Ethics Essential For ICT Professionals

Ethics essential for ICT professionals: Discussion and Analysis

Discuss about the Ethics Essential for ICT Professionals.

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This particular essay is prepared in view of analyzing ethical considerations in ICT organization for the professionals. The content of the essay is structured with identifying an article showing ethical essentiality for ICT professionals along with showing some major aspects. These aspects were considerably presented centering one single question as “If you were sacked tomorrow, would you do damage on your way out of the organization?” (Aynsley 2015). Now answer to this question show at what extent, ethical dilemma is present in ICT organization. Approximately 85% of the professionals agreed to damage way out of organization if they were terminated from service (Warren and Lucas 2016). Some situations and scenarios were included in the later paragraph to show some other instances of unethical incidents causing huge impact over customers. In the event that on ICT expert is taking after this ACS code of ethics, individual ought not permit any deceptive or improper utilization of innovation; they ought to block dishonest utilization of innovation comply with ACS code.

The primary question was raised in this newspaper article as “If you were sacked tomorrow, would you do damage on your way out of the organization?” This question was raised in system administration conference in US, several years before; in front of several delegates (Ferguson, Thornley and Gibb 2016). A source confirmed that 85% of the ICT professionals have staggering ‘yes’ answer to the question. Most of the analysts have conveyed their view as this result of 85% positive opinion is quite unnatural. Additionally, ICT professionals have confirmed that they have recognized their obligations in ethical and responsible manner. Furthermore, there were countless instances of employees facing charges of corruption, guilty of theft, hacking, and other form of misconduct and offences (Al-Saggaf, Burmeister and Weckert 2016). In following few years duration, the senior ICT managers of New South Wales TAFE, the Commonwealth Bank and Sydney University, were charged with criminal offences. Queensland Health’s case against IBM was covered with allegations of “misleading and deceptive conduct” and it was under court verdict in Brisbane (Edwards 2016). On the other hand, in Ashley Madison era, the personal and confidential identity of customers was disclosed online, after the site was hacked; despite the organization has promised that those disclosed information was deleted (Leicester 2016). These were the common yet popular instances of ethical misconduct and events in the current scenario.


Now, as an ICT professional, the employees should play a pervasive role of conducting themselves with subject to major correction of their behavior. Legitimately, the ICT managers refer themselves as professionals, whereas the best practice of ethical conduct should not only follow the bylaw legislations but also individually they should conduct ethically and with utter responsiveness (Aynsley, 2015). The ACS code of ethics is prepared with a benchmark for controlling their members and as well as the ICT practitioners for valuing professional work standard. In six principles adhered in ACS code of ethics, the ICT professionals should follow: primacy of public interest, enhancement of quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development, and professionalism (Tondeur et al. 2016). However, these mentioned principles are not only the bylaw legislation requirements, but also the principles were needed to be considered for any use of technology consequences. The technology can be utilized for the organization and / or the wider community of resources (Hemsley et al. 2016). In case on ICT professional is following this ACS code of ethics, he or she should not allow any unethical or inappropriate use of technology; they should hinder unethical use of technology abide by ACS code.

Along with emerging big data, cloud computing, and social media developments; the technology is currently a bigger part of any organization with offering new and faster approaches to gather information (Boddy and Dominelli 2016). However, big data, cloud computing, and social media developments play major role in conducting business and planning business for ensuring business methodologies in practice. Ethical conduct required the ICT professionals to imply their actions to staff, customers, and other resources. In this modern technology adoption era, Facebook is widely used by the policymakers and community for conducting content feed experiments. The Facebook feeds were used to test impact on peoples’ emotions and this test was subjected to over half a million users as well (Aynsley, 2015). This test was labeled as invasion of privacy breaching ethical considerations over informed consent. However, the users had no idea of this manipulative testing causing significant impact on their emotions. As technology is evolving at a higher rate; therefore, the legislative framework should be updated in accordance with definitive guidelines of capabilities. Ethical considerations should consider the gaps where legislation is not prepared and yet to some limitations the ethical consideration should outlaw (Lang, Craig and Casey 2016). ICT professionals should lead considering the ethical implications for ensuring no one has negative impact as per their efforts.

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This newspaper article poses a challenge of active ethical commitment with turning someone with difficult questions. The article raises another query to depict the best practice of showing well-versed ethical issues and steps to ensure ethical righteousness (Ponce and Gomez 2016). Some researchers have incorporated the fact of following certified professionalism. The certified professionalism followed with some points as underneath:

Standout from Other Personnel in Organization: The certification assessment from ACS depicts that individual skills and knowledge in marketplace should be placed against independent and internationally recognized benchmark. ACS undertook the formal skills for conducting nearly 100,000 ICT professionals during previous decade (Keeble 2016; Lloyd, Downes and Romeo 2016). ACS ensures customers with empowering their skills and knowledge association.

