Ethical Challenges In The Fashion Industry
Literature review
How ethical are the processes of some companies in the fashion sector?
The fashion industry is one of the major key sectors in the national economy and as per the research; it contributes the high GDP in the economy.
Fashion seems to be the very important industry all over the globe. The government also took initiative on this field and become one of the major sources. The ministries of fashion growth and its development create lot of recreational activities to attract the customers all over the world. There is lot of interaction among people from different countries, communities’ languages and religions etc. Various new tools and techniques are important to identify the needs of the people and to meet the customer satisfaction with innovative methods to attract huge number of customers and to deal with the issues properly.
It has been known that H&M has 85% assets in the business and Zara has 50% current assets. Zara aims to deal with the latest style at the most affordable price and it is divided into different categories. With the unique strategy of Zara, new designs appeared in the stores globally and it performs the activities in supply chain that makes it sustainable to deal with the competitors. The major factor that makes Zara sustainable is the interpretations of product’s spending on education, health care and travel due to recession. Although products are available at inexpensive prices, the store layout makes it exclusive with large stores. Zara has high reputation to meet the instant demands of consumer in the fashion industry and it can make on new line. It makes the design in a daily contact that focuses on decreasing the time between design and sale that is entirely different from the fashion sector. (Porter, 2006)
Zara has impacted the fashion market in a short period of time and it is highly effective with supply chain. This offers customers with greatest collection each time they deal with the store. Thus, the well developed IT system has huge advantages that increases productivity and improves quality. This increases successful operation in the fashion market. This does not only increases the profit and saves time but also offers an excellent business. Zara directly collects the fashion information through the network. It has been important to differentiate Zara from its competitors. All the challenges oppose Zara to develop themselves in the diverse background on the US market. (Cobb, 2015)
Fashion is one of the world’s rapid growing industries that also have the driving factor of the global economy of the 21st century. The new trend can make the jobs of fashion complex and the increase of fashion made huge changes in the life of people globally. It offers employment options and developed the income of the people. Therefore, it also developed the infrastructure with diversification.
Advantages of research
Research in the field of fashion has been stated in early 18th century. It has control over the social life of the people and the tradition of people mingles with the changes automatically. The traditions can be changed with time and fashion plays a vital role in dealing with cultures and traditions of various people around the world. Research in case of fashion has been developed from tradition and changes. The tradition of the people begins from various cultures around the world. It cannot be changed quickly.
Advantages of research
In the contemporary world, fashion has been strong and powerful with respect to daily lives. It helps to deal with the diverse range of activities and fashion shows the report in the fashion press. The modeling industry plays a central role in the tools and developments. It involves in the creative design and self-expression that changes the performance with respect to different situations.
Taylor (1975) says that the common perception of the modeling fashion industry is glamour and fashion is more than an occupation. It deals with the ideal model life. They play an advancing self production to deal with the life experience. The models work as the labor and play an advancing self-production to meet the life experience. (Taylor, 1975)
The fashion industry deals with the different work within the field. There are huge discriminations with unequal treatments between different models. The major goal is to promote the product that ranges from food to drink. Fashion models are known as extreme appearance with quick approaches.
An ethical apparel business is difficult to success and it has a priority for companies to improve their social responsible performance. To define the sustainability within an organization, it offers transparency about products and there are major components to success. It integrates social and environmental designs that help in decision making and ensures free of abuse and exploitation with environmental degradation.
The fashion design is a problem based active approach environment. It contains different courses in design and aesthetics, fashion and textiles industry. The major purpose of the paper is to value the fashion design that considers ethical issues within the development of product. It offers the consideration of issues in the development and planning of ethical apparel. (Zhao, 2009)
Ethical issues are very important aspects to evaluate success for the business. It creates positive impact for the long term growth and development for the company. It helps to maintain the positive and strong culture. Today, consumers don’t buy products but look for their requirements and asks lots of questions and they are highly concerned about ethical business practices.
Ethics is important in today’s’ business and ethical behavior has been the major part of the business. It is said that 77% of the consumers believe that it’s important for organization to remain ethically and socially responsible. Customers and companies are likely to ignore unethical images and sometimes, the companies ignore their social roles and responsibilities to get into legal issues. Customers can posses’ quick and easy information. Today, consumers are not interested to buy the new product but they require more details on manufacturers’. They have been responsive and sensitive to ethical approaches. Unethical businesses will no longer followed by consumers and ethical approaches has been important in business area. (Waddock & Graves, 1999)
Ethical challenges that can affect the industry are corporate social responsibility. It has been important to deal with the evaluation and to develop the relationship between the business and the environment. It is important to integrate the best practices and strategies and CSR plays a major role in business. It is important to deal with the business ethics in an organization. (Susan, 1997)
Contradictory work in fashion industry
Green issues have been the hot topic in past years and most of the organizations wanted to go green with simple reduction on the environment. It contains decrease of CO2 emissions and decreases of wastage decrease the uses of power and other sources. Green products are normally expensive and the number of green products increases with different percentages. Environment issues were the earliest and it is the most important issues among the top fashion retailers in the world. (Ruth, 2005)
Safety is the major right for the consumer and it ensures safe products in the market. Product safety is the degree of risk associated with the uses of product. It involves degree of risk and in fashion industry; manufacturers should ensure safe materials and equipments. Fashion industry should be aware of what they are selling. Thus, selling unsafe product can impact the customer faith. It can lead in to bancropsy.
This is the most important ethical issue to fashion market. Socially responsible trade has been the major issue during the 1990s when different companies come under increase of stress from consumer groups for goods production. The growing concern of environment has increased the awareness for sustainable sourcing.
