Ethical Considerations In The Technology Industry
Unethical Behavior in the Technology Industry
Choose a recent news/media article that has been published within the last 3 months that concerns a business ethics issues.
Business ethics describes a form of applied or professionalism ethics. They are moral laws or truth that govern business issues such as corruption, legal systems, and corporate citizenships the ethics come from the individual himself, organization or legal systems and applies to all the business aspects. The business ethics guides businesses and maintain a better connection with their shareholders. It establishes what is wrong and right.
An article published on the Guardian magazine on 25th April, 2018by Lizzie O’Shea on how technology has no moral conduct and everyone jobs is to fight it .technology operates throughout the world and it is also an employer since it creates job opportunities, but in the past two years technology has had enough problems. The technologies companies are out of control, and the lawmakers have neglected their duties or have not formed regulations on the technology sector. Coder’s programmers have taken technology to earn many from the majority people in the world
There is a central issue with the coders and the programmers this is where they use their skills to get money and scam people with. This is where they take politicians pictures and use them in different ways and forms; they tell them to pay the money to disregard the issue, and also they use to scam people to get money (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2015). An example is where Facebook used martin Lewis face and name to lure people in costly scams since they understand that he is a money saving expert and people went through with it
The technology has brought about discrimination and racism in the world this is the google photos of African- American people as gorillas and use of white sounding names to generate adverts to companies that create background checkup and argued most black names might have a criminal background.
The primary concern in the technology industry is that they want to increase profit and lack diversity in technology workers to being thoughtful programmers and there is to bring out designs rushing designs without considering the effects to other people with their programmers
Humans should see technology as a problem-solving tool. This is where we have ethical try training in all the computer engineer education and the jobs (Shafer, Fukukawa & Lee, 2007). These could bring about ideas such as allowing users to know what data is being collected about them and giving them on how to share this will enable them to be actively involved in the development and better testing of the new programmers and tools. The builders of technology need space, encouragement, and resources to bring about respectful needs of the users.
The Need for Ethical Training
There is also a fight on those who want to use the technology to harm the users and examples include; engineers in the US signed a pledge refusing to build an immigrant database, tech workers coalition helped organize a protest outside Palantir , the US company creating an enormous technological spy brain used by police and hook, google employers protesting at the company’s involvement in a Pentagon project to apply artificial intelligence to footage collected on drones and scientist boycotted South Korean university that wanted to create autonomous robots for defense. All these pieces of evidence are to help the developers, but they don’t consider the users and how this action is likely to affect them either positively or negatively
We need more individual to fight on the immoral introduction of technologies that affect people these will help us to talk about those issues and where they will lead us into the future. Creation of ethical design might also help us against individuals wanting to create profit wrongly and the abuse of power in the technology area
Corporate governance: This is laws and regulations created by companies to control it. These laws must be processed and practiced, and the corporate social responsibilities are to [protect the well-being of all individuals. The lawmakers in the technology sector have neglected their duties, and this is causing a lot of difficulties in the technology area, people are being scammed and bullied with these technologies, and they are not taking any legal action (Shusterman, 2016).
The technology industry is very unethical. This is where the programmers and coders build applications that they may benefit themselves and get the capital without considering the users, what difficulties will they have and how will they gain money. These coders should consider that technology is widely used and all the programmers they write they should find all the persons
Rules should be created in the technology sector and those that violate them legal action should be taken upon them. The tech makes, engineers or the users of technology should fight on the change of the lawmakers since they are not assisting in any way to ensure that their rights are not violated in any way, and these programs will be a benefit to all parties
There are moral decisions made in the technology area, but the problem is that they are no strict rules whether they are being adhered to or not. The lawmakers are ignorant, or maybe they are corrupt. There is a new interest in the ethical considerations in the technology area. The laws should be created and followed because they will value the core values and also its standards
Corporate Governance
These laws will consider that all technological factor work gain profits genuinely and this profits should be achieved at the expense of social, environmental and moral considerations and take the needs of other stakeholders that is the government, employees and the communities he users of such technology
These laws will enable to understand the perspectives and the priorities of the external groups that will be affected by their activities and the decisions on how to improve them through consulting, and they reach in the best choice that will be a benefit to all
An article published on 20th may 2018 on the Guardian magazine on how pools to narrow before the abortion vote is rural Ireland setting up a Brexit there was supposed to be a referendum to agree on abortion in the Ireland country. Most churches and people will view this as sinful and lack of morals and forget those people who have to do it because of health problems. The media platforms have been blocked as a campaign tool in the legalizing of abortion this, and this is seen to be caused by the American politics that they don’t want to be part of legalizing abortion. The issue is likely to bring problems in a fair vote because people are not given a chance to air their views on the matter, the media are denied the access to show information on what is undergoing during the campaign (Oumlil & Balloun, 2009).
It is very unethical to deny people the chance to air their views and give decisions on the issues that will either benefit them. As Ryan tends to consider the transparency of the problem, he found out that the tech giants are driven more by their concerns than the democracy of Ireland. They don’t want to face accusation on supporting the legalization of abortion, the Google and Facebook platforms also barns all the advertisement on the referendum issue, this was very unethical to the democracy of Ireland (Lizzy, 2018).
There is interference by the international government, and they do not consider whether they will affect their voting process and the democracy of Ireland, the American government denies them from getting information since when that rule is not passed it will either affect them they will benefit from it knowing they have powers in other countries and other people will take care that that rule doesn’t pass at all.
The Role of Rules and Regulations
Axiological ethics: in ethics, this term is applied in finance and economics. It is measured in instrumental and intrinsic value this is what is good at the means and what is wrong at the end .this means that actions are right or wrong based on the goodness at the end regardless of the economic consequence of the work (Hausman, McPherson & Satz, 2016). An example is the happiness of the stakeholders. It will be determined by the decisions of the employers or managers (Nucci, Krettenauer & Narváez, 2014). An instance in technology this is when a company buys a copy of the inexpensive software from a local company without any licensing, and the savings used to create employment the end being you help the companies as well as the society by giving them job opportunities (Coleman, 2009).
Deontological ethics: Seeks on the societies have the right to respect one another despite the financial consequences this is long-term consequences of unethical issues can never be compensated by short-term economic problems (Gotis, 2007). You buy a software that is not to the local software, install it, and due to the high expense you have to retrench some employers due to improved technology you have followed the companies ethics and have a moral conduct despite on how many people will be affected by your conditions (Beekun & Westerman, 2012)
Perfectionist ethics: This theory expects all individuals to live and promotes lives that are principled. What all individuals do should be your good and also the goodness of others (foot, 2003). Install software on a few computers and let workers do their duties in a shift, you will follow the companies ethics and also give the workers an opportunity to work (Husted & Allen, 2008).
Utilitarian ethics: The greatest happiness principle should be the highest good for a significant number of persons (Rosen, 2003) the moral action depends on how it will benefit the overall society. An example is you purchase a local certified software company at the best price you install in all computers and the savings you increase payment of low paid employees in this you will have complied with the law and given people happiness (Beekun & Westerman, 2012).
Relativistic ethics: A definition of ethical behavior is derived personally from individuals and group experience an example in technology a company should hire local IT experts and determines on how to purchase software locally based on regional conventions practices and ethical standards, the manager will not follow the company’s codes but follow his code of ethics (Bunge, 2012).
Ethical issues are significant in businesses. This will have business to have good decision-making and to ensure that the company develops laws. Technology industries are an organization with high profile, and they should observe the rules even when they are not enforced. Their role should support good governance and boost opportunities. The technology industry should involve persons to resolves issues and underpin all that affects them either positively or negatively. Technology industry should adopt fair and sound business practice to combat corruption and promote revenues to businesses. Ethics brings about moral philosophies that help in decision making that will protect what is right and what is bad
Beekun, R. I., & Westerman, J. W. (2012). Spirituality and national culture as antecedents to ethical decision-making: a comparison between the United States and Norway. Journal of business ethics, 110(1), 33-44.
Bunge, M. (2012). Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Ethics: The Good and The Right (Vol. 8). Springer Science & Business Media.
Coleman, J. S. (2009). Individual interests and collective action: Studies in rationality and social change.
Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J. (2015). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education.
Hausman, D., McPherson, M., & Satz, D. (2016). Economic analysis, moral philosophy, and public policy. Cambridge University Press.
Husted, B. W., & Allen, D. B. (2008). Toward a model of cross-cultural business ethics: The impact of individualism and collectivism on the ethical decision-making process. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(2), 293-305.
Lizzy. S., (APRIL 25, 2018). Tech has no moral code. It is everyone’s job now to fight for one. The Guardian magazine .
Nucci, L., Krettenauer, T., & Narváez, D. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of moral and character education. Routledge.
Oumlil, A. B., & Balloun, J. L. (2009). Ethical decision-making differences between American and Moroccan managers. Journal of Business Ethics, 84(4), 457-478.
Shafer, W. E., Fukukawa, K., & Lee, G. M. (2007). Values and the perceived importance of ethics and social responsibility: The US versus China. Journal of Business Ethics, 70(3), 265-284.
Shusterman, R. (2016). Practicing philosophy: Pragmatism and the philosophical life. Routledge.