Ethical Culture, Computer Crime, Professional Ethics, Privacy And Communication Skills
An Explanation of Ethical Culture and Its Importance
Culture of organization is change the working environment and it affects the productivity of the organization. Having a positive moral way of life where one is authorize to voice their reviews, recognize others, and recognize the impact in their actions regardless their personal feelings, which results in nice boom in their positions (Armstrong, 2013).
The 6C version is one manner of technique to obtain moral way of life inside an enterprise or company. These are the key role of 6C’s model for the culture of an organization:
- Consistency of Principle:This is based on the principle in which everyone acts according to the situations. Everyone knows values of others in the same organization. No one can harm anyone in the organization from his or her opinion or his or her working process. Everyone should follow the ethics and morals for their working in the organization.
- Consequences:It is depending on the employees that how they treat their colleagues in the different situations. Everyone should take decisions according to everyone requirement and needs. There are so many different situations in which different persons act according to their situation. So it is always consider that your work is not affected anyone. In an organization, no one can have his or her own ego for working in a workplace. These consequences are changes the climate of the organization.
- Care:It includes three factors,
- Being caring for
- Being caring about
- Take care.
These things are matter a lot for employees as well as for organization. Caring for is about welfare for someone. Caring about is for assumptions about someone in the organization. Take care is for no harms form my action in the organization. Therefore, everyone should take a preview before; they do anything in the organization. All these things are change environment of an organization. It is also change the shape of organization in the positive manner.
- Character: It is an important factor of a person, which can change the atmosphere or climate of the workplace. Character is reflecting a person strengths and morals to others in influence them for work hard for an organization. Everyone requires few things in their character, such as honesty, kindness, and many more.
- Communications:It is crucial element of the 6C model. Effective communication is helpful for the understanding about the business processes of an organization. Communication is a most valuable element and it is develop by the listening. Better communication is shows ethics of an employee. It is also good for the productivity of the organization. It is also affects the behavior of the employees in the organization. It is increasing the teamwork.
- Ethical Culture:Above five elements are making ethical culture in the organization. Everyone is happily working in the organization based on the ethical culture. It is also helpful for the deal with the ethical dilemma. It is also helpful for taking action against the company and people. Ethical culture is a best thing of an organization for making their image in the market. Most of the organization are having different activities and budget for the making an ethical culture in the organization.
All these things are helpful to organization as well as for the employee to secure their future in the organization in ethical manner. It is also provide a positive thinking to the employees in their work. A satisfied employee is always working for profit of the organization. As they know, that profit will be share with them. It is a best model for managing many things in the organization. It is also beneficial for the company that they are manage their personal things in the ethical way. All these things are making profit of the organization in different ways. Employees are assets of the organization so it is necessary to provide a better climate for working in the organization.
- a) I am not in favor of technician action. He should not look in the personal content of anyone at his or her computer system. He should contact to authorities for that incident. It is compulsory because these activities were considered as a criminal offence. Legal authorities can take action against that incident(Aulakh, 2017).
b) He should inform the authorities about that and cannot delete those files for the computer system. Authorities are responsible for the next step against the crime. According to the legal issues, it is a big crime but few innocent persons are captured in these types of incidents. - c) He did not make legal authorities aware that crime. An employee in the organization has carried it out.
d) If, I faced this type of situation to handle, I would have not looked at personal data of the owner of computer system. If I had come across the illegal contents in the computer system, I would follow laws and personal ethics and inform the authorities about it. There is another way to inform about this type of incidents to government bodies for taking an appropriate action against the incidents.
Cyber-crimes are related to the action from the internet in the real world. There are so many things, which affect the society, such as cyber-crime, cyber-attacks, and data breaches. Hacking is affects organization in different sections, such as financial loss, infringement of privacy, loss of personal data, image of the organization, and personal safety. Social engineering is a new concept in the field of computers. This is Internet era, in which everything is connect with internet to share information with others. Data breaches are happened from inside the system it is like someone working in the organization, and they can share persona data of organization to others person for their personal advantages (Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu, & Benbasat, 2010).
Social engineering is just like an art to rectify the theft of person data from the organization for someone personal benefits. Someone make trust and they can take their person data, such as credit card details, personal information, and sensitive information of a person. There are so many examples in the world in which data breaches is a drastic changes in the organization (Campbell, 2016).
Provide an explanation for what social engineering is in terms of computer crime, and use an actual-global case look at, with citation, for an example. At the same time as pc, crime remained to hacking laptop systems via approach of protection breaches. This results in monetary loss, infringement of privateers, non-public protection, and loss of enterprise goodwill of a business enterprise. However, social engineering is a brand new type of computer crime that is related to identity theft.
The 6C Model for Achieving Ethical Culture
Here it is a best example from actual life that is related to laptop hacked by someone known with few payment. A couple believes on person and they face a critical problem with their banks balance. Timaru Pensioners Elizabeth and Stewart Clarkson are having a call for their spark account. He informed them about their system that it is hacked. Therefore, he required authentication for their device. Therefore, he could install softwares for prevention of information. They are skeptical initially about that legitimacy on the call. They provide laptops details and their personals bank accounts details to that person. He said it would take only $15 for that work. He used the details and withdrawal $2000 from his husband Kiwibank account.
This type of relations is based on the professional working. It is a working relationship. It will develop by knowledge sharing and effective communication. IT industries are based on the innovations and knowledge based approaches. Most of the technologies were developed from the ideas and knowledge about that field (Humphreys, 2008). IT-industry is working according to the laws and regulations of the different consortium. They are always follows government rules for their work. It professionals are always complete their work in the given deadline. IT Professionals are good leaders as they negotiate with their suppliers. They are not behaving like unethical person. They always manage their deals and complete their task in the given deadlines (, 2017).
