Ethics In The Workplace: A Visual Insight Through Five Videos
The Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Growth
Ethics is crucial in terms of enhancing the personality of the individuals. This is applicable both in the personal and professional fields. One of the major components of ethics is taking responsibility of doing the allocated works diligently. Consciousness of the employees towards the efficient execution of the allocated duties and responsibilities enhances their personality in the society. The following assignment provides a visual insight into ethics through the consideration of 5 videos on the ethical approach, which the employees need to expose in the workplace.
Through this video, I came to know that in the recent competitive ambience, the business organizations encounter the issues of honesty and fairness; deceptive advertising, price fixing, adopting wrong means for executing trade practices and billing. Here, my main objective is to ensure that the ethical processes are considered by the business for gaining satisfaction from the customers. Along with this, I also become aware of the control measures adopted by the managers to monitor the performances of the staffs. Peeking into the programs, which can be implemented for exposing an ethical approach towards the clients, enhances my awareness regarding the ethical behavior needed in the workplace. Apart from this, I also became acquainted with the advantages of ethical considerations in a workplace. I think ensuring that the legal responsibilities are executed diligently, falls within the crucial functionalities of a manager.
Delving deep into the dynamics of the workplace, I came to know that adhering to the legal responsibilities helps the business organizations to increase their profit margin. This escalation enables the organization to achieve sustainable growth, enhancing the reputation within the customers and clients.
As a matter of specification, the video has broadened my knowledge about the difference between personal and professional ethics in organizations. In this process, I have emerged successful in enriching my preconceived knowledge about the different approached to decision making. This enrichment has made me familiar with the ethical decisions related to the marketing mix, needed by the marketers for gaining loyalty, trust and dependence from the stakeholders and shareholders. Consideration of the approach of the brands towards this marketing mix enhances my clarity regarding the implications of the complying or not complying with the ethical decisions. Overall, the video proves beneficial for me in terms of excavating the managerial issues and the effective means in which these issues can be resolved.
This video proves crucial for me in terms of assessing the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of my behavior in the workplace. The video upgrades my knowledge regarding the dynamics of business ethics and their applicability in the workplace issues. An insight into the evolution of ethics takes me into a flashback regarding the approaches of the people towards the different and wide ranging issues in the past times. The video helps me in gaining an awareness about the impact of exposing ethical behavior in the workplace.
The Impact of Ethical Decision-making on Organizational Success
At the initial stage, I am informed about the definition of business ethics. Business ethics acts like a guidebook for the professionals regarding the behavior, which they are to display in the workplace scenario. I can assert that avoiding unethical means is an essential component of business ethics. One of the other dimensions of business ethics is undertaking decisions, which are ethically acceptable within the workplace norms. Although I was aware of this fact, watching the video enhanced my preconceived aspects towards the efficient and effective means for taking decisions. I think taking the responsibility to perform the allocated duties and responsibilities is an example of ethical approach, which the employees need to display for enhancing professionalism. I affirm the fact that consistency in the exposing ethical behavior enhances the personality of the personnel within the workplace. My affirmation also goes for the fact that ethical responsibilities in a workplace are not bounded by any rules. This is because, it is the self initiative of the personnel in terms of creating a positive image about them in the minds of the managers.
I feel that it is correct that when making a decision, an employee needs to ensure that their individual rights are protected. Here, legal obligations attain a second preference. I understand that under intense pressure, the decisions lack clarity in terms of values and judgment. On this basis, the individual performance towards decision making heavily influences the productivity of the business organizations. I can cite an example here regarding the choice, which the employee have. For instance, in case of accusations of unethical behaviors, the employees have full right to claim compensations for the damage and loss, which they have encountered. Adherence to the legal complications is an example of ethical consideration in the workplace.
This video provides me with an insight into the stakeholder relationship and social responsibility. Within this, I am informed about the various types of stakeholders and the approaches of the personnel to fulfill their needs, demands and requirements. In the process of fulfilling the stakeholders’ needs, I think I would gain an insight into the responsibilities, which I hold towards the betterment of the citizens. Here, I have learnt about the corporate governance, which made me familiar with the role played by the Board of Directors in safeguarding the interesting of the public domain. Here, I can point out that assessment of the role of the Board panel also includes the assessment regarding the consciousness towards the core organizational values.
