Ethical Breach In Uber: The Case Of Assault By A Driver In Sydney
The Importance of Ethics in the Taxi Industry
Choose a recent news/media article that has been published within the last 3 months that concerns a business ethics issues and discuss about it.
Ethics is related to the moral principles and social responsibilities of a person towards the environment in which they need to fulfill. The below mentioned report provides a brief introduction about the ethical issue caused in the company Uber, it talks about the unethical relations of the Uber drivers with the company in Sydney. Under the new article stated in the MSN News, an Uber driver allegedly assaulted a women passenger in his car. The report explains the ethical breach of the policies of the company and the inefficiency of the decision making process (MSN 2018). Further, the report also explains the issue rose in the news and an appropriate decision for the issue. Further, more details about the case are discussed below:
The taxi facilities are one of the most prominent and trending business present in the international market. Uber is one such company that provides taxicab services to people worldwide. The business under this industry grows repeatedly that is highly contributing to the economy of countries. The company present in this industry has taken major share in providing employment and increasing GDP of countries as well (Delgado 2014). Further, while implementing a business that grows with such faster pace, the company faces many ethical issues while initiating the business functions as one is discussed in the given case. Employing a person in the organization to work is very important for the organization because that employee becomes the face of the company in the external market. The customers come in contact with the drivers of the company directly, so they are the people who create as well as damage the image of the company in the target market. Further, relating it to the case, it should be noted that the company Uber is involved in providing cab services to people in Australia (Yeager 2015). The drivers of the company are the face of organization, thus if these drivers perform some negative actions in the society with the customers then it ultimately hamper the image of the company. All around the world, people talk about the safety of women and if any person attempts to assault a female allegedly without their consent. Then, it is regarded as an illegal and criminal act for which the accused is punished in the eye of law. The article states that it is unfair and an unacceptable act for a person to do such things when they are at the course of their job. The duty of an Uber driver is to drop the customers at their location safely. The driver has failed to perform the work according to the standards of the organization due to which the company will take legal actions against them (Shapiro, and Stefkovich 2016).
The Ethical Breach and its Consequences
The article states that the driver breached the ethical code of conduct managed by the company Uber for which he is liable for legal charge against him. Every person who is employed in the company is checked as per their standards maintained in the society, if the person does not fulfill those standards then the company do not provide them job. Thus, the main question of ethics raised in this case is that the company employed a person who breached the safety and responsibility ethics of the company (Martinez, and Wueste 2016). The driver is taken into account for disappointing the guidelines implemented by the organization on all the people of the company. The driver did not responsibly drop the customer at their respective place, instead he assaulted her allegedly (Iphofen 2016). Safety of women customers traveling with the people of Uber is the major concern for the article and the company as well. Every organization needs to take care of their employees who come face to face with customers, they need to train them be polite and perform good acts in such a way that it does not breach the ethical compliances of the company. With this act, the CSR activities of the company are also affected (Hartman, DesJardins, and MacDonald 2014).
Further, according to my understanding, one major issue that is related to the safety and security of who are traveling with the drivers is raised through the article. The news clearly states that the driver of the company attempted to assault the female women of 21 years without her consent. Resulting to which, the organization seized the driver from performing his responsibility in the society. In today’s scenario, one of the major topic that is attracting the concern of people worldwide is the safety and security of women, and responsibility of the society towards women to keep them safe in the present environment. Assaulting a woman when she is your responsibility is one of the biggest crimes which should not be left so easily. So, in my personal opinion, along with the employee, the company is also at fault to hire a person who does not adequately fit to the ethical code of conduct of the company (Goodall 2014). The driver should be adequately punished in the society according to the punishment given by the lady given to him. The lady with whom the cruel act initiated by the driver so hold the responsibility to acquire the driver and give him a suitable punishment that shows that he has done a major mistake by assaulting a woman.
An Ethical Perspective on the Incident
The punishment should be given as an example to other employees of Uber and other companies that the result of performing such acts can be worse than this also. Further, talking about the punishment that is to be given to the company, it should be noted that the taxicab service works on the basis of trust and responsibility towards each other in the society. The company UBER should be held liable in the society for employing a person who does not adequately stand upon the basic ethical requirements of the company. Thus, the company should appoint a person to work with them only when they adequately fulfill the social as well as corporate responsibilities of the company present in the environment. So, the company should also be held liable for fine under the eye of law (Lanzel et. al., 2017). With the happening of this incident, the company should warn all the other employees working with them for the cons of performing such illicit activities that are against the name of the company in the society. Further, it should be noted that after this incident, people will not prefer going in Uber cab services due to the threat of safety and security, resulting to which the company will subsequently decrease its market share as well. So, now Uber should take extra efforts in employing good and qualitative human resource for the organization to work with, they should aim to change their image formed in the society with the happening of this event. Thus, apart from taking legal actions against the driver and their breachment of ethical responsibilities, the company should convince the customers with the corporate social responsibilities activities in the environment (Abel, MacGlashan, and Littman 2016). Thus, I believe that the most ethical decision for the organization is to punish the driver who attempted to assault the 21 year old woman.
Additionally, it should be noted that the ethical decision are not taken or implemented within just few minutes, however, it is important to take proper ethical decision by judging all the available circumstance and outcomes of the event and then only take an accurate decision that properly initiates a good result in the society. Every country has their different law and order on the basis of which the decisions are regarded as ethical and unethical in the society and the punishment is given accordingly. Further, the ethical issue stated in the article is a major issue that defames the image of the person and the company. In response to which, proper analysis of the scenario is undertaken so that a proper verdict is evolved for the case (Weiss 2014). So, the proceeding is mentioned below:
The Decision Making Process and Implementation
Identification of the issue: The problem that has been evaluated in the article has to be identified in terms of the theories of ethics. Like, in the given case of Uber and the actions taken by the police in response to the article. They identified the issue in the case with the driver that affected the women. This will helping in concluding to the issue.
Collection of relevant information: The information about the issue should be attained according to the terms and conditions of the law and court. In the given news article of Uber, all the rules regulations that were avoided earlier by the driver should now be evaluated properly and actions should be taken (Kopnina, and Blewitt 2018).
Evaluation: The evaluation of all the adequate solutions and alternates should be made for problem in the environment. There must be many outcomes of this event but the most accurate solution has to be made according to some parameters.
Consideration: Considering the most appropriate solution for the problem that is to punish the driver according to the stated way. Thus, the best result has been considered in order attain justice in the event (Clear 2017).
Implementation of decision: The decision for the case was accounted according to the CSR activities of the company and the safety and security of women. Thus, the decision formed should be implemented according to the issue and the regulations of the company. The implementation of the decision that was implemented by convicting the drivers and banning him from performing his duties for the company.
Review: Lastly, the act of controlling and checking the decisions that are to be performed, the company needs to watch that whether the proceeding done according to the implementation of objective (DesJardins, and McCall 2014).
Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events , it should be noted that the above report explained the ethical importance of the decision implemented of the company Uber. Further, the report explained the ethical issue under which the driver of the company attempted to harass his female passenger. It has become the need of the business to prioritize their social responsibility towards the society. Further, any wrong act can majorly affect the image of the company in external. Thus, in order to implement the right decision, an organization need to adequately look for the pros and cons for the event for them and then initiate actions properly.
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MSN., 2018. Sydney Uber driver allegedly assaults passenger in car [online]. Available from < > Accessed on 25 May 2018.
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