Trusted Advisor for Clients: The certification should be held for primacy of public interest along with individual approach. The ACS code of ethics makes employees committed with building skills and knowledge (Chang 2016). Hence, one individual with certification from ACS code of ethics should perform a role of advisor for the clients to ensure ethical guidance among the practitioners and professionals.

Acquire Best Position for Ensuring Success in Career: The ACS employment survey demonstrated that certified professionals should earn vendor certifications. ACS assessment of employees should ensure career success for them stating competence in knowledge and professional development.

Preparation for Opportunities: The disruptive technology at stake does not pick major opportunities for employees, ethical conduct does (Faruq and Tatnall 2016). ACS certification is technology-skeptic, vendor-cynic, and mostly focuses over transferrable expertise. The certification is relevant to employees and customers for focusing over expertise.

Hence, the discussion is confronted with showing some events of ethical dilemma and issues. Afterwards, issues and raising questions were subjected to ACS code of ethics and certification under suitable professionalism and professional development (Patil 2016). The principles were demonstrated to depict the employee activities, their capabilities and responsibility leading to organization standard.


After the ethical and regulatory standards have been draw out in the essay, the major conclusions can be prepared with depicting the gaps in ethics. Ethical consideration is major for any organization in ICT and information technology adoption in organizations. Mostly, the organizations have bigger responsibilities asserted to employees with confronting six major principles. Nonetheless, these said standards are the local law enactment necessities, as well as the standards were should have been considered for any utilization of innovation outcomes. The innovation can be used for the association and/or the more extensive group of assets. On the off chance that on ICT expert is taking after this ACS code of morals, he or she ought not permit any unscrupulous or improper utilization of innovation; they ought to frustrate deceptive utilization of innovation submit to ACS code. Furthermore, the ACS code of ethics is incorporated in the essay for showing ethical guidelines to ensure competence, professionalism, professional development, honesty, primacy of public interest, and quality of life enhancement.


Al-Saggaf, Y., Burmeister, O.K. and Weckert, J., 2016. Perceptions of incompetence in the ICT workplace. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 45(3), pp.11-17.

Aynsley, B., 2015. Ethics essential for ICT professionals. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 Nov. 2016].

Boddy, J. and Dominelli, L., 2016. Social Media and Social Work: The Challenges of a New Ethical Space. Australian Social Work, pp.1-13.

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Faruq, Q.O. and Tatnall, A., 2016. Adoption of ICT in Implementing Primary Health Care: Achievements of the Twenty-First Century. International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation (IJANTTI), 8(1), pp.55-64.

Ferguson, S., Thornley, C. and Gibb, F., 2016. Beyond codes of ethics: how library and information professionals navigate ethical dilemmas in a complex and dynamic information environment. International Journal of Information Management, 36(4), pp.543-556.

Hemsley, B., Georgiou, A., Carter, R., Hill, S., Higgins, I., van Vliet, P. and Balandin, S., 2016. Use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia A review to inform the design and direction of future research. Health Information Management Journal, p.1833358316652060.

Keeble, R., 2016. Publication ethics: stressing the positive. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 14(1), pp.20-23.

Lang, C., Craig, A. and Casey, G., 2016. A pedagogy for outreach activities in ICT: promoting peer to peer learning, creativity and experimentation. British Journal of Educational Technology.

Leicester, N., 2016. Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect on Professional Behaviour?.

Lloyd, M., Downes, T. and Romeo, G., 2016. Positioning ICT in Teachers’ Career Path: ICT Competency as an Integral Part of Teacher Standards (Australia). In Diverse Approaches to Developing and Implementing Competency-based ICT Training for Teachers: A Case Study (Vol. 1, pp. 21-44). UNESCO Bangkok.

Patil, S.G., 2016. An Overview of Digital Challenges and Users expectation in IT era related to Library Profession.

Ponce, M.I. and Gomez, J., 2016. Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Pre-Service Education Professionals: A Case Study of Motivation and Knowledge. International Journal of Educational Excellence,(2016) Vol, 2, pp.63-79.

Tondeur, J., Forkosh-Baruch, A., Prestridge, S., Albion, P. and Edirisinghe, S., 2016. Responding to challenges in teacher professional development for ICT integration in education. Educational Technology & Society, 19(3), pp.110-121.

Warren, M. and Lucas, R., 2016. Ethics and ICT: Why all the fuss?. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 14(2).

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