The Role of Values and Philosophies in Creating a Positive Workplace Culture
Initially, the video provides me with an insight into the primary and secondary stakeholders along with their relationship with the benefits of the organization. I wonder at the numerous types of stakeholders, who are involved within the benefit of the organization. I have learnt that Employees, suppliers, investors and government agencies directly assist the organizations in executing the business activities. On the other hand, trade associations, interest groups, competitors and media indirectly assist the organizations in promoting their business. Here, I would request the readers to pay attention to the fact that the secondary stakeholders functioning under the instructions of the primary stakeholders.
I think oriental approach towards preserving the interest of the stakeholders enhances the stability in the relationship with the organization. Positivity in this direction provides the organizations with the opportunity to enjoy competitive advantages over the contemporary brands. My perspectives are enhanced through the assertion that oriental process towards catering to the stakeholders’ needs involves three steps. The first step is generating data about the stakeholders. Here, determinants are the health and safety issues, which the stakeholders face while taking the services from the organization. The second step enhances my knowledge regarding the disseminating the information throughout the firm. I think that the final step possesses direct relationship with the ethics. This is because, using intelligence in building responsiveness at each level reflects the ethical approach of the personnel towards collaborative output.
This video is about the ethical decision-making, which polishes my preconceived skills, expertise and knowledge regarding the ethical leadership. I am elated at the fact that ethics reflects the kind of person an individual is. Usage of professional attitude in the execution of the tasks is a gradual progression towards the path of leadership. I think tactful approach towards the allocated duties and responsibilities makes the individual a successful leader. Herein I can bring Great Man Theory in terms of the alteration, which comes in the personality of the individual in the process of upgrading his current personality.
By Ethical leadership, I mean consciousness towards the needs, demands and requirements of the team members. Here, decision-making relates with the exposure of appropriate attitude in terms of preserving the individual sentiments and rights of the team members. I think possession of the understanding attitude towards the needs of the team members is an example of ethical approach, which the managers need to display in the process of regulating the performance of the employees. On the contrary, thinking about the self-benefit reflects the selfish attitude of the managers in terms of gaining profit by extracting hard labors from the team members.
The Significance of Ethical Leadership in Managing Teams
I also feel that motivation and encouragement are the crucial elements in terms of supporting the team members to complete the tasks efficiently and effectively. Herein, I think assessment of the needs is important in terms of serving them in a proper manner. I feel that in the process of fulfilling the needs, the managers become aware of the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of the mentoring and coaching provided to the team members. I can relate this with the exercise of self-evaluation. This exercise helps me to introspect my position within the workplace. Consistency in needed in the execution of evaluation for upgrading the current level of my performance.
This video enhances my knowledge about the moral philosophies and values, which helps the individuals to expose ethical approach in the workplace. I think adhering to the philosophies and core values enhances the traditionalism of the companies and organizations. Adherence and compliance to the values and philosophies enhances the personality of the personnel. On the other hand, non-compliance with the philosophies and values reflects the unethical approach of the personnel in terms of maintaining the stability of the workplace. This unethical considerations creates a bad example for the clients in terms of investing in the organization for expanding the business. Herein I can attach negative connotation to the aspect of social responsibility of the organizations for enhancing their reputation.
I think the managers need to abide by the philosophies and values in terms of attracting more employees. Typical example of this can be providing safe and comfortable workplace so that the employees can expose their talents. I feel appraisal from the managers generates an urge among the employees regarding the exposure of better performance. Herein I can bring Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which helps the managers to assess the needs of the employees. I feel this assessment is crucial in terms of extracting productive labors from them. I also think that provision of adequate motivation and encouragement boosts the morale of the employees. This energizes the employees to undertake challenging and enduring tasks.
According to my opinion, performance appraisals are one of the other determinants of the ethical approach of the managers. Biases in the appraisals reflect the equal treatment towards the employees regarding valuation for their efforts. On the contrary, equal treatment towards the employees makes the managers a People’s Leader. Therefore, I feel that Compassion and understanding are the attributes, which inspires the employees to follow the footsteps of the leaders for enhancing their professional as well as personal careers.
Motivation and Encouragement: Key Elements of Employee Performance
This assignment emerges successful in providing an insight into the dynamics of business ethics in workplace. The reflective tone of the assignment enables the personnel to feel one with the issues in terms of their approaches. Legal compliance to the rules and regulations is directly related with the aspect of ethics in workplace. This is because complying with the rules and regulations enhances the personality of the employees. This is a prospective chance in terms of creating a good image in the minds of the managers. On the contrary, non-compliance to the workplace norms adds vulnerability to the position of the employees.
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