Essay On Communication Strategies And Importance Of Effective Communication In Relationships And Determinants Of Health

Communication Strategies

This essay is segregated into two parts that analyses separate topics. In the first essay a communication media clip of Meg Ryan interview with Parkinson was observed and relevant insights were drawn on communication strategies used. Further important communication skills for the purpose of developing professional relationship with colleagues, users and careers were discussed.

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In the second part of the essay concerns discussions related to determinants of health. It also analyses issues in relation to economic disparity, social divisions, individual psychological attributes and environments impact on health. Self-experience based examples are included for supporting this discussion. In the end conclusion related to both the topics is drawn.

Communication Strategies used in media clip: Communication forms an integral part of professional life. In the media clip Megan Ryan was interviewed by Parkinson using verbal communication. Communication strategies exchanges information between receiver and sender as it forms the blueprint for techniques in which information is exchanged.  Hemsley,  Balandin and Worrall (2012) identifies communication strategies can be nonverbal, verbal or visual in nature (Hemsley, 2012). Verbal communication can be part of written as well as oral communications. Nonverbal makes use of body language for the purpose of exchanging information. On the other hand visual communication transfers information visually. In this case communication strategy used is verbal in nature. Bartels, Peters, de Jong, Pruyn, and van der Molen (2010) analyses oral communication with use of some aspects of body language or non-verbal communication is used for this purpose (Bartels, 2010). Parkinson’s was posing situation or questions to Meg Ryan and Meg Ryan was answering the questions on the basis of questions posed in the interview session. Effective communication strategies used ensures that a barrier faced in communication is overcome. The communication strategy used was highly effective as one was taking at a time, while the interviewer posed question Meg Ryan kept quiet and while Meg Ryan spoke the interviewer did not interrupt. However, the communication strategy used was aggressive in nature which was used by Parkinson. Effective listening is the most integral aspect of effective communication, which has taken place in this video clip. Meg Ryan was focused on interview question asked an d then she though regarding the answer before answering to it. therefore it can be said that communication strategies used in this video clip was highly effective in nature.

Importance of communication skills in developing professional relationships with service users, carers and colleagues: Communication skill development is integral for development of professional relationships within one’s workplace (Altmiller, 2012). Communication skills are used for interacting with service users as in this case patients and patient parties, colleagues and also with carers. Communication skills needs to be improved such that professional relations can be enhanced in workplace related activities. Individuals, who find it difficult to express themselves while communicating has to develop strategies for effective communication approach. This needs to be undertaken in order to overcome disinterest, confusion or frustrations at workplace. An individual, who experiences trouble in communicating is unable to make effective professional relationship for long-term associations observed by Arnold and Boggs  (Arnold, 2015).  

Importance of communication skills in developing professional relationships with service users, carers and colleagues

Clear expression is critical as an individual at workplace tries to listen or talk for developing empathy, while engaging in conversations. Clear communication helps overcome barriers related to communications. Fleischer, Berg, Zimmermann, Wüste and Behrens (2009) states as in case of practicing nurses avoiding usage of jargons will help overcome boredom or being pretentious for patients and patient parties (Fleischer, 2009). The role of a nurse involves interacting with a number of people including patient parties, supervisors, doctors, patients and many other. In absence of effective communication skills, it will become difficult for nurses in fulfilling their duty in an efficient manner, as one of the primary roles of nurses involves communicating patient needs to the doctor, explaining doctors decision to patient parties and so on. Effective communication with understanding related to a person’s mental and emotional state will help avoid complex situations (Dingley, 2008). Therefore, there are several benefits associated with workplace by using verbal skills. Nurses may experiences individuals from varied ethnic backgrounds and nationality. Learning communication skills will help avoid conflicts and advance career prospects. Nurses are often faced with a varied type of challenging behaviours within the workplace that arises form conflicts amongst patient parties unable to understand communications from healthcare centers or hospitals, only through effective communications nurses can tackle these situations as they are the primary service users. Nurses needs to play a pivotal role in avoiding conflicts for the hospitals or healthcare centers as they are the face that patients deals with. In serious case where patient faces morbidity or mortality it becomes crucial that nurses handle the situation using effective communication skills.   

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Good communication skills help get work done in time. Theisen and Sandau (2013) states a nurse in case able to communicate to doctor or patient parties effectively regarding medication goals and objectives can easily get work done in time and enhancing one’s role of job responsibility (Theisen, 2013). It helps development of crucial relationship with patient parties or in handling of complex situations. Good communication skills helps develop relationship with peers, supervisors as well as doctors avoiding miscommunications and increasing employee relationship amongst themselves. This strengthening of relationship helps share innovative thoughts for handling any critical situations, which further helps in making effective communications (Manojlovich, 2009). Effective communication skills not only allow achievements of targets but also aid the process of decision making. Nurses often have to take various decisions in absence of supervisors or doctors on specific matters such process can be smoothened only if right information is received from right members at the right time. Nadzam, (2009) clearly identifies role of nurses in communicating regarding patient safety (Nadzam, 2009). It is one of the professional role of nurses to communicate regarding safety of patients to doctors, supervisors as nurses are the primary point of contact. The role of nurses is found to be critical in patient care, which is related to professional communication capabilities. Nurses in health care setting while providing their duty can perform in a better manner if they are able to do so using appropriate communication skills, such skills help them uplift their career. Therefore, a nurse who is able to communicate using skills in an effective manner is more efficient in nature compared to a nurse who is unable to communicate or express with effective professional communication skills. 

