Establishing A Leadership Philosophy And Behavior For Organizational Development
Leadership has been a best concept for me always from starting. The people in my life influenced my knowledge about the leadership from organizational background. I have seen my paradigm on leadership evolve because of their influence in my life. Leadership is not a skill for doing work. It is a concept by which you can handle different situation in real life for a particular goal. It was always with us but I learnt from my experience from different places that, it can be developed at any time for solving a problem. Simply, when any issue in front of us then does not take back step. Go forward and take charge for solving that problem as a leader. In this essay, I will discuss about different approaches for behavior and leadership in an organization development as well as I my learning and experiences about leadership as well as organizational leadership issues.
Leadership is a quality in a person for handling different situation with the help of a better strategy. Goal should be for a leader for their work. It is a quality, which is based on the good qualities of a person, such as time management, intelligence, and self-awareness. Leadership made different attire of a person. I learnt from books as well as from different articles that it should manage by a person in himself. In student life, so many decisions are tough but on the basis of previous leanings, take a most appropriate decision for that situation. I was in dilemma in many times, when I chose my course for further studies, as well as in my project work. I influenced form teachers for working as a leader in my project. At education time, children are ready to develop different skills for handling different situation in future, so it is very necessary that an education system taught them for develop decision making skills and develop them as a leader (Ainscow & Sandill, 2010).
There are so many issues in the leadership of organization development, such as goal setting, delegating, uniqueness, and role clarity. According to me, setting a goal for a task is so difficult. There are so many goals for achieving the vision, as short-term goals, and long terms goal. All missions are important for completing the process. For solving this organization leadership issue, I chose SMART method. When deciding about goal some things must be clear in mind, which are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed.
I understood many things from political leaders as well as from history of our nation. There are so many leaders, who had potential for handling very tough situation at different level. In an organization, behavior is a good quality of an employee, which makes them different from others. I take many experiences form life and always set my goals for managing situation for betterment of that condition. I thought that leadership is so beneficial for growing the organisation and management of different function. I learnt many things about leadership from real life changes and customized development program. I got many changes in my behavior after applied all the knowledge to improve my weaknesses using my learning from that programs. Now a day’s location of leadership development is change form classroom based to work-based as well as off-site (Bolden, 2016).
Behavior in Organizational Development
Self-assessment is very necessary for understanding about you, after the self-assessment, I feel more confident about my skills and based on them, I develop other skills in myself. Johari’s window activity is so helpful for self-assessment. I think a leader should distribute their thoughts to other people by different activities for more improvement in the other persons. As a leader, I always ready for helping people in difficult situations. I learnt from my experiences that learning from different situation used them in future for solving critical problems. I take risk in those entire situations, in which I can proof myself a good human being. I improve so many things in my behavior by which I got many compliments form my colleagues. I never shouted on any person for their mistakes. I suggest them for do it better and do not repeat this type of mistakes in future (Engelbrecht, 2002).
I used proper languages for communication from people at various places, such as official, social, and commercial. Behavior is a good quality of a leader. People always trust them and follow them in every situation. I will take decisions on the bases of evidence and all my learning from my experiences of different situations. Learning by doing is a process, in which you get an experience for solving a problem (Greyvenstein & Cilliers, 2012).
As a Leader, I take decision in favor of maximum people happiness and no one harm from my decision at any cost. A good leader always tries to save everyone from a bad situation. At my personal level, I deal with the entire situation in a polite way and make all good in the last. I also encourage the people for help me for solving that problem. Just like teamwork. First, I am a human so always think like a human without any barrier of my religion and any other personal thoughts. A leader is always handling the situation in a proper way and forgets all their personal benefits (Lok & Crawford, 2004).
I give my 100 percent, when a decision making condition in front of me. I will use all my efforts for solving the problem. In my professional life, I will use my all-good quality for solving a problem. There are many goals for an employees but a manager has more responsibilities. A good manager always uses teamwork, and behavior for achieving targets (Malloch, et al., 2010).
Leadership is not as if you have responsibility for some work. It is self-developed skill for problem solving. All good leaders are having their personal problems also; still they handled the entire situation. Leadership is a skill set in which all the good qualities are merged and make a person leader (Mulford & Silins, 2003).
A leader has many responsibilities for getting successes and failure in their life. There are so many skills for good leaders but some basic skills a person good leader, such as communication, awareness, honesty, innovation, and relationship building. All these qualities are helping a leader for getting success. I have some qualities in me but still I have few weaknesses in me. I am trying to improve my strengths and remove weaknesses for working as a leader. I am as good in decision-making and as a student is, I take much decision for my project works. I am a member of my project, as well as I am also team leader for guiding my team and helping them in a problem.
Self-Assessment and Improvement
A leader always has an effective communication for better handling a situation. I attend many programs for improving my communication and now I learn that those courses are really helping me for my project work. I am always clear for my objectives for my personal and professional career decisions. Leadership is a quality, which is an ongoing development journey of a person. It is developed by participation, interactive activities, and group work. It is also a reflective process for a person. First, it develops at individual level than it develops for a specific purpose with a team.
Relationship management is a part of leadership. A good leader always makes good relation with all the group members of a team. Management studies have different approaches for organizational development, such as academic liberalism, experiential liberalism, experiential vocationalism, and Experiential critical.
Academic liberalism is a process of management education in which analysis skill development activities are used by the help of primary teaching methods. Experiential liberalism approach is used for share assumptions from their experiences rather than theoretical knowledge. Experiential vocationalism approach is used for competition management with the help of leadership. Experiential critical approach is used for handling critical action in a situation from learning and critical reflection (Thompson & Bevan, 2013).
It is concluded form the last parts of this essay that, leadership is a combination of the different skills. It is a complete skill set in a person for handling different situations. It is also concluded that every person have many qualities, still some qualities will be developed in a person by self-awareness. Decision-making is a best quality of a leader. A leader is always having an effective and relation building communication in their persona. Leader always clear objective for getting success and break all the barriers for achieving their goals. There are many ethics theories for developing all these skills in a person. It is based on a person that develops leadership skill in them with the help of basic skills, such as honesty, clarity, humble, and behavior.
Finally, it is concluded that every person should have moral and ethics for handling a situation and take decision in a situation for helping people.
Ainscow, M. & Sandill, A., 2010. Developing inclusive education systems: the role of organisational cultures and leadership.. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(4), pp. 401-146.
Bolden, R., 2016. Leadership, management and organisational development.. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development, 1(1), pp. 143-158.
Engelbrecht, . A. S., 2002. The effect of organisational leadership on value congruence and effectiveness: An integrated model.. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 5(3), pp. 589-606.
Greyvenstein, H. & Cilliers, F., 2012. Followership’s experiences of organisational leadership: A systems psychodynamic perspective.. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 38(2), pp. 1-10.
Lok, . P. & Crawford, J., 2004. The effect of organisational culture and leadership style on job satisfaction and organisational commitment: A cross-national comparison.. Journal of management development,, 23(4), pp. 321-338.
Malloch, M., Cairns, L., Evans, K. & O’Connor, B. N., 2010. The SAGE handbook of workplace learning.. 1 ed. London: Sage..
Mulford, . B. & Silins, H., 2003. Leadership for organisational learning and improved student outcomes—What do we know?.. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), pp. 175-195.
Thompson, M. & Bevan, D., 2013. Wise management in organisational complexity.. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan..