declaring results. All these procedures are unified under a single system that would perform all the actions of storing g the data of the candidates, storing the data of the voters, validating and authenticating the votes of the voters. In addition to this, the system would also provide the option of calculating the casted votes, rejecting the votes that are ineligible and also the system would be displaying the results of the votes efficiently.

Benefits of EIA RA approach for eVoting

The implementation of an integrated Enterprise architecture reference model would be very helpful for the desired eVoting system; however, the integrated solution would be face some challenges during implementation. The major challenges faced during implementation are:

Choosing Technology Solutions

The major problem that arises even before the start of the integration process ins that the process of integration involves the system reliance on the off shelf software or sometimes there is a need of suite of application that would able to manage all the data that are stored and manipulated during the entire process of voting. Hence at the beginning of the implementation phase it is very necessary that a suitable technology solution is selected that would be supporting all the platforms in all the devices.

Implementing Shared Data

The system is being designed for the management of the data that is being generated during the voting process in the country. The integrated basis results in the configuration of the data architecture that would be handling the nationwide access to the required data. The current network is required to handle the new set up that involves a broad range of data and data needs to reach out to each and every users of the system. Hence this becomes a huge challenge on the part of the designer of the system. There also arises a concern regarding the security of the system as the data that is to be released by the process is a huge one and hence this requires a system that would be able to handle such large amount of data sets.

Other Considerations

Additionally, creating an integrated solution would also result in the defining the objectives properly for the organization. The IT Infrastructures to be used for the systems would require proper integration that would be provided from the solution providers. Hence, there is always a chance the solution providers would not be able to provide the desired the solutions for the eVoting system. This is huge challenge that is to be faced during the implementation of the system for any country.

For the challenges that have been identified it is proposed that the developed system would require proper addressing and it has been suggested that before approaching any of the vendors for the integrated solution the designer should be able to properly identify the requirements of the integration. In addition to this the eVoting system should be prioritizing their security measures and implement proper authentication and access control systems in the data management framework for the EIA RA developed for the eVoting system. The system should be able to maintain the security of the integrated sources from the unauthorized access. Additionally, the designer of the eVoting system is advised to discuss with a number of vendors before they can come to a conclusion of selecting a particular vendor for development of the integrated EIA solution for the eVoting system.  


For conclusion it can be said that the voting process is one of the major events of a nation and hence, the development of an eVoting system would be the best solution for mitigating the challenges in the traditional systems. Te details of the Enterprise Architecture Information system Reference Architecture for the eVointing system of a country has been discussed in this report. The explanation of the requirements, designs and the implementation technique of the eVoting systems for the country has been discussed in this report. Along with the discussions the challenges faced during the implementation and the designing phase of the system. However, the proposed solution and possible recommendations for the betterment of the system has also been provided in this report.

Proposed system

The following recommendations are provided to the designers of the eVoting system to for the further development of the system:

Availability: The developed eVoting system should be available at all time, in all places and should provide the users with the option of casting their remotely in the system. Hence it is to be made sure that the system always available online, so that the user can reach out to the system whenever it is required and has network connection.

Scalability: The voting results would produce a huge amount of data and this data would be increasing every year, hence the system should be scalable so that the data in the system can be supported sufficiently.

 Security: Security should be the top priority of the system as the system would be having data which is very confidential and should not be leaked out at any scenario. Hence Security is one of the main functions that is to be stressed up on during the development of the system.  


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