Essay On Leadership Style And Job Satisfaction In Higher Education Institutions

Essay on Leadership Style And Job Satisfaction

Essay on Leadership Style And Job Satisfaction


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Establishments look forward in creating their vision to attain their mission that is considered the foundation or keystone of their genesis. This requires inputs of a production set such as capital, machines, information, material and human resources. Human resources are always considered the most vital input in the production set. The success of any establishment depends on the ability of the establishment to use its human resources to achieve higher levels of performance. This is considered the desired goal and objective of these establishments. On the other hand, the performance of an establishment is highly dependent on the leadership styles of the leaders in the establishments. Numerous leadership styles may be present within an establishment. However, it is wise to follow a single leadership style in an establishment (Alonderiene & Majauskaite, 2016).

This particular research focuses on the relationship between job satisfaction of the teachers and leadership styles as well as their impact on the quality of education in public secondary schools in Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia. The research will highlight different leadership styles, job satisfaction of the teachers, relationship between the two variables and the impact of these two variables on the quality of education. School leadership is the main aspect of the establishment of the education systems as it plays a major role in enhancing higher levels of performance of the employees of every sector, especially the teachers. It is because the teachers consider leadership as a major component to improve the quality of education (Basak & Govender, 2015).  In this particular research, the focus will be put on the education sector in Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia. It is because there is lack of research on the education sector of Tabuk. The government looks after the education system. However, few problems need to be identified and rectified. Therefore, the topic has been chosen for this research.

The background of this research study is to reflect upon the leadership styles and job satisfaction of the teachers and their impact on the quality of education in the secondary schools in Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia. It is seen that the changes in the styles of leadership helps in bringing a good revolution in the working styles of the teachers and their perception of job. Previously, in the traditional era, the teachers had to follow a rigid structure of system of education (under the autocratic leadership). However, the visionary leadership and the transformation leadership styles adopted by the administrative staffs or principals of the schools has motivated the teachers to bring necessary changes in the culture as well as the curriculum of the schools as per the prevailing environment in schools (BinBakr & Ahmed, 2015).  This type of leadership can be called distributed leadership as it takes into account the distribution of tasks of the teachers. It has been critically analyzed that there is a relationship between the satisfaction levels of the teachers and their participative leadership. In this particular type of leadership, the teachers undertake the tasks as a responsibility as their suggestions and values are given importance. The principals or the directors of the schools shares information with the teachers and keep interactive communication (Bogler & Nir, 2014).

Importance of the Research

It is reflected that autonomy at the workplace has a direct link with the job satisfaction levels of the teachers. Therefore, the motivation of teachers leads to the enhancement of their job satisfaction, which further has a positive impact on the quality of education. If the teachers are satisfied, they will impart quality education to their students. The leadership style of a school principal directly influences the self-efficacy of the teachers. The styles of leadership relates to the stress and conflict factors of the teachers. Autocratic leadership has a negative impact on the self-efficacy of the teachers, as it does not motivate the teachers to put in great efforts in the quality of teaching (Teeroovengadum, Kamalanabhan & Seebaluck, 2016). Therefore, the leadership style should be participative and transformative to enhance the satisfaction levels of the teachers. It is very important to keep the teachers satisfied to improve the growth and development of schools (Çakmak, Öztekin & KaradaÄŸ, 2015). It is highly substantial to adopt the process of effective leadership to motivate the teachers to participate and emphasize interactive communication. This helps in leading towards the zenith of success and it is beneficial for the staffs and the organization as a whole. The followers need to stick to the framework and standard policies of the leaders and it further helps in achieving job satisfaction in the teachers. The transformational leadership and the shared or distributive leadership give importance to the individual interests of the individuals and it helps in enhancing the satisfaction level of the individuals. Therefore, it is seen that leadership plays a major role in improving the levels of job satisfaction of the teachers as well as has a positive impact on the quality of education (Cáceres,  Mayo & Aguilar, 2016).

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In the schools of Saudi Arabia, the teachers are employed without sufficient development and training. Therefore, the country lacks efficient leadership skills in the education sector (Gupta & Hyde, 2015).

The leadership styles are studied widely across all nations. In this particular research paper, the different leadership styles will be discussed in various situations. Hence, the research is important because it not only determines the various styles of leadership but also brings out the relation between the leadership styles and the levels of job satisfaction of the teachers in the secondary schools of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia. After bringing out the relationship between these two variables, the research paper will focus on the impact of the quality of education because of these two variables. The quality of education in schools is largely dependent on the way the teachers teach or train the students. If the teachers are motivated and satisfied, the students will benefit from them. It will have a positive impact on the overall performance of the schools. Hence, it is very important to keep the teachers satisfied (Curry, 2015). Proper leaders (Principals in this case) should lead them and they should be provided with the opportunity to share their views and opinions on the administrative matters. They should be provided with proper training and development to impart knowledge to the students. Their active participation can help the schools to reach the zenith of success. Therefore, this research is conducted to determine the effects of leadership style on the levels of job satisfaction of the teachers and analyze the influence of the job satisfaction and leadership styles on the quality of education (Chiniara & Bentein, 2016).

Research Problem

Education administration is a tool that directs the educational institutions and motivates all the staffs of the schools. The institutions must search for the most important factors that lead to effectiveness of teachers by stimulating their sense of job satisfaction levels. The most important factor is the leadership styles that helps to improve the organizational climate and enhance the performance of the school teachers. It increase their effectiveness of education through the impact on their levels of job satisfaction. Educational administration no longer depends on the decision-making process. It has become a humanitarian process (dynamic) that is designed to meet the needs and demands of the employees that are appropriate to the environment of education (Gilbert, Horsman & Kelloway, 2016).