Health is linked to social divisions, economic disparities, the physical environment and individual psychological factors

Health definition and determinants: Health is defined as a state of being free from injury or illness. It is a reflection of one’s mental and physical condition. Health as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) is a  state of overall mental, physical and social well-being and does not only include being free from diseases or infirmity (Organization, 2010). Health is thus a condition that is resultant from the body’s adjustment or adaptation to environmental changes or towards response to changes for the purpose of maintaining inner equilibrium known as the homeostasis. Determinants of health comprises of social, economic, environmental and personal factors that affects status of health. Determinants of health thus can fall I n several categories as social factors, health services, policymaking, individual behaviours, biology and genetics. 

Key issues with to social divisions; economic disparity; the environment and individual psychological factors and their impact on health: Health is understood from a wide range of factors as access to quality health care facilities, genetic inheritance, personal behaviours, external environment and so on (Braveman, 2011). Researches have indicated association between cultural and social factors related to health. Various factors are responsible for impacting health of individuals and communities. Health which is reflected by physical and mental well-being is affected by circumstances and environment. Individuals do not have direct control over health, which are influenced by various determinants. The complex social structure and economic systems is responsible for generation of inequalities in health. Social structures along with economic systems incorporates physical environment, social environment, health services along with societal and structural factors.   

Income and social status is one of the most important determinants affecting health in a positive manner. Gap between rich and poor people depicts difference in status of health (Warnecke, 2008). Social divisions comprise of a wide range of social variables as socioeconomic status (SES) or poverty has been linked to health since the beginning of record keeping. Social networks or social support or job stress has also been found to have their impacts on health. Social divisions can influence health at multiple stages throughout life course. Adler and Stewart (2010) identified poverty as affecting health at various levels which might interact within families or neighborhoods in which individuals reside (Adler, 2010). Detrimental health impact while growing up in a poor family is greater if the family resides at a disadvantaged community. Poverty has capability to differentially and independently impact health of individuals during various stages as in utero, during infancy, childhood, pregnancy or during old age. Dimension of influence on health from social and cultural variables includes time as well as place. Governments of many countries have undertaken programs to aid socially disadvantaged group have access to basic medical facilities. Social influences affect health negatively by deterring use of health facilities from lack of education. Socio-economically disadvantaged group often lack primary education that makes them hesitant to reach out and avail health facilities. This creates an impact by depicting high incidence of mortality and diseases amongst poverty ridden or socially disadvantaged areas. As for example, Aboriginals living in Australia are  hesitant to approach healthcare facilities to avail tests or communicate regarding their health care needs. This creates a prominent gap amongst Aboriginals with that of other Australians.

Social inequalities arises from social divisions which affects access to quality healthcare services, living in a disadvantaged position, regarded as a disadvantaged group and so on. Gehlert, Sohmer, Sacks, Mininger, McClintock and Olopade (2008) article identifies social stress approach as given by Hans Selye, who studies physiological responses to external factors (Gehlert, 2009). Social factors especially social networks and social supports have been linked to positive impact and outcomes on health and mental health in life course. Social connectedness can provide a wide range of outcomes on health from morbidity and mortality stretching to functional outcomes. Mental health outcomes indicate that social support helps overcome stressful life events that can prevent depression and psychiatric disorders.

Economic outcomes on health are multifarious in nature as economically disadvantaged group are at a greater risk from facing morbidities and mortalities. Within a given population, multiple health outcomes can arise as life expectancy to infant mortality that are directly linked to economic inequalities. Epidemiologists by inequalities of health does not merely suggests poverty rather they aim at associating poverty with poor health outcomes (Morello-Frosch, 2011). Inequality impacts social cohesion negatively which in turn leads to stress. People living in poorer societies have shorter live spans. Economically disadvantaged groups living across various countries are hesitant to approach a healthcare facility for the purpose of their healthcare and tests. These individuals are scarred of the huge costs that healthcare facilities will charge them hence they want to avoid them in totality. Therefore, these groups remain off from getting appropriate treatment at health care facilities and centers. More the economic disparity amongst rich and poor within a country greater is going to inequality arising in health care. Such disparity is bound to create mental, emotional and physical impact on health of an individual or community.

Individual psychological factors as misery have been found to be associated with physical disease. Psychological factors as depression, anxiety, mental diseases and other factors might impact negative physical and mental well-being of an individual. Psychological factors have relation with psychosocial attributes, which impacts health of individuals (Pickett, 2015). These all contributors of health impact well-being physically as well as mentally.


Analysis from communication strategies reveals the necessary skills required for effective professional communication to take place. Effectiveness of professional communication is necessary for nurses in their professional roles.

Determinants of health reveals critical factors that needs to considered for overall well-being related to physical and mental state. Social, economic and psychological impacts related to health has been evaluated for greater understanding. 

Reference Lists

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