Essay On Climate Change And Global Warming: Impact On Environment
Climate Change and Global Warming
Climate Change and Global Warming
Causes of Climate Change
Discuss about the Essay onclimate change and global warming and its impact on the environment ?
In this project, we will be discussing about climate change and global warming and its impact on the environment. In order to live and survive in this world, proper environment is required to live in. A healthy environment will give a healthy life. Climate is one of the biggest factors for a good healthy environment (Anderson, 2012). For the past few years, climate of different places around the globe is changing rapidly. Climate change can be defined as the statistical administration of weather ornamentation only if that particular change last for a considerable period of time. Climate change can either refer to a sudden change in the usual weather pattern or variation in the time span of a particular climate condition. Climate change can take place due to various reasons like;
Difference in solar radiation accepted by the Earth
Movement of tectonic plates
Volcanic eruption
Biotic process
Climate is determined basically based on the scale of radiation heat received by the Earth and the amount of heat radiated back to the space (Colligan, 2012). This energy is distributed all around the globe by activation of winds and ocean currents so as to determine the climate of different regions on the earth. Basically the climate effecting factors are termed as Climate forcing. The main climate forcing or forcing mechanisms are as follows:
Variation in albedo
Difference in the Earth’s orbit
Variation in green house gas concentrations
Building of mountain and continental drift etc.
Global warming on the other hand can be termed as the average rise in the temperature of the climate system of the Earth (Fracking could accelerate global warming, 2013). A lot of different lines of observation are reflecting that the system of climate is warming day by day. Global warming is generally the amount of heat retained back by the earth’s surface. Yet since 1970 it is being noticed that the climate system has extended up to warming of ocean. Ice are melting slowly in the frozen regions, thereby increasing the temperature in the other continents (Global warming: Outlook for Earth, 2013). The main reasons for global warming are:
Variation in atmospheric composition
Eruption of volcano
Changes in the Earth’s orbit pattern
Solar luminosity
Population growth (man-made cause)
Statistical Data Impact
The main contributors of global warming are the widely spreading greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane. It has been observed that over the past last one century, the earth has warmed up 1 degree Fahrenheit. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment reports that over the past 50 years, the temperature has increased as much as 3 to 4 degree Celsius in different regions like Alaska, Eastern Russia and Western Canada (Heffernan, 2013). The new statistical data provided on global warming states that the concentration of Carbon dioxide gas has increased from 290 parts per million to 400 parts per million. The main sources for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere are different industries like transportation, electric power generation and agriculture.
Causes of Global Warming
The most remarkable report that has been updated by NASA recently shows that the concentration of ice in Arctic Sea ice has diminished to 13.3 percent per decade from 7.8 percent per decade in 1980’s (Hoag, 2013).
The very recent report submitted in accordance to the Third National Climate Assessment Report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program is of the following opinion:
The changing aspects of heat waves, rising of sea level in the North East is endangering different aspects of life such agriculture, ecosystem, infrastructure, fisheries etc.
The major reasons of climatic threat in North West part of the world are the erosion, reducing rate of water supply, rise in sea level etc.
In the South East part, the rising level of the seas has become a major threat to the region’s economy and environment. This in turn will effect health, agriculture and more.
Infrastructure, agriculture, human life is likely to get effected in the Mid-West region due to the effects of global warming, thereby causing heavy rainfall, and flooding as a result.
The major effect of global is that the climate of the earth has warmed up rapidly. Changes are being noticed in the measurement of the sea level and the temperature of the land. It is being noticed that there is a rise of sea level and temperature of the land, more than the normal rate suppose to take place. Changes in weather in different region of the world is one the major effects of global warming which is mostly caused by the activities of the human. Changes like, variation in the amount of precipitation and amount of rainfall are the major signs of change in weather of a place. Weather is kind of becoming extreme in nature and such changes are becoming prolonged for a considerable period of time than it is normally expected to be. The major effect of this global warming which is increasing in a noticeable rate is the rise in the sea level (Mayer, Canon and Coleman, 2014). This is mainly because, since the earth is retaining more amount of heat than it normally should retain, the land is getting heated, as a result of which ice is melting at a rapid rate, thereby rising the level of the seas.
