Evaluation Of Current Laws And Policies Addressing Investigation And Prosecution Of Intimate Strangulations Within 50 States
Evaluation of Goals
The article presents an evaluation of current laws and policies that address the investigation and prosecution of intimate strangulations within 50 states. The article, therefore, presents research that was conducted to evaluate laws that are in place or policies in order to reduce obstacles that prevent the prosecution of assailants or victims of strangulation. The analysis or evaluation, therefore, is engraved on the goals of analysis of existing laws, policies and recommends the best practice or improvement in the policies that can help investigate and prosecute these health problems. Authors express the theoretical view on the issue of strangulation and also present the policy gap that stands an obstacle to prosecution of assailants. In order to evaluate the policies, a research methodology was developed and the result of the analysis discussed citing recommendations for improvement. The article, therefore, identified seven states that had laws in place and evaluation also presented recommendations for improving laws and policies that assist the investigation and prosecution of assailants (CDC, 2011).
Many different policymakers wanted the evaluation done to help address the issue of strangulation. The evaluation was carried out with the aim of assisting various policymakers to address the issue of strangulations. The evaluation is meant to assist various stakeholders in legislation, the health, and criminal justice departments. Firstly, in the criminal justice department, the finding of the evaluation is meant to foster the improvement of laws and policies that assist in the investigation and prosecution of those involved in the strangulations. Secondly, strangulation has been a major health problem and the analysis serves to help in finding the solution for reducing the health consequence of strangulations and violence. Thirdly, legislators wanted the evaluation conducted to help identify laws or policies available and cite ways to improve on enact other similar laws. For instance, legislators wanted the recommended gaps and areas that need improvement in the existing laws or policies that can help in successful prosecution or investigation of strangulations (Hooper, Giles?Corti & Knuiman, 2014).
The main goal of the evaluation was to understand the possibilities of prosecuting strangulations cases within 50 states. The authors of the article conducted the evaluation of laws and policies that address the strangulation prosecution across 50 states. There are some goals that assisted the authors to evaluate the current state of laws and policies that exist within 50 states. Firstly, the analysis or evaluation is to assist lawmakers, policymakers, violence advocates and others stakeholders understand the existing laws that address the prosecution of strangulations. Understanding of strangulations and prosecution of strangulations is important for identifications of obstacles to addressing strangulations. Secondly, the evaluation also assists in finding the best practices when prosecuting and investigating strangulations. Finding from the evaluation of policies and laws within 50 states is important for addressing the issues of strangulations especially in various stages of investigation and prosecution. Lastly, the evaluation serves to provide the basis of improving current laws regarding the issue of strangulation and prosecution of strangulations. Various recommendations that are advanced at the end of the evaluation are important for improving prosecution laws and policies (National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control 2013).
Theoretical Perspective
Authors propose to evaluate existing policies and laws within 50 states as this provides the basis of finding recommendations. Authors aim to use its goals of finding best practices for improving laws as the guiding principle of evaluating the obstacles that prevent the prosecution of strangulations. In addition, evaluation goals serve as the basis of developing the methodologies that are used in the evaluation of policies. Outcomes of the evaluation such as ways to improve laws and policies also assisted authors to come up with states that have legal or policy framework for prosecuting strangulations.
Authors of the article present various theoretical facts that can explain the effects of strangulation and need of policies to improve the prosecution of strangulation cases. The theory of intimate partner violence (IPV) is mentioned as one aspect of violence that results in health problems and forms part of the reasons that castigate strangulation. Violence by partners with relation especially against women is indicated as the common cause of attempts strangulations worldwide. The negative impact of the strangulation within among patients or victims that has experience the action in the past is also used as theoretical concept to evaluate the impact of action. Authors indicate that there are many different clinical findings that are related to strangulation cases are also mentioned within the article to presents the theories explain impact of strangulations. Another theoretical concept is also based on the meta analysis of various researches that provides the basis of the strangulation research are also cited within the article to show the importance of strangulation cases within the department of justice. Within 50 states, various cases of the strangulations and the outcome of these cases are also analyzed within the articles to present these impacts (Kimberlee, 2018).
According to authors, there are rival reasons that make prosecution of strangulation crime. There are theories that have been an obstacle to prosecution of strangulation cases and these results in the need to improve on policies. Some of the reasons include lack of physical evidence and the difficulty of proving the intent of the victim or those involved. Firstly, the proof of intent requires a statement from the assailant which is difficult to obtain. In addition, authors indicate that the statement of intent normally drives form the consequences of an act of those involved. Secondly, the evidence of the acts is also required to prove the actual case of strangulation and this has also proved difficult to establish. Moreover, the theory gives some research that has been used to present the findings to ensure the theories are according to study. In order to prosecute the crime of strangulation, there is a need for bodily physical evidence that may be informed of harm or body cut resulting in bleeding (Wholey, 2010).
The theory of obstacle to prosecution of strangulation guided authors in conducting their evaluation of the policies that exist. Firstly, the possibilities of prosecuting assailants within 50 states form the core of evaluation. Authors undertake an evaluation to establish the ability to prosecute those involved in the strangulation case as this has an effect in addressing intimate strangulations. Secondly, the effects of the strangulation within the population are a compelling reason for the evaluation of the state of the policies by authors. The burden of injuries and the consequences of the health problems that are associated with strangulation is a guiding principle that enables authors to evaluate available laws. Thirdly, the effects of the successful prosecution of those involved in the strangulation case are factors that contribute to the evaluation of policies. The impact if prosecution of victims of strangulations forms core factors that are used to understand the current cases of strangulations. This will help policymakers and legislators understand the current laws available (Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, 2015).
The principal research method that was used in evaluation is qualitative research method since the research is based on the qualitative analysis of various materials available to understanding the situation. The main method that the researcher used during the evaluation is the analysis of various statutes for all states where analyzed to establish the possibility of any strangulation mention within those statutes. Data was collected and analyzed, and results discussed to provide a comprehensive conclusion. The research uses the qualitative skills to analyze the result of statutes that are obtained from various legal documents of states. The evaluation used the content analysis method that examines various secondary data to obtain the results that were desired. Another area of methodology was the use of data analysis that was used in the evaluation to analyze the result of the research. In addition, authors also used their knowledge in the analysis of the data obtained based on the areas that were part of the evaluation goals. For instance, the research focused on the existing laws that are used to prosecute intimate strangulation assailants (Wholey, 2010).
The methodology also takes into account various method that is used to obtain data from huge databases of those state department of criminal justice. For instance, authors indicated that they used software to extract data from databases of the departments. This also assisted in looking for words that relate to strangulations within the statues. Result obtained was then tabulated into tables that indicate various states and the statue that address the issue of strangulation. Moreover, the data that was obtained as also analyzed through the application of content data analysis to realize the desired outcome before discussion. The data analysis relays on the authors knowledge and experience to analyze the data and present a conclusion or recommendations (CDC, 2012).
There was no any unintended effect that occurred in the course of the evaluation. The authors of the article focused on the intended research evaluation and carried out the evaluation. The authors are followed the set goals and procedure to evaluate various aspects strangulation issue in details. In addition, the research also maintains its intended deliverable in terms of result that was expected at the start of the evaluation process. The author used a research method to arrive at the results that were discussed. These make researchers ensure that there are no any other unintended procedures or results. Moreover, the results were discussed procedurally and conclusion made citing some recommendations for the implementation. Authors being knowledgeable and experience in strangulation cases and health carried evaluation process with minimal errors and unintended effects leading to good result and recommendations for improving existing laws or policies (Her Majesty’s Treasury, 2011).
Authors concluded that the overall result of strangulation is serious and leads to mental, physical and health effects on victims. The consequences of the strangulation that forms part of the conclusion are based on the health facts and results of the analysis that are discussed in the article. The policy evaluation achieved its goals since the result and discussion of the data collected show the outcome that was desired. The policy evaluation as presented within the article cited various states that have laws existing and those that have limited policies addressing the issue of strangulation. In addition, the result of the research shows various states that laws that need improvement in terms of wording and phrases. Those laws that had language challenges are also included in the results and subsequently discussed in detail. Moreover, the recommendations of the policy evaluation research also present areas that need improvement as was stated within goals of the evaluation (Kennedy, Ellens?Clark, Kaufman & Douglas, 2013).
The results of the evaluation will be used in improving laws that guide investigation and prosecution of victims or assailants of strangulations. Firstly, the result of the evaluation will provide the basis for improving existing laws through legislation. The result of evaluation is essential in enacting laws and policies that help in improvement of prosecution and investigation of strangulation. Secondly, the results will assist policy makers to develop health and criminal justice policies that reduce cases of strangulations and intimate violence. The evaluation result provides the basis of improving available policies regarding strangulation. For instance, some of the recommendations that are advanced are important for improving existing laws. Lastly, the result will also be used to reduce the obstacles to the prosecution of victims of intimate strangulation. There are some recommendations that authors advanced after evaluation and some of these include improving the wording of strangulations statues, appropriate documentation of the policies and statues (Brownson, Royer, Chriqui & Stamatakis, 2009).
There are some concepts that have been applied within the article in the course of evaluation or analysis. Authors use various concepts to reinforce the evaluation procedure and obtain the required results. Firstly, goals and the desired outcome have been used to sets areas that need to be achieved at the end of the research. The article starts by setting some of the goals or outcome that will be achieved at the end of the evaluation. The goals that are fostered within the study are evaluated to ensure that all goals are achieved at the end of the evaluation. Secondly, qualitative research concept is also applied within the evaluation as a methodology to help in the analysis of the various statues and policies related to intimate strangulations. The analysis of the available statues that exit was in the form of qualitative analysis and this provides results. The evaluation also used various qualitative methods to analyze the contents from secondary sources and this ensures that the concept is fully followed to the right results. Thirdly, the program theory concept is also applied within the evaluations to ensure that there basis of the methodology used in the evaluation. There are some theories that are used to advance in the issue of strangulations and prosecutions. For instance, the authors cite some health consequences of the intimate strangulations and the impact that the act has on the health of humans. These theories assisted in building the basis of the research to ensure that the knowledge gap is identified and studied (Cradock, Barrett, Carter, McHugh et al. 2014).
Evaluation process is another concept that also forms the core foundation of the pare since authors has used the evaluation process to write the paper. The evaluations process has been used to write the paper since authors uses various evaluation steps to achieve their objectives and goals. In addition, the concept of the evaluation process has been used by authors to ensure that all the required stages of the evaluations are undertaken to the conclusion. For instance, the paper has been structure into summary, goals, theoretical concept, research method, discussion, conclusion and evaluation.
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