Evaluation Proposal For Far West Laboratory For Educational Research And Development

Description of DIP

The main purpose for submitting this evaluation proposal is to respond to the request for proposal by far west laboratory for educational research and development. This evaluation proposal is to outline my intended sales and marketing strategies of the units. This evaluation also outlines the how I intend to use the information that are useful for the decision making process of the purchase and the use of the various units. This evaluation also provides an investigation of whether or not far west laboratory for educational research and development should commit resources in marketing their package which is called “Determining Institutional Purposes (DIP) training program.

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Description of DIP

The program that will be evaluated in this proposal is known as “Determining Institutional Purposes (DIP) training program” by the far west laboratory for educational research and development. This training package consists of several units. There is a handbook for the coordinator of the program as well as three different training units. These units are names as unit 1, unit 2 and unit 3 with the contents as setting goals, analyzing problems and deriving objectives respectively.

These individual units as well contains a number of modules ranging between four and six modules. The modules contains a certain number of objectives that are used for the training purposes. Any given module consists of several sections such as reading materials supporting the skills described in the given module, activities for practicing the skills which can be done as individual or in sizable groups and a section where the trainees provide their feedback about the training they have undertaken.  

Evaluation Method

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In this section, I will outline how I intend to do the requested evaluation if I am selected by far west laboratory for educational research and development. I will sequentially accomplish this aim by clearly stating the objective or objectives of this evaluation, clearly stating the people for whom this evaluation is intended (the audience), determining the actual kinds of information required in order to make meaningful conclusions or decisions, clearly outlining the possible reliable sources of sample data that I will use in the evaluation process and finally stating some of the useful tools that I will use in collecting the required data.

The main objective of this evaluation is give meaningful recommendations to far west laboratory for educational research and development concerning the sales and marketing of DIP training units that would be useful in important decision making. Another objective is to give meaningful and viable recommendations to the purchasers of training units (the school administrators) that would help them in making important decisions on whether to buy the training units or not.

Evaluation Method

We will collect information that will be used by our project evaluation team. The information will also be used by the school administrators for their decision making process. The information will as well be used by the management of the far west laboratory on making decision of whether to go ahead with the production. All these will be intended to make the project successful.

The information that we will collect for the evaluation are: The cost of developing a training package, the cost of training a coordinator, the cost of distributing the training materials, current interest rate and rate of inflation, cost of printing training manuals and cost of marketing and selling the package.

We will use several data collection tools such as observation and questionnaire in getting feedback from the school administrators about their experience with the piloting project. These are very reliable since they provide first hand data. We will use information from economic surveys to determine the current and projected interest rates as wells as the current and projected inflation rates. We will also use the data from the economic survey to determine the current or prevailing rates of transport.

Task Schedule

Major Task

Responsible Parties

Duration in Months

· Meeting with developers

The whole personnel team


· Modelling cost of developing the program

Finance office, project coordinator


· Modelling the cost of training program coordinators

Finance office, project coordinator


· Modelling the cost of training package

Finance office, project coordinator


· Training program coordinators

Technical Team


· Meeting school administrators

Business Development team, sales and marketing strategist


· Conducting a pilot training to adjust the modelled cost of training

Technical team and project coordinator


· Compiling a report of the pilot training and program

Secretariat team


· Meeting the management of far west laboratory for educational research and development

The whole personnel team


Project Personnel

This project will be done with a number of personnel. This is to ensure that there is a smooth operations of the work and consistency. This wide of personnel has been used to proper project management and specialization depending on the area of expertise. The personnel include: project coordinator, business development officer, sales and marketing strategist, finance officer, the secretariat team, technical team and a driver. All these people in the panel will work as a team with consistent communications which is key for the success of any project.

The project coordinator in our team has over five years of work experience in project management with several successful projects completed. Therefore, given this project, it will not be a gamble on whether it be successfully done, instead, it will be a question of whether far west staff is cooperative enough. Proper coordination with far west staff will speed the project and minimize unnecessary delays. Our business development personnel has over three years of work experience and has acquired and maintained several business for our firm. Therefore, given this evaluation project, it is a sure bet that the school administrations will be a ready to purchase the training package. The officer is also very efficient in creating and maintaining customer intimacy, a virtue that is very crucial in selling and marketing of any product.

Our sales and marketing team is consist of young and energetic team who are very keen at understanding the product and the customer needs and how the product can effectively meet the needs of the potential customers.  Therefore, given this evaluation project, we will be keen to fulfill the objective of explaining to the school administration why they should actually by this training package. They will be keen to acquire the school administration as a client and maintain it for subsequent sales.

Our finance officer is an experienced accountant as well. The officer is well vast with project evaluation and optimization of profits. We will be keen to use him in making projections about the expected future profits from the training package by using several methods like discounting methods. Our secretariat team are experienced and very attentive to details and taking instructions. Given this evaluation project, we will be keen to use them in ensuring that every detail of the project is brought to book in a clear precise manner.

We also have a technical team with a vast experience in program development. We will work with them in helping us do a thorough assessment on the program to ascertain that it is properly developed. This implies that we will offer a neutral personnel in the development team to ensure it is properly done. Finally, we will use our drivers for all the transportation we will require to any meeting. This will ensure proper and consistent project coordination and customer intimacy.




Unit Price

Total Cost



Project Manager




Business Developent Officer




Sales and Markrting Strategist












Total Cost of Personel




Travel and Accomodation Costs


2 Trips to School




3 Trips to Far west Lab




2 Trips to Meeting Developers




Total Travel and Accommodation Cost






Telephone Cost


Internet Cost


Postage Cost


Total Communications Cost




Cost of Pilot Training Package


Printing Mannuals




Coordinators handbook




Total Piloting Cost







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