The major impact of global warming and climate change falls on the eco-system and social life of the human beings. Due to the change in weather, agriculture pattern of the concerned region will have an impact on it, thereby effecting human life (Ollier, 2013). Even human beings will be required to adjust to the changing pattern of the weather by changing their food consuming pattern, living necessities, housing pattern etc. Human beings are facing different sorts of health problems due to rapid weather changes. Diseases like malaria, typhoid, diarrhoea have increased in rate, thereby causing death of more people.
Impact of Climate Change and Global Warming
The most distinct impact of global warming has fallen on the wildlife and greenery of the world. Due to the effect on climate, birds that used to migrate during winter season are not found to be migrating any more nowadays (Oxlade, 2012). The most important effects on the plantation life on the earth are pest infestation, soil erosion and degradation, invasion of species etc. Basically there is an overall change in the biological, ecological and sociological system of the world.
The main causes for global warming are induced mostly by man. So it is we human being who have the remedy in our hands to get relief from global warming. If we people, channelize our activities in a discipline way, then we might be able to save our mother earth from being effected by global warming (Scherer, 2012). Here are few of the steps mentioned to get a relief from global so to give ourselves and others a better place to live in:
Driving less or using your car less would help you not only to save fuel consumption but also it will help to reduce global warming. As it is known that one of the major cause of global warming it the discharge of excessive carbon dioxide into the air.
Reducing, reusing and recycling is one of the best way to save our mother earth from global warming.
Using of solar energy as a medium of energy on the earth will somewhat save the earth from global warming.
Buying of energy saving appliances and there utilisation will help in reducing energy consumption at a rapid rate, thereby decreasing the rate of global warming.
If waste products are reduced in number, then the earth might be saved from global warming. It is known to us that landfills are the biggest contributors of greenhouse gas. Reducing waste will reduce concentration of greenhouse gases.
Plantation of tree is one of the major contribution that we human being can do to the nature. It will not only help in beautification of our society but at the same will help in reducing the global warming by taking in carbon dioxide from the air (Sinn, 2012).
Farms should use less or no amount of pesticides for agricultural purpose. This pesticides contents minerals that are harmful for the soil, thereby causing global warming.
Utilisation of fuel cells for production of electricity is one of the ways to save our mother earth from global warming. These fuel cells will not emit greenhouse gases while production of electricity.
It is to be remembered that our problem are man-made, so it is we the human beings who can solve these issues (Water stress, not heat, will cut yields under global warming, 2013). For we all know, that these global warming is not endangering our living on this earth but also the living of the variety of species. So, it is high time now, that we all join our hands to curb out this evil to save our mother earth from being destroyed, keeping our safety and security in our own hands.
Anderson, M. (2012). Global Warming. New York: Britannica Educational Publishing in association with Rosen Educational Services.
Colligan, L. (2012). Global warming. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark.
Fracking could accelerate global warming. (2013). New Scientist, 219(2929), p.6.
Global warming: Outlook for Earth. (2013). Nature, 501(7467), pp.297-297.
Heffernan, O. (2013). Global warming expands Antarctic sea ice. Nature.
Hoag, H. (2013). Ozone-hole treaty slowed global warming. Nature.
Mayer, K., Canon, D. and Coleman, J. (2014). The enduring debate. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Ollier, C. (2013). Global Warming and Climate Change: Science and Politics. Quaestiones Geographicae, 32(1).
Oxlade, C. (2012). Global warming. Mankato, Minn.: Smart Apple Media.
Scherer, L. (2012). Global warming. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
Sinn, H. (2012). The green paradox. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Water stress, not heat, will cut yields under global warming. (2013). ECOS.