Essential Processes And Documentation For Successful Project Management

Project Variables


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Discuss about the process needed and the documentation for programs that can change an organization?

In this assignment we are going to discuss about the process needed and the documentation for programs that can change an organization.

In the first half we will discuss about the project variables.

Assets can be defined as worth of everything that is developed by a person or an organization.

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When we initiate a new task we have to always remember that the work we are doing is been fully satisfied at the end. This is the main aim of any project manager. He should always set some mission so that he can always evaluate the success of his work. He should be able to measure the success of project through the way he completes his project.

The process by which we can evaluate the aim and mission of a project of an  organization and when we achieve them it should match with the budget , time period, quality of the work that is been delivered to the clients.

It is the written acknowledgement of any particular project that is necessarily needed to be signed by the sponsor.

Each and every data of a project must be recorded in a file which is included in evaluation and success of a project. It tracks the start and end time and also gives keeps us updated of recent work.

To complete or perform any work we need some necessary tools that we can use to do it. It also reduces work time and we can do the task easily. Same things is also considered while doing any project as such instruments enhances better quality of work and they can also limit changes in scope and time of work done (project insight, 2015).

While doing any project it is very necessary to gain all knowledge about risks ascertained in that particular project. It is also necessary that a project manager must know ways and means to sort them out.

It is required to make a note that a project must involve scope of work to finish the task effectively.

They are such persons who are associated for some interest and outcome from the project. Such involvement may cause affection towards the project.

Project Methodology can be defined as a process which is made to provide a route to develop, implement and organize a project. We can also structure in a way that it is a step by step flow of work that is to be followed. Projects are conducted within a framework of quality management. Such activities are always predefined when we begin any project.

Various roles are performed in a project management process. For example we can say that managing all activities of staff is first role of project manager. Finance manager can play a second role in this case. For any project a responsible person must always be liable and we can give project sponsor in the list. It is also a fact that a single person cannot do all type of work, work must be allocated into teams or groups. A stakeholder is any person who will take initiative in the project who may be a supplier, customers, and client as well.

Assets in Project Management

Any project must include necessary updates and feedback about a work, it also includes the history of work and new things that is associated. WHS( World Health and Safety) are some regulatory areas that can be used as a part of the project. Ethical principle and codes of practice is also included (Coursera, 2015).

Any project includes five stages to complete the task and all projects follow the same method :  (project insight, 2015)

In this step we need to start the project by stating the aim of the project and why the project is to be accomplished. It also includes some variables such as budget, scope range and scale of a project. All the processes must also be explained within the workers and team members. These will help in process of taking decisions and add to complete the project. In the end we need to identify the break points  which is helpful in measuring the results.

Every project must have a order plan to complete the project and the work load must be equally divided. A project manager must possess all the skills that is needed to be done and time cost must be included in the project. Preparation of project plans and defining the goals must be there. It also includes the project charter for each team member.

Implementing the activities of the plan is the next step. It includes people’s effective coordination. and therefore executing the plan. This step also involves all the resources needed to complete the task implementation of a plan also involves status reports, issues logs, change requests and project monitoring.

The next step is to monitor the activities and work of the project. This step includes to have a watch on all the processes and project manager evaluates the project success. It also involves checking daily operational work. If any further change is required then it is to be implemented thereof.

It is the last step which involves checking the success of the project. It includes to bring the project at the end by arranging and communicating or concluding the project. The project needs to be handed over to be prepared in a report format.

It is not only the responsibility of the team member, but all the team members must work efficiently to prepare the project. For example a proposal with the project manager can be made by a middle manager. The post implementation review must be conducted by an external person.

The project manager, before the starting of the project have to ensure that an authoritative person has done sufficient research to understand what will the main objectives of the research, the things that should follow the project and the availability of the team whether they can do it.

 It is agreed what should be the project deliverables; the results that should be delivered by the Project have been organized from before. Like for example for a consultancy project the deliverable should be a final product and likewise for an it project the delivered should be hardware or software and for an engineering project, a mobile phone should be the deliverable. Furthermore A building, Bridge or a road should be the result of a construction project (FOX-UNGAR, NEWELL & GUILBAULT, 1989).

Risk Management in Project Management

A company’s Goal should be triggered towards achievement of success, Maximization of capital and handling more and more business. A company needs to focus more towards improvement of their goals and probability of success. Moreover a company’s aim should be about attracting a bigger market and capturing more and more end users, to provide a better customer service and also improvement of employee training and also take care of the emission of carbon in the environment.

A goal should always have a specific number of objectives. Objectives should always accompany the goals of a company. For example, Goals Should always be SMART Goals i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, relevant and time bound (, 2015).To provide a better customer service and better quality of food should be the aim of a bread company. Some important factors that should be considered in this aspect are the wrapping of the bread pack, Home delivery for customers and also the sample that should be given to the customer time to time for their usage. Goals should be according to SMART goals as already mentioned, It should be according to the requirement of the manager, It should be Measurable, Something which can be felt but measured such as the satisfaction level of the customers and also the feelings of the customers about the main product. It should be achievable in a ll parts and should not be too high ended that is which is not achievable and finally It should have a time restriction within which the task have to be completed.

The measurable element for a project task is their key performance indicators such as the percentage of computer upgraded and the number of up gradation of computers. Likewise the number of customer served and number of items produced is equally important. The main indication that we get whether the goal is progressing towards the right direction or not is to access the key performance indicators (Whitaker & Mancini, 2013).

The thing to be discussed now is how to organize a team for the project and what should be the qualities that the members should have. First it is necessary to do a SWOT analysis of the members of the team to gather synergy and know their weakness and strength to minimize their weakness and maximize their strength. An effective team is such a team who can tackle bigger problems and can solve complex issues within seconds. A team can let out a feeling of great positive vibes and that is the actual purpose of the team. A team should be well versed on the resources that should be used and use it religiously and all the team members should be flexible enough to withstand any challenges in front of them.

The project management cycle should be processed by a number of tools and key documents such as skills matrix, project initiation document, project charter and scoping document.

Some sub plans should be made before the initiation of the project. These sub plans should be as follows:

  • Communication plan
  • Gantt chart
  • Work break down structure
  • Risk management plan

Work break down structure should be used in the project planning for three main reasons:

  • A scope of a project should be more specifically and accurately defined and organize with the help of work break down structure.
  • Work break down structure should also be used resource allocation, assigning responsibilities, controlling the project and finally monitoring the project.
  • The stakeholder is involved in the process with whom all the deliverable specification is double checked to see whether anything is missing or overlapping or not.

Inputs to the WBS process:

  • Approved change request
  • Project statement process
  • Organizational process assets
  • Project scope management plan

Herein I shall discuss some tools that is required in the process of work break down structure

  • Project deliverables list
  • The project team who will organize the team
  • Work down structure templates
  • The project name
  • Decomposition (deliverables are broken down into smaller parts to do the work more easily)

The project closure phase should be discussed now.

It contains three phases which are

  • Project handover report
  • Project implementation review
  • Project completion report

The project life cycle ends with the project closure phase

When the end product is accepted by the client and all the project objectives are completed that marks the end of the project closure phase.

Whether or not a project is completed is checked by the project manager. The requirements which were specified before the starting of the project should match the final product that is delivered and moreover the project should be handed over to the client and should be accepted by the client on the basis of the above requirements.

The project report review presents such documents such as what was good about the project and what could have been better.

A strong team building and a responsible project manager is required for the completion of the project.

In the processing of the project a project manager plays a vital role. As for example before the starting of the project he needs to do a lot of preparation, such as mentioning the probability of risks in the future and also the sub plans that is required in the project. However, he needs to build a strong team and divide the work load equally among all the team members. The five types of processing of the project should be looked after like how to monitor all activities and also do some starting activities

The changes that appear during the time of the project completion should be looked after with utmost care to avoid any problems later on.


I would like to conclude by saying that all the resources that are required for the completion of the project should be available at the site and also the risks that come in the project should be accessed from before to avoid any kind of project delay.


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Whitaker, J., & Mancini, R. (2013). Technical documentation and process. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

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