Ethical Dilemma In Preventative Health Campaigning: A Case Study Response

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The society has transformed absolutely in the past and that is the reason the continuous process of urbanization and modernization transfer each and every symptom of the society. Starting litigation to Healthcare impact of globalization and modernization has not let anyone touch Revolutionary changes Healthcare industry has taken the entire world by a storm (Tengland 2012). However, among the different challenges and complications and arising in the health care industry, there have been efforts and dedication put forth by the National and global health authorities to combat and prevent these health adversities from manifesting and worsening (Parkin et al. 2011). There are various long term and short term goals and strategies developed by the authorities to combat and prevent the different challenges and hurdles, and among all the different strategies optimal patient education and preventative campaigning has to be one of the most impactful and crucial strategies. Although, the concept of large scale preventative health educational planning has gained quite considerable popularity, there still are many ethical constraints associated with this strategy (Thompson and Kumar 2011). This assignment will be highlighting the ethical dilemma that can arise in the context of preventative health campaigning taking the assistance of a relevant case study, and will provide a case study response on it.

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Preventative health campaigning can be considered as one of the most basic strategies to enhance the awareness of the target populations in an efficient, productive and yet cost effectiveness be manner. Preventative campaigning can be of various types, and each kind has specific array of benefits for the society undoubtedly. In this case, the case study represents an ethical dilemma regarding the most commonly observed health prevents be and promotional campaigning, with handouts. The topic on which this campaigning is focusing on, the handout program is specifically about breast cancer.  The breast cancer one of top three public health priorities contributing to a considerably higher mortality and hospice referral rate in the nation. 

In this context,  the case study represents a situation,  where the time, money and other resources invested in the preventative programs is not being able to bear results due to a fundamental flaw if the administrative authority. It has to be mentioned that in this case study, the most important flaw in the planning procedure is the neglect that the local native language has Received. The community that is the target group for the campaigning is not comfortable with English language, and the literacy level of the most of the community is also very low (DeSantis et al. 2014). Despite, the authorities being completely aware of the lack of literary understanding of English in the local natives, the authorities have taken no initiative to address this issue. Furthermore, it had to be mentioned in this context as well that despite the authorities having full knowledge of this issue, the alternate solutions like providing translation and audio visual representation of the handouts has also been rejected by the authorities. It has to be understood in this context that the authorities had a clear and succinct idea of the fact that English is the not the operational language of the majority of the residents. Hence, despite the preventative campaigning targeted for the benefit of the majority of the female inhabitants of the target community, they are not being able to access the health informative campaign, which should have been primarily focused on them.

Why do we write case study responses?

Health promotion and informative communication campaigns are associated in general with a large number of external and internal factors that may influence the efficacy and the ethical integrity of the program. Now it has to be mentioned in this context that the importance of the preventative and promotional campaigning is not just to initiate a level of awareness in the target population, but also persuade and propel them towards a change in their health behaviours and norms (Tengland 2012). It has to be mentioned in this context that the lifestyle standards and health behaviours are often ingrained within different communities from a very early age. Along with that, it has to be mentioned as well, that in case of ethnic communities, the impact of their cultural trends and traditions have a significant impact on the everyday health behaviours of the individuals belonging to ethnic communities (Lupton 2014). Hence, tremendous resistance will face any change that is being facilitated by a promotional campaigning that threatens the ingrained behaviours or cultural norms. The case study selected as the focus of this response assignment represents a very similar situation where the promotional campaigning has not taken into account the societal norms that the community is accustomed with. On a more elaborative note, the target group under focus for the handout campaigning had been the community which is native and is not very comfortable with the language English.

Hence, it can be stated, that handouts written in English, which they cannot read or understand will be of no use to the target population of middle- aged ethnic or culturally diverse group of women. Now according to the health care practice standards, any care activity, direct or indirect, has to be concerned with the preferences of the target group taken into consideration ( 2018). The very first ethical misconduct in this case scenario is the absolute disregard given to the cultural and linguistic inclusion in the promotional campaigning. Along with that, it has to be mentioned that violating patient education rights also violates a couple of human rights principles of the human rights act of United Kingdom. On a more elaborative note, the target group under focus for the assignment can be considered an ethnic group with little to no understanding go English. Hence, the disregard for their not being included into the promotional campaign on breast cancer violates the article 14 of the Human Rights Act in the demographic context of the United Kingdom. The article four of the human rights act is called the protection from the discrimination, which protects the cultural and traditional beliefs of the ethnic minorities and safeguards the best interests of the culturally diverse minorities in the target population. Now discrimination can be defined as any activity that involves treating the minority population less favourably and equally than the mainstream society in a similar situation (Thompson and Kumar 2011). However, it has to be mentioned in this context, that the situation presented in the case study demands a slight variation from the abovementioned justification of the discrimination. This act also takes into consideration a scenario where a disadvantaged or backward group is treated in the similar manner as the rest of the mainstream society in circumstances that demands special treatment for the disadvantaged groups.