In spite of the significant progress of the education sector of Saudi Arabia in the past few years, the system has faced many obstacles. The government of Saudi Arabia that is represented by the Ministry of Education has created a mission to fill the positions of the teachers that were previously occupied by non-Saudi teachers, with Saudi teachers and head teachers. It is because the education system has faced certain negative consequences because of the appointment of non-teachers. Hence, the education system of Saudi Arabia has faced many challenges regarding the leadership styles used in the schools of Saudi Arabia. It is because the teachers and the head teachers are appointed and employed without sufficient development and training (Seng & Wai, 2015). This has a great pressure on the administration of schools, which do not have any concern except for the implementation of instructions and orders from the Ministry of Education. This led to majority of schools in Saudi Arabia to neglect the styles of leadership in the schools. Therefore, this is the key or major problem in the schools of Saudi Arabia. Hence, the research problem has been chosen to mitigate the endemic problem in the Saudi Arabian schools (Mansfield et al. 2016).

It is known that the leadership styles used by the administrators of schools differ in terms of the values that they believe. Democratic leadership has a direct impact on human relations and involves employees in the process of decision-making (Taliadorou & Pashiardis, 2015). This approach takes into account the views and opinions of every individual. On the other hand, autocratic leadership managed work through tyrannical opinion and the decision-making process is centralized. Autocratic leadership has become a major problem in the secondary schools of Tabuk. Therefore, it has a negative impact on the teaching styles of the teachers. They feel de-motivated and it affects the quality of teaching. They are not satisfied with the leadership style of the government of Saudi Arabia, as they cannot benefit from their leaders (Minadzi & Boadu, 2016).

The success of the administration in achieving the desired goals and objectives depends on the leaders and their styles because it has an impact on the performance and job satisfaction levels of the teachers. This enhances the quality of education (Pelletier & Rocchi, 2016).

What are the various leadership styles in secondary schools of Tabuk city?

There are overlapping leadership styles in the schools. Which style do you think is best suited for the schools of Tabuk city?

Are the teachers satisfied with the style of leadership implemented by the government of Saudi Arabia?

What is the relationship between the leadership styles and the levels of job satisfaction among the teachers in the secondary schools of Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia?

Does the dominant leadership style have a positive or a negative impact on the quality of education in the secondary schools of Tabuk city?

What measures need to be taken to improve the quality of education in the secondary schools of Tabuk city?

How satisfied are the teachers with the said leadership style and how well are they motivated to impart knowledge to their students?

Is there is a possibility of improvement in the education system of Tabuk city after the implementation of this research process?

The aim of this research is to find out the leadership styles and the levels of job satisfaction of the teachers of Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between these two variables and to evaluate the impact of the said variables on the quality of education in the Saudi Arabian schools (Prichard & Moore, 2016). The research aims to find out the impact of the dominant style of leadership on the job satisfaction levels of the teachers in the secondary schools of Tabuk. In context to the aim of this particular research, the following objectives addressed in this paper are depicted below:

To explore the different styles of leadership that affect the job satisfaction level of the teachers in the secondary schools of Tabuk city

To explore the most dominant leadership style in the schools of Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia

To explore the job satisfaction level of the teachers with the Saudi Arabian leadership

To analyze the relationship between the leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction

To depict the positive or negative impact on the education system because of the dominant leadership style

To study the measures taken by to improve the quality of education system in Saudi Arabia

To explore the satisfaction and motivation level of the teachers to impart knowledge to the students

To find out if there is a possibility of improvement in the quality of education system of Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia

The mixed approach of the technique of data analysis will be helpful in collecting the quantitative and qualitative data on the research subject. The mentioned approaches will depend on the findings of a wide range of published literature (Ratyan & Mohammad, 2016). The research will be obtained and acquired by the use of field studies such as surveys, questionnaires and personal interviews.

The method of literature review will be used to collect data under the technique of qualitative research. The review is able to gain the subjective knowledge of different styles of leadership along with their advantages and disadvantages. It will help in exploring the relationship of leadership styles with job satisfaction in the subjective context. On the other hand, in the technique of quantitative research, the data will be collected through survey and questionnaire and then, the data will be analyzed. This particular research proposal will help in getting real experience-based information from the teachers of public secondary schools of Tabuk city. This method will be effective in providing good information about the leadership practices in the past as well as the present context (Runhaar, Konermann & Sanders, 2013). The responses of sample population of teachers will be collected through the surveys and this will further help in determining the relationship between the leadership practices and teachers’ job satisfaction along with the quality of education.

To conduct an effective research, the random sampling method will be used. There are thirty secondary schools in the Tabuk city with nearly nine hundred teachers. The teachers will be chosen randomly from thirty schools and this method will help in determining the research questions with the help of surveys and questionnaires. Te sampling method is an unbiased research, as it provides equal opportunity to the individuals selected in the sample (Selamat, Nordin & Adnan, 2013). The data collection method will improve the accuracy, reliability and validity of the findings of the research.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This particular research study has a wider scope to determine the relationship between the leadership styles and the job satisfaction levels of the teachers. It further determines the impact of these two variables on the quality of education system. This study mainly focused on the leadership styles adopted by the public secondary schools in the Tabuk city of Saudi Arabia. This particular research paper will serve the basic knowledge for the further research studies in the international field of education in the near future. The study has pointed out the various leadership styles and the dominant leadership style in the Saudi Arabian city, Tabuk. It has pointed out the difficulties faced by the teachers because of the implementation of the strategies by the government of Saudi Arabia. It has shown that if the teachers are not motivated and satisfied, it can have a negative impact on the quality of the education system. The teachers should be given the space to think freely and take decisions to impart their knowledge to the students. This will enhance the growth and development of the teachers and the students as well as the institution as a whole.


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