Ethical fashion involves clothes whose makers seek to deal with the issues involved in the fashion industry. People are highly conscious about the healthy lifestyle and they want the retailers to develop sustainable clothes without impacting the environment. It represents an important approach to design, source and manufacture the clothes that increases advantages to people and reduces impacts on the environment. The meaning of ethical has no harm that represents an active role in poverty reduction and sustainable creation of livelihood. It has issues like fair trade, exploitation and sustainable production. (Robin, 1987)
This represents the nature and earth. Ethical fashion is clothing and it mentions the way, the fashion industry works and the issues such as labor exploitation, environment destruction and cruelty towards animals etc.
According to Kotler, the name, term, symbol or design intends to signify the products or services and to differentiate from competitors. It gives proper knowledge of branding that is not to achieve the target market and to be the market leader but to receive the outlook to look for the brand and to provide the solution to the consumer issues. Branding offers huge challenges for the marketers and to succeed in branding, the brand should have clear goals to meet the consumer’s needs and demands.
People became brand conscious with brand name and started effective brands. Not every sector has got brands and people choose the products with the brand name. There are lot of factors for the consumers to select the brand and they are cultural and social. The marketers need to be aware of existing brand and that should be ethical in nature. (Friedman, 1970)
Ethical marketing describes the way consumer is identified. It motivates the positive values of the brand and it offers statutory needs. Companies need to positively involve in society and manage the environmental impacts of the organization. It involves in the bottom line and helps secure the long term competitiveness.
Through an effective use of ethical marketing and corporate social responsibility, companies have the ability to contribute to the society and manage the environmental issues. Ethical marketing is defined as market ethics into the process of marketing and it is responsible in sensitive area. It should have an observation whether the marketing of a product has reached the framework or not. The ethical challenges such as child labor, the work conditions of employees and other issues made to think they are socially responsible. The major aim of ethical marketing is to support customer loyalty with positive values and offer long term benefits to form the challenges. It helps to meet with the improvements and word of mouth has been an effective tool of marketing in today’s scenario. Thus, it has been powerful with respect to social tools and networks. Each brand has its own ways of production and marketing. Consumers focus on better quality products that do not impact the skin as well as the environment. (Cory, 2005)
It is known to understand the position of the company according to different factors such as market leader, profitability and the volume of the product. The market is based on market share, volume of market and profit. There is a need to add a great market leadership with innovations, development and advertisements as well as quality.
Fashion is an industry that believes in new trends and to increase the market volume, the market share and profits are required to focus on innovations and product development with respect to pricing and advertising. Advertisements and promotions are important tools of marketing to get the attention of the consumers. It’s not an understanding about the advantages of clothing. (Barnett, 2003)
It is the study of behavior of the customers in the market and the understanding of consumer behavior will improve the products as well as services in the organization. It will influence the customers for buying the particular product. Thus, the study of individuals and groups are used to select and use as well as to secure the products to meet the needs on the society.
Understand the consumer behavior will help to meet the market strategies such as price, segmentation, targeting, positioning etc. To attract the customers, the product requires promotion for advertisements and innovations. It should be easily affordable for all kind of people and the marketers are considered as the king.
Customer retention is imperative with respect to modern business and it helps to retain the contribution of revenues. Marketers want to buy the products with time and focus on sustainability. Sustainability is the main promise and it helps to develop the business in a better environment.
Basic information on ethical marketing offers moral aspects of marketing and ethical marketing is needed to be defined in a better context. The fashion industry is one of the largest sectors in the world and it comprises apparel creation and production. The fashion supply chain is diverse and complex with raw materials, design and harvesting, dyeing, weaving and cutting thus it incorporates workers to develop high volume technology needs.
Ethical fashion project
Business ethics is defined as the summary with the fundamental standard and the business is required to deal with the major source of investment and job creator.
Business ethics issues are challenges for the business activity and it allows employees to deal with the activity whether it is correct or not. The ethical standard has been adopted by different sectors with the nature of the organization. Some organization deal with the principles that rule the internal affairs in external activities and most ethics are adopted by corporations.
Thus, the ethics are developed with human standard and major environment. Major clothing and fashion market such as Sara Lee and Levis Strauss, Marks and Spencer, etc.
The international trade unions have been involved in the publication of ethics and in the fashion market. Thousands of ethical issues might arise in the environment and organization involves shareholders and employers.
In conclusion, ethical marketing has multiple dimensions and it fulfills the major criteria of business world. Consumers are aided with media, press and ethical marketing can help the organization to sell its products. It contains corporate social responsibility, codes of conduct and other rules and regulations.
The regulations on the country might support the industry and the codes of standards are applicable to standards. There is additional stress and the fair trade is one-sided that should be supported by consumers and not by producers. There is no auditing of retailer firms and there is no violation of codes when compared to the suppliers. It is reflected in ethical consumption and new trends in fashion market are affected by lifestyles and other social factors that are detrimental to ethical marketing. (Barnett & Clarke, 2011)
Business strategy should identify the value of the workers and customers with respect to its stakeholders. It also develops the ethical nature of business supply chains and its operations. It should balance the policies and create the accurate and reliable strategies with respect to the stakeholders. Therefore, the business ethics incorporates huge benefits in terms of organizational performance and the fashion market is motivated to deal with honesty, fairness and integrity with regards to the potential involvement to the environment. If business knows the benefits of business ethics and social responsibility, it works as an instrument to deal with the human rights and standards that could offer huge benefits. (Andrew, 2007)
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