In this relationship, anyone can agree for working policies of the organizations. It is a complex and tough relationship. It has so many rules and regulations for their work, such as code of conducts, salary, duties, working hours, responsibilities, expected performance, and many others. Employers are follows national and international code of conducts for working fine, such as ACS code of ethics for Australian employees. However, few employees are discussing with the organization and it makes some changes according to their performances (McDermid, 2008).
In this relationship so many dilemmas occurs between the employer and professionals. As an example, professional cannot provide few facilities to client in the reality but according to employers, they say yes to clients for that facility. It is a dilemma in front of employees (McKnight, 2014).
These relationships are base of the organization. A good leader is always building new relationship with their team and others for making things positive. It is helpful in different cases; such as a common problem is raised due to some system failures then all team members are helping to solve that problem.
The privacy modification (personal area) Act 2000 (Cth), protects the non-public data of a character held and utilized by personal companies.
The 10 countrywide privacy ideas (NPPs) are set up to make sure minimal trendy of statistics privacy of an individual held and used by private zone.
NPPs |
Principle |
Summary |
NPP 1 |
Collection |
Each organizations collect only personal data of user. Otherwise, it may be a security issues for the client. Organization must secure the data at their end. |
NPP 2 |
Use and disclosure |
It is a legal step to do not disclose personal data of individual for any purpose. They are uses as primary requirements for the organization. |
NPP 3 |
Data quality |
Organizations are responsible for the accurate and complete information about the individuals. |
NPP 4 |
Data security |
Data security is main concern of the organization. As they take so many information from the users for sign in or other formalities. Therefore, organization must secure the data from unauthorized access in their system, and no misuse of data outside or inside the organization. |
NPP 5 |
Openness |
Policies are must for the organization and share with the entire person, which needs it. There are so many things, which affect the data. Therefore, organization must know about the purpose of collection, hold, use, and disclose of the personal information of individual. |
NPP 6 |
Access and correction |
Organization must provide the reason for not providing the personal information of individual. |
NPP 7 |
Use of government identifiers |
Private organization cannot adopt anything from the government agencies. Individual cannot adopt the Australian government identifiers. |
NPP 8 |
Anonymity |
There is an option to individual for taking action, when entering transaction with an organization. |
NPP 9 |
Transborder data flows |
An individual can transfer the information in Australia or outside of Australia if they believe on the organization, according to law. |
NPP 10 |
Sensitive information |
No one can collect sensitive information without the permission of the individual. If it is must require then it may be collect according to law. |
These are the ten NPPs, which are uses for the regulation for the private sector organizations for managing personal information. It allows to individuals for correct information if it is wrong. Australian government is having lot of security for the personal information. These rules and regulations are uses for securing the information from hackers. These NPPs are also helpful for the regulation of the organizations, which are private. Every private organization is having their own management information system for managing different operations and services. It is also having personal information of the employees as well as clients from all over the world. Therefore, it is compulsory that individual information is secure and it is share if individuals required it.
Understanding Computer Crime and Social Engineering
There are so many rule and regulation for startup a business from an innovative idea. Business required so many things for startup, such as land, logo of business, products, website, and many more.
Steps that I take as an entrepreneur need to take to make certain better for business.
- Searching: that is performed online earlier than freeing commercial enterprise’s logo or product to the network to avoid infringement to the rights or IP owner. If there is a doubt, it is constantly a better choice to meet an IP solicitor who can provide solution with proper advice.
- Identifying my personal IP: this consists of things along with logos, designs, patents, commercial enterprise brand, purchaser lists, etc. knowing what IP, I personal in first step, will permit me to avoid infringement of someone else’s IP.
- Retaining IP: It is needed for the securing the IP for future use. It is a beneficial process for preserve of IP registers on both tiers, international and home(Soomro, Shah, & Ahmed, 2016).
- I have to be searching for consent of the proprietor. If I am unable to try this, I have to searching for advice of the IP Solicitor to ensure i am no longer breaching any trademark or copyright legal guidelines(Steedman, Wangner, & Foreman, 2003).
- Ensuring ownership of IP: It retaining a record of steps taken to affirm the right to the use of any fabric. it will offer proof in opposition to any proceedings made, and it could make sure that liability faced by way of the commercial enterprise may be minimize by means of supplying such substances(Tipton & Nozaki, 2007).
Subject: Server issue resolved
I, John, I am system administrator of our organization. I would like to apologise for the inconvenience faced by the entire employee because of server issues. We faced a problem with our personal service of organization.
However, I would like to inform all of you that server issue have been resolved. It is working properly now. I have been able to put it back online. If there are any issues in your system, please mail me as soon as possible.
I found the issues and resolve them, and I ensure to you that this issue does not occur in near future.
I am thankful to all for your patience.
Internet is a facility for all the human beings to share data or information through it in a proper manner under the rules and regulations. There are so many website and blogs, where anyone can post and share the data, which can harm someone in their personal as well as professional life (WARREN, 2011). Therefore, there should be some rules and regulations for controlling unnecessary crimes. These are the areas for regulations for internet uses:
- State regulation: State regulations are helpful for managing the work in proper way by the government. There are so many things for considering the regulations for their uses for personal and official work. It is helpful for solving the conflicting situations(Whitman & Mattord, 2011).
- Self- Regulation: It is the best policy for the preventions of different cybercrime. It is based on the government bodies that they can manage all the work and different things for the maintaining the reputation(Zhang, Wuwong, Li, & Zhang, 2010).
- Co-regulation: It is a combination of the government and private bodies for regulates the internet uses. Private regulators are used services under the pressure and government bodies are helping in their work. USA is using this regulation for different industries; it is a best approach for handling the regulation guidelines(von konsky, Jones, & Miller, 2014).
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