Ethics And The Decision To Commit Suicide In The Face Of Incurable Disease
The Importance of Ethics in Shaping Human Behavior
Discuss about the Ethical and Methodological Considerations.
Philosophical studies have enumerated certain emotion sand morals that have helped in maintaining the essence of the human behavior. The ethics help in maintaining the important considerations of the human life depending on the morals that is being enumerated depending on the justified note of the human existence. The most important consideration that is being undertaken by the people in order to understand the point of ethics is to frame their lives depending on the morals. The morals help them monitor over their habits and the manner in which they represent themselves in the society. Human beings are considered to be sociable in nature, therefore in order to sustain in the society humans are required to adhere to certain ethics.
The study of theological texts have enumerated ethics depending on the requirements of the society and based on the individual requirements of the people. These theological texts have given out ethics that have helped in the making of the ideal characteristics of the people and shaping their characteristics based on the same. The most important consideration that is undertaken for the report is based on the human existence and discusses the fundamental concept of taking the individuals life (commit suicide) in order to avoid the atrocities of the incurable disease. In order to understand the appropriateness of the step that must be taken by the human suffering from the disease certain steps of discussion are being undertaken for the lucid understanding the ethics that governs the step. The discussion that is being undertaken in this report helps in the understanding of ethnicity of the action and thereby clarifies the delusion that encircles the action.
The report aims at understanding the perspectives of the ethics that is being applied in the present situation and thereby make a decision depending on the outcome. The most important consideration that is being administered in the report is based on the effectiveness of the human ethics and thereby takes decisions based on the ethics that governs the humanity. The report enumerates ways in order to make use of the ethics to make the notion clear as to the appropriateness of the action that is being taken.
The problem that has been stated according to the aims this report is based on the ethnicity of committing a suicide by a person suffering from a certain incurable disease. The point of discussion will be based on the ethnicity of the action and not on the incurable disease. People might face several issues in their lifetime, but committing a suicide is taken as an attempt of making an escape. At times, it might seem tempting for the person suffering from the illness but from the ethical point of view, it is by no way a step that must be administered by an individual (Kleiman, Riskind and Schaefer 2014). On the other hand, people might find it ludicrous and insane to live a life full of misery. The perspective of the person affects the ethics through the actions and the decisions taken by the person in order to incubate the disease or to fall for the same. The discussion of this analysis is based on the requirements of the ethics while considering the decision of committing a suicide in order to escape the consequences of an incurable disease. The most important consideration that is being undertaken by the person is based on the outlook of the person and the person’s believe on the ethics that holds the society.
The Contribution of Theological Texts to Ethical Considerations
The most important question underlined by the theological texts in this context is the basics of the life on earth. The theological texts have enumerated the ethics based on the principles set down for healthy living of the people and the proper integration of the humankind and the nature (Bureau et al. 2012). The balance helps in maintaining the ethics. On the other hand, the imbalance in the nature, both internal and external, can be the cause for the demolition (McCrudden 2013). The most important fundamental concept that must be understood by the person while taking the decision of committing suicide is based on the ethics of the person that the person believes in. an escapist will always think of moving away from an issue that is hindering the way (Omerov et al. 2014). It is like swaying away and taking the other way. On the other hand, a person who is born with the mentality of resolving the problem and striving for the same to the last breath is again another exception to the perceptions (Kirchhoffer 2013). Ethics depend on the mentality and the outlook of the people, therefore the theological texts influences the people depending on the perceptions and outlook they have for the issue they are into. Everyone in this world is facing a need of existentialism but committing a suicide just for the cause of an incurable disease is simply a folly that must be judged and revised accordingly.
The theological texts have provided with the view of making the necessary changes in order to maintain the balance of the nature. The theological texts like the Bible or the others affirm that a poetic justice is being provided to every individual because of the actions that are being undertaken by the individuals. The theological texts have outlined the ethics of determining the importance of the life that has been delivered to the individuals. According to some of the theological texts, the life is supposed to be a gift from the All Mighty. Therefore, committing a suicide might be simply taken as a blasphemy as it would be disregarding the gift that is being delivered (Santayana 2014). Critically it might be taken as the initiative of the theological texts in preventing the humankind from committing suicides. The different parables and stories given out by the texts relates to the ethnicity of the decisions that is being taken by the individuals since ages and the outcomes. These parables might be considered as the simple fairy tales or examples in order to understand the meaning of life discussed in the apparition of the fable (Noddings 2013). The outlook of the individuals will be helping the person in perceiving the message that is being borne of the parable. The question of the ethics relating to the issue that is being discussed in this analysis is based on the criteria of the outlook of the person opting for an easier option other than facing the consequences of the incurable disease (Edlund et al. 2013). The most important consideration that the person must undertake in order to understand the ethics of the decision is based o the mentality of the person and the outlook that the person holds in this connection.
Maintaining Balance in Nature and the Gift of Life
The most important consideration while undertaking and revising the ethics is based on the principles of the ethics that is being presented by the texts. Committing a suicide is like killing a life. It shares the same atrocities of murdering, and is therefore taken as a sin according to the theological texts (Bayertz 2012). Theologists, who believe in the principles of ethics, have churned the necessity of living a good life based on the ethics that’s is being enumerated by the texts in order to escape from the circumstances and the sufferings that the humankind suffers. On the other hand, committing a suicide is like escaping from the consequences of the deeds that the person once pronounced. Therefore, it is a sin to be an escapist according to the theological texts.
People might be more focused on the suffering that is being faced by the individual in considering the effectiveness of the ethics in the lives. The most important consideration that is being discussed in this context is based on the suffering that the person is into not considering the ethical point of view in undertaking a hasty decision (Neal 2012). The hasty decision that is being undertaken by the individual is based on the pointlessness of the existence in a situation, which will not be changing. The situation influences the decision that is being taken by the person in order to avoid the consequences that old age or mortality might bring forth (Fromm 2013). The realism that influences the ability of the person in making the decision is based on the habits of the individuals and the mental setup.
The report aims at understanding the suitability of committing the suicide in order to avoid the circumstances of the incurable disease is being portrayed. It can be a fallacy to depend on the ethics while suffering to the end of breath. A person, therefore might commit a suicide in order to surpass the consequences that the person is destined to face with the person’s dependence on the ethics (Baranzke 2012). The concept of realism is based on the facts and therefore it can be understood that no such evidence has ever been presented in order to make sure that committing a suicide is unethical, apart from the legacies presented by the theological texts.
Therefore, from the above analysis it can be concluded that the ethics play a major role in shaping the lives of the humans and therefore committing a suicide being unethical should not be undertaken. The circumstances might be different at different times but the ethics must not vary according to the circumstances. The variation in the ethics according to the situations and the circumstances will facilitate anarchy into the society and the social structure might be disrupted. If people started committing suicides depending on the issues that are being faced by the people in their everyday life, the society will experience a steep fall. The people form the society, therefore the steps that are being taken by the people clearly administers the formation of the society. The question of morality is being answered through the synthesis of the theological texts and the manner in which the theological texts affect the problem is being resolved. Therefore, it can be concluded that it is completely unethical for a person to commit a suicide while suffering from an incurable disease.
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