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How to write a case study response

However it also needs to be mentioned that the in this case the target group affected can only exercise the discrimination protection legislation only in circumstances where they can represent one of the human rights acts section being violated due to the discrimination. In this case the target population is not being included in the promotional campaigning for the breast cancer for the fact that they cannot read English. This situation represents a scenario where the authorities are degrading the needs of a particular minority group. The article 3 of the human rights act states that all the citizens will be eligible for getting the freedom from any kind of inhuman or degrading treatment from any section of the society ( 2018). Here, the authorities conducting the promotional campaigning for breast cancer awareness are violating the basic human right ethics of inclusive treatment for all socio-economic sectors of the society.

The health and social care Act 2008 also has profound implications in this case. Exercise the benefits of the social welfare practices like the promotion campaigning in this case, without any unnecessary burden or inaccessibility due to discrimination. According to the section 1b of Health and social care act 2010, the secretarial authority of the national healthcare system mandatorily best exercise health services that are both promoting equality within all sectors of the society and reducing any chances of inequality or in accessibility. Along with that it has to be mentioned that the health and social care act also and tales that the health and social care practices beard preventative on promotional has to be comprehensive to the needs of all of the social groups of England. According to the Health and Social Care Act 2008 regulations 2014, any service user must be treated with equal respect and dignity as the rest of the service users. There are three subsections to this act, the first section in shows the privacy of the service user. The second sub provision in the Act shows and supports the autonomy, independence, and involvement provided equally to the community of the service users regardless of any confounding discriminating factors. Lastly it mandates having you regards to any relevant and authentic protect the characteristics of the Equality Act of 2010 that has any Association with the community of service users. On a more elaborative note it has to be mentioned that in this case a particular group of the target population and their Health Promotion education needs and not being made by the service provider. According to that the autonomy, independence, and involvement of those particular group of service  users  are being violated by service provider and along with that the protective characteristics of equality act for the minority group is also being violated by the service provided in this case study. Along with that, as per the Care Commission Quality Regulation 9 of Health and Social Care Act, each eservice user deserves a personalized care. In this case the service provider of the handout based promotional campaigning had not abode by the person centred care regulation and had not taken into consideration the personalization requirements of the linguistically disadvantaged group violating this regulatory section as well ( 2018).

On the other hand and the oppressive practice is also an integral element of the health and social care practice standards of NHS. This is an interdisciplinary approach that defines the social work that ends any socio economic oppression. It has to be mentioned that anti oppressive practice is a core structural elements of the health and social community care service functional in the UK demographic. This code of practice criticizes, corrects and prevents any power imbalance in the public service sector depending on the socio-cultural or economic mix differences. In this case study, service provider is engaging in oppressive practice by not addressing the language barrier of the community with English. Hence, not providing any alternative audiovisual or paper based educational handout with languages that the community’s familiar with is a direct violation of the anti oppressive practice standards of NHS.

In terms of stakeholder assessment, there are various stakeholders associated with scenario represented by the scenario. First and foremost, the concerned government authorities of the area are the primary stakeholders along with the human rights protection committee and the cultural diversity protection authorities (Ali et al. 2010). Along with that, the target population receiving the promotional campaigning and the campaign management authorities are also primary stakeholders in this situation. Here the responsibilities of all the stakeholders are being neglected in this scenario, both the government authorities and the campaign management bodies need to design and implement a promotional campaign that includes all different minority groups of the society, along with respecting and addressing the special needs of the minority groups as well. Along with that, the implications of the human rights and cultural diversity protection committees cannot be ignored as well (Lupton 2014). As recommendation solutions, intervention from both the government and not for profit social equality organizations can be considered. It has to be mentioned that the recent statistics, breast cancer is the most common health adversity of the population of United Kingdom, and the incidence rate in the ethnic women in the past decade had been 68%.. Hence the need for preventative and awareness campaigns are very high; the most of the need for health literacy is experienced by the culturally diverse background communities of the developed and developing nations. Hence, in this case scenario as well the focus of the campaigning should have been the minority groups. As an intervention strategy, the handouts should be made with the language that the target population is accustomed with. Along with that, there should be health literacy workshops with audiovisual presentation so that the women can easily understand the implications of the symptoms and can understand the preventative measures more easily (Hoffman and Rowe 2010).


On a concluding note, it can be stated that breast cancer is a growing public health priority, and in many scenarios, the cases are not reported in early and controllable stages. The most important contributing factor is the lack of health literacy and understanding of the early signs and symptoms. The promotional and awareness campaigning is attempted to increase this basic understanding in the target group, the women over the age of 50. Although the case study explains a scenario where the most important consumer group is being neglected while designing and implementing the campaigning the strategies. Hence, the recommendations for this case study response plan focuses on the culturally diverse target groups. The recommendation strategies attempt to bridge the language barrier for the handouts, and improve the scope and effectiveness of the campaigns by audiovisual workshops. With co-operative efforts from both the government and not for profit stakeholders, the recommended strategies can be easily implemented.


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