Ethical And Security Issues Of Smart Technologies: A Focus On Cyberbullying

Issues Caused by Smart Technologies

The extensive development in the field of ICT technologies has led to the growth of numerous ethical issues. The foremost determination of this paper is to focus on the ethical and social issues caused due to cyber bullying. Apart from the ethical issues there are numerous security issues associated with cyber bullying also, which will be discussed in the paper.

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Cyber bullying is a global security concern these days as it is the misusing of the technological advancements made in the field of ICT (Modecki et al., 2014). These security concerns do not follow the professional code of conduct. The paper will be highlighting the ethical solutions for this security concern. The following unit of the paper will be identifying the two ethical issues caused due to cyber bullying.

The extensive development in the field of ICT has led to the growth of many good and bad things for our society and our business.  Our society is hugely benefitted by the positive developments of the smart technologies and very badly damaged due to the negative developments as it is not only harmful for the society but also our businesses as well (Hinduja&Patchin, 2014). This unit of the paper will be highlighting the different types of issues caused due to the global problem of cyber bullying. This category of online bullying is done in online platforms such as the social media platforms where all the personal data of the users are stored safely. There are different types of security issues associated with cyber bullying as the followings:

Privacy of the users of mobile technologies are at stake most of the times as they accept all the conditions of the technologies during the installation process without even going through the details (Pabian&Vandebosch, 2016). Security of the users is at stake as the mobile applications are sometimes tied up with many third parties. The users of the mobile applications are often victimized with their personal data, which are the social ethical issues of cyber bullying.

The other important ethical issue is the traditional bullying techniques are converted into cyber bullying without even knowing about its consequences on our society which causes behavioral changes (Del Rey et al., 2016). The following unit of the paper will be analyzing the discussed issues in a detailed manner.

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Cyber-bullying is one of the most trending categories of cyber harassment. Electronic communication methods are the platforms for the cyber criminals for this crime. Threating calls or offensive emails are the other sort of issue associated withthe cyber-bullying. These kinds of issues may have very direct impact on the users of those mobile applications as their behavior may seem to change after a cyber-bully incident (Corcoran, Guckin& Prentice, 2015). Hacking and stealing of identity are the other major consequences of sharing much information in the social media applications, as the social media platforms works on global servers so the task of the cyber criminals gets easier. However, there are instances when these kinds of incidents have no impact on the victim. Anger, frustration and the fear are the most common after effects of cyber bullying.  It can be said that even a suicidal tendency also falls as a negative impact of cyber-bullying. The latest developments in the field of ICT have given lot of positivity’s to our society but have also given us lots of privacy concerns (Heiman&Olenik-Shemesh, 2015). The security issues may be a huge concern for the business organization as their private and confidential data may be leaked to their rival organization and this may cause huge business loss for the company. Thus it can be said that the discussed issues associated with cyber-bullying have the capability to damage both our society and also our business.

Types of Security Issues Associated with Cyberbullying

The discussed issues of cyber-bullying in the previous units of the paper will be evaluated and justified in this unit of the paper. The cyber bullying incidents do not follow the professional code of conduct as the cyber criminals are not at all concerned as the negative impact of cyber-bullying. They only mean to harm the society for their personal benefits. The solutions of the ethical issuers caused by cyber-bulling include the stringent policies protecting the privacy and security of mobile applications and the social media platforms should be encouraged both by the mobile corporations as well as the telecommunication units of the government (Lonigro et al., 2015). The application of the social media application and the other types of mobile technologies are increasing each day due to personal and business activities which is the main reason behind the need of the ethical solutions. Since these kinds of global security concern is increasing each day real time fully automated computerized reporting systems should be there for reporting these cases so that immediate steps can be taken to prevent further damage. Based on different types of researches it was found that cyber-bullying conducted mostly by the younger sections of the society for their personal benefits (Cantone et al., 2015). The plan of action for the cyber criminals also keeps on updating as there are different categories of security protocols which are maintained by the users of the mobile applications these days.

The stringent policies may be significantly minimizing the increasing number of cases of cyber-bullying. The discussed reporting system will be helping the government to track the activities of the cyber criminals as they are also getting benefitted from the advancements of ICT technologies, so it will be easier to bring down the issue of cyber-bullying with the help of the discussed preventive measures. The following unit will be considering the conclusions we may get from going through the paper.


The paper was very much helpful to understand the concept of cyber bullying which is a growing concern for you society these days considering the use of the ICT technologies. The different types of social and ethical issues associated with cyber-bullying were also identified in this paper. The paper was helpful to understand the impact of this crime in our society as well as on our business. The ethical solutions of these ethical issues were also highlighted in the paper. Thus it can be concluded that, ethical solutions should be highly considered to minimize this global concern.


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